The door without a handle
The gust, powerful yet weak at the same time, rocked the upper level of the browning roof. The old house sat a ways off into the field, the pickup sat only a few yards away from the house but it seemed like a forever distance if something were to happen.
"Hey look at this place." the boy said as his blonde hair whipped in the wind, "It is amazing." he said as he snapped yet another picture of the outside. Standing beside him, I sheltered my eyes from the gleaming sun in the background of the house.
"Yeah it is something else." I mumbled taking a step forward, my foot slid on the loose soil and I almost went into a force splits. Laughter filled the air behind me as I heard my friend explode.
"Ha that was so funny!" He spat in between chuckles, "You're such a clutz!" He exclaimed.
Letting my glare hit him I turned around quickly and walked off toward the opening in the other side of the house. Letting my imagination sore my mind went to a dozen scary movies in which I have seen similar scenes.
"Hey I am creeped out."I sighed as I turn to jog back to the truck something jumps out in front of me. Screaming out of fear, I hear my friend rush to my side.
"What is it......what is the matter?" he asks as I just let out another squeal the scream of a bird echoes in my ears. Letting out some more nervous laughter my friend looks at me, "Maybe it is time for us to move onto the next place?" he asks and I nod.
Rushing to the truck we hear the hum of the grasshopper's wings and get even more startled.
"******** what a random spot for a bird to be." I say out of breath as we hop into the truck.
Starting th engine he just shrugs.
"It happens." he says like it wasn't a big deal.
The truck is silent to the next stop. Miles away from what little civilization is out in this state. A lone house with nothing but a barn behind it, and a maze of gates for cows or sheep in front of it. The windows on this house are uncracked, untouched by the weather. Something hangs in the air, a creepy feeling surrounded this place. The sun was getting low in the sky, so we talked over just a quick check and then we would come back tomorrow. My friend and I are, you see, house hunters. We search over our home town for old abandoned houses and see what is in them, a fun pass time, but illegal and very scary if done with the right crowd.
My friend cuts off the roar of the engine, the silence makes it even more creepy. The paint on the house is weird and weather scared, which makes the winds not having a speck of dust on them even more creepy. The door to my friend's side opens and closes. I follow him out and let the door behind me open.
"Wow." He says and I just nod in agresim
The door without a handle
This is just a demo. The inspiration beside it came about today as my good friend and I explored a creepy old house many miles away from anyone or anything. Our phones didn't work and the wind was blowing. Lets get on with the story now.
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