• tab My name is Monica Renee Connor. i was born in Little Rock, and adopted by Anna Mary Bell, and Jammy Dan Bell, there from Arkansas. I was sixteen when my step parents and me got into a car accident.
    tab i was listening to the Edge, my favorite station i looked down to find my tape, then when i looked up there it was on the wrong side of the road, coming at us. the driver must have feel a sleep at the wheel, who really knows what happened, because it all happened so fast.
    tab I remember moms eyes as she flew through the window and her screams haunt me in my sleep and the night mares of hearing dad screaming, hitting his head on the steering wheel, and the sound of his neck braking due to the set belt. Then every thing goes blank
    tab I woke up in the hospital from the night mare of the crash. who are you? said Monica. I am your mother dear, your real mother,My name is Renee Ann Connor. i have some bad news, and some good news, if you consider it good. said Renee
    tab Oh, okay go on, said Monica. Jay....Said Renee. wait what are you doing here! You know i don't even know you? how dare you come back! how dare you! said Monica. truth is i don't care if she is here or not, i just don't want to here about mom and dad. i wonder if it hurts her feelings that i call them mom and dad any ways, thought Monica
    tab Now Monica i am not going any were, said Renee oh really now! last time i remember you gave me away did you not! said Monica. No i left you, said Renee. let me explain myself and why i am here would you? said Renee.
    tab No! get out! i have other stuff to be worrying about! like my mom and dad! not about your problems! yelled Monica. Excuse me is there a problem in here said the nurse. No said Renee. yes said Monica, i a sure you there is no problem. i just upset her that's all i can take care of it, said Renee. Okay but keep it down.
    tab Monica i know what happened i know about Jammy and Anna, and that's why i am here, said Renee. i figured that much said Monica. I am here for you if you need me Monica, said Renee really, said Monica you were Not said Monica not here in the begining yes i know just let me finish said Renee.
    tab i don't deserve an apology from you or your father, bye the way don't be mad at him for giving you away he thought it was what was best for you that's all, said Renee. i left because i was afraid of raising you you were my first i chickened out you could say, and i left you and your father, said Renee
    tab Mom and dad are dead aren't they? said Monica. I am sorry sweetie they are, but i am here now for you and will always be, said Renee, really then why did you give me away. only if you did not i would not be hurting like i am now i would have never known them. i would have never loved them like i do now. there my parents the ones i do know, and they are dead, cried Monica.

    To be continued......... tab tab