Alice was gone. Her body was buried deep within the earth in a white casket. Red roses always grew around the grave during the spring planted there by the White Rabbit, sunflowers with a black ribbon was placed on the dirt by the Mad Hatter in the summer, the Chesire Cat always set a wreath of purple violets and iris on the head stone when fall began to come, and in the winter....The Queen of Hearts came forth and placed golden candles in small bundles of roses each night to keep the light around her old friend's soul.
They continued to do this. Every second, every hour, every day, every month, and every year. Their bodies did not age as they continued to live in Reality. They seeked comfort by living in Club Wonderland. A mysterious club like their old world.....Only at night they could come out to the real world and try to draw in lost souls to their home to provide comfort. It was than, around the seventeenth year of the passing of Alice.....
White Rabbit caught sight of a young woman sitting across the street on the cold stone sidewalk. Her eyes were bright blue like the purest water in the oceans, long blonde hair that curled in perfect waves towards her hips, and pale skin glowing in the dark of the moonless sky. The blue dress she wore was almost identical to Alice's old one, but instead of white and blue....The dress was black and blue. She glanced up at him with a confused look after sensing a long stare, "May I help you?" her voice was soft....Just like....
White Rabbit glanced at his watch, almost time,"Must not be late..." The mysterious child stood up just as he began to run away from her, "Wait!" The essence of the night feed him hope as he ran ahead of the girl. "What are you late for!" the person behind him cried out, just like her....Not stopping he dashed behind a building and opened the enterance to Wonderland.
Alice's son stared at the door. The bright colors of red, orange, blue, and yellow clashed with the dull stone gray tiles of the wall is stood against. Was this the rabbit hole, the enterance, his mother spoke of in her old journals?
Despite being male, he always was Alice by almost everyone. He looked like her, talked like her at times, and even acted like her. This must be why his father hated him. The monster that Alice married had taken over her only son's life after she left. He was forced to take the role of a punching bag whenever the beast was drunk or even mad at the slightest thing from his poor son did that reminded him of his late wife. That was why....Just like his mother, he too hungered for escape from reality.
His name was Alex. A simple male name counterpart from Alice like almost everyone had excepted of.....
Alex had found out about Wonderland from his mother's journals from the attic in which his mother used to take her time to decorate with odd artworks of fairy tales and dark fantasy like landscapes. He found the dusty blue journal with her name in delicate writing. He read the life she had before her nightmare awakening. He wanted to find that world....
Alex gently opened the door and stepped into the dark void, he gasped as he slid down a glass slide. Flashes of odd objects went past him. An old grandfather clock that chimed out midnight despite it being ten at night, books floating in midair as butterflies emerged out of them, stuffed animals dressed as elegant princes and princesses, and the oddest were different flowers of all around the world singing as he passed. It felt so old...Like a gate to another world......
Alex hit the end of the glass slide and landed hard. The emerald door in front of him invited him closer as he stood up. It screamed out nearly as he slowly opened it, "Hello?" The sight before him was of that of a party from another land...A world away from reality.
Black Laced Prince 2
Second part of the Alice in Wonderland story with a twist. Alice is gone, but what of her son? It's his turn to fall down the rabbit hole..... A little warning, has some boyXboy love going on along with crossdressing later...Please don't comment rudely. This is your warning. Enjoy!
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