Chapter 4 - Findings
(music playing - Teasel Bonne of the Gsellschaft/ Megaman Legends)Download
*Inside the Marlwolf........*
John= What a rough day. First Giga police, Dr. Wily, space pirates and Prometheus.... what else could possibly go wrong now?
Tron= Oh stop your complaining! At least you got that force metal for us.
John= I sure did, as much as I was also holding on to dear life.
Tron= That you did, *cackles* Oh, I wanted to talk about something. This magic you possess. How did you ever get to use magic?
John= Now that's a really long story. When I first settled off with Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo for the first time, I could do no magic at all. We all started to travel from dimenson to another, exploring worlds we never encountered before. I got exposed to many magical aliments and I started to practice and harness magic power since I lacked phisique that Kaolla had. She was already way better at magic than me back then. Time after time, I learned more magic and new spells and abilities. There are lots of different forms of magic, not just Harry Potter style. Im talking about summons, coungering, healing, battleing, pact making..... well...you get the picture.
Tron= Your cutting it short arent you?
John= I have too. It's a long story after all. Besides, im tired, worn out, and in need of rest.
Teasel= Well done John. This force metal is in top shape. Oh, what are you two talking about?
Tron= Oh, Teasel,..... John was just talking about how did he come across using magic.
Teasel= Oh yes, I know. We seen him do it before. Thats when he was with those 4 guardian guys. Especally the stuffy green one.
John= You mean Harpuia? Oh yes, he can be quite stuffy, I delt with him allot too. I guess he wasn't being used to fighting allong side a human. He's been fighting FOR humans all his life. He's seen war and battle that could take a human life or cripple it in small minnutes. So had his brothers and sister.... and there father.....
Teasel= You also remind me of that blue boy who caused me trouble too.
John= That ...... oh....... Megaman....... I see.
Model SH= A blue dweeb to you huh?
Tron= It's not like wh hated him for what he was.... he just....
(music changes to - the grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download
John= Oh,... I need to tell you something. I need to warn you about the resistance force and Phil. After keeping me like this, there not gonna be happy with you. Especally about getting me to steal the treasure back at that area and giga city. Kay anf Phil will do anything to rescue me. I need to let you know Phil and Kay are captains and ellette megamen. They may not be magical like me but there fierce.
Teasel= What? Who in the heck is Phil?
John= Phillip McDonald who captains the Pillar of Autumn and Kay who captains the Kakarott. Me and Phil fought together against the space pirates and cybermen.
Tron= I never heard this before. Phil and Kay sound tough.
John= THET ARE! Trust me, they also command resistance troops and together fought alongside Prairie and her guardians team to fight these fiends and Slither inc. We also fought a terrible reploid named Omega Zero.
Teasel= Omega Zero?.... is this some friend of yours?
John= He's... an enemy, I mean he's just about everybody's enemy. It all started back in the time after the maverick wars fighting a villian named Sigma, who threatened all life. They all finaly beat him, but at a terrible price. Zero, who I assume, payed the biggest price, loosing his origional body..... that body became Omega Zero. He killed people dear to me allong with all the murder he commikted 300 years ago.
Teasel= Really?
*John holds out Colonel's saber*
John= See this saber? This was Colonel's saber. He died once in his life at the hands of the maverick hunters and was resurected by the Abagale syndicate, but now was killed by that fiend and to hear from A former Neo Arcadian who handed this to me, also died by Omega Zero's hand.
Tron= Oh im so sorry. I never knew.
John= And me and Phil fought him at a cavern somewhere in a secret area.....underground. Ive seen it..... his soul......for the monster that he is. He was able to escape in cyber elf form. One of these days if I catch him off guard..... his a** is mine.
Tron= He sounds serious.
Teasel= This Omega Zero sounds like trouble.
John= And if he gets himself a new body......... I will have to try and fight him again.
Model SH= And did you have the apropriate biometal sets for the job now?
John= Tron. Teasel. Bon. Servebots. Listen to me. Please. Help me find these specal biometals. They must have a clue about these mysteries and about what Dr. Wily is planning.
Teasel= If Omega Zero is a threat to the public and then he's a threat to us too. I say let's help John.
Tron= John, you are no longer our swabbie. You been promoted to an offical Bonne pirate!
John= What about Nyamo?
*Tron and Teasel look at each other wierdly*........
(Music ends and begins playing - Space pirates research lab/ Metroid Prime)Download
Meanwhile............. the new space pirate facility in an under ocean area hidden base with materials provided by Dr. Wily and Queen Zeal ...... were producing more cybermen from captured humans and there were also using the reploid citizens as test subjects to dreadful biometal experiments.
Space Pirate 1= How is the biometal project comming allong?
Space Pirate 2= Were still on schedual, although this will not make up for the specal prototype we made of the accursed hunter.
Space Pirate 3= Look on the bright side, we dont have to deal with her anymore. Were still working on these biometal prototypes which are going to serve a great deal for us. It would be amusing to turn these specal abilities and forms against the accursed megamen.
Space Pirate 1= Are there anymore resuls?
Space Pirate 2= Reploid subjects were injured and wounded by some of the old prototype tests....
Space Pirate 1= If the reploid test subjects are battered up then kill them and salvage there bodly parts. The more parts the merrier.
Space Pirate 3= And what about the cybermen?
Space Pirate 1= There for labor and other needs. These plans and blueprints were from a human group called Cybus Industries, some parallel Earth we raided before we got stranded in this world.
Space Pirate 2= Besides all of our work..... what's for lunch?
Space Pirate 1= Possibly scrap human meat, rats, domestic animals. Whatever the chief staff can manage to find.
Space Pirate 3= I see the elette's comming. We best be busy like, or else if we get charged for slakking off, we might get 30% ration cuts and you know if we get stuck with the small mamals, they wont be so filling.
Elette Pirate= What are you maggots yappin about. Git back to work. You, how's the biometal prototyes comming allong?
Space Pirate 1= Were beginning to run a bit low on subjects but were ahead of shedual.
*There was a young spac e pirate beeing fitted with a one of the prototype biometal equipment Model X being prepaired for a test*
Research Pirate 1= Prototype prepaired for first testrun.
Research Pirate 2= Systems primed and ready, prepairing to test the equipment.
*The test was a sucsess. The pirate sucsesively shot down the targets at the test range and did some movement tests such as wall kicking and quick dashs.*
Space pirate 1= Exelent. The project is a sucsess.
Space pirate 2= We may have lost the specal one we had back in that other continent, but we can always start off new.
Space pirate 3= I hope I get to use these biometals myself too.
Research pirate 1= Patience. We must get the boss's approval first.
Elette pirate= Looks like things are going well. We will start off by using the other blueprints that Dr. Wily provided us. Continue the experiments!
(Music ends)
(Music playing - Cyber cave/ Thunder force 5)Download
*In the resistance force ship the kakarott..............*
Kay= So it seems that Jack is going allone to those mines.
Phenox= And taking a reploid kid with him? I was begining to think he shouldnt go allone afterall.
Kay= Still, I think Jack can look out for himself,.... but perhaps your right.
*Kay activates the terminal link to the Pillar of Autumn.....*
Phil (radio)= Phillip McDonald speaking....
Kay= Phil? Good. How are things with you?
Phil (radio)= Still training the little tykes you sent me and there doing fine. Duke, Turokk, and Spencer seem to get allong with them fine.
Kay= May I ask a request from you?
Phil (radio)= That is?
Kay= Can you accompany Jack to those mines I sent him to?
Phil (radio)= Sure thing.
Kay= Exelent. You and your new friends can go help out. However,... do not allow Ciel and Mer to fight ith you if there are strong hostiles. There just kids afterall.
Phil (radio)= Ok you got it.
(Music ends slowly)
*Meanwhile...... 1 hour later.....*
(Music playing - Crashed frigate/ Metroid Prime)Download
*The Pillar reached the mines where Kay Sent Jack to. Unfortanately,..... Jack arrived the same time the pillar did.*
Jack= Phil mate. What are you doing here?
Phil= Kay called me, she sent me to you to hekp. She got worried.
Jack= I see. She just couldnt let me go allone afterall. Ok I guess you can come allong. These Model W's are pretty much dangerous so I might need some backup.
Phil= Then it's settled. Lets bring in the crew for help.
*So the whole Pillar of Autumn crew allong with Kaolla, Shinobu, Cedre, Duke, Truok, Rad, Ciel, Mer, and Violet followed allong with Phil and Jack inside the mines. The mines were well lit by electric lights and torches but the place seemed abandoned for some reasons. The group came across some supplies and dropped books and other goods as someone had a panic here and took off. They also noticed trails of footprints made my the miners.*
Phil= Look mate. Footprints of the miners and there scattered.
Jack= Blimey. Who could'ive done all of this?
*Violet took a look arround herself and found another different sets of footprints. there were sets of space pirate footprints and others were much bigger and flatfooted and deep as if they were seriously heavy.*
Violet= Look at these footprints.
Ciel= Woah..... these footprints are deep.
Mer= this other set has some wierd marks as if some of these were made by monsters.
Rad= What do you think of these Turok?
Turok= Nothing I seen before.... some sort of ..... wait.... not dinosour... it had to be tall and carried weaponry.
Phil= I know what those are. I seen those tracks before! Space Pirates! Me and John fought them before. Back in Vent and Aile's continent, there were locations of hidden space pirate bases they were capturing people and making cybermen out of them, and me and John rescued a bunch of people too. John even fought a bunch of space pirates durring a raid in the middle of Area C as well.
Rad= If John lost all of his biometals durring hi sfight with Dr. Weil, how did he.....
Phil= He had Model S.
Serpant= Oh yes. I remember that one. She was quite the biometal, and she could use some sort of ability similar to Model A except this one didnt change form, she could actually perform the mechanloids ability.
Kaolla= And not to menson she can do the space pirate's moves too. She copied the shadow pirates cloaking powers too.
Model S= Is someone mensoning me? <3
Model K =Don't forget to credit me too. I also had to megamerge with John to help fight those ghastly things too, I even helped John fight Prometheus when Maggie was cought for spying when Slither was .....
Serpant= Oh.... yeah..... Prometheus and Pandora were using me for something, while I was under the influence of a Model W.
Shinobu= Don't worry Serpant. It wasn't your fault.
Serpant= I even tortured a space pirate todeath too.
Mer= Don't hate yourself Serpant. You didn't mean it.
Ciel= You were a good guy all allong, you were just being used that's all.
Serpant= Oh yeah, I couldn't believe I was used by those abominaions. And to also descover that John was my ....... father.
Violet= Yeah.... I was made from almost the same plans as you were..... That means.... im John's daughter too. I was made from the same plans and programs as you were.... so that makes you .... my brother.
Serpant= What about Jack?
Violet= I call him daddy.... he may not be my real daddy, but I know my real daddy dosent mind me calling Jack daddy..... right daddy? <3
Jack= I know. John's a real good man.
(Music stops)
*Suddenly there were buster shots going off in the other location where Duke, Kos-Mos and Cedre were.*
(Music playing - Duel of top/ Thunder force 5)Download
Jack= Sounds like trouble!
Phil= Let's check it out!
Ciel= Let's get in the action too. Let's megamerge with....
*Model S megamerged with Mer and Model K megamerged with Ciel*
Mer= I can't believe im in a biometal that looks like a girl.....
Ciel= Or would you rather megamerge with Model K?
*Mer blushes*
Mer= Well John megamerged with the both of them!
Phil= Ciel! Mer! Enough! Rad, I need your help. You and Turok come with me. Serpant, you look after the children!
Serpant= Sure thing!
*Serpant megamerges with Model H, Kaolla with Model Z, Shinobu with Model X, and Violet with Model Ph.*
Jack= We got Galleons!!
Phil= I thought the galleons were yours Serpant?
Serpant= I thought so too.... but.... someone else must be controling them!
*The ambush began as Duke and Kos-mos were shooting them down one by one. Jack took his twin guns and blasted the heads off another group. Phil took out his Ceberus guns and blasted off the heads and body parts of another group of galleon attackers. Some went for the children, though Serpant slashed appart a few himself that tried to get close to the kids. Kaolla with her incredable energy and not being scared at all... slashed the galleon attackers one by one while prancing in a dance like motion. Shinobu took her X buster and shot one galleon after another looking really frightened.*
Shinobu= I not so used to this......
Mer= Hang in there Shinobu, your doing good.
*Mer used one of Model S's cyber soul attacks such as the Angle Cannon, Bee rockets, Batty's, and capsule shooters that John collected through his recent adventure... using them to attack the galleons. While Ciel used the cyber elf powers, abilities, and attacks John collected as well. She used them to attack the galleons from gainging on poor Shinobu who was not used to violence.*
Serpant= What are these galleons doing here!?
Violet= There searching for something!
*Violet wall kicked the mine walls and tossed a barage of kunai daggers and took down some galeons and one she didn't attack the head of one and siezed the head of the galleon and began to hook up her probe device on the galleons head to collect data.*
Turok= Theres another group comming for us! Look out!
*Turok threw his laser sharp throwing tomahawks and downed a few ghalleons and then picked up his modified bow and arrow and shot a few arows into the galleons heads and chests downing them.*
Jack= Im gonna check up on Violet.
*As soon as he headed to her direction... a galleon primed his buster and shot Jack 4 times in the back and Jack collapsed.*
Phil= Jack? JACK!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!!
*Cedre pulled out her new spartain laser gun and blasted the galleon that shot him and she ran towards the entire forming galleon groups shooting them to scrap metal. Kos-Mos also began to take out the entire group of galleons and there flagships from the other corner of the mine.*
*Back in the Pillar.....The rest of the team made it back safely with only minor wounds. Jack was shot badly and he was going unconcous and his vital sighns were dropping.*
Phil= Don't you dare die on me Jack! Kos-Mos.... get out your body blueprints.... get your medical gear ready!
Violet= Im helping too. Im not gonna let daddy die!
Cedre= Those galleons! I'll never forgive them. NEVER!
Duke= I only got shot on my arm..... nothing too bad. Jack got the worst of it.
Serpant= But those shots can kill a human instantly with Jacks wounds.
(Music ends slowly)
*the ship's medical units and operational machines were primed and activated and began sugery on Jack. minnutes went passed and the others were waiting and worried abnout Jack.*
(Music playing- Training and Focusing/ Dragon Ball Z, legacy of Goku)Download
Ciel= Poor Jack.
Mer= I hope they can save him.
Serpant= This ship has units I havent seen before. Im sure they can do something. Jack was shot in the back and the galleon blasts can burn and sever vital organs and his spine, lungs, heart, and liver were burned. Plus he's got his rear side of his rib cage severed.
*Shinobu was curlled up in the corner too busy crying to listen to the conversation.*
Turok= ........, only time can tell.
*Later, one of the medical mechanloids appeared from the door of the hospital wing moved towards the group*
Medical Mechanlid= Master Phil summons you. But please be quiet. Jack is still not yet recovered.
*They all went in and saw Phill in the room standing besides the glass barrier where Jack was in. Jack is asleep but he appeared to be in somewhat a persocom like bodyin the vision of his former self. He became a genosis reploid cyborg but was sleeping to help recover from his surgery.*
Phil= It was a sucsess, but he still needs rest. He lost allot of blood and the serums need time to help recover the lost ammounts.
Shinobu= Thank goodness.
Kaolla= It took quite awhile to fix him up.
Cedre= When he wakes up, he'll be better than before.
(Music ends slowly)
*Meanwhile......... in the Marlwolf........
Tron= According to that data that Model SH has, were almost at the location to that 2nd biometal. Somewhere in this area. A continent of a ruined city over 200 years old.
John= This place looks familiar.
Tron= Have you been here before?
John= No. But I get a feeling..... Let's check it out.
*The transport sent down John and a few servebots to the surface. John megamerged with Model SH, began to look arround. John was suprised to have reconised the old symbols of the resistance....... and to feel there presence of ..... an old friend....*
(Music playing - The ruins of lab/ Megaman Zero)Download
Servebot 1= This place looks like it's been dead for centuries.
Servebot 2= It's creepy.
John= I have a feeling. Model SH, it's your turn to lead.
Model SH= Alright. Let's see........ it's down inside the ruins.
*John found a hole in the area and then he jumped in and when he landed on one of the surfaces..... John reconised it imediately.*
John= I can't believe it's still here!
Tron (radio)= Alright John, dont get too cocky. Who knows who may be following us. So find what your looking for and let's beat it.
Teasel (radio)= Who knows if that Wily and space pirates may be plotting something against us. It wouldnt suprise me if they began to hunt us down.
John= When we get all of these biometals and find my friends, we can form a retaliation group against them and save Giga city from Dr. Wily. Untill then, were not powerful enough.
Teasel (radio)= Then dont take too much time. Were keeping an eye on the radars and servebot scouts.
*John ventured further down and found the old transporter.*
John= It's the same transporter that Zero used while he was helping Ciel 100 years ago. It's still active after all of this time.
Model SH= The signal I was leading you too is right here.
John= Ok, what does your memory banks tell you? What should we do?
Model SH Ok, leave it to me.
*The transporter activated and sent John to another location*
John= What? ..... were in....... that labortory..... this ruined out lab.
Model SH= The signal is comming from deeper within, let's go.
John= This is where Ciel found Zero.
*John moved to the path of the ruined walkway and to the dead end, and then he walk kicked his way up further........ then he ventured further through the ruined areas and old bunkers..... till he reached some ruined security blocks and doors that had been cracked and ruined by both age and rubble. Finaly, he found the vault where Ciel found Zero those years ago.*
Model SH= The signal is comming from here.....and deeper too.
John= This place...... Zero was found here.
*John entered the vault and he takes sight of the ruined canaster that housed Zero when he was in suspended animation*
Model SH= The signal is comming from above.
John= We got to wall kick our way up again?
*John wall kicked his way from the vault chamber and further upward to the top where Zero confronted Dr. Weil when he was controling the 8 judges.*
John= This place........This was one of Dr. Weil's old hideouts.
Model SH= It's further inside. Let's go. We cant keep the Bonnes waiting.
John= That't's my line.
*John ventured deeper into the ruined hideout and passed through war torn and century aged fortresss until he reached a place he did not intend to find....... another of, Dr. Light's capsules.*
Model SH= This is it man. Now let's see what our prize is?
*The capsule activated and Dr. Light's holigram activated*
Dr. Light= John....You sucsessfully found my 2nd secret capsule. Im glad you could make it this far. You see, this place was once another fince city 400 years ago when this city was simpler, livelier and more decent untill Sigma destroyed this city durring the Sigma wars, and Dr. Weil used it durring his elf wars. Take this biometal with you.... she holds the spirit of another type and model of a specal galactic defender. One of your Tardis's memory banks supplied me with this data to make her. You better get going.
*Model MA appeared from within the capsule and introduced herself*
Model MA= Im Model MA, nice to meet you John, and nice to see you again... Model SH.
John= Hi.
Model SH= Is this where you been hiding all allong?
Model MA= It's not like I wanted to be in some capsule for centuries you know, and neither you and the last specal biometal.... uh...
John= You mean.... we have 1 more to find and ...... we better get back to the Bonnes now.
(Music stops)
*Suddenly..... there were explosions from the surface..... like someone was bombing the place from the top.*
(Music playing - Deadzone/ Megaman Zero)Download
Model SH= That's ..... those readings are... Dr. Wily's numbers. We got to go now!!
John= Good god he's persistant.
*John grabbed Model MA and John using Model SH's super speed, hurried through the corridors of the ruined forterss and traveled from the pit of the vault to the ruined lab and back to the transporter and teleported back to the old resistance base.*
John= Now to keep them from using this transporter.
*John pulls out his sonic screwdriver and points it to a vital part of the transporter and it was deactivated.*
(music ends slowly)
John= Im so sorry transporter.... you served us well.... and Zero.
Tron (radio)= Where you been. You disapeared from our radar and lost contact with you.
John= Really? I found it! The missing biometal. But we better pack up early. Dr. Wily's numbers almost had me.
Teasel (radio)= Im picking up Dr. Wily's flagships from far away, they picked up your trail. We better hurry.
*John boarded one of the bonne ships and all soared back to the Marlwolf and the ship took off in blazing speed before the Wily armada could pick up there trail.*
John= That was close.
Tron= What happened to you out there?
John= I found an old transporter. Model SH lead me to it.
Model SH= My fault entirely. We had to use it so we can find the other biometal, Model MA. Dr. Wily couldive gotten her before we did if we didnt use the teleporter.
Model MA= You did what you had to do.
Tron= Now.... according to the databanks of Model SH.... the last one is comming from this continent.... that continent's controlled by the Sage Trinity. They control and command many forces, including government hunters and trading companies. We better be prepaired.
(Music playing - Exiled one _Omega_/ Megaman Zero 3)Download
*Meanwhile...... in a dark labortory...... full of Dr. Weil's things...... there were computers reactivating........ a capsule was reactivating ...... and the lid of the capsule opened...... and a familiar figure emerged from the capsule......... it was none other than Omega Zero, fully regenerated once more and fully recovered.*
Omega Zero= Hmfh! Took long enough. In my sleep..... I been watching ....... watching out for a certain someone..... and now I finnaly have you. Traveling with a bunch of lowly pirates. I really thank you for keeping yourself safe for me,.... but now that time has ended and now im gonna finish where I last started.
*Omega Zero exited the hidden lab bunker and took a motorcycle and soared through the deserted lands to hunt for John once more.*
To be continued........
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/19/2009 |
- Skip
- Title: Megaman Heroes 3 chapter 4
- Artist: Tanooki John
- Description: This continuing series of Megaman Heroes, takes place before, durring and after the events of Megaman ZX Advent. All characters (c) to there respectable owners.
- Date: 09/19/2009
- Tags: megamanzxadvent halo doctorwho metroidprime
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Yukiko231 - 10/09/2009
Wooooah it sounds interesting so far XD !
I can't wait to read more owo - Report As Spam
- Neo Arcane - 09/20/2009
Damn right we won't stop, anyone
who takes one of our ppl...we take ten of theirs...dead or alive!
As for that assault upon Jack...OH, IT'S ON NOW...IT IS ON!!
Now we're calling for blood, no code of conduct, no law...NO MERCY!!
Awesome chapter John, as always...especially with that cliffhanger
of Omega Zero's return! wink - Report As Spam