3nodding The rain was just getting harder outside. the houe was shaking with the cold wind, the sea pounding its angry fist upon the sand. i lay there in the silience shivering with my blanket draped around me my stream to the sea dad said a whole hour ago he'd be back but now i was dealting it my chest felt heavier then normal and my eyelids seemed to be glued open. the flicked on and off twice then turned off and i sit in the dark now tring to hide the winds howling louder now its like some ones crying a high cry i hear a yelling in the distance with alot of screaming i looked out the window but the whole street is a in chaos.my tears get more frenquent and im sniffling loud watching the door for my father to come rushing in and grab me in his arms i just wanted to smell his musky deodrant feel his prickly whiskers and hear his comforting voice but all i can smell is the pizza that we order hours before the storm started we were watching T.V the weather report said a storm would hit at 6pmbut my dad just yelled at the T.v he said they dont know if its sunny or not and that we'd be fine.
I always though that summer was suppose to be sunny but this storm was definately proving me wrong. I started drifting off to sleep but soon was interupted by a loud pounding on the door i yelled out no answert just a lot of breathless breathing so i weild a frying pan i one hand and a torch in the other and headed towards the door. iyelled out again no reply thos time except te door opened i shone the torch at the door it was father. he was making a puddle at the door but as i went towards the cupboard for a towel he said 'hurry up we need to leave' i thought he was joking but i looked outside towards the river and the moon glistened showing a rapidly rising river. i dropped the pan and followed dad to the car he spun the wheels and rushed off down the road the water nearly touching the car.
We always thought that it would never happen but looking back now i wish i had moved a bit faster because that nigth as we were driving the car spinned and slid around if i had convinced my father that it wasnt safe then we my of had something less spooky.

- Title: (Short Stories) The shack
- Artist: Kyss Kyss
- Description: I hope you enjoy this random semi spooky story
- Date: 07/02/2010
- Tags: short stories shack
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