Some people were born legends and for others the legends where born for them. But I was the different from the rest of the family. Everyone around me was smarter in all areas than myself. But the years past differently for me because I became a doctor.
But I never found the one that was for me. Sure I went on dates and did everything normal like everyone else but I was not whole. When I first became a doctor there was a war between humans and those who are immortal like myself. Everything was fine until one night when a stranger came through the hospital doors covered in blood. My nurses tried to stop him but he just kept on walking with the blood following behind him. He walked near where I was at until we were close to each other. His hair was blue, the eyes were red which weren't that uncommon in my family.
His clothing were too much covered in blood to tell just by looking at him. I knew that he was some what like me in a way but i didn't know what. Some how I will find out how that could be. But as of right now someone has too take care of him and since I am the head doctor I knew that it has to be me. After work I took him to my house in my red sports car. When we got there I took him into the bathroom and cleaned up all of the blood but by the time we got to my house the blood dryed up. When he was done with his shower he came close to me and kissed me on my lips.
His kiss took me by suprise never in all my years have this ever happened to me. What was I supposed to do now that it has happened. I put my hands on his chest and pushed he away from my."Don't do that" I said shocked. I was also hoping that he was going to give up and finally talked to me but i was wrong, he was still quite.
No matter where I went after that he had to come a long with me. When i got to my job my doctor that is under me who's named Shannon saw the both of us together. "My lord, who is this" she asked. "I dont know that yet, he is just so quite it is hard for me to even tell" I answered. The two of us left Shannon to her work along with every other nurse that was there.
The young man and myself went into my office and sat in two chairs that faced each other. I knew that he is not going to talk to me even if I ask him anything. "Darkness....." said a voice that I have nevered heard before. I looked at him. "What" I asked stupidly. " Your name is Darkness Averorochi isn't it" he asked. "Yea, what about it and how do you know my name" I answered. " I am Darkrin Averorochi. But you and I are not related in blood term of the word. You are not even born but yet you are here, and I know why that is. You where created in a lab to kill everyone on this planet."" I am Darkrin Averorochi. But you and I are not related in blood term of the word. You are not even born but yet you are here, and I know why that is. You where created in a lab to kill everyone on this planet."
Those words stuck to me like a sword pierced the body of the enemy in order to kill the foe. " What do you mean that I was born in a lab, and what was this killing of a planet?" I asked. "Hmm, I guess you don't know why you are this way and why you are gay and not straight. That is to be understandable of the lies they had told you over the last twenty-nine years."
I just can't believe what I was hearing not only was I not born normally but I was lied to and the person who made me gay. The time came and went in the whole time I was with Darkrin. The hospital was closed and I was to close all the doors before I go with Darkrin. But I had to make sure that I am indeed gay like Darkrin said I was. All the doors where shut and Darkrin and myself made it home at around nine O' clock. We slept in the same room but never in the same bed but this time I wanted him to sleep with me.
Around twelve O' clock I made up my mind to ask him out the following day, and if he says "no" or "not now"then I will understand. But this time it will be on my day off, and that is tomorrow.It was finally the day of truth, the very day to show me what it is to be in love or not in love with someone. I woke up very late if I was going to work today but I knew I wasn't. I rolled over to the side where Darkrin was sleeping and sure enough he was still asleep. I moved over to him and fell back to sleep in his arms. It felt so good and felt right for once. My movement woke him up. "What are you doing, Darkness?" he asked. "Darkrin, I love you, and will you do out with me?" I asked. Ican't believe that it all just came out like that. The only think that I heard aftter that was laughter.
to be continued...................
Secret love
Summer Demon Jara
were someone meets someone that is unlikely to understand ones feeling toward the other person
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