• Werewolf King
    By: Kagome100100

    Snow fell on the ground and I was cold I had to get home. My beautiful golden hair was blowing and my ears were freezing. I rubbed my shoulders I blew hot air into my hands and rubbed them together. “I didn’t know it would snow. I should bring a coat on windy days.” I thought. I began walking again. I was deep in the forest I was trying to find herb for my mother’s Soup. I only found 2 edible herbs: Ginger, and cinnamon. I was freezing. Soon my legs became numb from walking in circles for Hours. I couldn’t move. Soon hunger sapped my strength. I sat down and I was shivering. Soon a wolf appeared. He watched me with his 2 golden eyes. I tried to scream but no sound came out he pushed cooked meat towards me and laid it down then he signaled for 2 more wolves and they were carrying a deerskin Blanket and he brought it to me and he pushed it towards me. He turned into a human right before my eyes. “Hello, Are you Lost?” He asked, “Yes, I am. Who may you be?” I whispered. “Me, My name is fast runner but People call me Alex.” He whispered. His long Black hair blew in the wind. I stared deeply at his tan skin. “What is your name?” Alex asked. “My name is Christina Gonzales.” I whispered I was terribly thirsty so I could only whisper. “Are you thirsty? Here drink from my water pouch.” He said offering me some. “You’re not from around her are ya?” He asked as I was gulping the water down quickly. “No, I’m a long way from home. I came here in search of herbs for my mother’s soup. But I got Lost.” I explained softly. The other 2 wolves turned into humans too. One Boy and One girl
    “Oh how rude of me this Is Samantha and her mate Kane.” He explained. I was drawn to him but he smelled familiar Like Lavender and roses. “You look familiar…” I said studying him. “I always get that.” Alex said I remembered where I’ve seen him. It was a cold winter and I was running with my friend Sara and we ran over to thin ice we ignored the warning and stood on the ice. I slipped and cracked the ice and I fell in half in and half out I was whimpering and asking for help but my friend Sara Just looked at me and left me to die. All she said was “Its every girl for herself.” And she left me there to freeze to death then a Man came and turned into a wolf and rescued me he turned into a man and asked, “Are you alright?” I shook my head and he carried me home and knocked on the door I was 12 then and my mom saw me and thanked him for saving my life. And he vanished. “You really look familiar… Like someone who saved my life… who saved me from drowning in the Ice…” I whispered. He looked at me. “Hmm…yeah you do look a Little familiar,” he whispered softly. He told the other 2 wolves to let them have a moment alone. They nodded and left. He asked for my hands I nodded and put them into his, and we went on a Spirit-quest. We stood there watching the unhappy memory of my Ice accident. He nodded. He let go of my hand. “Yes I remember now… I saved your life from the ice.” He whispered he was half Indian half American. “Your beautiful now…” He said. He stared into my cream-colored eyes I was fair skinned and had long golden hair and my waist was petite and curvy. He had long black hair and chocolate colored eyes and a 6-pac. His eyes were fiery. I looked away and blushed. “Can you help me get home?” I asked. “Sure.” He said follow me!” He said turning into a wolf and I followed him and we were in the forest and I could see my house. “Thank you Alex.” I said. He turned human and pushed me up against the tree. He put both hands on opposite ends of me and he was touching the bark with the palm of his hands. “Well, this is goodbye then?” He asked. “Yeah I guess. But not forever.” I said. “Will I see you again?” He asked. “Yeah.” I replied he kissed me on the lips. I stood there waiting for the kiss to deepen and it did. He pulled away. “Goodbye Christina.” He said turning into a wolf and he ran off. “Goodbye Alex” I said. I walked down the forest path and entered in my home. “CHRISTINA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN????? I’VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!” My mom screamed. “I got lost. I found only 2 herbs cinnamon and ginger I had help finding my way home from a man. He was nice.” I said. “Well okay as Long as you’re safe.” My mom said. I went to my room and looked out the window. “I want to see you again Alex…” I whispered to myself. I heard my mom call me down for supper and I ate my fill. And I went to my room and turned on my laptop. “Cool Cynthia Is online!” I said. I chatted with her and when it was time to logoff and hit the hay I said, “see ya later bff! J” I climbed into my nightgown and went to sleep. That night I dreamt of Alex. The next morning was Sunday. I stretched my mom was at work so I dressed into warm clothing but it was warm and sunny. But I brought the Snow stuff just in case. I dressed into my “Wolves rule t-shirt.” And I brought my Dad’s GPS so I wouldn’t get lost again. My dad and mom got divorced months ago. I went into the forest and looked around for Alex. I didn’t see him. I ventured farther into the woods. I heard wolves howl. My heart Leaped with joy. I wanted to see him again. I ran and I saw a lot of wolves. I saw Chocolate colored wolves, pure white wolves, Black wolves, Gray wolves, tan colored wolves. I remembered what Alex’s wolf form looked like it was cream colored with white ears and Golden eyes. Then I saw him all the wolves bowed with respect. “Your Majesty!” They barked. “His Royal Highness, King Fast runner!” A black wolf proclaimed. My heart Jumped with Joy I knew I would see him again. I wanted to say hi, but with all the wolves I felt fear. Suddenly I saw Alex’s Ears Pop up. “I smell… Lavender and Rosemary… Christina?” He said aloud. He walked toward the forest floor where my smell was Largest and he saw me blushing. “Christina!” He said Happily. “I knew I would see you again!” He barked with delight he turned human and embraced me. “I missed you.” I said. Tracing his jaw with my finger. He smiled showing perfectly white teeth. I smiled back showing my pretty white teeth. “I missed you too.” He whispered softly. The Other wolves were looking confused “Samantha Who’s Christina?” an elder black wolf asked. “A woman he met.” Kane said. “This is not good a Werewolf In love with a Human???” He said. “Nah, She’s not hurting anyone.” Samantha said. “Alex, Will you stay with me forever?” I asked tracing his arm muscles. “Forever!” He agreed. “Ever since I met you I’ve shut down my rational mind. I’ve coveted you so much I’ve gotten better at hunting knowing you’ll be with me again. If that is what love is then let it float with me.” He said. “I’ve needed you so much haven’t been able to sleep without thinking of you, I haven’t been able to breathe without you.” I said softly he kissed me softly I wrapped my arms around his rough neck and allowed the kiss to deepen. A wolf appeared and tried talking to Alex to try to get him away from “You need to make a…speech.” The wolf said, but Alex was ignoring him. The wolf turned human and pulled him away. “What is the meaning of this Disturbance??” Alex growled. “The council needs to hear a speech about the deer. They’re moving on and were starving.” The wolf said. “Well okay as long as Christina can come along.” Alex growled. “But they’ll attack her! You know how the council feels about humans.” The wolf yelped. “Hmm I can give her some temporary Wolf dust just like us…” He said I nodded. “Yes I want to be a wolf.” I said. Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out a weird dust. We are werewolves but we don’t need to be bitten if Humans want to be wolves they can be if they use this dust. Some of us like the elders and me we were born this way. He told me to close my eyes and he threw the dust on me. I opened my eyes and I was a beautiful wolf. I was petite, and I had silverish blonde Fur and I had 2 silver eyes. “Well come on Christina.” Alex said. We walked into the forest. Were our pack was. The Wolves stared in awe at me. “Wow she’s beautiful.” The wolves were murmuring. He sat on the large rock and I sat next to him. They were murmuring. “Me fellow wolves, with the deer moving on we may starve, But From what Christina Thinks there is much bigger Game we can eat, Elk are staying and so are the Moose. But there is much smaller game too for the little ones. There are, Rabbits, Geese, Wild Chicken, and even foxes. We won’t leave because even Christina can cook for us after all; there are only 21 of us the rest have been killed.” He said. “Who is that wolf?” One of the elders asked. “Christina, She has joined us and she wants to learn the ways of the wolf.” Alex said. “We want to see her human form. We want to see if She is beautiful as wolf form but is she beautiful in human?” The elders asked. I looked at Alex and he nodded. I turned Human and the wolves did too. “She’s Beautiful even in Human form.” The wolves murmured. Alex dismissed the meeting and he motioned me to follow him to his cave. I followed and his home was warm and it looked Luxurious. I entered with caution. (My mom won’t get home till 1o’clock in the Morning anyways.) I Looked around I saw a fire place and a cooking pot next to the fire, I saw a Bed with a deerskin blanket on the top I saw a chair with bones as the feet of it I saw a couch with the same things. I followed him deeper in the cave. I saw another bed with a soft Lion skin and a deerskin pillow. I saw a Cupboard for Figurines. I saw a lot of things. “This Place will be yours and mine but this room will be for a child. The room with deerskin blanket is ours.” Alex whispered nuzzling my neck. “Oh its perfect!” I whispered. “I have got to go home now its like 8:00pm outside because it’s getting dark. And I got to go home and have supper I was here like all day. And I didn’t even know it. Goodbye Alex.” I said as I kissed him softly. I turned and Left. I Turned into a wolf and ran home. I made it there just in the knick of time because I was starving and it was snowing. “Snow…” I whispered softly. I entered into the house and Had Venison and Green beans and applesauce.
    Chapter 2 Wolf magic
    I finished my supper and looked through my clothes so I can choose my clothes. I found A Black t-shirt saying “Wolves are numbah one!” I found a pair of Skinny-jeans and I set those next to my t-shirt. I went to bed and set my alarm for 7:00 a.m. I fell asleep. That’s when Alex came into my house and went upstairs to my room. He sat next to me and I was fast asleep. He turned me around and kissed me softly. He heard my mom come in and he went out the window and went down the ladder and ran. My mom walked in and saw me fast asleep. She smiled and closed the door and she went to bed herself. The next morning I woke up and turned into a wolf and stretched. I scratched my ear and turned human. I got dressed and walked to school. Then I saw Alex. He walked next to me. “Why aren’t you coming to my place?” He asked. “School.” I replied. “Oh may I come?” He asked. “Sure.” I replied. He followed me till we made it to Louisiana Wolf’s High school. “Wow.” He said. My friend Cassandria and Her boyfriend Jack (Who was a Football Jock) Came. Cynthia and Her Boyfriend Michael was the hottest guy in school, greeted us. “Morning Christine.” My friends said. I wove my fingers into Alex’s. “Morning Cynthia, Morning Cassandria. Morning Jack morning Michael.” I said. “Wow and who may you be?” Cassandria asked. “Oh, Alex wolf, Christina’s Boyfriend. I’m a New student from one of the Indian tribes My Indian name is fast runner but I go by Alex.” Alex said. “Ah, which tribe?” Cynthia asked. “The Comanche tribe.” Alex Said. “Cool.” Michael said. “So tell me why are you called “Fast runner?” Jack asked. “My speed.” Alex replied. “Ah, we have 10 minutes till class why don’t we have a race? On the football field. I’ll probably win because I’m the fastest guy in the school.” Michael asked. “Sure, lets go.” I said. “I agree I really need to stretch these legs” Alex said. “Now, Don’t turn into a wolf during this race.” I whispered. “I have no intention of doing so.” Alex said. We made it to the football field. “Ok 2 laps around the field.” I said softly. “On My mark, Get set, GO!” I yelled and Alex and Michael were running. Michael was in first place when Alex pulled up he ran like 100 mph, And Michael got tired and he didn’t get how Alex could run without getting tired. After they’re second lap Alex was in first place. Michael was gasping for air because he couldn’t stop running. “Dude, your fast.” Michael gasped. The bell was about to ring and Alex threw me on his shoulders and we ran to class. I made it just in time. The principal registered Alex because he didn’t have parents and his grandparents were too slow now. The teacher introduced him to the class and the girls swooned when he walked bye he just smiled and walked past them. He sat right next to me in our group. My 2 friends and I sat in separate chairs and I sat right next to Alex we held hands. “Class open to the page about wolves.” My teacher instructed. Jacob looked surprised. “Now tell me class in what family are the wolves?” My teacher asked Alex’s hand flew up. “Yes, Alex?” My teacher asked. “Wolves are in the canine family. And they are closely related to the Coyote In legend Comanche’s can turn into wolves. Like this old trick I learned from my parents.” Alex said getting out of his chair and he sat on the ground like a dog and some of the kids chuckled and right before their eyes he turned into a wolf! The students gasped in amazement. “WOW!!!! That is so cool!!!” The kids yelled in Awe. “Even Christine can do it I taught her.” He sang calling me out I got up and did the same thing I turned into a wolf too. “Whoa How do you do that????” They said in awe again. We turned back into humans and sat back down. “They are So Awesome!” The class and even the teacher yelled. I grinned and sat back down. “Hold on Alex and Christina, Can you teach the class how to do that?” the teacher asked “We need a break from science today.” The teacher said. “Certainly. Come stand one at a time,” A nerdy girl came first. “Okay Close your eyes.” I said. She did so and Alex threw dust at her and she opened her eyes and turned into a wolf. “Cool.” The class said and they all closed their eyes and he threw the dust at them and they all became wolves. “Cool!!!!!” they Barked. “Now class turn human and thank Alex and Christine.” The teacher said. They all did. “Now this is Permanent so you can turn wolf whenever you please but if it is for violence and anger then you will become a permanent human with no back door to the Animal world. This is a privilege only a true wolf can bestow so use it wisely. He said as the bell rung “Class Dismissed.” The teacher smiled, the class talked in amazement and one of the girls walked up to me. “You are so lucky to have a cool boyfriend.” She smiled as she ran to lunch. “Yeah, I am.” I said.