Part 2
by Imagineanimie
I woke up, breathing hard and quickly, with cold sweat trickling down the side of my face from my brows, almost like dew drops on a leaf in the early morning. . But one difference between that and this was that dew is supposed to be calm, how I was feeling was far from calm. As I was laying there, from my restless slumber, and my burst of awakening, the one thought in my mind, at first, was panic of what I had experienced. But then as I looked around from were I was I could see that I had fallen asleep, at home, in my living room, away from danger, well at least terrifying danger. It had to be a dream, I told myself, but half of me knew it happened, and that I was some how involved, or at least there to witness it. I shifted my weight, though I had slept on my vinyl, black coach before, I felt a stiffness in my back.
I reached my hand back under me to see if I was sleeping on anything. Sure enough I was I grabbed whatever it was and pulled it out of my back. Ah, so I had been reading Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, again. I set the book down by the floor of the coach and sighed as I turned back onto my back. Torture, I thought, since middle school that book has been on all of my reading lists and yet, out of choice, I read it now. Oh well, that’s the least of my problems for now. Well since getting that book out of my back didn’t help at all, it was time to actually get up.
I moved my legs around to the edge of the coach and slowly sat up, trying to avoid the head rush. My breathing had slowed down, and I was no longer in panic. But, I thought as I rested my head on the top of my coach while leaning back, it had always bothered me that I could never remember all of it, I closed my eyes and searched my brain, but every time I would open my eyes and find that everything blanks out at the same parts. Another thing that bothers me is that since I was twelve I have had this dream, the same one. But lately it has come every night, not just sporadically like it use to. I was now sitting straight up, looking around my living room to see if anything had changed, just in case. Right in front of me was an open black Del laptop with the word open. I leaned over to it and closed it, knowing that the document was safe and sound, even now. Looking farther out I could see a small flat screen TV. A giant wall length mirror surrounded the TV, the mirror contained many buffs and scratches from age. Once I looked to my side I could see a window that had a small plant that had one blooming sunflower in it. Pulling closer in, I cold see a small side table that had nothing but one picture on it. I leaned over to grab the picture. I had to rest my left had on the couch so I would not fall over. Once I grabbed it I leaned back till I was sitting strait up again.
In the picture, with a stunning silver frame, once sitting upright again I looked at the picture smiling. It was a picture of two people holding peace signs over each other’s heads and almost laughing, the person to my left of the picture was me, a bit shorter black hair than now, and leaning onto my best friend, David. The picture was taken on my seventeenth birthday, a few months and a year in the past. But suddenly I had the urge to look closer and see who else was in the picture, of coarse there was a lot of people that I had never met before but then again the picture was taken at Disneyland and hardly any one knows each other at Disneyland. But I saw a somewhat familiar face, well maybe not face yes on eyes. They were an eerie somewhat lime green color and looking at David and me with disgust.
Ugh, I thought to myself, could there not be one moment in my life that her kind would not be not be in it? I put the picture down on the coffee table silently. After a moment of thought my phone rang. I got up and headed to the kitchen, which is were my phone is. I picked p the wireless phone on the wall by the sink and hit the green phone button. I held it to my ear. “Hello?” I answered into the phone as I headed back to the living room.
“Do you have reservations to be picked up in a dark green, convertible, used, mustang at 7:30a.m, on September 2, 2009?” said a man who was obviously trying to make his own voice sound deeper and not his own.
I smiled, trying to restrain my self from laughing, “yes, sir, I do have that reservation, why do you ask?” I replied.
“Well than you are in luck my friend for it’s right out side your house wit a driver, whose finger is inches away from your door bell.” Said the man, still trying to sound like he as a deeper voice, as well as ignoring my question. Then suddenly the man hung up and my doorbell rang instantly. I smiled, almost laughed, despite my early morning panic attack. I headed to the door than heard the doorbell ring it’s four-chime tone again. I grabbed the silver door handle, turned it, than opened the door. Once open I saw an eighteen-year-old guy, leaning his forearm leaning in the doorframe. He had on a black shirt that had a giant white “X” on it, the crossing point of the lines on the “X” crossed slightly on his left side, as well as closer to the top of his shirt.
Between one of the spaces between the edge of one line and the other said “Oh crap! You're going to try and cheer me up, aren't you?”
He also had a plain old jean jacket over that. Then had on Slightly green jeans, and if you knew him well enough they were purposely grass stained. Lastly he had on black Vans with green laces. “Hey Jackie” he greeted smiling with joy in his eyes, but then again he has always had that.
“Hey David” I grinned. Here is my friend, David. David has been my best friend ever since sixth grade. David has Black shaggy hair, emerald green eyes, and can be spontaneous sometimes. “What are you doing here?” I asked. He rolled his eyes.
“Uhhh, did you already forget?” He asked jokingly. I just stood there still not sure what he was talking about, almost like I was in the middle of one of those dumb blonde jokes and waiting for the punch line. He pressed his index finger and thumb on his forehead. Then pulled his arm off the door way and said “Come with me.” He put his arm down and walked into the house. He passed the living room and headed into the kitchen he headed for the fridge, normally you would think for food but instead he had grabbed the magnet calendar, and pulled it off the fridge and held it in front of my face. I grabbed it a stared blankly at the calendar. Obviously David saw that I still had no idea what he was talking about so he pointed at a circled day. It said “First Day of School.”
“So?” I asked “that’s tomorrow.” I said confused. He sighed, grabbed the calendar out of my hand and grabbed the marker that was on the fridge. He pulled the cap off and put it on the counter next to the fridge. He marked the calendar with it then handed it back to me, with a bit of pity on his face. I held it again, but this time realized that he crossed out the day before the day that said “First Day of School.” Suddenly I realized what he was getting at. “That’s today?” I gasped and went back to a panicky state. He nodded slowly; he was now in the doorway of the kitchen. He stepped aside and put his arm out as in saying, “lead the way.”
Secrets part 2
Part 2 of a story I am writing I have a previous part too, you should check it out
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