Chapter 10 How it all began
We arrived. A blue sky above us, a clouded surface below us. My eyes scanned over the area. Meia-san also looked around. Searching for anything.
“This is beautiful. Where are we?” she asked.
“The beginning. This is where our true story began,” I said. As I said that a blue dragon sprang forth from the clouds, flying on wide spread wings, circling high above us.
“Is that our enemy? The dragon Ryuuken?” she asked. I shook my head from side to side.
“No that is his father. The original dragon. The ruler of the eastern quadrant. His responsibility was to watch over the east, and was the origin of the spring,” I said. Another creature came into view. A black tortoise slowly walked into view. His strides may have been slow, but he walked with such honor, such meaning to him.
“Who is that?” Meia-san asked.
“That is ‘The Black Warrior’, the Tortoise of North. Ruler of the Northern quadrant and origin of the winter. He symbolizes longevity in this world,” I spoke again. Once more, another creature rose. Flying on majestic wings, its fiery red feathers shining like the sun on a cloudless day. It was a captivating sight to behold.
“Is that?” she asked.
“No. Like the dragon, this is the father of Fushi, the original Phoenix,” I said. My eyes closed and I smiled lowering my head.
“The divine one who ruled the south. His divinity was revered by humans and demons alike. He was the origin of summer as well,” I said raising my head. One more divine creature came into view. Dashing through the clouds. A white beast as fast as light itself. It stood next to the other 3.
“That is the Kirin. The Tiger of the west. Orininater of the fall. These four were the original guardians of our world. Their logic, unflawed. Their power, unimaginable. They over saw our world and bestowed upon it their blessings of the seasons,” I said bowing my head to the 4 divine creatures. Meia-san followed my lead and bowed her head as well. The beasts began to circle around each other, then one by one, left this clouded world.
“Where are they going?” Meia-san asked. I rose my head.
“No one knows, but I can say this. With their leaving, they left behind 4 new protectors. Each a less powerful version of the original,” I said pointing over to a group of small animals. A Phoenix chick, a tiger cub, a baby turtle, and a hatchling dragon. Each one showing a kanji on their forehead. After which, Fushi came back to this area.
“What is he doing?” Meia-san asked.
“You’re the inquisitive lot today aren’t you? The powers you think we are missing, he possess,” I said as Fushi spread his wings. 7 orbs of light began to radiate from his wings and his chest. Each light shining with a brilliance the likes you have never seen. The lights faded, and 7 gems were left in their place.
“飛行の7個の宝石,” I said. Meia-san looked at me then back at Fushi. Each gem began to glow again. They scattered in a bright display of light and vanished. After which Fushi flapped its wings and left once and for all.
“Time out. Back up. Are you telling me that those gems are the powers that I think we are lacking?” she asked looking at me confused.
“Exactly. The gems of Flight are what they are called. Each one representing a element under the dominion of the Fushi. Fire, water, wind, thunder, light, and darkness,” I said to her. She looked confused.
“But that’s only six. What’s the last one?” she asked. I pointed to the pendent hanging around my neck. It opened to show a black and white diamond.
“The gem of twilight. That which binds the 7 together. My father’s family has watched over this treasure for centuries. And he bestowed it upon me as his successor,” I said holding it close to me. “It’s the last thing I have of my parents. They use to sing to me when I was younger,” I said closing my eyes
“chiisai senshi kyuusai, usu akari de ha, shi ga watashi tachi no yarikata o wakeru made. watashi tachi ha anata o shukufuku shi masu,” I sang. A tear came to my closed eyes. Remembering my mother’s face as I lay in my bed. This was my lullaby. The one thing that made me feel safe at night. The vision of this world soon faded. And we were brought back to that alley way. She looked around more confused then before.
“What the hell just happened?!?!” she said a little pissed off.
“Calm down Wataro-san. We’re back where we started. And,” I said looking at the setting sun. The third day had past. I stood up and closed my eyes. My body began to glow again.
“朝の光に私を返してください,” I said out loud. My wings began sinking back into my back. My tail spiraled back into my rear end. And my ears began to shrink back into my head. My eyes changed back to brown. He looked around. He looked at his hands and smiled.
“The spell is now back to full power,” I said smiling. Meia-san looked at him and smiled.
“Let’s get you home,” she said. I followed her back to Her apartment. We arrived shortly after leaving my old alley. Outside the complex, Kimari-san was waiting. He held a ciggeret to his lips and blew out a stream of smoke. He glanced over at us and put it out.
“Ready to go, Yuroto-san?” He asked.
“Hai. Arigato Gozaimasu Wataro-san,” I said bowing my head. He looked back at me.
“No. It is I who should be thanking you,” he said bowing to me. After we said our goodbyes, he raised his hand to the sky. A black smog began rolling from his finger tips to the ground beneath my feet. It slowly crept up my legs and covered my entire body. Slowly, it began dragging me into the ground. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed to god I wasn’t being dragged into hell. Suddenly, everything stopped moving. I sheepishly opened my eyes. I was back in the Sakura garden. I was in Kyoto again. I looked around. It was the spot where Meia-san and I met. There were still char marks on the ground. I started walking back to Kira-san’s house. On the way I passed by most of the places I knew. Like the school and my old alley way. It was about twilight now. The sun was a bright orange in the sky. Dying this world in a golden glow. Only this time of day is truly relaxing to me. I stood in front of Kira-san’s house. I sighed.
“I wonder if they missed me,” I said out loud. I sighed and opened the door.
“Tadaimasu,” I said out loud. Instantly footsteps came from the back room. I expected Kira-san or Kagome-san. But it was someone different.
“SANO-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!” Marco-kun screamed. Running from the house. I looked at him as he left. And I looked back the other way. The house was trashed. Again. And then another set of ragging footsteps came out of the back. Both Kira-san and Kagome-san were running after Marco-kun, holding make-up and a dress.
“GET YOUR a** BACK HERE KUNO!!!!!!!!” Kagome-san screamed out. They almost passed me in the door way. I grabbed them both my the backs of their shirts and held them there for a few seconds.
“Nani o shiteru no?” I asked. They both looked up at me, then smiled.
“Sano-chan/Yuroto-kun!!!! Okarinasai!!!!” they said at the same time.
“Why are you torturing Marco-kun?” I asked still holding onto their shirts. They looked at each other and smiled. They slipped out of their shirts. My face went bright red as I stared at them in their bras. They smiled and pushed their breasts together with their arms. My nose bleed and I lost consciousness. I woke up on the floor. It was late at night. Marco-kun came back into the house as I was waking up. Looks like he escaped the clutches of those two.
“Tadaimasu,” he said rubbing his head.
“Okarinasai,” I responded. He looked at me and smiled slightly.
“I’m glad your back man. Its been hell livin with these two,” he said rubbing his head.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Ok here’s the deal. After you left a couple nights ago. Those two started arguing. Saying you left because of the other. I tried to reason with those two, but they wound up tying me to a chair and binding my mouth so I couldn’t activate my powers. After about 2 days of fighting and covering for yours and my absents in school,” He said rubbing his temples.
“You were absent too?” I asked cutting him off.
“They didn’t untie me till today. I haven’t eaten in 2 days. I’m also very dehydrated,” he said. Now that I look at him, he looked pale and sick. Guess I would look like that if I hadn’t eaten or had drink in a few days.
“After they untied me they had apparently made some kind of pact and attempted to dress me as a girl. See the destruction they caused?” he said looking around the house.
“So that’s how the house got like this,” I said. I could feel sweat dripping down my face.
“So that’s the run down of what’s been going on here. Any questions?” He asked kind tired.
“Yeah. Can we go to sleep now? I asked
“Yeah,” he said. We both dropped to the ground in my case, the coach in his, and we just went to sleep.
end of chapter 10

- Title: chapter 10
- Artist: aoinari79
- Description: another chapter done
- Date: 06/28/2009
- Tags: chapter
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Chirpy Pwincess - 06/28/2009
Loved it, this chapter had a bit of a more soothing vibe to it than the others.
You have two mispelled words,
one is cigarette, and the other is...I forgot! XD sorry!!!
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