Chapter 2
"Kya, we have to celebrate!" Kyoma gleemed as they were walking in one of the many streets of Konoha. She held her stomach as they passed some restaurants. She felt so hungry, that she was sure it would growl, it would be so loud that Mikalana would hear it.
"I can't, Kyo. I'm sorry." Shy gave Kyoma a sad smile, "My dad said that I have to be home today to celebrate on my brother graduating."
"Oh okay.." Kyoma tried to hide the sadness in her voice.
Shy looked to her, always knowing what was behind Kyoma's invisible mask, she smiled. "But, maybe tomorrow!"
Kyoma looked up at her, putting on a fake smile. "Yeah!"
She didn't want to go home. She wouldn't mind if it was just her brother that was there, but not if her parents were there. The only times they are nice to me is when Kiba is around, if not they treat me like trash. They're parents, right? Shouldn't they treat me like they treat Onii-san and Nii-san!? Kyoma pushed the thoughts away, like she usually does.
"I'll see you tomorrow then!" Kyoma smiled at Shy, and they nodded at each other as they both turned to walk in opposite directions.
Man, am I starving! Kyoma's head popped up as her nose picked up a small scent. She could smell beef pork, miso, and something else. She ran towards the scent and found a small shop.
"Ichiraku Ramen Shop," she said quietly to herself as she read the sign above her head. She smiled, "a ramen shop, eh?"
As her stomach gave a small growl, she began to walk into the shop excitedly.
"Kyo!" Kyoma fell back this time when her name was called. She let herself land on her back and sighed. What's up with people these days!? Can't they learn to say it, not yell it so loud that they'll make the kage heads fall! She opened her eyes, wondering why the voice was so familiar
"Still clumsy I see." She gasped as she remembered who it belonged to. "Ahh, so you remember?" The face of a boy appeared above hers.
She blinked. "Blaise?"
"Okay, I want to get to know you. So we'll introduce ourselves." The twenty-six year old jonin looked at the three new genin intently, as to sink their faces into his memory. They sat on a log and looked up at him. His dark brown hair was a little bit over his face, but his Konoha headband that was tied around his forehead prevented it from falling right in front of his eyes. "I'll start. My name is Tamata Takutsuki. So you are to refer to me as Tamata-sensei." He smiled at the three.
The short, brown haired girl smiled at him brightly. Her long brown hair was blowing gently across her face and covering her crescent moon shaped mark that was on her right cheek. The only boy in the group had spiky, reddish brown colored hair. He had his Konoha headband tied around his forehead as well. He was as tall as the other girl who was smiling shyly at the others. A small, green butterfly flew around her.
"I want you to tell me what you like, love hate, and your dreams and goals in life. Easy enough?"
The brown haired girl raised her hand and was nearly jumping up and down. "I'll start! I'll start!" Her blood red eyes were gleaming as she smiled an even bigger smile. The boy in the group smiled at her as she began to speak. "My name is Kyoma Inuzuka. I like sakura trees, because they're really pretty. I love my brother, Kiba! He's always fun." She then pouted a bit, " I hate when girls go gaga over that anti-social, think's he's so cool, Uchiha Sasuke!" She rolled her eyes and the boy smirked. "My goal in life is to become the number one kunoichi in Konoha, I may be short, but that doesn't mean I'm not strong!" She put her finger to her mouth, looking away. "My dream...is a secret." She then sat next to the other girl in the group and giggled at her. The other girl smiled.
"Okay, interesting. Who's next?" Tamata said as he raised his eyebrow.
"I'll go." The boy stood up and put his hand in his jacket pockets. "My name is Blaise Hasuke. I like older woman, they're hot. I also love girls, what can I say, they're cute!" He winkid at Kyoma, but she didn't notice. She seemed over excited. "I also hate that Sasuke guy, het gets all the girls after him!" Why can't they drool over me? "I don't think I have any dreams, but my goal is to find my sister." He smiled, sitting next to Kyoma. She smiled back at him and then looked back at Tamata, thinking that it was so sad that he couldn't find his sister.
Tamata's shoulder dragged down a bit. This guy is probably going to end up an old pervert. Tamata breathed in and then looked at the other girl. "It's your turn." He smiled down at her. She smiled back and blushed a bit. She then looked down and played with her feet.
"Come on Kya, you can do it." Kyoma nudged the girl. The girl looked at her and smiled. She stood up slowly and continued looking down.
"My name is S-Shy Kyazuri Ab-Aburame." She paused trying to think of what to say. "I like b-b-butterflies, and I love h-hanging out with Kyoma." Kyoma giggled as the butterfly around Shy fluttered happily. "I don't hate a-anything and-"
"Oh, come on Shy!" Kyoma cried, cutting off Shy's words. "Don't you hate when your brother mutters stuff you don't even understand?"
Shy blushed a bit and shook her head slowly. "I understand when he talks."
"Wow, you must be attached to him, huh?" Kyoma teased.
Shy smiled at her and continued. "My dream, is to stand beside Kyoma, like she always did for me."
Kyoma stared at her blankly and smiled. She hugged her and giggled and Shy began giggling as well.
"Isn't that cute?" Blaise spoke up. "Can I join?" He opened his arms for a hug.
They stopped giggling and stared at him blankly, well Shy did. Kyoma glared at him for ruining hers and Shy's moment.
Blaise smiled.
"You jerk!" Kyoma yelled as she pounded him in the back of his head. He fell, hitting the ground hard. She stomped towards him with looks that can kill and picked him up by the collar of his maroon and black jacket, shaking him wildly. "You ruined our moment! Could you not see that!? I happened to love the small moments that I get with my best friend, but you get the nerve to just but in! I'm so gonna kick your a-"
"Kyoma, calm down." Tamata said, shaking his hands in front of him. "You don't want to kill Blaise on the first day now!"
Kyoma let go of his jacket and smiled at Tamata. "Sorry, Tamata-sensei!"
Shy covered her mouth, holding back a laugh.
Blaise rubbed the back of his head where he was hit and smiled at Kyoma as she was turning to apologize to him. "Aggressive and cute." He put his arm on her shoulder.
Kyoma felt her cheeks get warm.
"I like it." he winked at her and her eyes once again turned to daggers. He smiled at her innocently and she smiled back, grabbing the arm that he had on her shoulder. She flipped him over her back and onto the ground. He laid there shocked and then laughed.
Kyoma patted her hands from invisible dust. "Hmph." She turned back to Shy and skipped to her. Shy giggled covering her mouth and Kyoma smiled triumphantly.
Tamata shook his head smiling. "You guys have done well today. You passed the test!"
Everyone stared at him, shocked. Even Shy had her jaw down.
Passed!? We totally lost to him in that test just now! Kyoma shook her head and opened her mouth to speak.
"Passed? How did we pass!? We lost to you in the test just now!" Kyoma turned to Blaise as he spoke her thoughts.
"Yes, that is true." Tamata said calmly. Kyoma turned back to him, taking her mind of of Blaise. "But, it wasn't about whether you had beaten me or not. It was about your teamwork." The three genin turned their heads to each other, confused.
"Shy, you worked really well with Kyoma, so I suppose you two know each other really well." They smiled at each other and looked back at him. "Kyoma, you didn't even know him, but you worked really well with Blaise. Especially when you and him joined your elementa techniques to create a huge problem for me. Good thing you two didn't cause a forest fire." He smiled and winked at them. They smiled back at him and tried to hide their pride. "And Blaise, you get along well with both girls, it's as if you knew them your whole life." Blaise turned towards Kyoma and winked again. She rolled her eyes at him smiling and put her eyes back on her sensei.
"The point is, you guys didn't even think once about coming at me individually. Instead, you came at me acknowledging each other's presence. In any squad on a mission, you will have to know teamwork and be able to combine your skills with your teammates." He smiled at them. "You have all done well."
They all smiled up at him.
"Oh, and the reason I wated for the introductions, was because I didn't want to waste my time getting to know you, if I wouldn't even have you in my team." He smiled again and they fell back.
"Oh, that's nice to know." Kyoma muttered to herself.
"Oh and get ready, tonight you guys have your first mission. And surprisingly, it's not a D-rank mission." Tamata smiled and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Kyoma jumped up and punched the air. "Yes! Our first mission!" She held her hand out, forming the victory sign with her index finger and her middle finger.
"I wonder what kind of mission it's gonna be." Blaise said.
Kyoma put her finger to her chin. "I don't know, maybe it's gonna be one of those missions where you guard someone!" She smiled and turned towards Blaise. "Maybe it's gonna be a princess!"
Blaise smiled at this. " A princess, eh?" He put his finger to his chin as well.
"Oi, Perve. Don't go dazing on about it now." She hit him gently on his forehead. "Besides, if anything, we'd have to protect her from you."
"M-maybe, it'll be a l-lord of some kind." Shy said quietly. They looked at her, both smiling.
"Hey, she speaks!" Blaise said teasingly and nudged Shy's shoulder.
"I-I'm not mute." Shy said.
"Yeah, Kya, but you hardly speak to anyone beside me and your brother. And when you do, it's mostly because you have to." Kyoma smiled and hugged Shy again. Shy smiled and Blaise looked at them smiling, and the poked Kyoma's shoulder.
Kyoma immediately turned to him and held out her fist to pound him.
"Wait, wait!" Blaise said, laughing and holding his hand in front of him. "I was just wondering if you guys want to go eat." He closed his eyes expecting another punch but instead felt nothing but the wind. He opened his eyes and saw Kyoma jumping up and down.
"Yeah, yeah! I wanna go!" She was so close to him that if she took one step towards him she'd be on top of him.
He felt his cheeks get warm. "O-okay then. Hehe." He rubbed the back of his head, laughing nervously. My cheeks feel warm, maybe it'f rom the test. It was kind of hot.
Kyoma kept jumping up and down, smiling. Mostlyh excite by the thought of food.
"She really loves." Shy said, not stuttering in this sentence.
"Yeah, I can tell." Blaise smiled, "how about we-"
"Aaah!" Kyoma yelled as she tripped on her foot and fell forward.
Blaise didn't have time to catch her, but instead was the cushion she landed on. She was not sitting on top of him smiling.
"She's also really clumsy." Shy said giggling.
Blaise felt his cheeks get warmer. "Umm, you're not heavy or anything, but can you get up now?" He said, feeling anxious.
"Sorry. I can be a clutz."
He got up and smiled.
"So, let's eat!" Kyoma punched the air again and headed off towards the village. Blaise and Shy smiled at each other and walked to both sides of Kyoma.
"Oh I hope Mika-chan and Rose-san passed, too!" Kyoma said anxiously.
"Who's Mika and rose?" Blaise asked, their figures getting smaller as they walked down the hill.
"Oh, they graduated too, they're our age." Shy said as Kyoma was going about how she hoped they passed and how they should ask Kiba to go eat with them.
The last thing you can hear from them was Blaise saying he hope they were cute, and a large bang that could've been Kyoma pounding on him again.
Five cloaked figures appeared, all in black except for one. That person was in a purple cloak.
"Looks like she's doing well." A black hooded figure said. "Already a ninja at the age of eight. Maybe she's better then we assumed."
"We still have to wait." The purple hooded figure said, as they took of their hood. She was a young woman. Her long purple hair was down, and partly hidden under her hood, now hanging on her shoulders. Her blue eyes were staring at the spot where the genin stood not too long ago.
"What do we do, Hikari-sama?" Another black hooded figure said as he took a step toward her.
She turned to the man next to her. "You know what to do, Tamata."
He smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, Hikari-sama."
In another puff of smoke, he disappeared.
"Blaise?" Kyoma asked as she looked into the lime green eyes of her good friend.
He smiled at her, "Yep."
NPW-Who am I? Chapter 2
Kyoma Sakura
This is my second chapter to my Naruto fanfiction. Naruto Parallel World-Who Am I?
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