I feel alone. All these humans all around me. Oh, why did I do this?
Was Estev's first thought of the school day. Estev had been born the age of 15. Estev never had a mother or father. Because Estev was not human.
Estev lived with Guardian in the seaside city of Pira. She had been "born" in the underground city under the Andes mountains. Oh, sure, she looked human enough, but was she? No. It was this that lead to the Pearl. Actually, it was Estev's first attempt at trust that led to the Pearl. Pira was a dangerous place for someone like Estev, a-well, no one really knows the true name of Estev's race. They are peaceful, and unless you happen to stumble onto one of their underground cities, you would never know they were there. Estev was a Seer, one of the few allowed to travel to the world of humans.
I do not like this at all. Why did I have to do this without Guardian?
Estev thought. She thought about how the fate of her race rested completely in her hands. The Pearl was their only hope. Estev would have to venture into the world she was so afraid of. The Keeper was near. She could feel it. Estev and the Keeper would combine their life energies and the result would be an object that appeared to be an ordinary pearl, but it would be the life force of Estev's dying race. Suddenly a girl bumped into Estev, and at the contact Estev felt the expected jolt. This girl was the one. While the girl stood there trying to apologize to someone she barely knew, Estev just smiled. This girl was definitely it. The Keeper.
Her name was Emily. She never suspected Estev was anything but a human. Estev wanted it that way, until the last possible moment. But the time was nearing. Emily's destiny as Keeper would be revealed to her soon. Estev pulled Emily aside one day and asked her to leave with her after school. Emily seemed to find Estev's strange choice of words completely normal. Guardian had told Estev that morning that today was the day the Pearl would be created. So Estev had to show Emily today.
Now or never.
"WHAT?!?" Emily yelled.
"Please, you must listen. If this doesn't happen today..." Estev broke off her sentence with sudden sobbing. Why was she crying? She wasn't human. She shouldn't be crying.
"Whoa, you're crying. I thought you couldn't cry." Emily was very concerned about her friend.
"I can't. I don't have tear ducts." Estev said. She wiped her tears away with her hand and looked at them. They had a pinkish tint to them.
"Emily, these aren't tears. These are the drops of life energy I'll use. Quick, we have to find were yours are."
"I already know." Emily said. She pulled out her lip piercing and squeezed her bottom lip. drops of blue tinted liquid came out onto Emily's fingers. Estev put the drops of Emily's life energy in a glass tube with the drops of her own life energy. Estev recited the words. There was a huge flash of light. Emily cautiously peered into the glass tube, a pearl was were the liquid had been. Estev capped the tube and put it on a chain. Estev put it around Emily's neck.
"Take good care of this. It's the life force of my race." Estev told Emily, smiling. Emily could only nod, stunned into silence.
3 Years Later
"C'mon, Em, take that stupid thing OFF."
"No! I have told you 50 times, I CAN'T!" Emily screamed.
"Yeah, because your imaginary friend will die!" suddenly the window shattered inward, and a black flash swooped in. Emily recognized it immediately.
"Estev!" Emily hugged her friend.
"What? THIS is Estev?" Emily's boyfriend, Devin, asked, or as much as he could ask a question while pinned to the floor by his throat.
"Yes. And don't even THINK about making her take that necklace off again." Estev said threateningly. Devin did his best to nod. This all seemed odd to Emily. She looked into Estev's once kind eyes. They now had the look of a savage beast.
"What happened?" Emily asked.
"HE happened." Estev pointed to the shattered window. A figure swooped down through it. The figure pulled down its hood. A male face looked at Emily. He nodded silently.
"Estev, we must go. The girl is safe. As is the Pearl." The man motioned to the window.
"You have been my guardian for many years. But I am declaring myself free of you." Estev said. The man stared at Estev, then rushed to her side.
"Will you get off the boy?" Estev got off of Devin's throat.
"Estev, look at this." The man wiped his hand across Estev's eye. His hand pulled away wet with tears.
"No. No. No. No. NO!" Estev ran across the room and jumped through the window. The man raced after her.
"What have I done?" Emily begged of the air. "She's human, and it's all my fault!"
"Emily, Estev was bound to become human sometime." Emily looked up. She hadn't heard her father come in the room. He had been researching Estev's race and analyzing all human knowledge of it.
If you would like to read the rest of this and Legend Of The Estev Pearl, please contact me here on Gaia and I will try to get back to you ASAP. Also, keep lookout for First blood, The first Amee McGee book!!!!
well, this is part of the other book that goes with Legend Of The Estev Pearl. it tells about Estev and how the Pearl was created. this is the shortened version.
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