Fallen in love with your smile
Chapter 1 - The Mystery of Love
Last Christmas Eve , I was stood up by my boyfriend again. It wasn`t a surprise at all I knew something was too good to be true. It all started when I was a freshman at Meio High School. Everyone kept laughing at me and saying I was ugly. Then that was when I met him , Yashiro Matome the most handsome and popular guy at Meio High. He had the most gentle smile I have ever seen. It was when I fell in love with his smile. Later on he asked me to go to the English room . I was nervous I wanted to confess to him that I liked him. I wouldn`t know how he felt about me unless I asked."Sakura", said Yashiro. "Would you ..go out with me?", asked Yashiro. At that moment I fell to the ground. "Sakura! Are you okay?" "Yes I`m fine Yashiro ..",said Sakura. "Actually Yashiro..I also like you.. I fell in love with your smile..", said Sakura. " Sakura you really like me? " "Yes Yashiro *Sakura crying* .. I really love you..*sob*" "Sakura why are you crying? Were together now.. now and forever " (Flashback) I wonder where Yashiro is .. "Sakura!!!!" Sakura looked up. She noticed that voice.. it was Yashiro ! Yashiro! "Have you`ve been waiting for me? Im really sorry there was a traffic", said Yashiro. "Lier! I don`t believe you, if there was a traffic you would`ve texted me!",said Sakura. She ran away. *tears* I can`t believe I fell for his smile..his soft smile.. I will never talk to him again!
Next Morning Sakura got ready to go to school. "Mom, have you seen my bag? I think I`ve missplaced it again..", said Sakura. "Check your room again...",said mom. Honey pick up the phone thankyou! "Hello? WHo is this?" said sakura. "It`s me Cherry!Long time no talk!",said Cherry. "Sis?? Where are you! When are you going to come and visit?" *ding dong* "Wait Siss I`ll call you baack bye!" Sakura ran downstairs to open the door. Before she could open the door someone said something. "Sakura ..I`m sorry about yesterday on Christmas Eve.. I just wanted to say .. I think we should break up.. If you want to talk more call me anytime." Yashiro left. Sakura wasn`t in a happy mood. She took the bus to school. She went to school with Santoshia her best friend since elementry school. "Sakura whats with the sad face? It isn`t attractive you know!"said Santoshia. "Huh? Oh its nothing I`m just wondering whose that guy wearing our uniform..I haven't him seen at our school." "Oooh Yeah.. your right ! Hey our stop is here c'mon!" Sakura and Santoshia got off the bus but Sakura accidently bumped into a stranger. "Ooh I`m really sorry let me help you."-stranger. "Umm its okay I`m fine.. hey your wearing our school uniform ! Are you a transfer student?"said Sakura. "Yeeah My name is Matoe Matome. Nice to meet you. *smiles*" "OO My name is Sakura Saan I`m Meio High President nice to meet you too *smiles*." "Oooh can you show me around the school I`m not use to it here !" said Matoe .
"Sakura! Matoe is so cute! >< too bad your going out with Yashiro!" said Santoshia. "Hey Sakura! I neever knew you went out with my brother Yahshiro! ",said Matoe. "Oooh umm well we tecnically broke up his morning .. so yea long story sort of..",said Sakura. " What`s with the face? I bet I`ll make a much better boyfriend then him *smiles*",said Matoe. There it is again! His smile is so sweet I dont know if I should go out with him . I mean .. I just got dumped.. and it'll take a while till I get over Yashiro.. "Hey Saukra! I went over to your house but no one opened the door. *looks at Matoe* Why are you here with my girlfriend? Get away from her! " said Yashiro. "I won`t get away from Matoe ! Yashiro we are over. Im going to start going out with Matoe! And I dont care what you say."said Sakura. "Sakura. you really wanna go out with me?" said Matoe. "Yees .. I really do.. you seem like a sweet guy and I`m really attracted to your smile .. it makes me forget about the past " said Sakura. " Sakura why won`t I meet you in the Main Office after class? K?"said Matoe. Yashiro grabbed Sakura hand before she could even answer him. "Matoe you Jerk if you don`t stay away from her I will tell her the truth about you."said Yashiro. What? The truth about what? These questions needed to be answered... But how ? "Sakura you should stay away from my brother.. he isnt that kind of person to be nice..and about yesterday.. " said Yashiro. "STOP IT I won`t believe you.. you stood me up 2 times in a row.. I`m serious I have fallen in love with your brother..its hard to forget about the past but he can help me"said Sakura. "Sakura listen to yourself! The only reason why you fell in love with him was because you don`t know about his life before.. his past..his future.."said Yashiro.
What did Yashiro mean? Was Matoe the bad guy? Was Yashiro telling the truth this time? "Yashiro I don`t know who to believe now.. can you just please leave me alone right now.."said Sakura.Sakura ran out the door.. crying in tears.. she ran into Matoe."I`m sorry Matoe.. I have a question to ask you.. its about what Yashiro said earlier... what did he mean?"said Sakura. "I knew you would ask me .. I just didn`t know when .. Well I `ll tell you in one condition.. If you will be my girlfriend *smiles*" said Matoe. "Umm well Matoe.. I dont know you that much and we just met. " said Sakura. "I`m serious Sakura.. I have fallen in love with your smile .. it makes me happy when see you smiling." said Matoe. "Nevermind tell me after the story.. It happen 4 years ago when I was in 7th grade.. I was with my first girlfriend her name was Arina Takumeto.. she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes. It was like a dream to be with her and then the other day we were having a picnic on a cliff with our parents. She loved to smile and dance and that was what I adored most about her. She was dancing around smiling and laughing with me I told her to be careful.. but when she didnt listen she slip and fell down .. I tried to pull her back but... she told me ..to smile and live my life to the fullest... she told me she fell in love with my smile.. I was crying... calling for help.. she pulled my hand away and then it was the last time I saw her... that was when her parents accused me of killing her... the police found her body.. but it was too late to rescue her.... It must have been painful to fall down the cliff.."said Yashiro. "I`m so sorry Matoe.. so you smile now .. for her sake?"said Sakura. "Yes ... my smiles are only for her..."said Matoe. "Well ..Im going to go to class.. you should..too.."said Sakura.. Bye .
"Miss Saan.. can you answer this problem?"said teacher. "Heey SAKURA... wake up! the teacher is calling you up!"said Santoshia. "Huh? what? *yawns" Ohh yes Mr. Takurmoe.."said Sakura. "Pay attention Sakura.. you are already failing English you know..I might need to get you a tutor..."said Mr . Takurmoe. ".. Yes... Mr. Takurmoe.."said Sakura. Bell Rings. "Class dismiss!" "Sakura.. you always sleep during english class aha!" said Sanjo. "Yeah w/e Sanjo.. you always get straights A`s so don`t make me jealous.. I`m already jealous..enough"said Sakura. "Heey Sakura is that Yashiro? With another girl? He picks up girls so fast... maan.."said Santoshia. "Well I dont care about Yashiro..*the one I`m worried about is Matoe.. I wonder how he is..* umm well I`m going to get lunch bye see you later !" said Sakura . BYee. "Matoe! Heey about earlier umm well I would like to be your girlfriend *smiles* I mean I want to make you smile for only me ."said Sakura."Sakura.. well when I asked you that question I just wanted my brother to leave us alone but I was wrong ."said Matoe."But Matoe I really like you and I want to see you smile for me only please... I want to forget about Yashiro... please.."said Sakura. "Sakura you remind me of her.. I mean Arina... its just weird...but I will be your boyfriend then " said Matoe. "Yaay thanks Matoe *smiles* lets hold hands " said Sakura. Sakura bought lunch with Matoe. "Heey Sakura! It`s me Cherry !"said Cherry. "Sis?!!? OMG long time no see!!"said Sakura. "Heey whose this cute guy? your boyfriend perhaps?*giggles*"said Cherry. "*blushes* Umm I am her boyfriend.. the name is Matoe Matome you?"said Matome. "My name is Cherry Saan Sakura`s older sister *smiles* the nickname is Arina hehe "said Cherry.
"Umm .. wait did you say Arina?"said Matoe. "Yea Arina is my nickname what about it?"said Cherry. "It`s me Arina! Do you remember me? I`m Matome your boyfriend from th grade! *grabs her arms* Don`t you remember me?!*cries* I`m sorry... Imma go bye *walks silently*"said Matome. "Wow whats with him? Why did he ask me if I remember him? I just met him..?"said Cherry."It`s a long story about his past.. his old girlfriend was nae Arina.. apparently she died 4 years ago on a cliff."said Sakura. "Wait a moment... whats her full name?*serious face*"said Cherry. "Umm let`s see.. he said her name was Arina Takemuto. she loved to smile and dance ! It`s amazing she seems like a magnificant girl in my mind."said Sakura. "It can`t be... it can`t be Arina Takemuto.. are you sure he said Takemuto??"said Cherry. "Yes he did. I think her father was the founder of the Meio High ! "said Sakura. "It isnt Arina Takemuto .. it isn`t last summer I was with her ! Is there a picture of her you can show me?"said Cherry." I don`t know you should go ask Matome his in the computer lab "said Sakura. "I`l be back Sakura go eat your lunch "said Cherry.
Fallen in love with your smile
Well.. I was realy bored.. and I was listening to this song... and it was so peaceful and it had a good melody to it. I wrote this story from my heart and I hope you guys like it :) I will continue to write if you guys love my story I would love some feedbacks and urently im working on chapter 2 .
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