Their were three teens at a party . Over hunderd teens were there the owner of the party killed his mom and dad he was one of the teens. His name was Danny his sister was one of the teens to .Her name was Misty the other teen was Dylon. Danny went to check on his dead mom and dad thay were gone he sent all of the teens home but Dylon and Misty stayed thay heard screaming from out side were the teens went Misty ,Danny and Dylon went outside but it was to late they was zombies they bite Dylon , Misty and Danny ran inside the house. Misty asked why did thay turn to zombies to danny he said maybe a black cat or something maybe a witch did it or posin candy turned them to zombies thay turned on the news it said the new car was recalled it turned peple to zombies than Danny said mom and dad got that car than Misty said that what it is thay called 911 but the cops were zombies to than thay called the army but the army was zombies to than than heard a noise from the bathroom thire was a girl named Destynie she was not a zombie the three found guns thay wenty out side thay ran to a red car thay saw in that car was a boy named Jonathan he told them get in so thay did he said what are thay are thay zombies Misty said yes Jonathan said oh no it is the end realy Misty said realy Danny said step on it thay all got out of the car Danny got bite thay got back in the car thay drove away Misty asked Jonathan were are thay going he said canada he said i here no zombies in canada yet at least Misty said ok with that Destynie asked why is canada not have zombies the canada is the only place were the car is not at the road was covered with zombies so thay got out of the car with guns thay started shooting the zombies Jonathan said thire dead now get in my car Misty asked are we in canada yen Jonathan said no yet Destynie said oh no more zombies Jonathan asked Misty if she has a bomb she said yes he said give me is so i can trow it she said ok the thew it thay heard a boom
the zombies were dead but more was coming a reporter came up to the car and said let me in now her name was Ginger but the zombies grabed her the bit her thay keped driving 2 days later half of the zombies were dead and half of the humans a zombie hunter came to the car and said come with me no i said you get in my car it is safe no zombies can get in he said ok the zombie hunters name was Ian . Ian
told us that it was the end three days later thay made it to canada Misty and Jonathan lived teh other 2 died because zombies grabed them the end for now
teen of the dead
a zombie book
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