| Submitted on 01/17/2010 |
The room the man was standing in was dimly lit, there were a few areas were a dark sort of light was pressing the darkness into the corners, and enough light to see by, but not much detail could be seen about the room. One would have to work by ears, nose, and touch to work well here. There was someone standing in the doorway, and he knew it was time. Positioning himself the best way he knew how, he got ready for the battle of a life time. It was kill or be killed now.
She walked into the room, shirt clinging to her waist as she drew the daggers from the belts that wrapped around her hips. The one held in her left was as long as her fore-arm and twisted back and forth, made for causing the most damage possible. The one in her right was split towards the end and rather short, meant for catching blades and weaponry of others and breaking them. This blade was also very wide, as far as blades go, meaning it could easily block her from arrows, and could take a bullet, maybe.
All in all, this girl was built for defense, and very little offence. So as she walked into the room and saw her opponent facing her and ready for a fight, she slid into a very malleable stance, ready to deflect anything that might fly towards her.
As the two prepared themselves for something that no one would ever forget -if anyone ever found out- the air settled, like the calm before the storm. There was a quiet click in the background, and with that, the man ran towards her, faster than the girl thought possible. His arms were splayed out behind him, and as he approached her, one arm was being raised with a long weapon his hand. In the dim lighting, no one could see whether it was a sword, or a club, or a weapon that no one can identify.
She dodged right and held her right hand off to the side where she had just been standing, so as to have the mans' weapon hit her dagger. She hoped to jar him, and lose his balance, though it was a long shot. Whipping her left arm forward, she tried to slice his knees, though knew she would miss. If she could his legs, the dangerous speed the man had would not be such a worry.
The mans arm came down and hit the blade as the girl hoped, but only a small piece came out of it, chipping the weapon ever so slightly. Still, the harder he pushed down, the harder it would be for her to keep hold on her weapon. Eventually his weapon slipped and ran up the blade towards her arm, even though she was pulling away. He could see her left arm pulling up away from his knees towards his chest and neck. Using his open left hand, he reached over to grab her arm, but she was pulling her body away from him completely. Because he was not expecting that, his weapon fell from her blade, and her offensive dagger sliced his palm open.
It was known by everyone that she hated to kill others, would she make an exception in this situation? Was she in that much trouble that she needed to?
The man thought she might, because she believed herself to be in peril, but still he had doubts. She was a stubborn and trusting girl. If she got him into position to make deals for his life, she might believe if he said he surrendered.
The girl, though, knew she would only let him live if he did not fight his hardest, and she would let him live only so he could live a life of shame among his people. He would have been beaten by a girl, taking her test to pass into adult-hood. If he fought her and she found him a worthy opponent, then she would kill him and give him an honorable death, one he earned in battle.
They both knew this instinctually, not actually thinking in the middle of a battle. No, instead, life went on as normal.
The girl was backing away swiftly, hopefully buying herself a few moments to plan what to do. Though the man was as quick to recover, as we was on his feet. He swung his head around to find her a few yards from the doorway. Again he ran at her, this time twisting his weapon skillfully as he ran so she couldn't see what his move would be. She would have to act on what she saw, mere seconds before it happened. Swinging her left arm franticly towards him, though keeping her grip tight on the handle of the blade.
The man let out a quiet but harsh noise of pain as the very tip of the blade streaked across his abdomen and left a crimson line of blood from right to left on his dark shirt. His body wouldn't give up though, and his arm swung forward, heaving his body towards the small girl as the tip of his weapon caught her in the stomach. It was sharp on all edges, though in a crude, edgy circular type shape. It was pointed at the end, and thin as a pen all the way down to the handle. She screamed as she felt every detail about it as it began to dig its' way into her stomach before she pushed off him and sliced both blades across his shoulders.
There were tears in her eyes, and stinging the mans’ eyes as well as the two continued the violent dance that most certainly could only end in death. As the pain got worse, so did their anger, and so their fighting styles got dirtier and more sadistic. Their moves were specifically planned out to create the most pain for one another.
The girls' moves were more numerous then the mans', and she landed a large number of blows on him before he finally fell, defeated, bleeding from wounds too numerous to count.
Though the girl was not without injury. She barely had the strength or energy to walk out of the far door with the confidence needed to beat the challenge. It didn't take long for a worried nurse to come up to examine her wounds, and another to run past her into the room with a lantern to check on the other man.
She was an adult. A warrior. She could accept her fate now.
These were her last thoughts before it all went dark from the pain.
Battle Scene.
A young girl wants to become a warrior, and to be counted an adult among the members of her community. The only way to do that is to win a Battle against a swift warrior.
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