I went over to her and begin to shake her. She awoke with a start. “huh what happened” she asked “nothing much” I said. It was then that the guy’s who had been mean to me woke up but they seemed to have had a change of heart “we are really sorry for what we did to you Lynner we promise never to do it again” “its ok” I said holding no grudges. “we’ll make it up to you somehow” they said “I’m Jake this is Ryan and he’s James” Jake said “We are all air prime time second except Ryan who is air prime and fire second. We’re all brothers.” he said smiling at me. “we’re not actually brothers” Ryan started “we just stick together like family”. “hey Jake, why don’t we let Lynner be part of the family” suggested James “yeah we should!” Ryan exclaimed “Ok” said Ryan with a smile “you are now our youngest brother Lynner “they all said at once. “really” I said. I was so happy I finally had family, I had people who would care about me.
When they decided to have him be a part of their family he looked so happy I thought. I was so glad for him. “Hey Lynner I think I can see where life magic 101 is going to be held I think I can make it there by myself, you should hang out with your brothers’ I’ll talk to you later ok” I said smiling at him “really?” he said with the hugest smile on his face “ok”. “Don’t worry we’ll take care of our little bro” said Jake who looked to be the oldest and the one in charge. “Ok, I’ll be holding you too that” I said making sure he knew what I menthe did, we exchanged a knowing nod before I left to go to class. When I got to the middle of the academy I saw Darvin and he was hanging out with a female elf. I also saw the Amara Lee, I went over to her, “hi, what are you doing here?” I asked “ Huh, oh hi Astral, I see that Lynner got you here in one piece” she replied “what do you mean by that?” I asked. “oh its just that when ever he tries going somewhere he always gets there late with bruises and cuts and when we ask if anything happened he would always shake his head no” she said straight forwardly. “oh I said” knowing what the reason was that he was always hurt, but hopefully now it would be over, it better be … or else I thought. “Yeah I don’t think that will be a problem anymore” I thought about telling her that he could speak but I thought that it wasn’t my place to tell.
The life mage Jesse who had been at the tests showed up and said “to all of those who are new here I will be your teacher for this class, the class will always be held here unless it is raining then it will be held in the life death dorm because it has the current most free space now only having one occupant.” she said “all of those who still don’t have their uniforms please go get them from Amara Lee, and after they all have their uniforms all of the new mages may get their decks from me.” “um what are the decks for” asked one of the new elfin mages “Well Kirsty, the information on the decks is a long time ago the first wizard made a book of spells for all 9 types of magic but his pupil envied him and made a spell that would split up the book so the pages dislocated from the book and scattered around the world. Over time people managed to find most of the lv 1-5 spells but a lot r still missing and when more mages started popping up we needed more decks for them so the profits who are the only people who can copy the spells and them still work made more decks but its basically our spells in card form. Any other questions? No ok they you may get on with what you are assigned.” said Jesse. After I got my uniforms I got in line to get my deck, I ended up being next to Darvin whom which I asked about his new elfin friend. He told me that her name was Tira Sarin and that his family co-owned the mountain with her family and that he had been introduced to her by his new Dwarf friend Zigfreid, who sounded really nice and loud, apparently Tira was adopted. When I went up to her she was really shy but we became friends real fast. I introduced them to Amara lee Life magic 101 went by real quick after the first half hour. I was told that death magic 101 would be held at sundown because that was when its power was the strongest and our teacher would be Charles the vampire. After life class I said good bye to Darvin and Tira Sarin who headed back to their dorm to train with the older students . I also said good bye to Amara lee who told me she had water classes next.
I went back to my dorm which was the size of a castle. All the rooms were empty, I went through every room feeling lonelier and lonelier as I went, until I went into one room and say a little black kitten. When the kitten saw me it hid underneath the bed. I started talking to it “come on out its ok I wont hurt you little thing” the kitten poked its little black nose out “meow” it said as it came out and rubbed against me. I found out it was a girl and begin to look for the kitchen. I found it two rooms over there was a big white box there that hummed I opened it up and found food it was cold in it too I also found some milk. I looked around and found some bowls I filled one up with milk and gave it to the kitten. I’m going to call you Chika if that’s ok with you I asked her. “meow” she said again and I knew it meant “that’s fine” I decided to take the bedroom I had found her in as my new room. I got 2 more bowls down and filled them with cream and told her “if you have any more friends or if you get hungry you can eat this while I’m gone I have to go to class now ok” She nodded and I left. I then realized that Jesse didn’t tell us where class would be held. As I stood there a girl ran past me and stole my coin purse. “Hey stop, thief” I said chasing the young elfin girl since I was taller I was able to catch her. “let me go” she said “I didn’t do nothing” “you took my coin purse” I said “what’s your name?” “I ain’t got to tell you anything” she said “you could either tell me or I could take off my glove” I said annoyed by the brats manners “ I’m not afraid of being slapped” she retorted. “It seems that when I touch things with my ungloved had they die” I said while slowly taking off my glove “so if you want to tell me now.. “It’s lia, lia Valenth” she said rather quickly. I’m a death mage also so I can show you to class if you promise not to kill me, or tell I tried to steal from you I might even be your friend, and I‘ll introduce you to mine ”she said as she gave me back my coin purse. I put her down. “the death class in in the cemetery its this way she said leading me down a dark path I hadn’t seen a moment before. When we go to the cemetery we saw a group of elves making fun of a unusually dark elf, “your not a drow they don’t exist, your just a burnt elf” they all began to laugh. He looked really mad as his hands begin to gesture while he held a card. Out of the ground skeletons began to rise and attacked the elves who had been badmouthing the dark one. “ ha serves them right” said lia Valenth. “By the way, that’s the friend I was talking about, his name is Druga Deshin and he really is a drow” “Um what is a drow?” I asked Lia. “well as far as I know a drow is a dark elf that lives under ground, they hate dwarfs and the never come above ground.” just as the skeletons began to try dragging the elves who by now were crying and begging for help, down into the ground Charles appeared and with a snap of his fingers the skeletons disappeared. “You idiots never seem to learn do you?, he is a drow and he is also more powerful than you so I’d suggest leaving him alone.” “but drow don’t exist” said one of the elves who was brushing the dirt off his clothes “otherwise we’d see more of them” he continued not realizing yet that he should shut his mouth. They don’t normally come above ground and those who try to are usually killed before they can reach the surface, and if you try to back talk me again next time I will let the skeletons or what ever he decides to summon next to teach you a lesson, have you” Charles said with his eyes glowing red. “Now get your decks and shut up” he said. I went over to him to get my deck. He smiled at me as he gave me my deck, “Good luck with my class Sherrie, you will surly need it.” Charles whispered to me as I walked away. After I got my deck I went over and stood with lia and Druga “hi I’m Astral” I said extending my hand “Druga” he said shaking my hand “hey Druga you know instead of trying to kill them next time I could always just steal their clothes right off their bodies” lia said “yeah I know you could do that but if I let you I would owe you wouldn’t I?” he replied calmly “ I would never charge you Druga you’re my friend” she said looking insulted but also kind of looking like she was faking it. “Hello Lia who’s your new friend?” asked a human “Oh hi Tinder” Lia said “what do you need?” she asked, he gave her a purse “Oh my friend oh yeah her name is Astral, she’s 17 she comes from Dacia, she has 5 siblings all females she had a brother once but he died she is a life death mage the first ever that’s lived past 15.” “How do you know that?” I asked her “Its her job to know everything here, that’s how she gets paid” Druga replied in a drawl. “ Well its nice to meet you Astral of Dacia, I’m Tinder of Atlantis, I’m a fire death mage”
“Lets start class now” said Charles “You should all know how to use your magic and if you don’t I suggest you learn fast. from the ground death undone rise my minions deal be done do my bidding as I please you all now work for ME” suddenly the ground began to shake and hands reached out from the ground. I screamed. “SNAP OUT OF IT” yelled Druga. “you have to concentrate or you’ll be dead” “ dust to dust ask to ash make this step be your last” the skeletons around him disappeared. Everywhere around me people were stopping the onslaught of undead with various spells and incantations, suddenly I felt myself being pulled into the ground. It was my second day at school and I was going to die. People say your life flashes before you before you die you see what you did wrong in life and realize what you were supposed to do, what I saw was the day my brother died the memory I had hidden deep within my subconscious memory. It was two years ago on a wet story day. During the storm my mother was sick and I was the oldest, my mother told me to go outside and get the sheep out of the rain and to the tallest hill or they would drown themselves. My brother Othello always followed me around he looked up to me he was 6 at the time. I went out and started to move the sheep when one of the lambs ran off, Othello said “I’ll get it sis” and ran off after it. I should have ran after him he was only 6 and he didn’t know how to swim but I was mad at him that day he had broken the vase I had made for mom so I just thought to myself he can handle it. I got the sheep up the hill and saw the little lamb on a rock in rushing water but I couldn’t find Othello even though I searched all night. No one found his body either it had rains a lot that night many homes were lost and people dies few bodies were found most were found near the river that led to the ocean. Everyone told me it wasn’t my fault even mother, but I knew it was, I had killed my little brother. It was my fault that he was dead.
He trusted me and I betrayed him, I was the worse sister ever. I deserved to die for my brothers death. As I stopped struggling against the skeleton who was pulling me into the ground I heard a heavenly voice “child it is not your time to die, why do you wish death upon yourself?” “I am the cause of my brothers death Goddess” I said “no child your brothers still lives, he is lost from you for now but all hope is not, live and find him dearest daughter” I knew this to be true I had to live I had to find my brother. Driven by a purpose I got out my life death and started to cast “death to death lives undone return all to whence you’ve come, deep within the holy earth rejoin in slumber deep and true this I do COMAND YOU” all the skeletons and ghouls and zombies begin to let out an awful sound like a scream that ripped through your soul, they begin to glow a bright white looking at them almost made you blind, and suddenly they were gone.
Magic dreamers part 2
Asuri Koneko
the next part to magic dreamers
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