I sat at the lunch table eating my lunch. I hear the bell ring, but I dont move. I havent Finished my lunch yet. It was in a lunch box today, wigh ment my silly/crazy mom finialy woke up on time to make it. The kids pass behind my seat. First came Lily, The hottest girl in school. I secretly like her but know one knows except Nick, my best friend. She was talkign to one of her friends, I felt like i didnt exis to her. but that wasnt the only thing I was feeling.I felt some one poking my left shoulder. I turn too look. No one was there. I look foward again to see Nick to the right of me. Speaking of the devil I thought. He was holding the cookies my mom made. He had a devilish, mishevios, and friendlt grin on his face as he held it infront of my face. I look at the cookies. I had only eaten one out of the 4 that were there. "Thanks for the cookies" He said and followed the crowd. Then came Brian, The one no body likes. I didnt even like him. If you ever smelt him you would say that he smells worse then old moldy taco meat mixed with puke, served with a side of crap. I disliked him greatly. I watch him rush down the hall with, pretty much, his whole locker in his hands. All dis organised. I see Nick put out his leg and trip brian. Then Nick gave an evil laugh as he left up the stairs. Next came Susen, Shes nice and would help me with my homework when I needed it. Most of the times I get her to let me copy off her. He waved to me and smiled. I waved and smield back. Then I took a bite of my 'Subway' Sub. Half of it fell out of the back of the sandwich. Just my luck I thought.
My name is Isaac and Im and 9th grade loser. and this is my life

- Title: Another Day, Another Adventure
- Artist: DJ Arrow
Another Day, Another Adventure!
Intro - Date: 09/11/2009
- Tags: another another adventure
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