Web of Lies
Women are:
Devils in Disguse
the root of suffering
Ha. ...women, in short, have only four catagories. And just like the Animal Kingdom it's kept abundantly simple; there's:
And then there're the women who can: control, destroy, or befriend both with a simple flip of their hair. Or the most dangerous: the ones who don't yet know where they fit in. As the person providing these thoughts I like to think I'm the Dangerous one; but in all honesty I am most likely the Prey.
Easily destroyed though I am most certinally not.
I'd like to share a short story though, on a thought that came to mind about how some women are nothing but demons at heart parading about like a normal woman with a lurking succubus inside, and how some men are so easily swayed by them only to hurt people around them who care for their safety...
It's set in Spring in the distant future, in a time when the world is chaotic with an outbreak of mutated beings who can change their form with the only downside to such power being that they need to eat what their mutated genes would feast on.
Children are told bedtime stories about them, but attacks aren't popular with such creaters so they're considered mythos, just like vampires and werewolves once were.
"Hey! Hey mom! We got a letter from Nicolae!!" A boy shouted and dropped the other papers and letters he'd picked up from the letterbox and ran in with the single letter waving it as if it were a cure for some horrid disease.
To whom it may concern, I am most likely dead. Below is a discription of how where I used my writng talent one last time. Please take it to heart... No one should have to go through what I have ever again.
It was a night like any in town and I was roaming the Artist's Corner where creativity threw its self upon you like a two dollar whore might down on the Main Street where liquor and lust were the more dominant influences. People of all ages and size and towns roamed about like unorganized school children and it made me smile when I'd actually see a few from my old alma mater who wore jackets or scarves with the schools football insignia on them.
I'd just left a small high school owned, student operated of course, gallery that showed the students pieces from the many different art classes. Mrs. E surely had a good crop of minds to mold this year though from the display I'd just witnessed.
'Already in the new semester, time flys.' I thought as I remember the wire sculptures she'd made my own 3-D class do after the Winter break at the beginning of the semester.
Kids had gotten more creative though. Amazingly so too! From the usual ballet dancer or baseball player I'd remebered in my and other classes they'd traded up to jugglers and painters with their own miniature sheet metal canvas'.
I smiled at some girls who seemed to be eyeing me through the large window-front of a popular cafe as I passed by and they giggled and turned back to their hot chocolate and crepes. Smiling to myself I sighed slightly and watched as my breath took on the foggy form that'd been quite present this Winter.
'Twenty degree weather in Florida, the World's going mad.' I thought passivly and clenched and unclenched my hands trying to create warmth within my jackets pockets.
About to enter one of my favorite book-resturant spots that was more for the college crowd my attention was caught by a woman in a short, seemingly transparent, nightie. Not only did it catch me off guard because of the weather but her beauty was otherworldly.
She stood in front of a new store I'd never seen before, a photo shop of sorts it seemed; and she was calmly standing and handing out what looked to be coupons. ...I couldn't help but approach her.
"Flyer sir?" She asked in a captivating voice that made me think 'This is what angels sound like.' "It has a coupon on the back for a free photo that's good till Valentine's Day." She said speaking in that Heavenly voice.
"Thank you." I said and smiled before offering my hand. "I've never seen you in town before, you must be new. I'm Nicolae." I said and gave a friendly smile. "...aren't you cold out here in just...that?" I asked and took in the detail of her outfit.
All of it was white, aside from the form fitting shorts under the nightie, pure as snow that never fell here in this small town. The dress was sheer, her heels had small strings of pearls that tied around her ankles and bowed delicatly on the front of her ankles and went nicely with the costume pearls around her thin neck, and the 20s inspired looking head piece decorated with a small ivory moon hair pin contrasted beautifully with her liquid onyx hair.
She smiled and took my hand, shaking it steadily, her hand cold as Death. "It's actually quite awakening." She said and laughed sweetly. "And my name is Widow, like the spider."
'Well that's a bit off putting.' I thought and raised an eyebrow in interest.
"Unique name for a unique looking woman." I said and kissed her hand, her unstained cheeks a tad dissapointing to me.
"Thank you." Widow said coyly and smiled widely her teeth straight and white as the feather adorning her head. "So um...about that free photo." She said and tilted her head slightly.
"Yes, what about it?" I asked and greatfully took the flyer from her.
"Perhaps I could do it for you now and we could both...warm up inside." She said suggestively making me look at her slightly surprised at her boldness.
"We should do that then." I said and chuckled lightly before she grabbed me with her freezing hands and I following her in without hesitation.
The room she took me to was actually pretty dark for what I knew of lighting for photos and had a few large scale screens with different backgrounds, a few different couches and chairs, floor samples of wood and carpet that were big enough to fit in any shot, even a bed with different sheets folded or thrown about it that had me smiling like a fool.
"Which setting would you like?" Widow asked me from somewhere in the darkness that I hadn't noticed she'd dissapeared to, her footsteps quiet, her curved figure invisible. "We can do one setting, or mix it up and layer two or three." She said as her voice moved about in the darkness from my left to right.
"Do you have a catalog I can look through?" I asked and walked towards the current setting that had a spotlight on it, the background a fantasy castle setting with some sort of transparent web roll out pushed in front of it with a different type of material that looked like actual web residue layed over the floor with some three or four footprints in the mess.
"I think the one you're standing in front of is just fine." She said and appeared from the dark with a smug smirk, her heels silent as the grave making me look down to realize that...we were standing on tile floor.
"That's strange." I muttered quietly and looked back to the beautiful women approaching me. "I guess that free photos brings in a lot of business huh?" I asked and pointed to the imprinted web prop.
"You've no idea." She said with a small laugh and stopped at the beginning of the circle of light next to the camera. "There's a shelf over there of the customers I've gotten just this week. Filled up my first four rows." She said matter-of-factly and nodded toward the dark wooden shelf.
My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to it and laughed. "This background of yours seems to be very popular, I didn't know webs were the craze now-a-days. You sure some of these weren't from Halloween?" I asked with a laugh.
"No they were all taken quite recently. This one is my favorite." She said with the hint of deviousness in her voice as she picked up a petite silver frame and showed me the picture of a somber looking blonde that made me gasp in realization.
"This is that girl that went missing two days ago! Did you give the police any tips? She was last seen in this section of town." I said and looked over her stoic expression with confusion, you think she'd be smiling for a photo.
"No, no I couldn't. The police never had time to meet me, I have a very abnormal schedule in the day." Widow said and brushed off the question.
"I see..." I said thoughtfully and put the frame back on the shelf where it'd been picked up from and I ignored the thought that I'd seen the girls expression change from fearful boredom to terrified and hopeful along with a few other photos on higher shelves.
'It's gotta be this dark and light contrast room messing with my eyes.' I thought and sighed before rubbing them and binking a few times.
"Are you alright?" Widow asked me from across the room where the bed now sat in front of the set-up.
"Fi-...fine. How did..." I began to ask and eyed the addition confused. "That bed was...wasn't it over there?" I asked and pointed to where the pile of cloth lied more than twenty feet away.
"I moved it." The black haired beauty said as if it were the easiest of tasks. "It's quite lite actually for a prop bed." She said making me nod and guess it was just styrofoam. ...really realistic work thought.
"Oh." I said and nodded understandingly. "I could've helped you know." I said and walked up to her where she now sat on the bed. "Such pretty hands shouldn't be put to labor I don't think." I said charmingly and smiled when she blushed lightly.
"I can think of a few other things they'd be good for." She said when I sat next to her on the bed, the comforter soft and feathered heavily making me sink into it slightly.
"Oh really now?" I asked playing along with her. She giggled and nodded before stradeling my lap and pushing me back into the soft blankets so I was facing up to her smiling face. We laughed playfully as she'd pepper kisses up and down my neck as I slowly moved us up the bed towards the short headboard and reached back to grab it to prop myself up only to grab a hand full of something sticky.
Out of reflex I jerked my hand away and looked at what had attached itself to my hand only to find the same material that the shoe prints had been in and tried to shake it off my hand my face a image of disgust I'm sure.
"What isssss it?" Widow asked me with a slight difference in her voice, her 's' drawn out and snake like.
"What's that background layer made out of Widow?" I asked as she sat straight up and I saw her eyes, that were before a tropical deep sea blue, now a Summer sky blue mixed with a hypnotizing neon bubblegum pink. "Whoa..what happened to your eyes?" I asked in surprise and sat up to notice that her outfit had all but changed from the pure white to a Death mimicking black that shimmered like dark water under moonlight.
"They turn this way when I'm about to eat." She said and seductivly ran her hands from my hips up my torso and pinned my arms down. "And you were just so tempting though that I thought I'd have some fun before I Wrapped you up." She said as I felt that same disgusting sticky feeling of web wrapping 'round my forearms.
"What the hell... What are you doing!?" I yelled out and tried to pull my arms down.
"You were just so different looking than most, even your smell was different. I thought you'd be a good mate for the while." She said only scaring and confusing me more. "Would you like to see how I eat?" Widow asked and turned to me with an almost insane smile. "I trap my victims and keep them paralyzed so that the venom mixes in well with their blood to give it a kick. Three days is my prefered aloted time but two day should be fine." She said and pulled the picture of the blonde off the shelf once more.
What happened next I couldn't believe, she poised her hand back as if readying a bow and shot her hand forward only to pull out a mummy looking figure wrapped in what held my wrists. "I'm a Widow Nic, a Black Widow." She said with her back turned to me as she took off the head piece and then pulled her hair back to reveal two small bat looking wings that appeared to be tattooed on her back.
"I enjoy admiring the meal before killing it, and photos seem such a nice way to do that." Widow said as she then grabbed the bag by the foot of it and dragged it over to the bed before pulling it up and setteling it right next to me. "And Molly here was just so cute I don't think I can resist anymore." She said, her eyes insane with thirst and want. Quickly Widow found a small ball that rested at the head of the bag and yanked at it, all the thread that held the bundle together forming into a ball, like those of yarn, to reveal the petrified form of the blonde who I now knew as Molly.
She was smiling...frozen in the last pose of two days ago when she'd felt her last happy moment. "It really is a shame that they end up this way, Vanity surely is the greatest Sin now aside from Gluttony and Lust..." WIdow said thoughtfully. "And I do hate it when my little dolls start frowning in their frames, it leaves me with a terrible after-taste of anguish." She said and shook her head with a scrunched up face of disgust. "It's just...blegh." She continued and then sighed.
"What're you gonna do though ya know?" She asked and shrugged before clearing Mollys hair from her neck.
Frozen in shock and staring with wide fearful eyes I watched as Widow snapped off Mollys head with a twitch of her wrist and a crack of restraint from the body before blood oozed out with a smell of cinnamon making me cringe and wheeze from the strength of the smell. Even more frightful still though...Widows transforming.
Where once a dangerously beautiful woman knelt now sat a huge demon like spider with the torso of the woman I'd lusted after not only ten minutes ago, the red hour glass shape practically glowing in the darkness.
And then...
I awoke later with a satisfied looking Widow hugging around my torso no longer in her horrifiying true form, my clothing was all gone, as was hers; and I felt dirty. Not the kind of filthy I shoud've felt, mentaly so I mean, but physically I felt disgusting.
"Look who's awake." Widow said with a sweet smile I wish was truely as innocent and playful as it seemed. "You've been out for almost a week." She said and stretched luxoriously, I couldn't help but stare.
"Perhaps a bath is in order then." I said, hoping I could clean up and get feeling back into my arms that had been tied up as long as I'd been asleep I'm guessing.
"I think we can do that if you promise not to try and run away." She said and eyed me cautiously.
I nodded with tired eyes and she smiled brightly once more before happily jumping out of the bed (which wasn't a prop, go figure) and bounding out of the studio to where ever the bathroom was. It was close though cause I heard the start of rushing water.
'So what am I now... Future dinner? A captive, a toy?' I thought and let my head fall back as I looked up to the ceiling.
"No Nic, you're my husband." Widow said as if she'd read my mind. "Until of course, you act up or can't please me any longer." She said and traced a finger up and down my neck affectionatly. "And up there is where the kids will be." She said and pointed to the ceiling which, upon closer inspection (and much squinting to see into the darkness past the spotlight), was a large web all across the expanse of the ceiling where already many a young spiderling scurried about making me shiver.
And so my life as Widows toy began and ended...
The only reason you know is becase she let me mail out my final words since I was 'her favorite', she wanted to respect my last wishes. Beware the photo shop on the corner that only appears on cold Winter season nights, because she'll be there.
But if not her then one of her offspring who have been trained. They are armed, they are charming, and they're very, very dangerous.
The elderly looking woman slammed the paper down on the countertop and slowly slid down to sit on the ground with her face in her hands as she sobbed. It couldn't be fake, she knew the myths, and she didn't doubt the blood that was spaltered about the page as ink wasn't her sons.
He was gone, dead, and he wouldn't be the last. But who would believe her just because of some bloody letter...
- by The Siren of Asianland |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/10/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Web of Lies
- Artist: The Siren of Asianland
- Description: The short story that goes with the Avatar submission I made. The title is pretty self explanitory I think, and the visual (I hope) paints a better picture.
- Date: 01/10/2010
- Tags: lies dreams angel demon
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Comments (2 Comments)
- The Siren of Asianland - 01/25/2010
- Thanks ^ w ^
- Report As Spam
- Miomion76x - 01/25/2010
really good ^^
5/5 for you - Report As Spam