Gunners #5 the secret
a few hours later as Hakuru was in her dreams
Hakuru: ahh.... where... in.. the... ********... am... i?
Hakuru: please don't tell me this is real....
Fairy: mind telling me your name?!
Hakuru: ......
theres no need.....
Hakuru: nani?
Alucard: hello... Hakuru....
Hakuru: Alucard?
Alucard: rah!!!!
her eyes were crazy crossed eyes as she woked up
Hakuru: ......
Saya: yo, your up huh?
the two of them were both back into their clone bodies with the originals
Hakuru: oh hey.... Saya
Saya: had a nightmare? same, had one about dicks floating around my dream can you believe that?
Hakuru: ahh.... i need some coffee....
Chapter 5: Summer Beach
Yamota: hey morning Hakuru
Hakuru: hey
Yaomta: wierd just wearing your skull skirt and your panties on isn't it?
Hakuru: its early morning and its ******** hot.... i just had a nightmare just then
Yamota: what kind?
Hakuru: Alucard....
Yamota: oh, him again huh?
Hakuru: hey you called everyone?
Yamota: yeah its all of them alright
Hakuru: right..
Yamota: we should get you guys some swim suits
Hakuru: i'll rather just swim with my shirt and panties on
Yamota: come on, i usually do it
Hakuru: but-
Yamota: hey a goth can act normal too you know? goths don't only act all gloomy and s**t, goths are just like normal people too come on Hakuru
Hakuru: well i don't know if Saya would-
Saya: swim suits?
Hakuru: never mind
Saya: during the wars i always just swim on my old rags, can't believe i was type:0 back then can you believe that? the oldest clone one there was, and yet I'm actually human heh, its like being a human experiment!
Hakuru: well i've always been number 1, the first to intercepet to kill and destroy and archieved everything i've been through and even so to survive from the disease
Saya: this s**t sucks man
Hakuru: yeah
Yamota: man listening to you guys on this conservation it looks like you guys are still saying your clones
Hakuru: yeah....
Yamota: its gonna get hotter soon, Kikio's still sleeping hard to believe i still sleep in the same bed with her now
Hakuru: come to think of it do you like Kikio?
Yamota: what? me?
Saya: yeah do you like her i mean i know he always act like a loyal to me back then and s**t but do you like her?
Yamota: well i-
Hakuru: so it was true.... okay Yamota as i am the leader of this group and so is Saya we order you to go and.... comfort Kikio
Yamota: what? come on guys you never-
Hakuru: i was joking
Yamota: ahh....
Hakuru: baka
Saya: truly an idiot
Yamota: alright i like her! but not like oh hey i love you! or some sort of that s**t!
Hakuru: quiet down your gonna wake up everyone
Saya: i think you made up seriouse s**t down their
Yamota: ahh....
Yukina: hey get ready guys
Hakuru: what do you mean? its early in the morning
Yukina: oh really?
Hakuru: jeez what happened to your glasses lately? heh
meanwhile as they started going to the beach
Hakuru: hey Rebecca! hows the meat?!
Rebecca: yeah its good
Saya: is it jsut me or is Rebecca actually growing?
Yamota: did you jsut say growing?
Hakuru: ahh....
Rebecca: hm....?
Hakuru: thats... our size..... jesus.... what in mothers name did those guys did to you...
Yamota: i wanan a drink
meanwhile there
Saya: ******** YEAH!
Hakuru: WOO!
Rebecca: YIIPEE!
Yamota: woah you guys a hyped up
Sukya: hey guys!
Hakuru: yo!
Sukya: hey! your not in your ahh..
Hakuru: yeah its a long story
Kasumi: yo! wai.. is that.... is that SAYA?!
Saya: hey Kasum,i long time no see
Mina/Fuka: WAZZUP!
Saya: hey everyone its been awhile
Lilly/Kanome: hey!!!
Hakuru: hey look its Kanome and Lilly
Lilly: WHA!!!! I MISSED YOU SAYA!!!!
Saya: ahh.... yeah i missed you too
Kasumi: Hakuru thanks for getting her back
Hakuru: oh its not a problem at all, if it wasn't her soul i wouldn't of found her real body
Yukina: hey guys catch!
Hakuru: huh?
Rebecca: is this.....
Hakuru: wha... whats this?
Yukina: Yamota made it for you and even so Kikio made one for Saya
Saya: what the ********....?
Yamota: aww come on! you gotta show off your body more! you only show it off when your fighting crazy!
Hakuru: damn you Yamota...
Saya: whats this thing on my bra?
Kikio: its a death angel
Saya: ahh....
Kasumi: ahh....
Hakuru: oh s**t, hey it looks like your angel did survive
Saya: crap! sorry i didn't relised that sooner! Kasumi1 you alright?!
Kasumi: I'm ******** tired... do i look like I'm alright? ahh.... heh, sorry its like that, is that a swim suit?
Saya: ahh...
Kasumi: wear it, I'm gonna go to sleep....
suddenly a silver haired girl started to stare at Hakuru as they went in
Girl: .......
meanwhile inside
Saya: ahh how the ******** you tie this thing up? ahh ********!
Hakuru: this is so ******** hard how do people handle this kind of s**t?
Hakuru: what the ******** is that nose?
Asuka: .....
V: sorry about that Hakuru, Asuka missed you quite alot
Hiyane: sorry ^^
Hakuru: ahh its you guys!
V: nice top haha
Hakuru: long story
V: heh, its good to have you back and even so Saya
Saya: hey Rebecca you out yet?
Rebecca: oh sorry.....
Hakuru: woah Rebecca is it just me or... did your body just... grown?
Yukina: her body can change to teenager to little girl
Hakuru: when the hell did pop out of no where?
Yukio: hey guys i booked a place where we could stay for four nights, theres gonna be like a huge bachelor party in the beach so enjoy
Hakuru: right
Yamota: i hear theres gonna be a sexy dance off on the stage
Hakuru: sexy dnace off?
Saya: yeah those are the things they do liek these wierd dances and starts taking off their clothes or something
Hakuru: *sigh* if you guys need me i'll go have a drink
Saya: same
a few hours later as all of them started having fun
Saya: so... so... i said to the guy in the war! hey dude! ******** you! so then the nazi was all like speaking all that s**t about "hail hitler" and stuff
Hakuru: i remember... i remember the time i... i was in a training program.... i ripped off this guys root off, the only thing i could.. i could hear is his ******** screaming but instead of that if was this gay moaning noses or s**t
Saya: man I'm... I'm really wasted
Hakuru: Saya i seriousely need to recover from my drunkness
Saya: sure sure! once you recover that brain of yours! whats with it with these human bio system s**t anyway?
Hakuru: you mean "BIO system" hey how old is your bio system?
Saya: pretty ******** old pretty much sixty something maybe hundred something years old
Hakuru: wow mines like twenty years old, jesus and yet I'm stronger
Saya: you mean both
Hakuru: oh yeah...
one beer please
Owner: coming right up
Women: thanks
Saya: hey whats with the silver head?
Women: oh sorry if I'm interrupting your day or anything
Hakuru: no your actually not
Saya: hey I'm gonna go get something be right back
she walked off as the two were still drinking
Hakuru: who are you...?
Women: i am.... Aja Tsuki....
Hakuru looks at her tattoo on her right arm with the nazi sign
Hakuru: your German correct?
Aja: correct
Hakuru: who do you work for? your not with the BWF are you?
Aja: the BWF.... sorry i don't work for them
Hakuru: are you... a clone....?
Aja: hmph, you might say that, I'm just like you actually....
Hakuru: what do you mean?
Aja: you know what i mean
Hakuru: you have the bio system in your veins don't you?
Aja: yes, everything.... all what you say is correct except the BWF of course oh yeah and also, I'm the same as Saya
Hakuru: Saya?
Aja: yes, we are both aquaintences
Hakuru: then why didn't Saya noticed you?
Aja: because she lost her memory of me ever since we first fought, Hakuru.... who are you really?
Hakuru: who am i?
Aja: yes... who are you?
Hakuru: I'm just me
Aja: no really.... who are you?
Hakuru: I'm just a human
Aja: your wrong, clones are never human
Hakuru: what do you mean?
Aja: that girl you talked too, she wasn't really real, she was just some hologram created for war purposes
Hakuru: what?
Aja: you "were" never human
Hakuru: .......
Aja: you are.... a clone... just like us...
Hakuru: us?
Aja: sorry to say that, i got a group of members like you guys, well anyways since your soul was well lets just say... inside a little girl which was well lets just say she was also a clone, lets say she was a puppet
Hakuru: puppet?
Aja: in 1942 the Germans created clones as well, they were known as "Puppets" they need souls though but however we didn't had the technology too so yeah it al lgoes down to that
Hakuru: great and now i forged it into my body...
Aja: sorry to tell you this
Hakuru: no offense takened... phew.... so all of this was really a lie...
Hakuru slammed her fist on the table
Hakuru: ********!
Aja: ....
Hakuru: that little b***h! she lied to me again! damn it! damn it!
Aja: well that girl name Sakura had implanted human emotions as well
Hakuru: hey how long you knew Saya?
Aja: i knewed her very long
Hakuru: was she... a good fighter?
Aja: she was....
Hakuru: heh.... Aja... your not really a bad person are you?
Aja: that i do not know, i guess you could say.... i am a bad person...
Hakuru: well to me, I'm neither good or bad
Saya: hey I'm ba-
Hakuru: hey Saya... this is Aja Tsuki
Saya: you.....
Aja: oh your memory finally came back has it?
Saya: you.... you killed them!
Aja: orders were orders besides, they all resisted
Saya: that didn't mean that you had to kill them!
Aja: this was war Saya Hurisha, war is war, war cannot be stopped....
Saya: yeah cannot be stopped my a**! they were ******** kids Aja!
Aja: hmph
Aja side kicked her but then Saya blocked it and did a flashkick
Aja: i see you improved
Saya: shut up! I'm gonna put a bullet into you just like what you did to me!
Man: ahh i gotta call the-
Hakuru: hey bartender don't do that
Man: but they have guns!
Hakuru: this is a fight right? enjoy yourself, your a man aren't you?
Man: ahh
Hakuru: then relax, if not then pour me another shot
Man: ahh right
Saya: what the?!
Aja: you know you can't beat me, i've beatened you many times, everytime time you get in our way, all you could do is kill the weaklings, the soldiers! the men! the women! and even...
the children
Saya: that... wasn't my fault!
Aja: it was your fault that you let your bio system go! you monster!
Hakuru: hey thats a bit harsh Aja, we're all monsters.... besides i killed children and humans too so why the hell you saying that since you killed humans too, how about we all blame it on the BWF for creating us huh? besides this whole bullshit thing won't change our differences! this is from the past! ******** we're all clones here! so lets stop ******** around already! we came here just to have fun... jesus crise Saya lets go
Saya: right....
Luetinent: she has a point commander
Aja: oh, Luka, when did you arrive?
Luka: she says that they came here to have fun right? well we came to have fun too commander Aja...
Aja: hmph....
Luka: besides we're the last nazi women squadron
Aja: we're known as the Falcon of Reach
Luka: yeah yeah i know i know, and even so with the nazi logo, but come on the tattoos? everyone thinks we're stupid
Aja: Luka...
Luka: okay okay Commander Aja!
Aja: hm... have fun huh?
Luka: oh! ice-cream!
Aja: damn it, wish you could hodl your-
suddenly a ball was right in front of Aja
Aja: hm?
Rev: hey yo! give us the ball!
Aja/Hakuru: what the....?
Rev: yo you deaf?! give us the ball!
Aja: oh...
she returns it to them
Rev: yo thanks man! hey like your tattoo yo! its ******** awsome! ay whats yo name homie?
Aja: ahh... Aja... Aja Tsuki-
Rev: yo A-ja!!!
Aja: its A-sha.....
Rev: yeah yeah whatever! wanan join our crew? we'll give you all the power we have baby!
Aja: sorry, already have a crew
Rev: whats that homes?
Aja: we're known as the Falcon of Reach....
Rev: Falcon of Reach huh? sounds ufcking stupid, what you guys are birds or s**t?
Aja: .....
this women is starting to piss me off....
Rev: aww what is it? you pissed off?
Aja: Luka...
Luka: got it!
she throws her, her gun
Aja: this is an anti freak weopon with 15mm shell rounds with large calibur explosives, one hit and your bye bye onto the face of the Earth, it has about five hundred clips of bullets and has enough to tear out your brain. this gun is named, Shi Kurai Tsuki
(Death Black Moon)
Rev: the ******** is that suppose to mean?
Hakuru: hey woah! whats with the fight?
Rev: the ********?! Hakuru?!
Hakuru: ahh s**t not Rev again....
Rev: ******** yeah its me again!
Hakuru: you freaking talk too much
Rev: what you say b***h?!
Hakuru: your gonna regret that....
she takes out her 9mm pistols and her long and huge calibur rifle
Hakuru: don't ******** with me you ******** gangster beotch.....
Rev: hey whats with the big guns?!!!!
Saya: come on lets just put down the gu-
Rev: eyah yo shes right! that b***h has a point ya know that yo?
Saya: what.. did you say.....?
she tooked out her calibur hain rifle
Saya: watch your damn mouth....
Rev: gah.....
Rev: OH YEAH?!
Akada: YEAH!
she kicked her straight to the chin and kicked her back down
Rev: WHO THE ******** ARE YOU?!
Akada: I'm Yamota's mother a*****e!
Yamota: and your about to die!!!
Yuko: hmph
she throw an axe which threw away Yamota's gun
Yukina: Yukio!
Yukio: got it!
Kikio: s**t theres too much Gun fire!
Lilly: yeah hard to believe! GUH! theres always has to be assholes around!
Kanome: wait why are fighting?
Fuka: yeah aren't we suppose to have fun?
V: yeah thats pretty wierd
Kasumi: true true
Saya: yeah...
Hakuru: hmph, well lets save our anger to the BWF instead of this nonsense idiotic fight we're doing
Rev: heh, yeah sorry about that yo....
Aja: hmph
the three walked off back to their hotel rooms as they were trying to relax
Hakuru: woah! this is some kick a** spring we're in
Saya: yeah back in the old days it was just water
Hakuru: you talk like a old women Saya
Saya: heh, its been seventy something years already come on give me a break
Hakuru: hmph
Rebecca: umm hey
Hakuru: oh yo! come on in Rebecca!
Rebecca: ahh yeah...
Yamota/Kikio: HERE IT COMES!
Hakuru: WHAT THE-
Hakuru: hey come on!
Saya: heh relax Hakuru let em enjoy themselves
Hakuru: well guess your right
Yamota: cheers for the first time of our ******** lives of fun!
Hakuru: heh yeah
Rev: yo! quiet the ******** down!
Aja: how about you?! you people talk too much!
Rev/Aja/Hakuru/Saya: gah........
V: I'm pissed off too...
Hakuru: when the hell did you appear?
meanwhile at night time
Hakuru: phew.... man.... this day just gets worster and worster...
Saya: hey
Hakuru: oh hey
Saya: wanna beer?
Hakuru: sure thanks...
Saya: its been... two years or something, its hard to believe we're still allies hehe
Hakuru: well we have been enemies before right? but i mean come on we're both clones, i mean fifteen of us its great
Saya: yeah....
Hakuru: i don't know about Aja and Rev, heh, they're a bunch of assholes....
Saya: hey Hakuru
Hakuru: yeah?
Saya: is it possible for... a clone to become human?
Hakuru: what do you mean?
Saya: i just wish we were both human....
Hakuru: i get that feeling too these days
Saya: hmph, well wishs don't come true right?
Hakuru: yeah
Hakuru: what the...?
Sakura: hey its me
Hakuru: dah! what the hell do you want?! lies again? heh, forget it, that body i put into was just a puppet, luckily i got to forged with my cloned body again!
Aja: hmph, you relised huh?
Hakuru: oh its you
Aja: hologram deactivate
Hakuru: wait were you watching us the whole time?
Aja: yep, for the whole two years
Hakuru: alright seriousely Aja, are you actually a clone like us?
Aja: yes i am, i am one of hte first survivors to fight the disease of my blood
Hakuru: wait what?
Saya: its true, two of us were the first ones to fight off the disease long enough so we could still fight, Aja.... shes the one that eliminated the threat inside in her body with her own blood
Hakuru: but how?
Aja: because, with the help pf Dr.Hiroshima i was able to be stronger, way stronger than the others when i was created
Saya: yeah, i was the second strongest...
Aja: however i saw an image of you... Hakuru Sakura your the key
Hakuru: the key...?
Aja: the key that would decide the fate of the worlds human souls, the key that would unlock this worlds soul and fate, once that has been unlocked you will have one wish....
Hakuru: i think thats a load of bullshit
Saya: shes right actually
Hakuru: what?
Saya: i've seen it myself, but no one has ever unlocked it
Aja: this world has its own secret to itself, even Gunners never knew about this, but the creator of Gunners knew about this far beyond a thousand years ago, however their are others who has fate and souls, except non living things though
Hakuru: man... is that so?
Rev: yo.... i kno what yo talkin about...
Hakuru: Rev?
Rev: shes right man, i think our boss knew about this way back
Hakuru: man... this is ******** confusing...
Hakuru: i don't give a s**t about Soul and Fate about this world i jsut wanna live on like a normal human being!
Aja: what about humanity?
Hakuru: i don't care!
Rev: hey yo what about that wish? to become human...?
Hakuru: i could just live like one!
Saya: ahh..
Hakuru: but... that could be Saya's wish.. to become human, now just piss off! i don't wanna hear about this bull crap! why does everyone always comes to me?! I'm not special! I'm jsut a clone!
Rev: then... i guess we'll have to kill you...
Hakuru: ?
Saya: ahh...
Everyone: REFLECTOR!
Hakuru jumps out as she gets out her pistols and fires
Hakuru: ah! Skull Gunners!
Rev: sorry! they can't hear you now b***h!
Hakuru: what?!
Rev: we got them captive!
Saya: I'msorry Hakuru..
Hakuru: wha...?
Hakuru: Kasumi?!
Saya: heavenly blade cut...
Hakuru: whats going on?! get a grip of yourself Saya!
Aja: she won't listen to you...
Hakuru: what?!
Aja: your the key.... to unlock this... door to the fate of this world so we can get our hands on this wish... this ultimate power... Saya's only wish is to become human....
Hakuru: ah!
Lilly: I'm sorry Hakuru... but...
Hakuru: GAH!
Kikio: forgive us Hakuru...
Hakuru: damn it!
Yukio: we have to obey...
Hakuru: Hinkyo! Wake up!
Hinkyo: got it!
half of her eyes turned red as her left arm turned into a red and black star of gash
Hakuru: *huff*huff*huff*
well give up yet Aja?
aja: Shi.. rising..
Hakuru: what?
blades went inside of her body
Hakuru: GAH!
Hakuru dashed behind her and kicked Mina and Kasumi as they hit to the ground
*its been awhile since i used the art of ninjitsu.... i think i've developed new skills for my arts.... i should escape... but i have to save my friends.... but that will come later... i'll need to escape from these guys...*
Shi.... Kurai.... Tsuki....
(Death Black Moon)
Hakuru: rise.... Hinkyo Mythril, lend me your strenght...
Hinkyo: I'm giving you all i have.... use it wisely...
Hakuru: undetsand...
the moon turns black covered with dark clouds as Hakuru's power glow enourmously huge
Hakuru: DARK CHI!
Saya: WHAT?!
Aja: what hte?
Hakuru: 1... 2... 3.... GO!
Hakuru: RAHH!!!!
Hakuru: ahh... I'm growing weaker... i'll need to get out of here...
Hakuru quickly runs away
Rev: Damn that was some kind of power!
Aja: that power... i think i know where it came from
Saya: ...
*forgive me Hakuru...*
the next day later
Yamota: ah.h... woah... what a hangover...
Sukya: ahh..
Yamota: Sukya?
Sukya: your tied up too?
Yamota: yeah...
Kanome/Fuka: ahh...
Yukina: i can't activate my powers, i think we're sealed
Sukya: damn
Yamota: wheres Hakuru?
Sukya: i think...
Aja: Hakuru isn't here to save you... her life we'll be in our hands...
Yamota: what?
Aja: she is the key to make our wish come ture
Yamota: what key? what wish?
Aja: everyone is coming after her
Yamota: for what?
Aja: for the key....
Hakuru: ahh... damn it! i can't believe this is happening to me! my friends are held captive! everyones coming after me! damn! this is happening too fast....
Hinkyo: so what now Hakuru?
Hakuru: wait aminute
Hinkyo: what is it this time?
Hakuru: our old Skull Gunners building, it should be in this district somewhere!
she runs to it as she opens the door
Hakuru: ah here iti s, its been awhile....
Hinkyo: so what now?
Hakuru: we're gonna live here for oday, i don't care about the fate or some wish or some soul, we're gonna start for some plans, i need some new clothing, some food, some ammo and even so, i need a plan to save our friends, but i can't do it alone....
V: yo
Hakuru: V?
V: hey Hakuru
Hiyane: yo!
Asuka: ....
Hakuru: did you guys... escape?
V: pretty much so, we heard everything, and we don't even know about this wish thing, heh, well wel like who we are anyways now, anyways we thought that we could return since it was our home, so Hakuru, wanna make it like old times? "Skull Gunners"
Hakuru: heh, thank you.... thanks for everything you guys
V: we're a team and even so we're friends right? we help each other, we guide each other
Hakuru: yeah
V: so whats the plan Hakuru?
Hakuru: we'll need to fix this place up, how much money do we have?
V: well, i got about one thousand yen
Hiyane: six thousand
Asuke hands her yen in
Hakuru: what... the...?
V: yeah Asuka has been saving that money for awhile, usually she only buys stake for her dinner
Hakuru: is that so?
V: what should we do?
Hakuru: we should... start over i guess....
V: are we.. going to save them?
Hakuru: not without firepower....
V: i see
Hakuru: this just gets worster and worster...
this is uncool....
To be continued
Next Chapter: #6 Fade away
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/19/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Gunners Soul/Fate #5
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Chapter 5 the secret
- Date: 06/19/2010
- Tags: gunners
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