• tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Chapter 4

    tab After finally smoothing out her hair and claming herself down Alice waited for the bell so that she could head to lunch. She looked at her watch once more and saw there was only 5 minutes to go. She started to open the door when a couple juniors walked in.
    tab Out of habit she hid herself and tried to ignore their conversation but something that one of them said caught her attention.
    tab "Oh, yeah, you seen the new transfer?" one asked.
    tab "Yeah, Ohmygod!He's is like, soooo hot!" the other squealed.
    tab "Uh-Huh, but have you noticed that he's been talking with that one loser? Oh, what's her name?" she scrathed her hand.
    tab "Ummm, wasn't it Alice or something?" the other answered in a girly voice.
    tab "Yeah! Her and her loser friends! Well, I have no clue why he hangs out with her. If he knew of her past he would totally avoid her." she said in an all-knowing tone.
    tab "Oh, yeah! I remember that. I'm surprised she didn't move away. I mean if you think about what other people say behind your back, even after all these years..." she trailed off.
    tab Right when the other one was going to reply the school bell finally rang. Just in time too because Alice was about to run out of the restroom and let herself get caught by a teacher. The two juniors ran out of the rest room not wanting to get caught up in the flow of students heading to the lunch room, leaving Alice alone.
    tab Suddenly she felt a twing of pain on her bottom lip and finally noticed that she was biting it while they talked about her. The blood flooded her mouth. The taste was unbearable. It reminded her of that night. Quickly she opened the stall and ran to the sink. After letting the cold water run she dunked her head under the running water.
    tab Once the blood stopped she looked up in the mirror. The face that was staring at Alice was emtionless.It grew silent as Alice watched herself.Remembering what she used to look like Alice compared her past self to the present. There was a huge difference.
    tab Finally Alice snapped out of as some girls came into the restroom. After grabbing all her things she ran out and into the crowd. The feeling of wanting to run away swepted over her and she didn't even noticed that she passed the table where her and her friends sat at.
    tab "Alice!" J.J called out to her.
    tab She turned around and saw Amy sitting with Taylor and J.J on the opposite side.For some reason Alice had to force a smile as she walked over to them.
    tab "Alice, why did you pass us?" J.J asked once she sat next to him.
    tab "Huh? Oh, I just had a lot on my mind, sorry." she bowed her head trying to hide her face.
    tab "Hey, Alice, where were you during math? Mrs. Bostic is really ticked." Amy laughed.
    tab "Oh, I forgot something at my locker and when I grabbed it I noticed a teacher walking down the hall. I had to hide and before I knew there wasn't much time left before lunch so I decided to wait it out." she knew Amy stopped listening and was staring at Taylor. Taylor was staring at Alice which made her uncomfortable.
    tab "Alice, are you going to eat today or not?" J.J asked. Alice shook her headwith a smile grin. "Here, you can have half of mine then."
    tab "Thanks," Alice grinned bigger while he gave her half of his sandwich.
    tab "Um, J.J, right?" he nodded at Taylor, "How did you all meet?"
    tab "Hmmmm, it's been awhile... Amy do you remember?" J.J avoided the question.
    tab "Well, J.J and I moved here in, I think it was 6th grade. J.J was always alone and cold to other peopple, actually, he still is" Amy laughed, "Well, at first I noticed J.J alot and I became interested. I guess he was the first to talk to Alice, which was when I saw her."
    tab "Oh yeah, Alice was really quiet and that got me curious." all 3 of them looked at Alice. "Which, Alice, you never told us why you were so quiet and always alone." they kept staring at her.
    tab "Yeah, to be honest, I didn't even know there was a girl named Alice in our class." Amy thought back.
    tab "It-it was because... ummm,-" Alice grabbed her bag and took off just when the lunch bell rang again.
    tab "Alice!!" they all called out to her as she walked with the crowd. But Alice ignored them and continued to walk. She didn't stop intil she was outside in the schools front yard.
    tab "Whoops, I did it again," she laughed at herself in a sad tone. "Well, I guess I should just leave." and with that she headed down the street away from the school and everyone.