• Masquerade of Death
    死 の 仮面舞踏会
    Dresses flowed around the dance floor as the music faded into something with an upbeat sound. Boys and girls started cheering for the song and the girl’s attachable poofy skirts were ripped off so they could dance easier to the song. Boys gawked at the girls and girls teased back. The atmosphere was boisterous and fun. Lights flashed different colors and a spotlight followed the best couple dancing together. A girl stood in the middle of the dance floor. She still wore her poofy skirt and her hair was still up in a ponytail while all the other girls took their hair down. Her head was down, looking at the floor. The spotlight hit her and her head shot up, a boy was now by her side and he grabbed her hand without asking. He moved her around the floor and the spotlight followed them. Her eyes were closed but there was a smirk on her face. The song ended and she walked off without the boy.
    The boy’s name was Light. He was a rich kid who hosted the party, and the only partygoer without a mask. The reason he even held these parties was for Masquerade, his “one true love”. Masquerade balls were his specialty, besides the fact that he never wore a mask. There he stood, alone on the dance floor, waiting.
    Light stayed positioned on the dance floor, waiting for his masked beauty to return. Another girl by the name of Lovely walked up behind him and touched his shoulder. She had darker skin and a similar mask to the girl before her.
    “Light, dance with me while you wait for the masked stranger. I know you want to.” She winked behind her mask and took his hand.
    Light’s masked beauty from before was back and she came running from outside. “HELP! HELP! It’s Rikou! H-he’s dead!” she screamed. She was frightened and crying. People ignored her, so she ran to Light.
    “Light!” she called breathlessly.
    “What’s wrong Masquerade?! What has happened?!”
    “Rikou! He, he was just attacked outside! The person who attacked him was hooded so I couldn’t see who it was, but Rikou’s dead!”
    “What?! My god, somebody call 911!” Masquerade touched Light’s hand. Her eyes went wide and she started to scream.
    “What’s wrong now?! What the hell is happening?!”
    Masquerade’s body went limp and she fell to the floor. Lovely ran to her.
    “Rose! Rose! What has happened?!” Lovely took hold of Masquerade’s hand. Masquerade opened her eyes and sat up quickly.
    “Aye!” she fell back down, “note to self; never sit up fast.” She smiled and laughed at herself. Everyone around her laughed as well.
    The people were all pulled back into reality once the sound of sirens engulfed the mansion. People started to look around nervously and others asked what was going on. The paramedics raced into the mansion and stopped inside.
    “Where are they? What has happened?”
    Light pointed to Masquerade and spoke, “She knows what happened, sir. She witnessed what happened.” Masquerade stood up and brushed herself off.
    “Okay, so we were just talking and all of a sudden-”
    The paramedic with greasy brown hair held up his hand and frowned. “Where is the person we’re here for? That’s the main thing. We need know if we can save him or not!”
    Masquerade frowned, “He’s on the terrace out back, but he’s dead. I don’t think you’ll be able to save a dead man.” Her voice was stern.
    “I don’t have time to fight with you now. We’ll talk about this later.” The greasy haired paramedic ran out the door and onto the terrace, the others followed after him.
    “What was that all about?” asked Light.
    “He’s the one who failed to save my father.” Masquerade ran out the front door.
    “Failed to save her father? What’s she talking about?” Light looked to Lovely who was mad.
    “Oh! That girl just bugs the crap out of me sometimes!” Lovely picked up her dress and hurried after Masquerade. Light, once again, was left alone on the dance floor.
    Light hit his head with both his fists repeatedly. “How come I never know what the hell is going on?!” a police officer with blond hair and blue eyes sauntered over to light.
    “It happens dude. Don’t worry about it.” He smacked Light on the back so hard that Light almost fell over.
    “Hey! What’s your damage!?”
    “You are. I don’t like rich snobs like you” he poked Light in the chest, and then walked off towards the terrace. Light glared at the police officer as he walked off, and then rushed out the front door to see Masquerade.
    Masquerade was yelling at Lovely when Light showed up.
    “I can’t help what I say, okay! He could have saved my father’s life! He showed up too late to the scene, like usual, and my father’s blood was spilt for nothing because the guy wasn’t even arrested!”
    “He was my father too! There’s no reason for anymore blood to be spilled over your his death! What would he say if he knew what you did?!”
    “I don’t give a s**t about what he’d say! He’d still be alive!”
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What going on here?” Light held up his hands and walked slowly between them.
    Lovely kept her eye on Masquerade as she spoke to Light. “Nothing, just go away.” Masquerade glared back at Lovely, then closed her eyes and sighed.
    “How come I can never stay mad at you for more than a minute?”
    “Because we love each other too much, and you’re my sister.” Lovely stuck out her tough and laughed.
    Light scratched his head. “I think I missed something here. I’m so confused.” They all started to laugh and the mood was once again happy.
    “Well we have to go now. If we don’t, we’ll miss our curfew and our mom will kill us.”
    “How is it again that you two are related?”
    “Our mom is Mexican, Rose and I are both Mexican, but our mom married Masquerade’s dad. My father was black.”
    “That makes more since.” Light smiled at Lovely, and then walked back into his mansion.
    “How come he didn’t smile at you? He always smiles at you.” Lovely said confused.
    “Maybe he finally realized that he’s in love with you and he’s never going to get me.” Masquerade laughed.
    “Yeah thanks. You just made me feel a lot better.” Lovely rolled her eyes.
    “You know what I mean.”
    “I know.”
    “Excuse me,” called the blond haired blue eyed officer. Masquerade and Lovely turned around to see him leaning against one of the pillars.
    “I couldn’t help but over hear your conversation. Did you say that officer John Beauty was your father?”
    “I did say it as much as hinted it. How did you know I was talking about him?” Masquerade questioned.
    “Because I’ve been show pictures of the funeral. You and your half sister here were both in it, right next to his wife, Emily Beauty.” He crossed his arms on his chest and leaned harder against the pillar. “You’re Masquerade Rose Beauty, making the person next to you Lovely Ana Beauty”
    “You’re a fast learner, not to mention a good listener. We said our names in our conversation.”
    “But not your middle or last names” he smiled, “I believe I win”
    “Not so fast Officer “Rookie” Dark.” Masquerade smiled, “isn’t that what everyone calls you? Since you just joined the police force and are sixteen years old? Your real name is Dark Jason Queens.” She giggled, “Guess I win” she winked at him. He unclasped his arms and walked over to Masquerade. She just smiled at him.
    “Rose! You know you’re not supposed to do that!” Lovely scolded nervously.
    “Do what? What isn’t she supposed to do, and how did she know who I am?”He looked Masquerade in the eyes, and they stared each other down.
    “None of your business you murderer!”