Jake sighed. he glanced over at the clock. he crumpled up a sheet of paper and glared at it. he put all his focus on it. the paper started to glow, jake concentrated more energy into it. the paper started floating in the air, then it made a hissing noise and soon, where there once was a crumpled sheet of paper, there layed, an origami crane,perfectly made, no wrinkles,no tears, no mistakes. "perfect" jake smiled and picked up the oragami crane, and put all focus on it, then the crane started shaking wildly until it sprang to life. still made of paper, the oragami crane took up in the air. he put a peive of paper on it and orderd the crane to fly to the teacher, Mr. Withergree, who taught how to make none lving items, a sem-living item.such as making a rock into a carving, and then making the carving into a gaurd for you.
Jake heard knocking on his door. he opend it to see a very happy girls face spring up at him and squeezing the living life out of jake. "Hey!! watch it! and easy up on the ars unless you're trying to kill me meg!!!" jake landed on the floor and meg staring at him. jake got up and hugged her gently and for 5 seconds. when he let go, he gave her an odd look " so, what do yah need?"
"oh...just comming to see if you where doing ok" jake glanced over at the window and sighed. "i found another one of the charms........but it looks complecated, i cant figure out what element it is....once i do, i might be able to get the key outa it" meg glanced over at his table, a large peice of flat metal, shaped like a circle, with ancient looking symbols on it. meg walked over to the desk and examined the circle. "hmm......did you ever think its somthin thats not a very common used elemnt?" "umm....i tried energy.........but i dont think it worked....so other than that im clueless......" she nodded and glanced at it for a few. then she noticed one of the symbols looked like a black hole. "hey.... lemme see your one book......the ancient arts one......" zack handed her the book she requested. she opend it up to a page with a simular symbol on it. "i knew it......the smbol was a black hole....." "so?" "so.....if you think about it, black holes are found in?" "space......but thats impossible......"
jake sat in a chair. "thats impossible....there are no wizards that can control space......." meg rummiged through the book. "umm......not rely jake, it says here that it was believed that when the earth was a berien abyss, wizards of the following elements, fire,water, ground,air, ice,metal, life,space,time, light,and energy, created life apon the world and all around it. the wizards where responsible for caring for the elements of witch the bestound apon the earth. however, wizards that where jealouse of these elements being shown on the earth, used there powers tomake the good wizards,look evil.
these elements where tornado, who digrased wind, volcano, who disgraced fire, tsunami, who disgraced water, earthquak, who disgraced ground, blizzard, who disgraced ice, rust disgraced metal, death disgrace life, hunger disgraced energy, freeze disgraced time, and destrustion to digrace space.
jake sunk deeper into his chair. "thats like.....almost betrayal.....so if im going to command space.....id be given more power than i can imagine....." jake got up and glared at the tablet. "jake, are you sure you can get the key? binding wind is one thing, or making things come to life can be even more complecated. but binding space itself is even harder. i mean if you're not ready then trying to bindspace or time could kill you!" jake looked at her."im not going to die until i know your going to be able to sleep without worry" jake smiled and then turned around to the tablet. he glared at the tablet and clentched his fists, they started glowing purple, jake brought his fists toward the tablet. energy rushed into the tablet,making it float up in the air and glow a dark purple.
jake grunted as he put more energy into it. then the tablet bursted out with energy shooting meg acrossed the room and every thing along with her starting flying away from the tablet. jake yelled in pain as a knife of his went flying a cut heis cheeck. the tablet bursted a huge wave of energy then it stopped everything. objects floated in thin air. meg was on the roof. the tablet was still glowing and slowly it started disenegrating. jake noticed even he was starting to loose cotrol of gravity. jake saw a key starting to shaow in the place of the tablet, and the moment jake grabbed the key, everything dropped to the floor. meg let out a yelp as she hit the floor. "HEY! you're not supposed to drop me!!" jake grinned "oh rely?" jakes hand started to glow as he put everything back into place.

- Title: twilight of the night
- Artist: Zack4568
random book i wrote.....its about a 14 year old boy, Jake, who learns hes a magic caster. also known as a person who can control the elements with magic. he also learns that there are evil times with his arrival at the new school. this legion of shadow skulls, whos purpose is never quite clear, finds out that Jake holds a key to unlocking the power of time,space, and life.
these three elements never where ment to be equibbed to a human. until Jake came. - Date: 02/13/2010
- Tags: twilight night
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Comments (1 Comments)
- The Angel Dystopia - 03/01/2010
- its cool. I might have found a grammar error but im not completly sure. and I would suggest indents before dialouge. It makes things easier to read. But its a good story.
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