• Through the night, This mystical warrior, casts through the shadows, drawing her sword withdrawing a powerful beam that blinds all.
    Who is she?, No one knows. When the moon is full, She appears through the mist, Her powerful circlet glowing with pride.

    She attacks with speed unknown to mankind, She then fierce fully pierces the enemy with her sword, leaving no trace behind.

    Her glorious, and majestic laurels seem to beat with rhythm fiercely as if a living thing, keeping the source and balance of her power

    She gazes upon the slowly fading starlit night. The fine gold lining on her circlet seem to disintegrate to nothing, but ash.
    All is left is the blue jewel, which drops carefully into her hand.
    With a grin, Her work is done for the night.

    Her only transportation, is her en-lighted sandals, With these, she soars off into the sky, dissapearing back again into the mist.
    Who is she? The blue Knight.