The Golden orb of Xion
>Have you ever looked into the stars at night, and wondered how each of those stars, although small, has a place in the world? Although the sun is the main star that keeps our planet alive, every star has a place in the universe respected and observed as miracles of nature! In like manner, every person on our planet seems so confident with his or her place in the world, Even though our human civilization is far more complex then luminous ball of plasma, so why did it take a whole ordeal for me to figure out my place?
My name is Kielia, daughter to King Tismond III and Queen Donil of the 16th galaxy. Incase that’s a bit much for you; I’m basically a princess sort of in line for the throne because, well, I’m only 15 and won’t be officially eligible to rule until I’m 18. Anyway, there are 20 galaxies in our side of space organized into 5 orderly kingdoms. My family representing the 3rd, we live in the 45th century in a time of supposed peace.
In order to sustain peaceful conditions, our world has three treasures called orbs; the legend behind them has been passed down for generations, most of it lost to the collapse of earth. Yeah that’s the bad news, the earth of the past was destroyed by an unnatural meteor that damaged our atmosphere and caused the oxygen to escape into space at an alarming rate! Thankfully, three beings known as Paladins along with an intelligent master- mind created a clone earth that was named Xion which is the planet we live on now. To prevent the disaster from happening again, the Paladins created three orbs known today as the Shadow, Light, and Power orbs. These orbs were taken to Xion to stabilize the elements and oxygen of our new clone earth.
To protect our new home, each Paladin then swore to guard one orb with their life before departing to three corners of the globe. As to the whereabouts of the mastermind that helped create the orbs, it is unknown. However, it is said that before the Paladin of power left, she placed a special power over one of the orbs giving it a measure of intelligence. This was the orb of power, which we now call the Golden Orb of Xion. To this day it is still a mystery whether or not the Golden Orb truly does have the power of intelligence.
So, now that you know the legend, let me tell you the next chapters of this legend…my legend. It all started back at the palace many months ago….
Chapter 1: hero’s rising
Let’s start where it all began. Ah, yes, the palace roof! I spent most of my time there looking at the world from the eyes of a bird. It was breath taking, despite the great height I stood pacing back and forth on the shingles of our near historic roof as the early afternoon wind brushed through my hair . Today was no ordinary day, I stood there waiting for signs of the messenger boy. I was expecting a letter from my uncle Umithal. He was a world explorer and archaeologist and had often told me stories of his adventures since I was a little girl. He once told me stories of how he outran a group of Golthians and fought them single handed! Of course, at the time they seemed real, but Uncle could sometimes get carried away with making himself sound interesting. None the less, I enjoyed his tall tales, and once I’d learned to read, anticipated his letters.
“What are you doing way up here?” Nathan asked, his green eyes full of curiosity. (Nathan was my childhood friend, our fathers were actually friends since birth, but we didn’t meet each other until we were 5)
“The usual,” I replied. I was confused as to why he’d ask if he already knew. After all, today was Friday, the day the letter always came.
“No word yet?” he asked gently.
“No! And it’s already been 3 hours!” I muttered angrily, to no one in particular, I was just mad.
“You’ve been up here for 3 hours?” Nathan asked his eyes wide with surprise.
“Yes, and nothings come...” I sighed concluding the letter was not coming.
“Well, since it’s not here, your mother asked me to come get you, she wants to see you” he added, “No way! I’m not leaving until it comes!” I replied stubbornly.
“Kielia, your mom said it was important! Don’t you think you should go?” he reasoned.
“Well…” I paused, pondering the thought over for a moment. Before long I reached the idea that my mother’s message must really be important in order for her to send Nathan up to get me. After all, she was well aware that Nathan was the only person who could reason with me when I was in one of my stubborn moods. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought, before finally agreeing to meet my mother down stairs in the ballroom.
“Mother, is everything ok?” I asked curiously.
Her back faced me, and when she turned around, tears were streaming down her face. My heart instantly started to pound, as I stood there in shock. By the look on her face, I knew her answer wasn’t going to be good.
The book of disaster
“T-the world is e-ending!” mother stammered in desperation.
I stood there stunned as she began explaining to me that the orbs had been destroyed by a stranger. Somehow the vandal managed to break into the palace temple’s orb chamber, hack the security system and, using a mysterious weapon, smash 2 of the three orbs. A feat that was thought to be near impossible! Fortunately, there wasn’t enough time for the stranger to smash the Golden Orb. It was left untouched and gleaming in the temple chamber.
“What can we do?” Mother asked franticly.
“We can find the criminal!” Father replied walking into the room.
“But Father, even if we catch him that won’t solve the chemical imbalance the planet will soon experience! The entire planet will crumble!” I interrupted.
“True, but if we catch the stranger, we can find out where he got the weapon and see if the damage can be reversed. It’s our only hope at the moment,” Father explained calmly. This was more than I could say for Mother who was a nervous wreck.
My father took my mother’s trembling hand, and then turned to face me sternly like he always did.
“Kielia” He said, “we are going to need your help. Go into the city and see if you can find out anything about the crime or the vandal. But, remember, you must be discreet! Under no circumstances do we want to start a panic with the citizens,” he requested. His stern look softened as he added “and please don’t get into trouble!” I smiled and nodded confidently. As I rushed from the palace, Nathan caught up with me.
“You didn’t think you would get away with going alone did you?” He smiled cleverly, I giggled in reply and we left the palace together.
As we left the palace gates, I encountered a shocking discovery! Never in my 15 years had I seen the city so, uh, dirty! Although the entire city floated above the toxic ground, it was just as filthy as it. The pavement was now a dark black instead of the modest gray that was originally there. The buildings were covered in graffiti, and not to mention the small! Whew!! I was repulsed by it all. I couldn’t believe the Counsel of Kings had not heard a word about this. Gradually, the urgency of our mission helped us to overcome our disgust.
“So, where do we start?” Nathan asked, but I could offer no reply. As I looked at the city, I felt we were lost before we even started.
Meanwhile, Father had hired a detective and arranged for him to investigate the shattered orbs along with the remaining Golden Orb. “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to figure out what weapon was used, but I can tell you that the orbs were already weak even before they were smashed,” the detective told Father.
“Are you saying that this disaster was bound to happen anyway?” Father asked incredulously.
“Yes, your majesty. But if you’ll excuse me, my tuna sandwich is calling me” the man replied walking out of the room, his stomach growling.
Father nodded to the detective, excusing him to go, then thought for a moment, “why is this happening? There has to be a reason.”
On the opposite end of the city, Nathan and I continued walking around looking for answers. It finally occurred to me that the library would be a good place to start. Although Father had asked me to ask the citizens for information on the crime itself, I could care less if Father found out, since he always had my guardian take care of the punishment. So I would conduct my own investigation.
“So, what are we here for again?” Nathan asked, clueless as usual.
“I want to see if the library contains any history of the orbs. I’m hoping that it will tell us something useful about them,” I replied, slightly annoyed, and studied the inside of the library, typical I guess.
Every book store seemed to have more dust then anywhere, but oddly enough I always found this sort of thing intriguing. I approached the librarian at the counter window next to the back door. “Excuse me, can you tell me where to find a book on the orbs history?” I inquired with my childish voice, in case she was one of those ‘difficult’ adults.
“Well. I believe we have some over in that last row of books. But, be careful, they might be a little dusty,” The lady replied, cheerfully.
I thanked her and went to grab the first book I saw, while Nathan ventured off into the sci-fi section of the library. I went to search the stack of books, when I noticed one with a strange moon shaped emblem and a chain lock on the front. As I picked it up, a ray of light shined from it and blinded me momentarily. When I recovered my sight, I opened my eyes to discover that the lock had mysteriously opened “that’s strange,” I thought, but quickly sidelined the question of how the book had opened without a key. The book automatically fell open in my hands to a beautifully illustrated picture of the three orbs and had a caption under it that read: “To those who seek power, beware you are not consumed by it like the man of old”.” I was immediately curious, so I turned to the first page and began to read.
“Many years ago,” it began, “the universe was once an empty place, until a powerful being blessed mankind by creating a beautiful planet. Some centuries later, a meteor clashed into the atmosphere shattering it and, suddenly, everything changed…” I read for what seemed like hours, searching for something that I didn’t already know. Where were the deep dark secrets about the orbs, their weaknesses and all that important stuff? You’d think a library of all places would have something like that!
“This is hopeless!” I sighed in frustration.
“Child, how on earth did you open that book?!” The librarian, asked awestruck. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts I’d not seen her approach.
“I don’t know. I just, opened it…like a normal book,” I answered a little confused at her urgent tone.
“That book has been here since I was a little girl! No one has ever been able to open it! Not even the king!” She exclaimed. I then realized I was acting a little shortsighted here. I was so busy thinking about the information inside the book; I’d not even taken into consideration how I’d opened the book. Before I could answer the women, Nathan walked up, yawning.
“Where have you been all this time?” I demanded
“I was napping. You took so long to finish your book that I fell asleep” He replied embarrassed. Even though he frustrated me, I couldn’t help but giggle slightly. He was so boyish sometimes.
We eventually borrowed the book and decided to head back to the castle so I could finish what I’d started to read. “Thanks for the, uh, help” I told Nathan in a humorous tone when we returned.
“Oh, yeah sorry,” Nathan shrugged, with a guilty smile on his face. “I had fun though.”
“Don’t worry about it!” I replied, shaking my head and grinning. “I’ll talk to you later. Right now I have to get home and finish reading this book!” As we parted ways, I looked after Nathan as he walked, his auburn hair all frizzy from sleeping. Despite his random cluelessness, I couldn’t help but think my life would be completely different without him.
As I set my cloak down on my bed, it hit me, “Why didn’t I just check the table of contents?!” I thought, smacking my forehead in embarrassment. I thumbed to the table of contents and noticed the subheading entitled, ‘The Dark.’ “Hmmm, this looks promising,” I thought. I flipped to the cited chapter and saw a highly detailed picture of a man with red eyes in a hooded black cloak that created a dark shadow over his face. The golden orb was also tightly gripped in his hands. I was immediately intrigued…So, I began to read...
“He started as a humble cook, a servant to the king of that time. His talents in the kitchen were so great that the king had even admitted that his dishes were the best in the world. But, as time went on, popularity and the king’s praise went to Adcar’s head. He even started to think that the king wasn’t worthy of his talents, so he started having other servants do his work for him. Though his talents were exceptional, it wasn’t Adcar’s place to question the king, so it wasn’t long before the king had him sent to prison. Somehow, Adcar foresaw his punishment and had already prearranged an evil plan to poison the king in revenge. One week later, the king tragically died in his sleep. Sadly, it wasn’t until modern times that this crime was discovered by the royal family. However, shortly after the kings death, Adcar stole the orbs from the palace so that he could use them for him own evil purposes. Eventually the orbs were recovered, but the Adcar was never brought to justice for his evil deeds. Years later it was discovered that there existed only two people who had the ability to use the power of the orbs. With Adcar having forced the orb to take him as the first person, who else would share this power? No one knows.”
My thoughts raced as I pondered over this new information. Where did this ‘Adcar’ go? What happened to him? How did the kingdom get the orbs back if he was so powerful? There were so many questions. unfortunately, I didn’t have long to think about the answers when my mother dashed into the room smelling up the air with her strong perfume and exclaimed “Kielia, come quick! The criminal had been caught!”
My new mission
At first I was glad and somewhat relieved, but that was because I didn’t give any thought to who the accused criminal was, “Nathan?!” I cried; stunned from shock with a blank look on my face. Father turned around and once he saw me got a stern look to him, as if preparing himself to demand I leave the ‘Adult business” to him…I hated that look.
“Kielia,” father began as if to try and justify himself. “H-how could you do this? Are you so desperate that you would arrest a teenage boy?! How could you?!” I demanded my heart beating faster than sound. Nathan had his head down from the humiliating experience(his humble attitude prevented him from doing anything else)and looked at me, despair in his eyes as if he was going to be executed right there, I looked back at him with sympathetic eyes, we both knew what would happen to him with a crime like this…I wasn’t about to lose my best friend to my father’s naïve and blind accusations!
I grabbed hold of fathers arm pulling him to my level. “You WILL tell me what’s going on! You will NOT arrest that poor boy for a crime he did NOT commit!” I scorned with uncontrollable anger. I had never been so angry before like I…couldn’t control it. “KIELIA! This is none of your business!”Father replied; the coldest ice reflected in his crystal blue eyes, “none of my business?! How dare you! This is the only friend I’ve ever had, and you tell me this isn’t any of my business?!!”I screamed giving him a defiant stare, looking deep into his eyes as if to melt his icy glare with even greater fire, (it seemed every time we fought these arguments got worse). “Guards, Take this young lady to her room!” Father ordered as if to dismiss the matter. This was the last straw!
Before the guards could grab me, I kicked them each in the ankle and again demanded a reason. Father seemed to just swallow his want to ground me and just began speaking, his anger not completely faded. “Your friend Nathan, was caught stealing a shattered piece of one of the orbs…I had no choice but to arrest him until further evidence is found” “Were you even there?” I demanded “no” he admitted “so who told you then?” I asked sharply. “Kodi” was his reply, “KODI? Father you can’t be serious! You know he has a grudge on Nathan! He will do anything to get revenge on Nathans family!” I scolded,
I remembered back to the first day of summer five years ago, when that creep burst through the door of our court room and claimed his family’s hair loom was stolen by Nathan’s ancestors centuries ago! We dismissed the case as something of minor importance but Kodi never forgot that day and would be more than happy to get his revenge. I was pretty sure he was born with a few screws missing…revenge over an hair loom? Honestly!
“We don’t have any leads as to what else is going on Kielia. There is nothing I can do until further evidence is found proving otherwise!” father replied firmly and walked away as the guards with aching feet dragged my best friend away. Nathan looked at me with a faint smile “Don’t worry I’ll be okay” He promised. I nodded, and forced myself to turn away…
I ran with all my might to reach the garden, running past the different kinds of flowers and herbs mother sometimes used, to a specific tree I always sat in when I was troubled, as I ran, the slippery and muddy pathways and the rain flattening my hair didn’t even matter as I finally reached my grandfathers tree. I climbed it and sat there pondering on what I should do. I knew Kodi was lying but how was I going to expose him? It’s not like he’s going to just blurt it out himself! And I knew time was short, Nathan would only be in the prison hold for a month before they executed him and sadly I was out of the discussion since I’d made it pretty obvious what my opinion was with that outburst. I decided to just go and talk to the culprit himself, Kodi.
“Kodi, why did you do it?” I ran up to the temple below the castle gate.
“What are you talking about?” Kodi replied,
“Framing Nathan for this crime!”I replied in anger, I had little patience for this kind of cover up.
“I didn’t do anything!” Kodi protested
“Yes you did! Why else would Nathan be in prison? His life is in danger!” I yelled
“Really? That’s an accomplishment, my praise to whoever did that!” Kodi said with an evil smile
“You sicken me Kodi. I don’t even know why my father still gives you employment here! Just to be sure I get this right though, you’re saying you didn’t do it? My father said…you told him you saw Nathan looking at a shattered piece of one of the orb” I explained and a firm tone
“What? No, that’s not true at all! And I’m not the honest type…I wasn’t even assigned on this case you know!” Kodi replied rather irritated. This wasn’t right, that would mean dad lied to me! But he’s never done that before that I remember…
Back in my room I pondered on this rather weird situation. “Someone must have used a shape-shifting devise! But then…that would mean someone’s spying on the case, and more than likely it’s the real criminal!” I reasoned, but how to catch him in action was going to be the real problem. I finally decided to stay up a little later than usual, and make the observer the observed! (By witch I mean 12:30 am)
When everyone was asleep, I sneaked past the guards in front of the crime scene entrance (the guards were asleep) and waited for some-one to show up…I waited and waited, and still no one appeared. “Well it’s good to know this was a waste of time!” I mumbled, frustrated. Just then however, I heard footsteps! I ducked behind a couple pillars wide enough to hide me, then I heard a deep voice order another man to take the orbs that were smashed, I wondered why. “And this time, try not to have to use the shape-shifter watch ok?” the man ordered.
“I knew it!” I cried “uh- oh” Then I realized I’d declared my satisfaction little too loudly...The men looked around and as they neared my hiding spot, I ran out punching them as I fled, and started to run for my life! The leader of the men tripped me however, and broke my fall by grabbing my wrist, which forced my upward.
“Well well, lookie here boys! A spy! Did you really think you could bust us? Your just a little girl!” the man taunted.
How dare he call me a little girl! I was 15! In my anger, I hadn’t realized it yet but something very unnatural was happening, and a glow of pure light surrounded me.
“Let…me…GO!” I screamed squirming out of the man’s grip and jabbing him in the side, running my way back up the stairs and screaming “the criminals are in the temple! Help!”
The guards awoke to my screams and snagged the three men and just as quick as the chase started, it ended.
As the guards grabbed hold of the criminals, I observed my hands, they were glowing! This certainly had nothing to do with puberty! I knew now wasn’t the time to tell my father, and even if I did it wouldn’t bother him at all. I’d just keep this to myself for the moment…So I snapped back to the situation and began strongly interrogating the men who nearly killed me.
“Who is your leader?! Answer me!” I demanded
. “Kielia, it’s only a droid. These ‘men’ were just doing the real criminal’s job. At least now we know Nathan isn’t behind this tragedy...I apologize for the misunderstanding Kielia, why don’t you go and get him out of jail hm?” Father smiled, I nodded. I had to admit, my dad wasn’t all I’d made him out to be, but he was still a big jerk sometimes!
“I thought I was gonna die! You sure did straighten things out quick!” Nathan said as I unlocked the door to his cell.
“Don’t be too happy Nathan, my work isn’t done yet! That guy who really smashed the two orbs is still out there, and I’m not about to get another false caution.” I replied.
“So, what are you saying? You want to catch the bad guy?” Nathan asked.
“Exactly, And another thing I’m unsure about…when I escaped out of that ma-err, droid’s grip, my hands started to glow, as I jabbed him and my strength increased to an unnatural amount! It was really weird” I explained.
“That is kinda weird, but I’m sure it’s nothing serious Kielia, it must have been a reaction to the golden orbs power, and after all you weren’t wearing a protective robe” Nathan assumed.
“Yeah, I guess your right” I agreed as we walked back to the castle. Little did I know that catching this guy was a bigger quest then I thought.

- Title: The Golden Orb of Xion
- Artist: No_One00
- Description: It's a sci-fi book i'm planning on getting published so please rate and tell me what i need to work on. im desperate to get thi write so if your not into sci-fi, no rude comments on it ok?
- Date: 07/04/2010
- Tags: golden xion
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