Whispers in the Dark [00]
"This will be the best vacation ever!" my Father announced grandly. I wasn't so sure of that. I had only been on the island for a couple seconds, but the island had a dreary feel about it. I shivered even though it wasn't cold. "Are you okay, Celeste? It's 90 degrees and you're shivering." My Dad asked.
"I'm pretty sure she's okay." My twin Diana stated. Then, as if she was reading my mind, she leaned close to me and mumbled, "I know, I can feel it too." I nodded my head twice.
"Come on girls, we have to get to our hotel by 4:00!" My Mom yelled at us. Suddenly, a blood red, single streak of lightning filled the sky, and then everything was in black and white. But this black and whiteness was not natural, when this happened I couldn't even remember what color was or looked like. My mouth gaped open, as did Diana's.
"Celeste..." Diana told me in awe, "Do you see it too, or am I insane?" I nodded my head in silence, I couldn't answer. She must have realized that I meant that I could see it too, because she nodded back. Another streak of lightning flashed eerily across the sky, but this time, it was black. As soon as I saw the lightning my parents disappeared. Because Diana and I were so awed we didn't notice that right when the blood red lightning flashed everything froze, everything except us. The black lightning did something that would always haunt my dreams. The black lightning caused hundreds upon thousands people to just appear on the island, or at least I thought they were people. When I looked closely at the people I noticed that you could see right through them, and most of them had wounds, which flows of what looked like blood was gushing out of. The people also had on strange clothes; they were wearing long dresses with bustles and all of that other 18th century rubbish. In an instant everything was gone, Diana and I were in nothingness, complete and utter darkness. I realized that wet sand was rubbing against my cheek violently, I slowly reached my hand up and touched my cheek, and nothing was there. The strangest thing was that I touched my cheek but couldn't feel it.
A blinding light filled my eyes and I realized that I was sobbing on the ground, while writhing in agony. "Celeste! Diana! Are you girls okay?" My Mom asked fearfully. I looked up from the ground and saw Diana standing completely still. Her eyes wer no longer a bright blue; her eyes were all white, and they had a blank look to them, as if no one was in the body. I scrambled to my feet, got my brown hair of my face, and touched her shoulders. I jumped back when I felt her skin; it was colder than ice. When I had gotten over the shock of the coldness I went over to her. I reached out my hands to her shoulders, and ferociously shook her.
She blinked her eyes, and when she opened them they were back to their normal color and glow. My hands were still on her shoulders, and when she opened her eyes her body went right back to the regular temperature. "Celeste?" she asked wearily. I sighed with relief, she wasn't empty anymore.
"Yes, it's me, Diana. You're safe now." I told her gratefully.
Diana started shaking her head as if she was trying to shake the memory out of her head. Did you see it, Celeste?” She asked shakily, “Or am I insane?” I dug in my bag and got my Dwight bobble-head, when I did so I nodded his head. Diana giggled, Dwight always cheered her up.
“Come ON, Dweebs!” My little brother yelled at us. “I don’t want to get stuck in the rain because of you idiots!” I tapped my little brother on the shoulder, when he turned around I rolled my eyes at him. “Mo-om! Celeste is being mean to me!” I looked evilly at him. “Mo-om!” He yelled again.
“Celeste.” Mom told me sternly
I gave a guilty smile, thought of a comeback, and said, “All’s fair in love in war, and this is both.” I could tell my Mom was thinking about it, finally, she gave a brief nod. My brother gave me a look that was so full of hatred that Hitler looked kind.
“Can it, freak.” He sourly snapped at me. I shook my head and mockingly mouthed, ‘Nooo.’ I could tell that I had really made him angry now, because he marched right up to me and stuck his tongue out.
“Mom,” I said, Jet’s being mean to ME now.”
“Jet.” My mom scolded him.
“All’s fair in love and war, and this is both.” He mockingly replied- more to me than mom.
We had finally gotten to the hotel. I was happy about that because my family and I were finally out of the rain.
"What room?" My Mom asked the clerk. The clerk gave a small look at Diana, Jet, and I that just screamed, 'I'm sorry'.
"Room," he gave a small gulp in the middle of the sentence, "800." He frowned downward, “I’m sorry, it was the only room left. Forgive me. But anyway, go to the 8th level, turn right, go to the end of the hall, and when you’re there turn left and there you are.” He said without looking up.
My family and I strolled over to the elevator.
“I wonder why he was so worried?” Jet asked Diana and I.
“He probably saw your face.” I teased, pinching his cheek. “He saw your cute little chubby cheeks and realized that the grand suite was taken. He got worried because the room we got wouldn’t be good enough.” Diana pinched his cheek this time. Diana and I chuckled and high fived.
The elevator was very slow so there was a seemingly endless silence in the small, cramped room afterwards. Right when elevator opened there was a flash of blood red light from the window. Everything turned black and white and everything except Diana and I stopped moving. Then another flash of lightning, this time it was black, flashed from the window. Then, everyone disappeared and the bloody, 18th century, see-through, people appeared on the island. But this time two of the people came directly in front of Diana and I.
“Celeste, beauties beyond compare, Diana, boundlessly intelligent. My darlings, I've been waiting for you." The first one said, she was a beautiful woman, the man beside just nodded with a compassionate expression.
Whispers in the Dark [00]
A story about a pair of twins that go to Hawaii and find out that they have a special power that is activated by the island. Their power is to see the dead. The twins' paremts end of being ghost, their real ones at least. The father decides that he wants them with him and his wife so he hatches up a plan with her and they decide to kill their daughters.
Don't miss a single part of this addicting, suspensful series.
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