Allow me to introduce you to Raviel, formerly ranked Lieutenant of Squad 11 of the Gotei 13. Raviel was a very well known, kind hearted and powerful shinigami who was respected by all of his subordinates. He was even recommended to replace the Squad 11 captain, who has been missing for several weeks now. But the day before the test, on a routine mission to kill a hollow, he was ambushed by a person with the body, clothes, and weapon of a shinigami, but on part of his head was like the mask of a hollow. Little did he know, this was an arrancar. Because of the sudden attack and the fact that this was a new enemy, he had little time to react and was cut down.
Left for dead in the middle of the woods, refusing to allow himself to die, Raviel managed to muster the strength to not only drag himself to safety, but hang on to his sword with his injured arm. Once he was in a safe place, he blacked out.
When he finally awoke, only to find he has been taken to a cave, he found himself wrapped bandages and surrounded by food and water. Not knowing where he was or who had helped him, all he could think of was eating. After he had eaten his fill, he made his way to the cave only to find a woman sitting at the cave entrance. She was very beautiful with a body to match. She turned her head and saw he was up. She smiled, and with the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, she asked if he was fit. No sooner did he answer with "To a degree, but I'll survive" she had already vanished into the woods.
After he had fully healed, he left the cave in search of this woman who had helped him in his time of need. But to his dismay, he was unable to find her. Knowing this, he decided that the best thing to do was to return to the Seireitei. But not knowing how long it has been or what conclusion the Gotei 13 have came to, he decided that it would be a bad idea and decided to head the other direction to the parts of the world where no one dare tread.
Once he had traveled far enough to the point where he knew he was never to be found, he started training and meditating harder than anyone he had ever known. With random Hollow attacks day in and day out, some being harder and some being easier, he grew in strength to equal that of a captain.
One day, while meditating, he heard this voice calling out to him. But the confusing part of it was that the voice was in his head. He concentrated harder and harder and finally, as though it was a planet landing on top of him, he heard it. It was the spirit of his zanpakto calling to him. He asked what the spirits name was only to get no answer. He asked again what the spirits name was, only to hear it tell him that he has not given it one. Once Raviel heard this, only one name was rattling in his head. Finally, with a loud roar, he called "Crush! Senmetsu!"
With his new found power, he decided to travel further away from the Seireitei. At this point, he has traveled so far, that there was nothing but a desert of white sand and baron trees. He knew he had traveled to a place that anyone who has kept their sanity at this point would know to turn back. However, Raviel has been alone long enough and has trained more than enough to the point where he knows that he can survive in such a harsh environment. So he continued to walk until he found a forest and, instead of standing above ground, it actually dropped below surface level. All he could see for thousands of miles was the tops of trees, several of which were shaking, but they were far enough away to the point where he could still travel a long distance inwards.
After making his way several miles into the forest, he chose to continue his training and meditation. After what seemed like thirty minutes, Raviel sensed that there was a Hollow lying in wait for him to make a mistake. But he noticed something was different. Normal Hollows don't normally lie in wait for the right time to ambush. So he decided to play its game and continued his meditation. During this time, he decided to communicate with Senmetsu.
After concentrating to find him again, just as Raviel gives up, Senmetsu finally calls to him. Raviel decides to approach this differently now that he knows Senmetsu's name. He says "You know both my name and my face and yet I only know your name. Do I get to see your face or am I still going to get kept in the dark?"
Without hesitation, Senmetsu said "The time has not yet come that I reveal such a thing as my face. But be patient. The time is coming faster than you think. As for now, this Hollow that is stalking you is more powerful than you think. When the time comes, you will know what to do."
After hearing what Senmetsu told him, Raviel decides to finally confront the Hollow. The battle commences and he realizes that what Senmetsu said was true. The hollow IS more powerful than he thought. In fact, it was even more powerful than Raviel, himself. With the battle finally reaching its climax, Raviel knew that it was do or die. Without hesitation, he yells out "Demolish! Senmetsu"
With this second released form of his Zanpakto, he was able to kill the hollow without effort. But there is one thing that bothered him about his victory. How was it that he was able to have a second form of Shinkai? It bothered him so much that he decided to make his way back to the Seireitei to do some research about it. But no sooner did he start making his way back did another Hollow appear. This one was not only larger, but stronger, and Raviel did not have to fight it to realize this. So again, as the battle commenced, the climax was once again reached. With Raviel not knowing what to do, he thought this was the end. He had used both the Crush and Demolish forms of his Shinkai and had spent all other energy.
Just before the final blow was dealt to him, he suddenly realizes that time has pretty much stopped according to the way he was seeing it. Then he heard Senmetsu calling to him. "You have not used all of your shinkai’s” Suddenly, Senmetsu fully appears. Body, face, everything. And to add to the situation, Raviel realizes that Senmetsu is not a male spirit, but is in fact the woman who had saved him in the woods all those months ago. She tells him "Do not worry about my form. Right now, you have a much... Larger problem to deal with. Now. Call my name one more time if you wish for us to survive this."
Suddenly, as though nothing happened, the Hollow continues to deal the final blow. Suddenly, with no warning, as loud as an explosion at point blank range, Raviel yells out "DESTROY! SENMETSU!"
As this new release of Senmetsu is revealed, the Hollow has not only lost his hold on Raviel, but it's also lost both arms. The Hollow has no clue in the world about what happened or about what is about to happen. All it knows is that something is happening and it isn't something that was planned. All that Raviel knows is that now he has the power to rid himself of this rival, and almost any other, that gets in his way.
After he rids of the Hollow, he continues his way back to the Seireitei to start research on why he now has three forms of Shinkai. Another thing that is bothering him is how Senmetsu was able to save him that day all those months ago. In fact, the situation with Senmetsu bothered him so much, that by the time he got back to the cave where she had saved him nearly a year ago, he stopped to meditate so that he can ask her how she was able to do so.
After an hour of meditating, she finally appears in the cave. What now bothered him is how she is able to become real. He questions her about this. Her answer entirely shocks Raviel.
"Don't you remember?" she asks as she starts to explain. "This is not only the same cave you were born in, but this is also the very same cave where you first obtained your Zanpakto. As for how I became the spirit of your Zanpakto, that I don't know. All I know is that I've been watching you ever since you were born."
After they converse about their history, Raviel notices something is wrong. He doesn’t know what it is, but he knows that it's powerful and it's craving a fight. He goes to check it out and what he discovers is something that he never would have expected. It's the Captain of Squad 11 of the Gotei 13. A shiver goes down his spine, but then he notices something strange about the captain. He asks the captain if he has been a member of Squad 11 for more than a year. The captain says yes. Raviel asks if he was ranked as Third Seat exactly one year ago. The captain again says yes.
At this point, Raviel realizes that this fight is going to be either near impossible, or, if he gets what he has hoped, one of the most entertaining fights he ever gets. The fight commences and Raviel realizes this fight isn't going to be as easy as he had hoped. The captain releases his Shinkai, and this is when Raviel knows that this is going to be a fight to the death.
Raviel releases his shinkai with hope that this will be enough to win. "Crush! Senmetsu!" The captain is shocked at the sheer size of the blade and knows what it was designed for. To his surprise, Raviel is actually able to fight with the sword as though it were a normal Zanpakto, thanks to all the training he has done over the past year. But, the power that comes along with the release is still not enough to keep up with the captains Shinkai.
Knowing this, Raviel releases his second form of Shinkai. "Demolish! Senmetsu!" Doing this has caught the captain off guard. Never has he seen any shinigami with multiple Shinkai's. With the captain still unprepared for the situation, Raviel starts an onslaught of unrelenting attacks. After several attacks, the captain recovers and is able to counter attack. Now, Raviel knows that this Shinkai is still not enough, but he knows the captains weakness. That is the fact that he gets surprised very easily. So with that in mind, he hopes that releasing Senmetsu's third form with surprise the captain just enough to defeat him.
And again, after so long, still as loud as an explosion at point blank range, Raviel yells out "DESTROY! SENMETSU!" The captain is once again caught off guard with the fact that Raviel has a third form of shinkai. And once again, Raviel launches a barrage of more unrelenting attacks. Coming within the final few attacks to finish the captain off, Raviel knows that victory is near. But little does he know, the captain is prepared to end this fight within a matter of seconds. Before Raviel even gets a chance to prepare for it, the captain releases his bankai.
The sheer power of the captain’s bankai sends shivers down Raviel's spine. The shivers are so fierce that they almost paralyze him in his tracks. The captain knows that Raviel is in fear of the power of his bankai. "I can tell by your reaction that you weren't prepared for my bankai" the captain says. "So I'm going to give you a minute to gain your stability back. I don't want to defeat someone who is paralyzed with fear."
"I can't win this... It's impossible..." That's all that Raviel can think. "I should run. I don't know how far I would get, but I want to live longer than this." Raviel raises his head to face the captain, and then makes his decision. "No. I didn't do all that training, meditating, and fighting and nearly die three times just to end up running from a fight."
"You can do this." Senmetsu says to Raviel. "You too can use bankai. You just haven't been in the right situation to use it. Don't worry about losing this fight. I'm here for you if anything were to happen."
Hearing those words encouraged Raviel to lose all fear of the captain’s power and to continue fighting. The captain smiles, knowing that Raviel has gotten his courage, and will to fight back. "So... Are you ready to finish this or am I going to be disappointed?" The captain sounds eager and bloodthirsty.
Raviel doesn't even answer as he launches a barrage of attacks that show no fear in the presence of the captain. The captain, however, appears to be unaffected by the power and courage in the attacks, and yet is impressed that Raviel was able to launch an attack such as this with no fear in his eyes.
Impressive" says the captain, "but it's still not enough to win this fight. Allow me to show you what a real attack looks like." In an instant, the captain stops the bladed-staves with three of his four arms. And, after putting a smile on his fast and saying "Time to finish this", the captain brings one of his swords down across Raviels chest. The blood splatters on the ground as the captain drops Raviel to the ground. "Huh... Thought you would have made this just a little bit more entertaining" the captain says in disappointment.
Lying there on the ground, bleeding to death, all that Raviel can think is "Senmetsu... I don't know if you can hear me, but if you're really here for me, I sure could use your help right now..." He blacks out after saying that, taking the appearance of a dead person.
The captain turns and starts to walk away when he notices something isn't quite normal. He turns around to see Raviel standing there with his scar slowly starting to heal. "How is it you're still alive? How are you healing? HOW?!" The captain is furious and in a blind rage, lunges forward to deal what he thinks is the final blow.
Raviel's eyes start to glow an ominously pale violet. His wounds have all healed, leaving nothing but scars. "Time to finish this fight" he declares. He brings his two double-bladed staves together and, moving at a rate so fast the captain doesn't even see it happening, says "BANKAI!"
"Soukei Senmetsu" Raviel starts to call as he comes down with a slash so powerful and so fast that it sends a wave of wind so sharp it can slice through any object no matter how powerful that object, so thin that it's nearly invisible to the human eye, and so fast that the captain doesn't even see it flying at him. Suddenly, in that instant, the captain realizes that he has just lost the fight as the wave of slicing wind cuts him in half straight down the spine. The captains body falls to the ground and, colliding with the hard surface, splits in half. With the body halves lying on the ground, Raviel degrades back down to his Shinkai.
Knowing that the fight is over, Raviel looks at the destroyed landscape. "You know Senmetsu... It's depressing knowing that battles between two people can cause this much damage." After saying that, Raviel blacks out again and collapses to the ground.
After several weeks of being in a coma, Raviel starts to come around. All he can muster is one word. "Senmetsu..." He turns his head and goes back to sleep.
A few more days pass and Raviel finally wakes up. This time, there is no food or water, but he is wrapped in bandages. He looks around for Senmetsu, hoping to find out more about her, yet no matter how hard he looks, all he is able to find is a note that only states two things. One is that she has been dormant ever since she got him to the cave, and the other is that he needs to return to the Seireitei so that he can explain himself, take his rightful place as Squad 11 Captain, and to do the research that he has wanted to do these past several months.
After finding some food and water, doing a little bit of training and meditation, and waiting for his wounds to fully heal, he is finally able to make his return back to the Seireitei. Upon his return, several Shinigami from multiple squads are waiting at the gate so that they may take him to their captain commander. When Raviel was last at the Seireitei, the Captain Commander was Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai.
Finally reaching the doors to the Captain Commander's office, Raviel feels this familiar presence approaching him. He turns his head only to find the former fourth seat of squad 11. Shock comes to both of their faces when they see each other’s faces. But the fellow shinigami does not stop to acknowledge his old friend, knowing why he is there. Raviel understands this and remains calm as he turns back to the doors.
Suddenly, both doors open and Raviel feels a presence unlike any other, and yet, it is relaxingly familiar. A voice yells out "Enter" and Raviel walks in. The group of shinigami that escorted him there stayed behind trusting the Captain Commander and his abilities.
Raviel turns to face the Captain Commander, and to his surprise, it is still Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai. Captain Yamamoto, however, is facing the wall with his back turned to the wall as though he trusts Raviel. "So... You've finally decided to come back to the Gotei 13." He turns to face Raviel with the same face he's had since the beginning. "The 13 Squad Captains and I have come to the conclusion that we have no reason to punish you. As for your rank in Squad 11, I'm afraid that cannot be returned to you."
Raviels face turns to disappointment. And then it clicks. "Captain-Commander Yamamoto. I don't know if you've realized this yet, but the Captain of Squad 11 has been defeated recently."
The expression on Captain Yamamoto's face does not change. "If you are finished with your interruption, I'm going to finish. Now, as I was saying, we cannot return your rank of Lieutenant to you, but due to our current loss of the Squad 11 Captain, you have been not only recommended for the position, but you have also been granted the rank of Captain."
Raviel's expression goes from disappointment to honor as he bows to Captain Yamamoto. As he stands back up he says "Captain, I appreciate the rank and everything, but I do not believe I can accept this."
Captain Yamamoto's face shifts to a questionably angry look. "And what reasons do you have for not allowing yourself to accept such a thing?"
"Because, sir, I disappeared abandoned the Seireitei, the Gotei 13, and all of Squad 11 the day before I was supposed to have been interviewed for the position of Captain for Squad 11. I abandoned everyone that is part of the Seireitei for more than a year for my own gains. I killed a Captain without reason. Also, I would use my rank and power to hunt down and seek revenge on the being that ambushed me the day I disappeared. Sir, I'm sorry, but I cannot accept the position that I have been granted." Raviel used a confidently strong voice.
The Captain did not react as soon as he normally would. After a slight pause, the Captain-Commander finally said "I agree that your recent actions are a bit improper, but the decision has been made. You will become the Captain of Squad 11. As for your situation with the creature that attacked you, you may do as you wish about it."
Despite the fact that Raviel knows that this isn’t right, he knows that he will have to go along with the situation. “I will honor the position given to me. I will fulfill my duties as a Captain of the Gotei 13. I will protect the Seireitei with my life. Thank you again for this opportunity, duty, and honor.”
Captain Yamamoto goes back to his blank expression and nods. “Very well” he declares. “You may leave now.”
- by THE_Wantoch |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/11/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Raviel Story Plot Part 1
- Artist: THE_Wantoch
This is just a story layout. I'm not going for thorough because I'm not that good. It's my fan-fiction, I was bored, and I thought it'd be fun. But be constructive if your going to criticize... I really don't want to explain several times that I was bored. And yes, I know it's long, I'm sorry about that.
Terms used in the story:
Senmetsu: Japanese term for annihilation
Soukei: Japanese term for total - Date: 08/11/2009
- Tags: raviel story plot
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Comments (2 Comments)
- scandel boy - 08/18/2009
cool i want one dem weopons
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- ALAIZHA111 - 08/15/2009
- terrible
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