He struggled to move his unyeilding body, the pain was everywhere at once and the most horible thing was he could not see. He struggled but with each movement a brilliant surge of pain flowed over his body. Pain so strong that it was almost an ecstasy in itself. After a while he stopped moving in hopes that the pain would subside and then several minutes passed when he began to dream. The dreams were not his, yet somehow they were, he did not understand this. He would wake periodically and try to move, there was no pain this time only numbness. Still there was a different kind of pain, one that scared him worse than before, what if he would never be able to move? What if he was paralized for eternity and he would die here in his sleep of starvation. The dreams he had were no savior, they seemed to come even when he was awake. One dream seemed to keep reacuring, it was a dream about a girl, her name was Meladie, such a beautiful name was Meladie it mimicked the birds voices.
Her voice was soft and ringing, like that of someone talking as if she was singing. This was a dream he enjoyed becouse for some reason he found it conforting as if he knew her as if like home. "Wake up silly, youll be late for work," Melodie said in her sing-song voice, "you slept profoundly last night lover, I only wish we could do this every night." I look at her then, brush at a stray lock of hair from her face, its the color of water in the middle of the darkest moonless night her hair, she rubs her head on my hand breaking the spell, "Tell me Michael....." she began. And this is were I say, "Yes, what is it my darling?" cupping her delicate chin in my hands and stairing into her eyes, liquid fire, red and blue so deep you could drown in it. "Michael do you...." I smile then a little concerned at her shyness, shes never shy, I wonder. "Please tell me, Meladie," I say lovingly, "you dont need to be shy with me." I smile at her "Do you....." she begins to say then I wake, I curse at the timing, I had to awake just then. I felt as if I had been betrayed by my own paralyzed body, then I felt it.....Nothing, no numbness, no pain....I struggled to get up. I stood and tried to open my eyes, but they would not listen to me and before long I feared I was blind. It was not long before I realized that they were open and it seemed my fear had come true. I walked forward feeling for a wall or anything to grasp onto for I was afraid and I felt that I needed an object to hold onto just so I could atleast get my mind working. I walked several feet before I stopped, I seemed to be in some wide open space. When suddenly as if from nowhere but everywhere, "Michael !!!!!....." the scream was so loud that I also screamed, screamed in fear. For the it seemed to have came from my deep inside my soul. I fell down hard on my a**, scraping my hands on the dirt floor of where ever I was and sobbed. It was horrifying, that scream, like that of a child being cut open under the starlit skies screaming in pain and fear, fear of dieing, fear of forever being cut open.....After what seemed like hours I stood again, I had cried openly and there was nothing left. I cried also becouse I had seen her face, Melodies face, striken in terror as if she were standing right in front of me. Then like the scream it was gone as fast as it had came.....
"What do you care if I go out tonight anyway," I say musingly, "I mean were not dating or anything right, so why worry?" She gives me that look, oh you know the look, the I am so pissed off at you right now look, l ugh then. "Whoa whats that all about?" I say after my fit is over. "You know exactly what its all about," she says angrily, then I notice her eye twitch ever so lightly.....she was lieing," I stay here and cook and clean this house after you make a mess or any of your other buddies and you ask me why I worry." I know what she wants, I feel the same Im just afraid that I would be a disapointment to her and she would leave me.....alone. Like all the others. "Come here....." I say as I put my arms out as if to hug her, "give us a hug." She looks at me smugly the says, "No, remember Im mad." There was the twitch again, boy was she easy to read. I walked over to her and hugged her anyways, feeling her warm body as my arms encircled her. Thats when she looked me in the eyes and said, "Kiss me Michael, if not for us to be together, but for me, I cant stand it anymore." Her eyes were pleading, I couldnt stand to see her like this. She started to turn away, my mind numb with posabilities, I had just a second. Then without realizing it my lips brushed hers and we kissed, it was passionate like a lover who had gone to war and came back to his wife after several months apart.....
Ive been walking brushing my fingers up against the wall fealing the rough stones as they protruded, it was a mossy wall, yet not wet like what I would have thought. "Michael were have you been?" it wa so sudden I was startled into looking behind me, yet after awhile I knew it was my mind playing tricks on me again. Ive had had these.....premonitions.....if thats what they were.....for several hours now. They always seemed to come at the time when I have just remained calm, calm enough to think. I had found the wall a couple hours ago after I had awoken from the scream.....the walls seemed to have just apeared there but I could not be certain for he was blind, either that or extremely dark. As I followed the wall with his hand I noticed there were no curves no corners, just an endless stretch of wall. I kept walking forward trying not to think too much it hurt and yeilded few or no answers at all, only questions like, who am I, I should at least know who I am, where I was and how I got here. But I geuss it dousnt really matter, maybe if I keep walking Ill find a door, or something.....
The biggest challenge with her was that she wanted to always be beside me and I was all for it, well maybe not when I went to the restroom, I know what your thinking dont usual couples do that anyways, whats so akward about that. Well she would follow me into the mens room when we were shopping at Wal Mart or going to a resteraunt. It wasnt so strange as it was akward.
I was starting to panic now, I had been walking for about a day now and I had found three corners and no door. I kept telling myself not to panic, but it didnt help, my own voice seemed strange to me, as if it was someone else saying what I was thinking and I decided I was done talking. Hours seemed to pass in the blink of an eye when I touched something different, it was a loose stone, I tried to pull it out but it was like a loose tooth in a three year old, stuborn as a mule. I pulled with all my streangth and suddenly it came out as if it was holding on the whole time and had just decided to let go. It was so quick that I lost my footing and I fell, but before the pain overwhelmed me I saw light, brilliantly strong as if the heavens themselves had opened up to show Gods holy light.
"So Michael, I here you met a girl at the bar last night, what was she like?" my good friend Judenn said and punched me in the arm as if it were a very funny joke. "We didnt do anything if thats what your asking, we had fun and talked all night, then we exchanged numbers in the morning and she left, thats all." I said quickly. "Well youll never see her again, I can bet you that." Judenn said sourly. "Hey shell call, shes not like other girls, shes different." I say defensively. "Yeah right that what you said about the last girl, what was her name.....Oh yeah Valerie, what a crazy chick she was." Judenn says thickly. "Whatever, just wait and see....." I say as I walk tward the door. "I not trying to be rude, I just dont want ya getting all drunk over some chick, ok Im just looking after ya." That was the last time I saw or talked to Judenn, he died in a car wreck going to his sons ball game.
When I awoke on the ground I was dazed, at first I didnt know where I was then it all flooded back into my mind like a swift rushing river. I was blinded by the light streaming through the hole in the wall, so I quickly shut my eyes again and crawled over into the darkess so my eyes could adjust. After awhile I could finally see, and the light from the hole is so bright that illuminated the whole room, I staired horrified at what I saw. The room was no bigger than a jail cell. "How....." then I shut up, fearing the strange voice coming from my own mouth. I moved backwards quickly so I could get to the cornor behind me, I kept going backwards for several feet until I noticed I should have already touched the corner, stopped and quickly looked behind me, frightened, I went so fast I didnt see the wall and the side of my face hit it hard.
"I had been drinking a couple of beers with a few buddies of mine, you know Robert and Anthony when I saw her, so beautiful and her eyes.....powerful. I could get lost in those eyes. I walked over to her and introduced myself, Her name was Melod.....Mel.....hmmm. I cant seem to have remembered her name. Well I must have been real drunk Judenn becouse wow. " I say and I notice Im still a little drunk. "Well our buddy Anthony tells me what really happened was that you got really drunk over this girl.....Jessica, yeah thats it. And you started talking all crazy like and you walked over to one of the prostitutes in the bar, and man he said she must of been seventy years old he tells me and she dousnt want anything to do with ya and you just pass out like that.....
"Is he ok Dr." Valerie asks Dr. Drew. "I dont know Ms. Gold, he seems to be suffering from a series of things, skitsophrenia, he's dillusional, he screams constantly and thats just to name a few things, Im sorry but I dont know what to tell you," Dr. Drew says sadly,"were you two close?". "Yeah Im his best friend, he was.....in love with me for a time. Were pretty close." Valerie says as she bursts into tears.

- Title: Retribution
- Artist: Kinnyth
- Description: My belief of what hell may be like.
- Date: 03/02/2010
- Tags: retribution
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