• NO LEaVE mE ALoNE!!.. I DoN'T nEED YoU PeoPLE!.. YOu AnD yoUR WhiTE CoaTS aNd yOur PaddED RoOM yOU SaY ARe HoTeL RoOMS, I wOULD KnOW iF I WaS oN VAcatION IdiOT! DoNT LIe To ME!!.. F**K OFF!!! JUSt LEaVE Me aLONE!.....


    NO, NO.. I Will NoT takE my MedIcine Until I geT my SmoKE BreAk!.....


    ...You got a light?.... Thanks...


    Why are you doing this?.. Why try to start a conversation with me?.. I know you people don't care.. they paid you for this, I know... I don't care for what you think of me, you don't know anything.. You weren't there, you don't know what I was or the things I can see..no one does.... Just go..Just leave them over there... I'm a big boy I can take the pills by myself.. Just leave me alone.. Just go. Go and leave me alone here with my friend, the cigarette.