Chapter 3
Nothing Ruins a Morning Faster Than “Grandma” Getting “Pregnant”.
Once again the sun woke me from my slumber. I groaned as I saw Blair already up, then stifled it as I took in the fact that she did not look good. Her face was shallow and pale. She looked sick, and I automatically started worrying about her. Yet, my mind still drifted toward the girl in my nightmare.
“What’s wrong Blair? No offense, but you look hideous,” I told her. I hoped I looked as concerned as I wanted to feel. But that damn girl in my dream was distracting. She looked at me, surprised. She obviously hadn’t realized I was awake.
“I don’t know. I woke up about ten minutes ago with a huge pain in my stomach and I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I know I don’t look so hot, but I feel fine now. It was weird,” she said. Noticeably, there was no pain or discomfort in her voice. I was probably as confused at her sudden urge as she was.
I got a crazy idea and decided to make a joke from it.
“Maybe your pregnant,” I laughed. Between my squinted eye lids I saw Blair’s face go white. Unwillingly my brain went to the thought of the girl in my dream last night. I shoved the thought away and went to worrying about Blair.
“Blair I was kidding. Is there something I should know?” I asked her. I normally wasn’t so serious but I was so stern I was surprised with myself.
“It was one time, and only for like ten minutes. How could I be pre…” she couldn’t even finish the word.
“What was only one time Blair? What haven’t you told me?” I automatically regretted my words. B looked like she was about to cry. I pushed myself out of bed and pulled her into my arms.
“It’s okay. I’m sure you’re not really pregnant. Has anything else been off lately?” I asked her, trying to calm her down. Tears stained her cheeks and her eyes were all puffy.
“Not really. The only thing that was really weird is my sudden stomach pain. You know I am unbearably messy, but I almost never get sick. Do you think I could really be pregnant?” she forced the words out.
“No Blair. I highly doubt that you are pregnant. What time are we meeting Jamie and Loren for the fair?” Loren was Blair’s long-term boyfriend for two years. He was also apparently her lover. I wanted to beat him to a pulp. I felt like a mother whose daughter had been ‘tainted’.
“We have to meet them at 10, why?” I thought quickly, making a plan. I glanced at the clock. 7:27, I read. The first thing I thought was why the hell am I up so early? Then I thought, two and a half hours. That’s plenty of time.
“We have two and a half hour before we meet them. I can go to the pharmacy that’s about two miles away. I’ll pick up a pregnancy test and you can take it. Then we’ll know for sure.” Her face looked the opposite of composed.
“Can’t we just wait until after the fair?” she pleaded. She looked so helpless, so innocent, and again I was hit with the urge to beat the crap out of Loren for doing this to her.
“No! We can’t let something like this sit in the dark corner of your mind. You’ll be so upset the whole day,” I told her sternly.
“Fine, but how will you get there? You can’t walk there, even if we have the time. I won’t let you.” I cursed as I forgot about transportation. My head hatched an idea, as if it was a bird laying an egg, and I looked at Blair pleadingly. I knew she wouldn’t like it.
Like I knew it would, my face told her exactly what I was thinking. “No! No, Sadie, you can’t do that to me. If you asked Jamie to take you he’d ask why. He and Loren are friends. Loren can’t know!” she yelled at me.
“Blair, I trust Jamie with my life. If I tell him not to tell anyone he won’t. I can promise you that.” She sat down on her bed, overwhelmed by the turn of events. Contemplating my proposal took ten minutes.
During this unbelievably long time, I too sat on my bed and watched Blair trying to regain her composure. Every other minute she would open her mouth as if to say something but would only shut it again.
I gave her all the time she needed. She needed a friend and I had to be there for her. The time stretched on and on. Right when I thought she was going to say something, she didn’t.
I was about as surprised as she was at this morning’s turn of events. I was just as surprised when I heard her voice, low and scared. “Okay, go get Jamie,” she told me, but I could tell it wasn’t easy for her.
“Okay,” I said. Saying too much could hurt her more. I got up and through on a black t-shirt over my tank top, not caring to change my pajama pants. I walked out of the door as wrangled my hair into a pony tail so it wouldn’t look quite as bad.
The walk to Macaw, Jamie’s dorm room, took about 10 minutes. So I ran instead. The whole while thinking Blair needs me. Blair needs me. It was that motivation that put me in front of Jamie’s dorm room in five minutes and twenty-four seconds. Yes, I was counting.
I banged on the door a solid ten times and waited. After about a minute there was still no response so I banged again and didn’t stop until I heard a groan and the release of pressure on bed springs.
I heard the slow footsteps of one very tired and aggravated Jamie. He opened the door with a sleepy expression. He looked at me, and then closed his eyes from the light to talk.
“Sadie, what the hell are you doing here? I thought I didn’t have to meet you for more than two hours?” he obviously hadn’t taken in my expression.
“Jamie, I need your help,” I said in a slow, urgent tone. With those four words, Jamie snapped out of his tired state and launched into worry mode.
“What Sadie? What’s wrong?” he asked immediately. I heard a groan from somewhere deep inside the dark dorm room.
“Dude, it’s not even eight o’clock. Shut the door!” I heard an annoyed voice say to Jamie.
“Shut up and go back to bed Steve,” Jamie said waiting for the answer; I was still catching my breath. “How did you get here? You look like you can’t breathe,” he asked.
“I… ran here in… five minutes… I need to… catch my breath” I managed out. Blair needs you now! A voice yelled in my head. I quickly pulled myself together and talked to Jamie.
“Long story short, Blair might be in trouble and you need to take me to the pharmacy now,” I said quickly, taking his hand and pulling him down the hallway but he resisted.
“Wait Sadie; what kind of trouble? How can going to the pharmacy fix it?” I took a deep breath and prepared to tell him.
“I think Blair might be pregnant.”
“Okay, let’s go,” he started running down the hallway and I kept pace with him despite my breathlessness. I tried to ignore the feeling of Jamie’s warm, soft, reassuring fingers twined in mine, and focus on the task at hand. Not that it was easy.
The parking lot seemed to get further with each step. An imaginary clock ticked in my head, each second taunting me. I watched as the distance between us and the cars close, too slowly.
When I saw Jamie’s black, shiny BMW M3 convertible so close, I let out a squeal of joy. Jamie looked back smiling for a second then went back to serious and we continued running, closing the last hundred meters in less then twenty seconds.
I didn’t bother with the door seeing as the top was down. I just jumped right in; Jamie followed my example. He had the keys already in hand and started the car quickly. With no time for small talk, we pealed out of there faster than I thought the car could handle.
Jamie swung the car onto the road without slowing down. I didn’t protest when he got well past the legal speed limit. The whole time I just thought about how thankful I was for Jamie, and how well he understood.
My hair was blown out behind me, and my face felt strange from the high wind speeds. It made my eyes water, but I barely paid any attention to anything but the road. We got to the store all too easily.
Thankfully, he sped too fast to the store for any cops to stop us. I nearly screamed when we pulled into the parking lot of Duane Reads. I stopped a second to think about why I was in such a rush, we had time. A whole two hours left before anyone really got up.
You’re rushing because Blair is sitting in your room wondering whether or not she has a child in her stomach. Imagine having to wait, sit there alone, and not know what is going on. That image is why you are running.
I stopped thinking and jumped out of the car and caught up to Jamie. He waited and caught his breath next to the automatic door. I stopped for a second as well, but only for a second.
The door couldn’t open fast enough. I ran to where the pads, tampons, et cetera were held and scanned the wall. Eureka! I thought as I pulled one of those Clear Blue easy read ones off the shelf.
I ran to the check out and the guy standing there looked at the item, then to me and Jamie. I realized what he must have been thinking.
My hair was a mess, and Jamie’s looked like he just rolled out of bed, because he did. I just realized he hadn’t changed; he was wearing pajama pants and a white T-shirt. Well, I was wearing short sport shorts, and as I looked down I saw my T-shirt was on backwards and inside out. Perfect.
I thought quickly. “It’s our grandma. She started yelling franticly this morning saying ‘I think I’m pregnant! I think I’m pregnant!’” I waved my hands imitating a grandma I didn’t have.
“Personally, I think she’s going through menopause and doesn’t want to accept it. Our mom yelled at us to go to the store and didn’t even let us change!” The clerk looked at me funnily as he charged and bagged the test.
I handed him the money. “Families. They are just insane sometimes, aren’t they bro?” I turned and asked Jamie. He nodded; I could tell he was trying to contain laughter. I grabbed our bag and ran out of the store with Jamie. I wouldn’t dare look back.
“So, our grandma is pregnant is she?” Jamie laughed when we were in the car. I smiled, but then I went grim.
“I guess we’ll see won’t we.” That shut us both up as we raced back to my dorm. We parked at the same spot as before. We continued race against time, and against a very real reality.
In the dorm, Jamie and I saw a very sad sight. Blair sat in fetal position on her bed. I heard quiet sobs and hiccupping. I silently walked across the room and lay down next to her, rubbing her back.
“It’s okay Blair. We’re back, and worst comes to worst, we can get you an ab…”
“No! Don’t you dare say that word. I am not going to get one of those. I wouldn’t be able to. I just have to hope the test is negative. If not then…” she couldn’t finish the sentence. Fresh tears rimmed her eyes, and fell slowly down her already tear stained cheeks.
I quickly opened the bag and dumped out the object that would decide Blair’s fate. I handed it to her and she just stared down at it. I was guessing she didn’t know what to do. Not to how to take the test, but what to do with the whole situation.
Thankfully, we had a toilet and a sink in the dorm room, just no shower. I led her to the door of the bathroom. She didn’t seem able to do it herself. When the door was closed, and I had done my job, I had nothing to do but collapse.
I just so happened to collapse in Jamie’s arms. He lifted me, bridal style and we sat the bed while I cried. I couldn’t figure out why I was crying, but I was. It was a full fledged faucet from my eyes. Jamie’s T-shirt was soaked through when I was done.
Blair was still in the bathroom waiting for the results. I quit the sobbing for her, but was stuck with the hiccups. Jamie continued to hold me. I could feel his chest rise and fall beneath my cheek. I could hear his steady heart beat.
“You are one of the best people I know. Not many of them would have done what you did if I was in trouble,” he whispered. I was surprised, and comforted by his words.
“I’m really sorry about waking you up so early. You can go to sleep now if you want,” I said. Partially because I wanted to repay him for what he did, partially because his closeness scared me.
“Naw,” he replied. “No use now. I’m wide awake from all this commotion. Plus, I need to be here for comfort. Just in case.” I smiled, though I knew he couldn’t see. I liked this. Jamie and I together, in each others arms.
Jamie rubbed my back, and I nearly moaned in delight. “You can’t tell anyone you know? Even if this is just a scare, no one can know we even thought about it,” I told him sternly.
“I wouldn’t dare. It would hurt Blair, and, by default, you. I told you last night I could never hurt you. I wouldn’t tell anyone, even if you didn’t tell me.” I lifted my head but kept my arms around him.
“This reminds me of my story last night. The one about Trevor and the Oreos,” I smiled. “Except Blair is my Trevor, and you are my Oreos.”
“Well, then what’s the peanut butter?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe I don’t have a peanut butter. Or maybe you’re both.” He smiled at me, and I felt my stomach do summersault. “Thank you,” I said, looking directly into his eyes. I’ve heard before that eyes are the window into the soul; if only the window weren’t so foggy. Maybe I just couldn’t read them.
“For what?” he asked.
“For being there for me, all the time. Sometimes you comfort me. Sometimes you give me a ride where ever. Other times you make me laugh. But mostly, for just being a friend.”
“Ah, it’s no problem. You’re not so bad to be a friend to. I even enjoy your company someti…” I put a finger on his lips.
“Stop making sarcastic comments and just accept my thank you,” I told him.
“Fine,” he said, smiling. I took that thing called a leap of faith and did something I never thought I’d ever do. I kissed him… on the cheek. I slowly lifted my head and kissed him on the cheek. A friendly peck. Though I hoped he would think of it as something more and realize that I liked him. A lot.
When I pulled back, his face was a mixture of surprise and happiness, as far as I could tell. “Well…” he started nervously and I almost regretted what I did.
I had kissed him on the cheek when we were kids, but the last time was in sixth grade when some kids were making fun of me and he yelled at them. That was five years ago. It’s different when you’re in high school. It means something different.
“We should go check on Blair,” he said and released me from his arms. s**t! I mentally cursed myself. What have I done?
I got up from the bed as well. “Blair?” I knocked on the bathroom door. “What’s going on?” I asked, terrified by what the answer might be. I heard a muffled sound, the flush of a toilet, a deep breath in, and the turning of the knob.
“Better now that I’m not pregnant!” she seemed to force a big smile, but then gave in and got happy. I nearly squealed in joy. I looked over at Jamie who seemed relieved. So he wouldn’t have to comfort me and Blair? I asked myself.
“Blair! That’s so great! Now we can go to the fair and have fun, no more worry, and no more scare.”
“I’m more relieved now than I was when I got my first period at home, five minutes after I got home from school and two minutes after my mom got home!” she yelled at me, and I laughed at the comparison.
“Ah! Blair! TMI!” Jamie shouted. Blair and I laugh then I pulled her into my arms. I was crying, again.
“I’m so glad you’re going to be okay; and not pregnant anytime soon,” I laughed through tears. When I saw Blair’s face she was crying too. I glanced at Jamie and he was inching his way toward the door.
“I’ll go and give you two some privacy.”
“Okay Jamie,” Blair thankfully said. “We’ll see you at ten. Don’t tell anyone about this, you got it?” Blair said playfully. She knew Jamie wouldn’t say anything. Jamie left, shutting the door behind him.
“Blair, I messed up big time!” I told her frantically. Her face turned from relieved and happy to grim and worried.
“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you think you’re pregnant too because I cannot handle any more baby drama!” she screamed, and seemed near tears again.
“No! It’s nothing like that. It’s a Jamie and me problem. I kissed him on the cheek in a seemingly friendly gestured but then he ran away from me. I think I just ruined our relationship! What the hell am I supposed to do?” I screamed at her, my head in chaos.
“Sadie! Calm yourself! He might have just been confused and needed to get away from you before he got taken over by his guy hormones,” she told me, and I almost smiled. Almost.
“You really think so? I’m not totally screwed?” I looked at her for guidance and support. She willingly gave it to me.
“Absolutely. I’ll bet when we go to meet Jamie and Loren he’ll either have forgotten about it, or have figured out that he loves you and scoops you up in his arms and gives you a real kiss.”
“If you say so,” I said uncertainly. Blair looked slightly happy, but mostly unnerved. I guess a pregnancy scare can do that to you.
“I’m going to go take a shower, are you coming?” she asked me. I thought a second, wondering if I should stay back a little while and give Blair alone time, or give her comfort at what might have just happened.
I went with the comforting. “Yeah, I’m coming.”
Plus, I didn’t want to wallow in my own misery. What was the point of that?
We were in the bathroom (Which was deserted, thankfully) when I finally couldn’t hold in my second round of sobs. I cried for Blair. I cried for Jamie. Hell, for once, I cried for myself.
That’s why I liked the shower. The water was too loud to hear my tears being shed. It was also too wet for anyone to tell I was letting out all my sadness. It was like the rain, covering up my sorrows.
I let the hot water run down my skin like droplets of regret. I tried not to rue what I had just done; ruining one of the best things I had in life. What used to be a safe haven was now just a reminder of all the mistakes I’ve made.
How could things ever be the same again? I just have to try, I told myself. Even if trying may just be a waste of time. I sighed in remorse. For the second time I wondered what I had done. How could I have possibly been so stupid as to think that I could do something like that without any sort of consequences? Sure, we didn’t make out or anything, but it had almost the same meaning. Taking that sort of leap wasn’t something I could afford.
“What are you sighing about? You should be happy your best friend isn’t having a baby,” Blair’s voice broke through my self revisions. “Are you still worrying about Jamie?” She knows everything, I couldn’t help thinking.
“I can’t help it Blair! What would you be thinking about it you might have just ruined your friendship with me?” I asked her. For once, she was quiet. I nearly gasped in surprise. It took a lot to shut her up.
After a few seconds she responded. “I guess your right. Just don’t spend the whole day thinking about him. He’s going to be with us. Just make up with him by telling him it was strictly friendly. He’ll understand.” Blair always knew what to say.
“Alright, you are too right, again. I’ll quit my self-pity act and be happy. My birthday is in twelve days.”
“Yes, it is. Be happy, excitement-filled, and thankful!” she told me. Just like a mom. I shook my head.
“Be thankful?” I asked her. “For what?”
“The fact that your best girl friend got you the most awesome present you could ever ask for!”
I gasped happily. “What did you get me?” I asked impatiently.
“Nuh uh! I am not ruining this surprise. It would...well, ruin the surprise,” I laughed at Ms. Obvious.
“Just a hint?” I pleaded.
I yanked my towel of the pole that the curtain hung on and turned of the now cold water. I wrapped the soft, white cotton towel around myself, drying my neck. Then I tucked the edge of the towel into the top.
I tried my best to ring out my long hair. Then I leaned back and gather my hair in a hopefully neat ponytail. As I wrapped the red pony holder I had around my clump of mane. I heard the shower Blair was in shut off.
Together we brushed our teeth. In the mirror I was happy to see that my pony tail would suffice as a hair do for today. Seeing as we would be riding rides, walking around, and participating in possible pie eating and other messy food eating contests, I had no reason to try and make my hair nice. It would end up messed up.
We made a slow walk back to our room, 216. We talked about clothes, teachers, my birthday. Anything that didn’t involve boys or babies, we were up for. No girls popped out of their dorm rooms.
“Are we so insane to wake up before eight on a Saturday?” I asked Blair, simply confused at how deserted it was.
“Anyone who does wake up early is out running, or in their lover’s room, you know, making love.” I laughed at the thought. I guess we were the only normal people in this whole school. Excluding the fact that one of us thought they were pregnant, and the other had a mental break down.
“Well, then, I guess we should go for a run,” I told her, only joking. Suddenly I knew that Blair was going to do something that we would regret later. Once again I was going to get in trouble somehow by falling into one of Blair’s silly antics.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” she said mischievously.
“Sadly, I think so,” I told her. “I really don’t want to do what I think you are going to do. It’s unmoral,” I told her, even though it was no use. Eventually I’d do what she wanted me to.
“To hell with morals! Let’s have fun!” she yelled at me. Then she whipped off her towel and set off running through the hallway, still holding what was her cover.
She’s right, my adventurous side told me. To hell with morals! You need some excitement! And with that thought I followed Blair’s example, hoping to god that we didn’t get caught this time, while also hoping no one, guy or girl, would walk down the hall way.
I screamed when I caught up to Blair and rocketed further down the hallway. When I reached our door I yanked it open, glad to be safe in my room. Catching my breath, I reached for my robe, which was on my bed post, and pulled it on as Blair ran in.
“We got in at the perfect time,” she said breathlessly. “I heard Ms. Doom ask, or you might consider it yelling, who was screaming as I reached the door.” I threw her robe at her. “Thank you,” she told me. I smiled. I heard loud footsteps outside our door.
“Act normal, she’s coming in,” I whispered, getting off my bed and walking to my dresser. I looked through some clothes and barely turned my head when I heard the door open and talked as if continuing conversation.
“Yeah, I’m totally excited for today. Fairs are always such a blast. Thanks for finding out about it,” I told Blair happily. I pulled out a pair of black legging and a camouflage skirt.
“No problem, I’m just as happy I found out about it as you are. I’m also happy Jamie can drive us,” she said getting off my bed. She finally ‘acknowledged’ Ms. Doom’s existence. “Hi Ms. Dom! What can I do for you?” she asked perfectly.
I started pulling on my clothes as Ms. Doom stuttered for an explanation. “Well, I heard some screaming in the hallway and…” I looked at her innocently.
“What Ms. Dom? You didn’t think it was us did you? We told you yesterday we weren’t going to make any more trouble,” I said in my most hurt voice. The DA looked at me sadly.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt you two. I was mistaken. Have fun at the fair you were talking about,” she said, obviously sorry that she had burst in. It took all I had to keep my sad face and not burst into laughter.
“That’s okay Ms. Dom. We all make mistakes,” Blair said, closing the conversation. I had my skirt, which complimented my hips and thin thighs nicely, and leggings on. I started looking for a shirt as Ms. Doom left the room, closing the door behind her.
I found a black tank top with ruffles around the edges. I heard the combat boots retreat down the hallway. When I couldn’t hear them any more I couldn’t hold in the laughter any more.
I was tearing up and doubled over. “How… did she… fall… for that?” I got out before I was consumed by my amusement. Blair was laughing too, though more controlled than mine.
“I have no idea. She must be more of a sucker than we thought,” Blair easily managed to get out. Getting my laughter under control was harder than I thought it would be. When it was finally done, I was filled with a sudden rush of lethargy.
I got a black bra out of my drawer and put it on before pulling my robe off. Then I put on my tank top. Satisfied with my outfit, I looked over at Blair. She was smiling and hanging upside down on her bed, watching me.
“What?” I asked her, feeling slightly invaded.
“Nothing,” Blair said plainly. I looked at her, trying to uncover the reason she was staring at me.
“Alright,” I turned around. “What do you think?” I asked her, referring to my outfit. She seemed to pull it apart with her eyes, and then she smiled.
“I think Jamie will like it. You look hot. He won’t be able to stay upset, if he was. He’ll probably just be even more confused with his hormones.” I shook my head at her.
“Okay missy. It’s time to get you ready,” I told her pulling her up from the bed. She giggled and I felt like a mother picking up my drunken child. “What do you want to wear today?” I asked her.
She shrugged.
“That’s not helping.” Nothing. “Fine, I’ll pick something gout for you,” I went to her dresser. I had an idea for an outfit for her. I got a pair of black Capri’s and then looked for an orange shirt.
“Aha!” I shouted when I found an orange tank top. It had the words ‘Don’t Be Scared’ written on it in black letters. “Here,” I said, throwing her the clothes. “I’m going to go put on make up. You get changed,” I told her.
I was almost surprised to find her dressed when I came out of our bathroom. She hadn’t seemed to be in a very accommodating mood earlier. “Do you like the outfit?” I asked her. She smiled at me.
“Yes, I do. It makes me look curvier than I am. I’ll bet Loren will like it.” I smiled back at her.
“I’m just glad you like it,” I told her. Glancing at the clock, I noticed we had a whole forty-five minutes left before we had to leave. “Well, we have some time left. What do you want to do?” I asked her.
“Let’s do our nails.” I silently cursed myself. I hated doing my nails, yet I always got roped into doing it. To make her happy I let her have her fun. She did my nails, and didn’t bother with hers; they were already painted from yesterday afternoon.
When I walked into the room from the shower, my nails were perfectly clean with no polish at all. When I left that morning for the parking lot I had vibrant, sparkly, bold, scarily red nails. Horrible.
As we made the trek to the parking lot, I was happy. Blair babbled on and on about how cute I looked, but, like almost always, I ignored her. I was staring up the perfectly blue sky.
The crystal clearness of it made my eyes water in joy at the world’s beauty. I was baffled by how long it’s been since I really appreciated it. The world, its people, its animals, its life.
I forgot that my life, which used to be really close to perfect, was now turning to s**t, and got happy. As much as I tried though, for the first time, I was really dreading seeing Jamie.
- by Bliss i n O B L I V I O N |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/14/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Paper Thin pt. 3
- Artist: Bliss i n O B L I V I O N
- Description: Chapter Three of the Paper Thin novel.
- Date: 02/14/2010
- Tags: paper thin
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Comments (3 Comments)
- ThetaNine - 05/16/2011
- psh why did you stop?!!?!?!?!
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- ThetaNine - 05/16/2011
- whop whop!!! sorry just bored and finally found a good story!
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- VioletCrystalz - 06/15/2010
- I like it ^^
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