Love and Swordplay experiment
Chapter 2: Birth of Snow
I’ll spare you the details of the birth giving process, but I will tell you that I was biggest b***h in the room! It took at least fifteen hours due to complications, but she was healthy- Kiri too, she’s strong! After all that, I gave the little miracle to Kiri… She deserved to feel this way more than anyone else. “What’s her name?” Ok, I know just rushed that, but I told warned her two months ago that I’d do that!
“Hmmm… How about Snow?”
“It’s not my choice, you did all the work.” I joked halfheartedly. What, I’m not about to argue with her, she just gave birth!
“You helped… Although, the passing out thing scared me a little.” She laughed weakly. I was reminded of why I asked her to marry me. Just everything about her makes me lost for words… It’s weird, but the very rare good kind… She’s just perfect.
“… Her name’s perfect for her.” Snow Gara… Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
“Then it’s settled.” Kiri said, caressing Snow’s face- which they both seemed to enjoy.
“… Oh, how sweet!”
That voice. “… Xing! Go back to hell!”
“Don’t worry; I’m not here to fight! I’m just here for the child.”
“… If that’s what you’re here for, then you don’t have a choice but to fight! You’re not taking my daughter!”
“If you insist… Just know that it didn’t have to be this way. You should’ve stayed away from the Agendum family!”
“Agendum? I’m guessing the marriage is official…? Good for them, but I still don’t give a damn!”
She lunged at me faster than I was used to guarding against. I raised my blade just in time to avoid harm, but I ended up open to attack. She swung as fast as lightning and cut me, but it wasn’t deep enough to kill me. I used a move that was known to break bones; I used the tip of my shoe and kicked her hard in the ribs to knock her back. She spit blood to the floor and started breathing harder.
“… Nice… Blow.”
“Thanks.” I lunged at her, swinging my blade downward. She dodged it and tried to swing kick me backward into Snow and Kiri… Fortunately, I always have something up my sleeve!
Right before she hit me, I did something that you usually see ninjas or samurai do; I vanished and reappeared behind her with my blade fully extended beside me. “Game over.” I said as she fell to the ground, bleeding uncontrollably fast. I never have the heart to look at anyone who was forced to watch me kill someone. “… Are you ok?” I asked still looking away.
“Yeah, I’m fine… This wasn’t how I planned to be her first day on Earth would be like.”
“You and I both… I’m about to go see if Gracia is ok, do you need anything?”
“Just some rest would be fine… And a good dream next to my fiancée.” She said giggling… I still can’t get over what a miracle she is… And to think that I was lucky enough for her to have another miracle by me… I don’t deserve either of them, I don’t deserve Gracia… But I love them all.
“I’ll be right back… Wait for me.”
“… I’m not going anywhere without you.” She said as I about to leave. She said that when this all started four months ago, and it’s still true in more ways than I could count.
I nodded and left, leaving an air kiss behind… What, I do that sometimes! I opened Gracia’s door slowly to see if she was still asleep. I stepped slowly to her bedside and- and I know this may seem weird- held her hand softly, like this was the last time I was going to see her alive… But in my life, you never know. I kissed Gracia’s forehead and left before I woke her up. “… Stay brave for me.” I said right before I re-opened the door.
“… I will.” She replied sleepily and quietly.
I chuckled and left back to my room. Gracia was depressed ever since I left her with Kiri four months ago, but you probably wouldn’t know that unless she told you. I opened the door to my room hard, - just in case- closed it back softly, and lay down next to Kiri, who was still up. “How is she?” I asked.
“Just went to sleep before you came back… How’s Gracie?”
“She’s doing that half sleep thing again, but she’s ok… But, you know she’s still having nightmares, right?”
“Did she tell you that?”
“No, but I did hold her hand… She was trembling.”
No answer.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, I just thinking.”
“… You’d get mad if told you.”
“No I won’t, promise.”
“I was just thinking about why was so depressed… And I don’t want to be mean anything, but maybe-“
“I caused it?”
No response other than a hesitant slow nod.
I flipped to my back in thought. “… Yeah, I know, but that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know… It shouldn’t have crossed my mind, I sorry.” She said in sincerity, looking down at Snow, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms.
“You shouldn’t be… You’re entitled to share how you feel; I just wish you’d do it more often.”
“Sorry… Wait, I don’t tell you how I feel? What about a few days ago?”
“A few days ago, I didn’t know how you felt.”
“… Oh, right.”
“… Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s ok.” That didn’t sound good.
“No it’s not… Tell me what’s wrong.” I whispered.
“…My parents aren’t going to like this.”
“You’re still worried about that? Look, it’s not their wedding, Kiri. I mean, it matters what they think, but I don’t think they should control our lives just because they don’t like the idea of their youngest daughter of a royal family marrying a middle-class 25 year old with nothing to give you.”
“… You give me a lot more than you give yourself credit for, and I don’t think so either, but if they like or dislike something, they have the power to do something about it, and no one can stop them… I just don’t think I should run the risk, that’s all.”
“They’re not going to stop us, Kiri. I’m not going let them.” I assured her, caressing her face softly.
“You do know that they’ll try to take Snow away if they find us, right?”
“… I think they already know where we are… I’m not going to make things worse by letting them ruin our lives anymore, Kiri.”
“… I know. I just want everyone to be safe.”
“It will be soon, I can feel it.” I said as I kissed her for as long I could stand –that’s going to take while! I woke up on Kiri’s chest with Snow right under me. I checked her heartbeat just for the hell of it… Normal. I got up slowly, trying not to wake anyone up, but something was wrong… Something was wet and thick. I looked at my hands… There was blood everywhere. I looked at Kiri and saw deep scars and blood leaking vigorously from her mouth. I looked at Snow, praying to God that the same didn’t her… She was cut into pieces. I moaned in overbearing pain. I heard a voice… Was Gracia still asleep?
“… You killed them.” She whispered in that creepy girl voice that you hear in scary movies.
“… No… I would never do that!” This is the only time I truly looked at her… She was seared black and an arm was missing.
“You caused this!” She said, pointing with her good arm.
“You’re nothing but a murderer!”
“NO…!” I sat up, grabbing Loving Bloodshed as I rose. I was panting, breathing harder and harder every few seconds, but after a half an hour later, I calmed down… That was the nightmare I’ve had in while, but I knew I was still troubled by what I did to Gracia and Kiri. I felt movement beside me, but I didn’t have a panic attack. Everything that happened was just a crappy excuse for a dream.
“… Nero, what’s wrong?” She whispered sleepily.
“… Nothing, I just had nightmare.” I didn’t want her to worry right now.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, it was nothing.”
“It doesn’t sound normal.”
My voice faltered a little. “… I just don’t want to be reminded about it… It was pretty bad.”
“Well, if you change your mind… I’m here, ok?”
I kissed her softly. “… Ok… How about we talk about it in the morning?”
“I might forget about it by then… But after I get Gracia ready for school, if I remember, I’ll try to bring it up.”
“… I’ll bring it up… You keep straining yourself trying to do everything… You know what, you should rest tomorrow. I’ll take care of everything, all you have to do rest.”
“I don’t about that, Nero.”
“Ahh, come on. You deserve it. You do so much for us; I just want to show some gratitude.”
“… Ok, fine, but if you need help, just call me.”
I kissed her again. “… You know I’m not going to do that.” I smiled.
“Nero!” She whispered
“Sleeping!” I whispered jokingly, lying back down quickly.
“Nero!?” She knows I’m not getting back up why is she shaking me? “Nero!?”
“It’s non-negotiable… Ha ha ha!”
She sighed deeply. “I love you, but you’re really annoying sometimes.” She joked, giggling.
I probably didn’t tell you this, but tomorrow was going to be a recreation of hell… But a lot worse.
Love and Swordplay experiment
I had an idea for a story and ran with it for a while, and... Well, here it is! The second book in the 'Love and Swordplay' trilogy! FYI, this is only part of it. You'll have to wait for the rest! Sorry!
RE: I put another entry thats exactly like this one, but it has alot more stuff... u can read that one if u want more 2 enjoy
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