She cried all the time; she yarned to feel her body on top of Fashion. Their smooth legs wrapped around each, the passion of their kiss. The great creator up above knew that she became weak in the presents of her ex lover. Why didn’t she tell her that she missed her? She walked around the one bedroom apartment tormented by everything. It all reminded her of Fashion. She screamed at the top of her lungs, but it didn’t ease the pain, everything hurt, her mind started to play tricks on her. Teasing her with countless conversations, she had shared with her lover. On the couch, she watched the movie unfold. Each time she cursed herself for being so stupid, love is only for the devil and his angles she said to herself. She laughed at the fact that she was losing her mind. Inching closer to insanity her mind again played the last scene of her arguing with woman she loved
A huge blister sat on the top on the upper corner of her right lip. Fashion had protested that is was only a fever blister. Mist didn’t buy that statement for a moment, she knew her to well.
“Where is the fever than Fashion?” She said
“I had the damn fever last weekend Mist.” She claimed as she rolled her eyes.
“Fashion didn’t we go out last weekend? I don’t you remember saying you were feeling ill?”
Fashion paused as if she had forgotten to say something. Then she yelled
“What the hell are you trying to say Mist?” Mist hated when females played dumb.
“That you are cheating on me Fashion that’s what the ******** I am trying to say.” She yelled back. The room became silent. Fashion’s brown eyes filled with fear and sorrow at the same time.
“How long have you known Mist?” Tears filled fashion’s eyes
“Since the first time your lips kissed his.” Mist looked at Fashion as chocolate skin turned pale.
“Baby…I…It’s wasn’t like…. I thought about you, I love you Mist.” The words fell on deaf ears. Mist no longer believed anything she said, everything she has shared with this woman became a lie, the laughter, kisses, their future, lies all lies.
“You slept with my twin brother Fashion, and you expect me to believe you loved me.”
“Mist…” She said as she reached for her. Mist dodged her
“Don’t try to touch me Fashion, don’t you dare.” Venom leaked through her words as her grey eyes turned brown
Fashion wrapped her arms around herself. Mist turned, and placed her head against the wall and cried.
“I loved you, Fashion. Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to us?”
“Mist, I’m pregnant….” The words echoed through Mist ears. She laughed as though demons tormented her mind .
“Get the freak out Fashion!”
“Baby wait please… let’s talk about this.” Fashion pleaded
Mist turned around swiftly
“Talk about what Fashion? How you had sex with my brother? How you’re having is baby? We don’t have s**t to talk about Fashion as far as I am concerned, you can get the ******** out!” She said then pointed towards the door.
“Where am I going to go Mist? You are all I have.” She cried.
“You should’ve thought about that before you had sex with my brother. Now leave Fashion before I kill you.” The words were clear. Fashion grab a few of her clothes before she left she said only a few words.
“I know you don’t want to hear this, but I am so sorry. I do love you Mist Angel Toale.”
“You’re right I didn’t want to hear that.”
She watched the scene wondering if she should have listen to her partner. The voices in her head told her she had done the right thing and that Fashion was only using her to get to her brother. Mist nodded because she knew the voices were right.
“But everything about her seemed real; I thought she really loved me.”
“If she really loved you than why she slept with your brother?” The voices questioned.
“You’re right.”
“She never loved you, Mist she was probably thinking about him while having sex with you.” The voices said “You should kill her, Mist.”
“I should… but the baby shouldn’t die because of her mistakes.”
“You’re hurting because of her and that thing growing inside of her.”
“I still love her.”
“You’re pathetic, sitting around here crying.”
“Shut up.”
“You might as well kill yourself.”
“Shut up!” She pulled her hands over her ears to shut the voices out of her head, but it didn’t work she heard the voice that she longed and hated to hear.
“I love you Mist, know that I do love you, and I would do anything to make you happy!”
She closed her eyes as she crossed the insanity line.
The pain swelled in her chest as she reached for the gun that was sitting on the coffee table. This should end all the pain, she thought. She was just about to put the gun in her mouth when a thought came to her mind. She realized that she couldn’t live without Fashion and since she couldn’t she might as well go show her that. She put gun the in her waist belt and headed for the door. Driving she smiled as she pulled up to her ex-lovers mothers’ house. She knew Fashion was here. She exited the car in a calm manner not wanting anyone to get know the true reason of why she had come. Reaching the hard wood door, she tapped on hit three times. Her slender body seemed fragile as she stood there on the steps on the porch. Looking at the Florida palm trees she wondered if she would miss them in her afterlife. At the sound of footsteps she came out of her day dream.
“Who is it?” the voice behind the door said
“It Mist. Is Fashion here?” She said
“Yes, hold on a minute sweetie.”
Just as footsteps were leaving the door she heard new ones approaching. Her mind darted to the song that was playing in her head. A malicious grin came across her face as she sang the words aloud. Just thoughts that crossed my mind, I wonder if anyone cared if I died. Fashion opened the door and looked at Mist with complete longing. Mist returned the gaze with a look of complete hatred. Fashion shut the door behind her, before she could say a word. Mist pulled the gun from her waist belt and shot herself in the head. Her body fell limp to the ground as her lover screamed something she could no longer hear. She died smiling knowing that she had put an end to her suffering; by causing pain to the woman, she loved.
- by Improper Login Name |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/04/2010 |
- Skip

Comments (2 Comments)
- Improper Login Name - 01/19/2010
- Have you ever met a person name Mist Angle Toale... the whole idea of something being cliche is that it has been use some much that you can expected it... for example he was as drunk as a skunk or he was as high as a bird... thats cliche i dont think you even know what the word means because names can not be cliche... and thank so very much for your compliments i appericate it. yes i didnt mean angels. There a bigger story than this small part... which it why she has to have to name
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- charbookwyrm - 01/17/2010
- I like this a lot - you've managed to fit some really interesting scenarios into a very short space, and I really felt for both the protagonists. Your style's good besides the odd error ('the devil and his angles'...I assume you mean angels razz ), and everything flows well. My only slight issue is with the names. 'Fashion' and 'Mist' as first names I can go along with... 'Mist Angel Toale', on the other hand, is a little too cliche-potential for me. But, tis a small gripe, so 4.5/5 smile
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