I was just getting home from baseball practice, when I saw his red truck in the drive. I leaped for joy thinking he might be taking me out, but then I saw his face. That fake pathetic mask of saddness he wore. I hadnt known what to think, so I just went on up to him, thinking nothing really.
"Whats wrong?" A simple question that I quickly wished I hadnt asked.
"There's something I need to tell you......" This was my best freind in the whole world. I'd known him since we were diapers! WE were like bro and sis. We told eachother everything, I told him things my other freinds and likewise with him. So, why did he look so unsure to tell me?
He cleared his throught, ran his hands through his jet black hair. "Well I'm.....This is kinda of hard to say. Before I do say it though, promise not to get mad and whatever you dont hurt me!" That last part supposed to make smile becuase well once he said,"Dont get mad" I wasnt exactly smiling.
"I'm moving to Cali. so I can ride the waves more and its a new experance." He basicly spilled it all fast and I could hardly understand him....hardly. I wasn't exactly happy, but put on a forced smile. It must've not looked as good as I thought it did or he just knew me that well.
"I know your not happy, but its a good thing." (I wasn't the only one with a forced smile.)
"I'm happy for you. Its just my best frind in the whole wide world is leaving me! My bro! Mitch how you feel if I left you?!"
I would be crushed too, but we can still talk and email."
"No, if your leaving, then your leaving no long distance freindship or nothing. You know me its all or nuthin."
"Fine. Well then I better go and finish packing............." He turned to leave but then turned back around" I dont care what you say. I'll miss you as much as I'll miss my mom and dad. Your family. You'll miss me and you'll see me again" With that he turned and got into his truck.
I hated him for just being able to go and not cry at that moment. I told myself not to cry even though I started to anyways. So when his truck started to go down the street, I couldnt help it I threw that baseball in my hand from practice. Just my luck, it hit his back window. He never turned around, just kept on driving.
That was over 5 years ago, he never did look back as far as I know. He never came to visit his family, or me.
The first year of his leaving, I checked in on him through his family. They always said he was fine, nothing more. He never tryed to talk to me or anything. I eventually just went on without my best freind, my brother. My other freinds had tryed to cheer me up, but they just couldnt.
After the second year of his departure, I was a juvinile, as they called me. I had started hanging out with the "wrong" crowd, did grafitti (which it turned out I was good at), got in fights, even though I never did drugs or smoked I was still considered bad. but i actually kinda liked what I was doing. I never forgot my old freind, but he was the old me, he was in past. I didnt care anymore. Sometimes though, late at night drawing and planning a new painting and deciding which building to put it on. I'd start crying, remebering Mitch, my old freind. So eventually my signiture art was the tear. That was my signiture on my paintings.
So you can imagine how shocked and mad I was when I saw a familar red truck, with a big crack on the back window shaped like a baseball, pull into the drive of my house. It was just like that afternoon 5 years earlier. Except now I was holding a spray-paint can in my hand instead of a baseball.
A familiar looking man walked out of the red truck. The same jet black hair, aburn eyes, same height. The only difference from this Mitch and the Mitch I knew was that, this one was tan! Sounds like the perfect guy right?! Well I probably would've thought that, if I hadnt been so mad.
"What are you doing here?! It's been 5 years and now you come back! i dont have time for you anyways, I've gotta go" I said or well yelled.
"They said you'd changed but I hadnt expected this,"he gestured toward to the paint can. "Well either way. You can hear me out. And whats one night without doing graffitti? I came back because I heard you were having some uh.....trouble. And I wanted to see my sister. I know its been years but well I couldnt."
"Ok you couldnt?!"
Yea, I couldnt."
"WHY NOT?!" I screa,. 5 years of saddness, anger and frustration come back all at once and I find myself scream more. "We were best freinds, family! Doesnt that mean anything!?!?!!?! And yet you left me! UH!!!!!!!"
"I know that and I'm really sorry. Now calm down and let me give you something." With that, he turned back to his truck and got out a small box. (I know what your thinking because thats what I was thinking and No its not a ring well, the type you think it is.) When turned back around he smiled, at my bewilder face. "This my freind I got at one of the thousands of surf shops. I thought I was perfect for you, even though you don't really like jewelery............well open it and tell me what you think."
So I did open it. It was gorgeous! A gold ring with a baby blue dolphin. Then with it was the same dolphin on a choker necklace!It was perfect!
"So do you like it?"
"I love it! Put the choker on my neck. I'll never take either off!" I said taht as I put on the ring. "And yes, you are forgiven for not talking to me. Although I'm still not too happy about it.........."
"It's ok. I just want my best freind back. I havent had a freind for 5 years and I know you havent." He opened his arms as he said that. So I fell into those tan strong arms of my best freind.
THE END wink
5 years
Just a story I wrote :)
And this isn't a true story. Not at all. Well kinda because I have a bgf that this could go along with but still.
And yes I know its kinda long but it would be weird if I put it in like chapters or something. :) and COMMENT it please! I wanna know how i did!
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