Chapter 8 - John's condition
(Music playing - Relief/ Megaman ZXAdvent)Download
*In a place called Hunter's camp. There was a bunker used as a sick bay for the wounded and ill. Ashe and Grey were laying in hospital beds treated for injuries. Suddenly, Ashe woke up first.*
Ashe= Uh… What is this place?
Nicol= Hey, you're awake. These Hunters… They helped you. They found you unconscious outside. Luckily you were near Hunter's Camp. Both you and that little boy were lucky.
Ashe= Um, what happened to our booty… the Biometal!?
Nicol= They managed to recover the whole container and bring it here! I told them everything that happened with the airship and all that… They're planning to take it by train to Legion Hedquarters.
Ashe= What? Are they planning to collect on our bounty?
Nicol= Is that what you're worried about? You should consider yourself lucky just to be alive. If you had that Biometal, that Prometheus guy might come looking for you. Sorry, I don't care if the client is Legion, it ain't worth it!
Ashe= Oh, you're pathetic! I'll follow the train by myself if I have to! On top of being called a bug, there's no way I'm going to give up that bounty!
Nicol= Oh, brother! There's just no changing you. If you want to go that bad, I won't try to stop you.
*Suddenly, Grey began to awaken as well.*
Grey= Mmmwwaaa! Huh...? Where am I?
Nicol= Oh, this boy. Another group of hunters found this guy uncounchous. Poor thing must have fell from the dam from that facility that got raided. Another group who lost Nick and Robin found another guy uncouncous in that same facility as well, but that poor soul is in intensive care.
*Billy walks in the bunker with Nicol, Ashe, and Grey. As Grey awakened, he jumped back to the corner with the blaster he picked up from the facility and was pointing it arround the other people, including Ashe.*
Billy= Whoa! Hey, let's just calm down, OK!?
Nicol= Hey, calm down kid. Put that down ok?
Ashe= Who the heck?
Grey= Are you here to kill me!?
Billy= I'm the one who found you outside the camp! Put down your weapon! Were not going to hurt you!
*Grey lowers his weapon, and began to calm down.*
Grey= You... helped me?
Billy= Yeah, don't mention it. What's your name? And what the heck happened to you?
Grey= Grey... At least, that's what she called me anyway. When I woke up, I was inside some kind of building... And there was a woman... She said her name was Pandora. Right before she tried to kill me. I ran... Everything after that is a blur.
Billy= Well, there must be some reason you can't remember...Don't let it get you down. It'll all come back to you. This is Hunter's Camp, a gathering place for bounty Hunters. They're a pretty rowdy bunch, but they're all good people. It's good to have guys like them around. Hey, you haven't had a chance to see the camp yet. OK, exit this room and meet me at the transerver next door. Before we go to that, there's something I wanna show you. You too little lady. The other hunters brought a guy back from the facility, they claim him to be
the legendary Mega Man Plum. There's something badly wrong with him.
Grey= Uh... Um...!...Uh, thank you for saving me...
Billy= *smile* Like I said, don't mention it. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.
And you too young lady. Your name.....?
Ashe= My name is Ashe,.... sir.
Nicol= Ok, let's go to intensive care first to check up on the 3rd guy.
*Meanwhile....inside the intensive care room......*
Nurse 1= Look.... he's begining to awaken.
Nurse 2= His resportory seems to be normal.
Nurse 3= But there is a biometal inside him. I dont understand this, I mean, he came in with this pink and lavendar biometal.
*Nicol, Billy, Ashe, and Grey enter the room.*
Ashe= Hey! I know that guy! He was with those pirates.....who had that blue biometal.
Grey= Is he here to ....... kill us?
Billy= Don't be obsurd! This guy..... he looks just like the face of the history books. He's John, the hero of Abagale.
Ashe= This guy is....... I can'tbelieve it! He's ..... a legend!?
Nicol= Are you sure he's not a faker? He could be a clone, .... well, ..... this guy can't be over 100 years old can he?
Nurse 1= Even though his vital organs and respotory are good and normal, I dont understand this device welded to his body.
Nurse 2= We don't dare to tamper with it, but it's like a power scorce like no other we ever seen before.
John= Uhhhhhh..... oh man, what a headpopper.....
Nurse 3= He's completely awake.
Billy= Oh, good. Let's make sure he's ok.
John= Where am I? Huh? It's you.... that hunter girl.... and that boy? I saw you fall from that place.....
Ashe= How did you get yourself into this situation?
Grey= And you saw me?
Ashe= Everyone..... he's wanted by Giga city and by Legion.
John= Me, wanted? What do you mean? If you mensoned pirates, I was forced into all of this. I didnt choose it. I had a friend who was abducted by them, so I needed to do them a favor.
Nicol= That explains you saving Ashe from that Giga Aspis back from another ruin site.
John= Do you think I would want to hurt anyone? I didnt want to help those servebots steal your treasure either.
Billy= So you were used by them all allong? Man, im sorry.
Ashe= You were used by them all allong huh?
Grey= You ..... you wanted to save me did you?
John= Yeah, but I got stopped by the leader, even after I was sent to his rescue. Speaking of that...... Phil,.... I got to go find him.
(Music dies down slowly)
Ashe= Not so fast!..... First,....where's that blue biometal?
John= I gave it to Phil, so HE couldnt take it, allong with the other biometal I found. You got to believe me, im doing this for a good cause. Please dont hate me. I still got to find my friends, .....
Nurse 2= But wait. Let's not push it too far yet. There's something you all need to know. His body.... had been invaded by a actrocous biometal that's literaly inside of him.
(music playing - A fly on the wall/ Chobits)Download
Nurse 1= He came in wearing this biometal. Look.
Model S= Oh.... John. Please tell me is he gonna be ok!?
Nurse 3= He's going to be just fine. Now to hear from the results of the aurtopsy. His body had somehow become a self regenerating Model W. The biometal that invaded his body, he can megamerge with it at anytime, however, we do not have the rescorces to do further investigation of this.
Nurse 2= But, if we can get him transported to Legion headquarters, they can do further anyalisys on his body and also,... they can also examine this biometal allong with the one recovered from the raider ship.
Nicol= Sounds good. What do you think Billy?
Billy= Sounds good. So....um,..... John. Can you walk?
John= I .... guess....
*John gets up from the hospital bed and moves arround a bit trying to adjust.*
Nurse 1= His mobility looks normal.
Nurse 2= Oh, we need to show you something else before you head off. You need to see the demonstration of this new power of John's.
Nurse 3= Follow us to the test room, then you all may be free to go.
*They all walk in the test room. Ashe, Grey, Billy, Nicol, and the 3 nurses were behind the shielded glass but John was in the test hall itself.*
Nurse 1= Ok, seal the room.
Nurse 2= John, megamerge with the Model W. We will release the mechanloid targets.
Nurse 3= Releasing targets, and now ..... begin!
*John megamerged with the Model W inside of him and his arm formed into a cannon weapon similar to Model N except it was a bit more actrosous and dark with a touch of white, the mechanloids formed a group ready o be shot, John fired the weapon on him and the blasts were like fully charged shots shaped like a javelin coated with a dark aura and with a single shot, destroyed the targets almost into bits and dust. John disabled the biometal after that.*
Ashe= No way!?
Grey= He's that strong?
Billy= Oh man.... with this guy, fighting back the mavericks will be no problem.
Nicol= Everyone, thank you for all of your help.
Nurse 1= Ok, you are all free to go. Please go to the transerver bunker.
Nurse 2= We do not want to keep the 3 of you waiting.
Nurse 3= John, before you go, we like for you to change into some new clothes.... take this disc with you when you go in the transerver. You will get a specal outfit once you step in there ok?
John= Thanks guys.
(Music changes to - Den of hunters/ Megaman ZXAdvent)Download
*Everyone began to walk from the sick bay bunker to the transerver bunker,... John wanted to talk to Ashe badly...*
John= Ashe,.... listen, about the time we met earlier,....I want to apologise about everything.
Ashe= Yeah, what about it? Someone I met told me that you were some sort of sick thief that even stole force metal from him.
John= Must be Dr. Wily. Listen, whatever you may have heard, Dr. Wily is someone you can't trust. He's a bad man, and I dunno why he's in charge of Giga city now.
Ashe= Then when I go to the legion headquarters, I can turn you in as well.
Grey= What are you guys talking about?
Ashe= You stay out of this!
John= Don't be so hard on him! We just met him and he's probably going through allot as we are. Listen, Dr. Wily is using you, he's a terrorist and a madman who I delt with before. I'll explain it later.
Billy= What's going on here?
Nicol= John. Did you say you stole from Giga city?
John= I had no choice. I was held by the Bonnes, a notorious pirate group. I had something to repay them with and I needed to do it for them to help settle there debt.
Ashe= So you were in debt with pirates huh? But you did save me from that snake mechanloid afterall. So I dont believe your a bad guy.
John= Thanks. *smiles*
Ashe= But.... you are also my booty too! Now you have a new debt to pay.....MINE!
Grey= So you were a pirate?
John= No buddy, I was in debt with them, they had a friend of mine I been trying to rescue....
Ashe= Your name is Grey right?
Billy= Ok, were here. Everyone step inside.
*Everyone steps inside the chamber.*
Nicol= Were here, all 3 of you step inside the transerver.
Billy= That machine's called a transerver. You can use it to save data. Go ahead, all 3 of you stand on the platform.
*John, Ashe, and Grey stood on the platform..... when it activated, the disk from John's possesion vanished and sudenly.... John was instantly outfitted with a specal hunter uniform and all 3 obtained a hunters licence.*
John= Woah!.... My clothes.... and whats this....a hunters licence!?
Grey= A Hunter's License? I don't get it...
Billy= By accessing the server, you've been officially registered as a Hunter. There are transervers spread out all over the place. When you find one, be sure to save, and save often!
Grey= Wait a minute! I never said that I wanted to be a Hunter...!
John= Me too..... a hunter? But I got a group im with who.....
Billy= Just keep it. There are a lot of illegal Hunters, Raiders and such out there. You can't get into Hunter's Camp without your Hunter's License. Take a look around later on. Oh, by the way! Do you wanna help me with a mission?
Grey= A mission?
Billy= Job requests we Hunters get now and then. You get paid when you carry out a job successfully. Hey, it's a living. Anyway, I've got to get ready for the mission, so I'll be at the station. Give me a holler when you're ready to go.
Ashe= Now I'm set!
Nicol= Those guys who took our Biometal are probably at the station getting the train ready. Be sure to let me know it goes, OK? I wanna tell everybody that I went on an adventure with you. Leave it to me! People are gonna be talking about me all around the world.
Ashe= Al right, Im gonna make people all over the world talk about me too.
John= Looks like there's gonna be another story about me too.
Ashe= Looks that way, that makes you MY assistant.
John= What about Grey? He's in this too, he deserves part of this as much as we are.
Grey= Really?
Ashe= Well, ok. You too.
Nana= I haven't seen you three around here before. My name is Nana. How do you do? I'm an Operator in training here at Hunter's Camp. I know you probably don't need my help but, allow me to explain a few things to you. That device is called a Warp Point. You can use the transerver back there any time to go to wherever there is a Warp Point. But it looks like that one isn't working, because it's all out of power. If you have enough E-crystals, you
can press up on the +Control Pad and start it up. Let's start this one up just for now. See? Pretty neat, huh? With this you can use a transerver to come back anytime! You can look at the map to see which areas are accesible. When you start up the Warp Point, the area will light up red. So, you should be able to find it right away. I wonder if you were able to understand my explanation, since I'm still in training. Also, in Beginner Mode all you have to do is touch it and it will start up automatically! If you don't understand something, please ask me again, OK?
John= Thanks Nana. I'll come visit you whenever I can.
Nana= Oooh, Than you.... John.
Grey= ......,
Ashe= *ahem*
John= Right.
*They all head out to look arround the camp, then they sit at the bar for cold drinks. They met a bartender named Jim and 2 other people, a middle aged guy named Ward and a sassy blonde reploid girl named Elena*
Jim= Hey, I didn't know kids liked to drink coffee. I'm Jim, and this is my café. I used to make my living as a Hunter, but I wasn't very good with directions, you know. I realized that it just wasn't for me and got out.
John= Im not a kid.
Ashe= He works for me now. And so does this guy over here.
Grey= Really?
Jim= I started this place hoping it'd be somewhere the Hunters could relax and enjoy themselves. I'm still learning the ropes of this business. And, making a lot mistakes too.
Grey= Im still learning too..... about who I am.
John= I just became a hunter too.
Jim= Even now, though, I reminisce about the days when I used to travel around the world. If I can't be a Hunter, I want to be somebody who chases after romance, you know, a love Hunter... Nah, I was just kidding. Pretend you never heard that.
*They all walked to the next guy....*
Ward= So your Hunters too, huh... Boy, there's just no shortage of new recruits lately. The name's Ward... Pleased to meet you! I put bounties out on the Mechaniloids that show up around here, and I make the payouts to those Hunters who have the right stuff. If you think you've go the right stuff, you should take a crack at it.
Ashe= Thanks. We sure will.
John= I need to get back at casting my spells too.
Ward= Spells?
John= Im a magic user.
Ward= Hahahahaha... yeah right guy.
Grey= Magic? ......,
John= Never mind.
*Then finaly, the blonde girl Elena.....*
Elena= What are you people looking at? Do I have something on my face? You must be 12 going on 20 if you think you can talk to me! Remember that for the next time we meet!
Ashe= Me.... 12? You got to be kidding me.
Grey= I dunno how old I am either.
John= Im way over 20.
Elena= Don't get so close to me! You're crowding my space! Did I not just warn you aboutthat kind of thing!? I don't want you breathing down my neck. I'm an elite Hunter!
John= Ashe, Grey, time to go.
*John takes Ashe and Grey by the hands and walks out of the bar.*
(Music dies down slowly)
John= *mocking Elena* I don't want you breathing down my neck. I'm an elite Hunter!
Please, like we need to listen to that gab!
Grey= What... your angry at her?
Ashe= Are you alright John?
John= I just can't stand people like that,.... *sighs*
Ashe= Ok, John. I want to hear everything about you. Are you really who they say you are, or
are you a clevar guy who's actually a pirate?
John= I will tell you everything.
(Music playing - The lone Dalek/ Doctor Who soundtrack)Download
--------------------------------John's story-----------------------------------------
*I was once a normal human being from another dimenson, nothing interesting ever happened from my world. No fair economy, not enough excitement, just a normal boring life. Sometimes it was carefree, some times I had to struggle, no matter, it was just a plain life for me. But one day, at the mall ground where I usually do my Saturday shopping relaxing in a ferris
wheel one summer day when I was enjoying the rare event. Usually, the mall holds a carnival or 2. A big blue box flew up in the sky out of nowhere, and it crashed on my position and just took off. The big blue box was a spaceship found by 3 girls from another dimenson, these girls were Kaolla Su, Shinobu Maehara, and Nyamo Namo. Kaolla, the leader, was the captain of the ship. They took me in and ever since we been traveling paralel dimensons, time, and space. We traveled so many worlds, we just couldnt stop. One day, Kaolla's world were invaded by a fierce race of aliens called the Daleks. The Daleks thought to be extinct, siezed her Earth, galactic federation units and a few alien organizations tried to save that Earth, but they lost. The Dalek armada was far too strong for all federations, so a retreat was ordered. Only 10% survived. One day, when we were traveling again, we came across an
asteroid belt and the Tardis "the ship we were traveling in" hit an asteroid and damaged it and the girls were warped in separate locations through time, and locations. I remained in the Tardis. I fell unconcous. A girl named "Ciel" found me and went through some files given to me by a friend. Plans to create the "Biometal". I fought against Dr. Wily "The same guy you met in Giga city" and his magical partner "Dalton". Dr. Wily comes from this dimenson 300 years ago from this world, but Dalton came from a separate world. I went to a continent called "Abagale" where the 4 guardians and a big society worked in alliance. I joined that group and fought a man named Dr. Weil. Dr. Alfred Weil was revived by Dalton and Dr. Wily. That was a big mistake. One day, Dr. Weil betrayed the two. He almost repeated the same disaster he did when another reploid fought against him. Also durring the elf wars. I left that world and traveled 100 years into it's future and fought Slither inc. I met 2 kids and a blonde guy and we became partners. Also, another guy like me from the same world I come from named Phillip. Allong with Kay, Brock, and Maggie. We worked hardto fight against prometheus and Pandora and saved that continent as well......
-------------------------John's story ended--------------------------------------------
Ashe= Woah.......John.... im....im sorry. Im sorry I accused you of being a petty thief and a pirate. You probably needed that blue biometal afterall.
John= It's ok. Really.
Grey= Wow, you sure do know allot about megamen.
Billy= Dang man. You sure are the legendary megaman afterall.
Nicol= So your not from this world afterall. But your still in the history books.
(Music dies down slowly)
Ashe= So.....is everyone ready? Let's go deliver the biometal and John to the legion headquarters.
*All of them walked to the direction of the train station and prepaired for the trip to Legion H.Q.*
(Music playing - The Under/ Pokemon Coluseum)Download
*Meanwhile....... in the Hannibal........Tom McDonald was pilotong the ship..........*
Tom= Alright, Dr. Wily said he got something for us to deliver for him to a band of space pirates. What do you think about it Kane?
Kane= Hmmm,.... It depends on what it is. I like to know something about the cargo were shipping too.
Gotfried= I also heard from Dr. Wily that were also picking up 3 new crew members. Some revived reploids from the sigma war era.
Tom= .....Sigma..... what a guy. I wish we all could be like Sigma. The reploid was strong and fierce.
*The Hannibal landed on Giga city's docking bay. The three reploids entered the scene with a cargo crate.*
Kane= You 3 must be them aint it?
Agile= That's correct my human friend.
Violen= We got a specal package for you to deliver to the space pirates. We have our own mission, to hunt down John before Omega Zero and your git brother does.
Sagesse= Dr. Wily told us how John and his friends fought against Zain, Geemel, Bass, and Vile.
Tom= Clearly, John was able to twart them afterall, but not against me. I'll find this John bloke too, and when I do, I'll show me brother that I too am powerful.
*Tom holds a biometal Model MT, the decepticon biometal, but Dr. Wily also shows up as well.*
Dr. Wily= I need you all to deliver these packages safely to the space pirate field. I have some sort of..... upgrade units for them. Were gonna build an army of invincible solgers and sieze Legion headquarters.
Tom= Alright. Are you comming with us Doctor?
Dr. Wily= I like to, but I need to take care of things here. There's lots of history books and archives I need to look through. Information about Zero, my last powerful creation, That meddlesome Megaman and his friends, if I can uncover some sort of weakness...... I can see if I can create a secret weapon.
Kane= I see. So is this John bloke that much of a threat?
Dr. Wily= He is indeed a thorn on my side.
Tom= Netherless, it will be done. Thank you.
*The Hannibal takes off with the packages and the 3 reploids. Outside.... where Dr. Wily watched the skies... one of his robot masters arrived, it was his old specal unit members Einker.*
Einker= Master, Metal Man has news for you.
Dr. Wily= Patch me through.
Metal man (radio)= Boss, one of our mechanloid spies found John in some sort of hunters camp, we descovered that your new friend Ashe, descovered more than she needed too.
Dr. Wily= What!?
Metal man (radio)= John and Ashe was united at some hunters bar and were talking about you. Ashe knows your roots now.
Dr. WIly= Blasted!! Where are you know?
Metal Man (radio)= Were with some hunters and we left the continent to do more hunting for Model W's.
Dr. Wily= Continue to search for the Model W's and keep using the hunters. Inform me whenever you can.
Metal man (radio)= Understood. Over and out.
Einker= What about me sir?
Dr. Wily= You and your unit is needed here. Continue to give orders to the giga police to stay in there positions and continue guarding these sectors. We need all the job hunting reploids we can get on making our new secret weapon.
(Music dies down slowly)
Einker= Yes boss. I will remind Quint and Punk to do the same.
*Meanwhile...... back in the Kakarott..........Kay was talking to Teasel and Tron in the detainment chamber where the pirates were held captive.*
(Music playing - Meditation room/ Megaman Legends)Download
Kay= So you got John into piracy huh? Do you know what this means? The Code of Iron do not tollerate using one of us for such crimes. Not to menson you can also get John into loads of trouble with Giga city and Legion.
Teasel= But we needed him to steal parts to fix our flux compasator. I thought the force metal could help.
Tron= John owed us you know. We helped him save one of his girl crewmembers right? We also helped him fight that Dr. Wily as well.
Kay= That's awfuly thoughtful of you but you could'ive turned to us for help. We would have cooperated if you were to come straight to me with John in the first place.
Teasel= Well..... I never thought of that......
Tron= Me neither..... but look on the bright side, we did help John find those 3 biometals.
Kay= Well, that you did. My friend Roll talked to me about your pardon. Im still discussing it with her, and I have not came to a desicion yet. You still had violated one of our members.
Teasel= But what about my Marlwolf?
Kay= It's safe in our hands. My resistance ellete crewmembers are now under control of your ship. Your servebots are still doing well.
Tron= You know, for your information, we also had to deal with space pirates and we also lost servebots too.
Kay= .......im sorry, .....im sure they fought well. But what happened to John back at that facility is still your fault and another reason why Phillip, one of our strongest C.O.I. members is in a total funk and furrious towards you Bonnes.
Tron= You mean that guy in the blue with that bone handeled sword?
Teasel= Phillip?
Kay= Phillip McDonald is his name. He is searching for John as we speak. John gave him these biometals to him before we lost him, and Kaolla and her team are working on it to uncover a secret.
Tron= Secret? You mean the 3 biometals we helped him find was ...... wait a minnute. That blue spikey biometal did menson something about important information.
Teasel= Especcaly when we were at those ruins of some old condemed tower.
Kay= Interesting. Were you followed?
Teasel= Yes, the space pirates showed up and attacked us. Luckly John smashed up the computer before they could get the data.
Tron= I gotta tell you, John is a nifty guy, especcaly when he teleported in our Marlwolf that time ago.
Kay= Teleported? I have this device here, made out of Dalekanium that Kaolla Su made, is this what he had on him?
Teasel= Yes that,s it.
Kay= Then John must'ive escaped Dr. Wily's trap then, when he was fighting Omega Zero and Dr. Weil. First of all, I didnt approve Kaolla making these, but now im glad she did. But still..... I know John is allive out there somewhere. Not to menson all these Model W's were looking for.
Tron= Did you find any Model W's?
Kay= Yes I did, about 3 of them back in another continent and 4 in Abagale. And we destroyed them all.
Teasel= Destroyed them? Why? Why destroy such treasure?
Kay= That is not treasure....that is the remains of Rangarock, and Rangarock 2 since the Model W's now have doubled. Listen, these Model W's are too dangerous to concider them as treasure. They can be used to create a deadly weapon. It's not worth going through such a conquest. They have to be destroyed.
Tron= Man, I never knew they can be such a menace.
(Music dies down slowly)
Kay= That's why we need your help now, show us the path to Giga city and myself and my crew would like to investigate further into this situation when John was last with you. And if you excuse me, I still need to talk to Roll about other matters.
(Music playing - Relaxation/ Megaman Battle network transmision)Download
*Meanwhile with the crew of the Pillar of Autumn.... in the vault and cargo chamber,where the Tardis was stored, Kaolla was still working on the continents of the CCUnit......accompanied by Serpant and Violet.*
Serpant= Whew.... there was a reploid girl inside the CCUnit?
Kaolla= John must'ive found something really good.
Violet= Probably kept it secret from the Bonnes. Who knows what the Bonnes would have done to it.
Model SH= Me and John found this when we were in the Giga continent. Those Bonnes also forced John to steal something called a Force Metal. The Bonnes already have one.
Serpant= Now it's in our hands since now the Bonnes are now arrested and in Kay's hands. Why would they need such a device?
Violet= Probably to repair their travel machine. Theres is probably an old model flux compasator.
*Sudenly Kos-Mos appeared in the Tardis holding a plate full of snacks and food. Shinobu and Nyamo also showed up.*
Kos-Mos= Kaolla, I brought you something to eat. Working on this must make you hungry.
Shinobu= I already fixed the crew lunch. Wanna take a break?
Nyamo= By the way, how is all that stuff comming allong?
Kaolla= Oh we found something interesting. Model SH found lots of data and I used the Tardis's computer to translate it...check this out, this was the data John found when he was in the condemed tower where the reploid Epsilon was born.
*Kaolla activated a monitor on the computer screen and the screen read.....Computer log.......********......year 22xx
Force Metal- An unheard of mineral substance known as force metal was extracted from the derbis of the small planet of 2202XA8. Almost immediantly, force metal technology revolutionized the field of reploid engeneering. On the artifical island of Gigantis, a massive facility was constructed for the purpose of mining force metal. Everything seemed to be in working order.... until a band of renegade reploids equipped themselves with weapons instigated a revolt in one sector of the island. The goverment branded Epsilon, the mastermind of the revolt, as a maverick and dispatched a maverick hunter team to Gigantis.
......log end.....*
Kaolla= Here was another set of data that was damaged.......
*Kaolla pressed another button on the computer and the monitor read.......*
*Computer log.......****.......year 22xx FMG- Force Metal generator...project given to.......iruhgieuhffh4fhiufhciurir.....puseroid....Gualdile....fiugfi3ygfbi`24bfi4bf3i4ubf3i4b3i4fb43ibf3ifb....Specal reploid girl....94yry4433ifhbhi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
Serpant= That data was damaged, it's no good.
Kaolla= Now here is the same data but fully translated.
*Kaolla hits another button with the same data, but fully translated.......
Computer log......****.......year 22xx...FMG- Force Metal Generator, the project given to psuderoid scientist profesor Gualdile, He created the advanced prototype reploid to turn the force metal generator into a mobile unit capable of specal healing and the ability to repair and also some form of self defense. He made it into a form of a reploid girl codenamed....Cinimon. Gualdile and Psychie were once a great scientific team, lately Dr. Psychie began to act suspicous, so Gualdile kept the project secret from him, to prevent missuse. Now the threat of Epilon has ended and now will put Cinimon in suspended animation.
........log end.......*
Serpant= Exelent work Kaolla!
Violet= For a human, you sure have a tallent for computers and data repair.
Kaolla= Oh it's nothing.
Serpant= So this is who this broken reploid girl is..... Cinimon.
Kaolla= Imagine if we rebuilt and revived her, she would be great help to us all. Ok, we'll
take a lunchbreak and then we revive her.
Shinobu= What about those other biometal's Model C and FA?
Kaolla= There still in a bad state.
Model K= Those poor biometal... Model C and FA went through allot for John. They even risked their own destruction to save and protect him. I wonder what Model S is doing?
Probably the same for him.
Model MA= I bet she's a strong hearted biometal.
Model K= She's got powers even I couldn't handle.
Model SH= What about the other biometals besides us?
Kaolla= Oh we got Model X, Model Z, Model F, Model Pr, Model B, Model A, Model L, Model Ph, Model H, and we also have Phil's biometals Model OP, Model BB, and ....
Model G= Woah dude, that's allot of biometal.
Kaolla= But we had copies of Model H, L, Ph, and F, but we gave them to Vent and Aile. They stayed with Prairie on there ship. There also looking for the Model W's. I wonder what they been up too? They didnt travel in time like we did, they must'ive grown up a bit by now.
Serpant= Vent....Aile....*sighs*....They must be Giro's age by now...... and look what I
have done to them....but neither less... I will attone for what I did to them.... and be a real hero.
Shinobu= It's ok Serpant. It wasn't your fault. The Model W used you.
*the intercom activated and Jack'svoice spoke*
Jack (intercom)= Yo, everyone in the Tardis, are you comming for lunch!? C'mon mates!
Violet= Jack's calling. We better hurry.
*When they arrived at the mess hall of the ship, there were 3 new crewmembers, Halkel, Moriah, and Brock. Assighned by Kay to Phil to assist in the newcommer training program and help search for John and the Model W's.*
Jack= There you are.
Shinobu= How is Phil-sama?
Jack= He's really had it you know? After the encounter with the Omega doppleganger, he got all mad and left all by himself. He left Cedre and Kos-Mos in charge.
Serpant= Don't tell me he's gone solo?
Halkel= Im afraid so. These events of John getting lost over again really got him stirred you know. Zero also left by himself too. I bet Zero is just as angry as Phil too.
Moriah= It's just crazy, I mean, John is a great fellow.
Brock= I know John and Phil are seriously supportive but to be seperate from one another must be tough for the both of them.
Kaolla= How is Maggie and Roll doing?
Halkel= There both fine. They decided to work for Kay full time now. Kay also sent more custom biometals too, there presents for Ciel and Mer.
*The biometal (new transformers biometal) poped out as if they were having a fight over there new owners.*
Model Sk= I want her! The girl is mine! Ya' hear!
Model MF= Why do you always get the girl? Why do I end up with that boy?
Model SK= Cause girls go for the green guys, like Kermit!
Model MF= Oh alright, if it makes you feel better, I can sort'a get used to the boy.
*Model SK (the green biometal) chose Ciel to be for him, as for Model MF (the hot orange biometal) chose Mer for his partner.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Jack= Alright blokes, no fighting in the mess hall!
Model MF= Sorry Jack. It's a twin thing.
Model SK= Sorry man, we'll behave.
(Music playing - Awake/ Megaman ZX)Download
*Meanwhile....... somewhere else.....Phil was on a hovercycle riding through a desert and running through some neiboring ruins. Usually, he stopped by some old villages and run down towns showing people a picture of John asking questions. Then..... when he stopped by a cliff to get a view of the continent...... he seen something that had spotted him who he havent seen since...... it was Praries ship.......Phil got a hailing signal through his wrist com-link.*
Prairie (radio)= Phil! We see you in our radar.
Phil= Prairie. How you been?
Prairie (radio)= I been busy hunting the Model W. Why not come aboard for a bit? There's some people whi wish to see you.
*Phil boarded the ship........*
Fleueve= Phil! How's it going young man!?
Phil= Oh, I been fair mate. It's good to see you again.
Fleueve= The crew havent seen you in 4 years.
*Suddenly, Vent and Aile showed up and greeted Phil, Vent and Aile, were a bit taller since they last met Phil, Vent had gotten buffed up a bit and grew his hair long like Giro, and Aile developed a bit herself and now has a long rat tail (Thin ponytail) and they were happy to see him.*
Phil= *smile* Vent, Aile. Lookin good. Long time no see.
Vent= It's been good man, were still using Model X and Z.
Aile= Me too, I got a copy set myself.
Phil= Exelent, what happened to your other set?
Vent= We gave them to the legion H.Q. for examination. A sage trinity member named Master Mikial wanted to study them, then so did the whole group, paid us allot of E-crystals for them too.
Aile= So Phil, where's John? Is he with you?
Phil= Im afraid he gotten himself lost..... again. Twice!
Vent= Again!? Man, John is hard to keep up with.
Aile= I bet Kaolla has to keep tabs on him allot. Poor Shinobu and Nyamo. I bet they stay worried for poor John, by the way, have you found Nyamo yet?
Phil= Her we found. She was with John when they ended up with the Bonnes. A gamg of pirates that we found raiding one of the sage trinity owned facilities, me and Kay's group cought them, but we ran into Omega Zero again. He's the reason John is gone again. If I find that old scrap of bolt's and if he's done anything to hurt John in any way, so help me god I will......
Vent= Omega Zero?.......*clenches fist*......he killed Giro........
Aile= That b*****d......Phil, let us help you for awhile, we can hunt some Model W for awhile. Im sure John is safe somewhere, I can just feel it.
Phil= I know mate, I still believe he's allive and well, but I wish I knew where in the bloody hell he is?
Fleueve= So Phil, how's the others been? And how has Cedre been?
Phil= Oh there fine, and Cedre had been doing great. She's gettin part of the fighting action too. Our new member Jack, got shot in our last mission, but we were able to save him.
Fleueve= Oh, im sorry. I hope he gets well.
Phil= He's fully recovered already. And we tried to save John but someone else got him instead and we dont know where he is now, but im glad Omega Zero didn't finish him off. But I still would like to know what he did to him. I hope it was something like a warning.
Vent= But we got more Model W's to search for, I know you miss John badly.
Aile= We don't want to hold you up.
Prairie= But im glad you came to see us at least. Oh John..... I will also prey for his safety, I don't want John to end up like Giro. Even though, those Bonnes may have used him, after what John had been put through, Im sure he remains loyal to us and everyone else.
Vent= Ok, Phil, take care of yourself. Tell John I said hi, if you ever find him.
Aile= Same here. I wanna let John know that I want to see how he is too.
*Phil leaves the ship and starts to search the continent for him, searching for John hoping that whatever Omega Zero did to John wasn't life threatning........ or is it?......*
To be continued.......
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/04/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes 3 -ch.8
- Artist: Tanooki John
- Description: My Megaman ZX Advent, Doctor Who, styled crossover fan fiction. Other crosvers, Megaman ZX Advent, and all characters are (c) to there respected owners.
- Date: 01/04/2010
- Tags: megamanzxadvent megamanlegends metroid halo
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 01/04/2010
1. Jesus Christ, Model W's in YOU?!
2. Tom has Model Mtron?! Oh s**t, now it's metal on metal action!!
3. Ciel & Mer are in for a ball with Skds & Mflp!!
4. It was great to see the Guardians...but I still won't give up
my search for you, John! - Report As Spam