A Whisper In the Night (2)
Me and Jake hugged the strange new "dad" back. "Um... I do not feel comfertable calling you dad. What's your real name?" He looked down at me like I was crazy. "Fine you may call me, Jeff... And for you Jacob?" Jacob looked up. "I'll call ya dad." He hugged Jake again and led us outside. "So Nicky how old are you now?" He took out his keys. "I'm turning 17." I sighed and walked to the Aqua Prius. "You drive a Prius?!" I smirked and he gave me the stop-it-or-your-grounded look. "Sorry..." I got into the passenger side and Jake got into the back. "Kids... You do have a step-mother. Me and her would like to take you two out tonight." I shook my head. No damn way in hell was I going out tonight. "Can I please stay home?" He nodded and drove down the high-way. "Hey uh, dad?" He looked back at Jake. "Can we go to the Gaming Arena... Mom was supossed to take me but, yeah..." He looked like he was going to cry again, so I sighed. "Sure, Jake." He took a right turn into a very country like area. I saw Romeo walking down the street and waved. He looked over, smiled and waved back. Jack smirked. "Is that the boy who you bumped into the hallway?" I nodded and closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes to see a very pretty light green, with white shutters, and a white porch. I looked to see that the porch wrapped around the house and led to a big backyard. I could see a fence and hear the sound of a pool drain. "We have everything. Dogs, horses, an underground pool, trampoline, and a swingset. Everything you guys need to be active and be homeschooled." I was getting ready to protest when I saw all me and Jake's stuff was on the porch and a tall, tan, brunette walked out smiling. Her teeth were so white and her eyes were a soft mossy green. Jeff got out and hugged her. "Tasha this is Nicky and Jake." She shook both our hands. "Nick is going to stay home and get settled..." Jeff looked away and Tasha looked more than pissed but got it back under control and looked sweet again. I made a mental note, Do not trust this Tasha. Jeff, Tasha, and Jake got back into the Prius. I started to walk back to the house. "Oh, Nicky dear?" I turned to see Tasha smiling at me. Ugh, what now? "Yeah, Tasha?" She look dis-pleased. "You can use the pool." I nodded and ran inside. The kitchen was a dark green and had a very retro sytle. I walked into the dinning that was black and the table was glass with red velet chairs. "What the hell...?" I moved into the living room and the T.V was huge but the big fluffy red couch caught me totally off gaurd. The carpet was black and the coffee table was, you guessed it, glass. There was a few chairs in the living room that matched the couch. I walked upstairs (uh, the whole damn house had this design of black, red, and glass. I walked into the room that had a note on it saying. "Welcome Home, Nick." I walked into the room and gasped. The walls were was a blood red, the carpet was sliver and the trim was black. "I had always wanted a room like this..." The bed took my breathe away. It was a king with a soft red with black-polka dots comfertor and about a zillion pillows that matched it. There was a glass desk with, oh yes, a new black laptop that was on and ready. I smiled and moved to my closet. Skinny jeans, tight fitting streatchy cotten shirts (of all colors), heels, and finally awesome black and red pajamas. And then in the way back of it was about a gazillion bathing suits. I smiled and walked back out to the room. I looked at the new H.D T.V and the looked over and saw the i-pod with a little i-home. I turned it on and flipped through the 257 songs. I recongized them all! I started dancing (really badly) to the song This Is Not A Home, and I heard a soft knock on my window sill.
I looked over to see Romeo grinning and I gasped, tripped over my bed and landed right next to the window. (hee hee yeah I almost fell out) "Woah, Nick you alright?!" Romeo climbed through my window and sat next to me. "I'm fine." I smiled and blushed deep red. "Nice house. But watch out for Tasha. This is her seventh husband." I grinned wider knowing I had won. "I made a mental note about her." I heard a car door slam and saw Tasha storming to the house. "I thought she took the Prius with Jeff and Jake." I hadn't realized I was shaking until Tasha stormed in and pointed at Romeo. "You! Out!" Then she picked him up and threw him out my bedroom window. Okay Am I going crazy? "What the ********, Tasha? Are you insane or just ******** with my mind, here?" I got up and realized Tasha was not much taller than me. She glared at me, all the friendlyness gone out of her eyes. "Stay away from the vampires, Nicky!" She stormed out of my room closing the door behind her. "V-vampires?
Romeo can't be a vampire. He was out in the sun and was eating a popsicle when I saw him on the way home. He can't... Can he?" Okay, relax! Tasha's probley just insane. My phone sang Situations. I grabbed it and looked. I had a text from, Romeo. My breathing picked up as I opened it.: "Don't worry about me, Nicky. I'm fine. Do not get to close to, Tasha." I got confused and replyed: "Romeo... Tasha told me to stay away from the vampires... You'r not a vampire, right?" I closed my phone and layed down on the bed. My phone sang again.: "I didn't plan on telling you so early but Nicky, I am a vampire."
A Whisper In the Night (2)
Lunar Lullabies
this is chapter two!
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