We all think we know what love is, right? Like when the person your around makes you feel like you can’t breathe or like your guts are going to come through your mouth, when they’re talking to you and you can’t seem to bring yourself to listen to what they’re saying cause you’re so caught up in looking into their eyes you seem to lose yourself. That when that person looks or even glances at you that your heart skips so many beats, you lose count. That the person you love so much (so to speak) leaves you or dies that your heart feels like if it was ripped apart, stepped on, that it gets to a point like you feel you won’t go on cause it hurts that much. Well I think most of that crap……….., no, not most of it, all of it. It’s just a load of BULLSHIT I grew up seeing, hearing what people thought or figured what love might be, mostly my mom. Every night was a different guy, when I had something to say about it, she be like, “You don’t understand I love him”, and every other guy that came. I was like, come on I’m eleven have some respect!! Love……………….., to me, was OVERRATED. Well, that was until I learnt my lesson. I guess it was the only way.
(Edward High School)
Luke: Hey Jess, what’s happening, so how was your vacation?
Jesse: Its Jesse and vacation, well it sucked as usual.
Luke: Dude you’re like, such a total drag man.
Jesse; Dude like, whatever.
Luke: Anyway, what you doing for val?
Jesse: Who’s val?
Luke: Man, you know Valentine’s Day, it’s like tonight.
Jesse: Oh that, well I’ve been thinking about doing nothing.
Luke Figures, but guess what?
Jesse: What?
Luke: I got a date with Trisha Brown.
Jesse: You mean, Trisha Brown that stuck up b***h.
Luke: Ok, ok, ok but tonight’s my night.
Jesse: Every night’s your night, Luke.
Luke: And every night isn’t your night, Jesse.
(Bell rings for class)-History
Miss Henderson: Class today we have a new student, all the way from California. Her name is Christine Adams. As we all know students, every transfer students gets a tour guide of our school, soooooooooo, Jesse will you do the honors, Jesse, Jesse, JESSE!!!
Jesse: (startled from sleeping) No!! I mean what?
Miss Henderson: (clears throat) would you give the new student a tour of the school.
Jesse: Uhhhhhhhhh, sure, yeah.
Miss Henderson: Great, first thing after the bell rings.
Jesse: (whispers) great.
Miss Henderson: So, now let’s begin, turn to chapter 36.
(Bell Rings)
Jesse: So I’m supposed to show you around, right?
Christine: Yea
Jesse: Ok let’s not waste time.
Christine: Wait, aren’t you going to tell me your name?
Jesse: Jesse or whatever, ok here we go.
Christine: What’s this?
Jesse: A map, if you haven’t seen one before. Right, this here is the bathroom, over here the library; next to it the cafeteria and all the rest are labeled. All righty then, welcome to s**t school, I mean Edward High andddddddddd see ya.
Christine: Okkkkkkkkkk, what a……………………
Lily: Jerk!!
Christine: No, a*****e, what’s his deal?
Lily: Who knows he’s been so since he got here. Anyway my name is Lily.
Christine: Mines is Christine but you can call me Christy.
Lily: Sooooooooooo, what you say I give you a proper tour of the school.
Christine: Thanks a lot.
(Lunch Time)
Luke: Dude, have you seen the transfer student? She's like a capital F with i-n-e tagging along. I might just take her to the party instead of Trisha. Dude, you even listening to me?
Jesse: Yeah, ummmmmmmmm, dude, do you know a nine letter word for easily angered.
(Doing Crossword Puzzle)
Lily: I thought you were taking Trisha.
Luke: Ummmmmmmmm, here comes the new girl.
Christine: Hi, Lily may I sit here?
Lily: Sure
Luke: Hi, my name is Luke, must say it is a pleasure to meet you.
Christine: Hi, I’m Christine nice to meet you to.
Luke: So, what do you say, you coming to the party?
Christine: I, doubt
Lily: Wait, I’ve got an idea, why don’t we do a double date?
Luke: Sure, I’ll go with Christine and you go with Jesse.
Lily; WHAT! Are you serious?
Luke: Very.
Lily: (whispers) me and my big mouth.
Luke: You coming with us then, Christine?
Christine: Yeah, I guess so.
Luke: Great! Then it’s final. (Lunch Bell Rings)
(Christine and Lily)
Luke: Jesse, you ready for tonight?
Jesse: What about tonight?
Luke: You got a date with Lily and I’m with Christine.
Jesse: Where was I when this took place! Plus I thought you taking Trisha?
Luke: s**t!!
(Valentines Day-Late night)-Luke calling Jesse
Ringggggggggggggg, ringgggggggggggggggggggg, ringggggggggggg
Jesse: Yo, what’s happening?
Luke: Where the hell are you?
Jesse: Am I supposed to be somewhere?
Luke: YEAH, THE PARTY! Ok I know you don’t want to come but do it for me, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Jesse: No, I’m watching cartoon network.
Luke: What you say we make a deal?
Jesse: Listening.
Luke: How bout I lend you my car to drive to school for a week.
Jesse: A week
Luke: Ok, a month
Jesse: I’ll be there in 2 hours
(2 hours passes)
Luke: There you are. Wait, why do you look like if you just got out of bed?
Jesse: I just got out of bed, what?
Luke: And your hair, what have I done
Jesse: What’s wrong with my hair?
Luke: Nothing, nothing, look the girls are coming.
Lily: Hey you guys, Luke you look really nice
Luke: Why thank you, Lily.
Lily: Jesse! You look, you look ummmmmmmmmm, can I get a drink my throat suddenly feels really dry.
Jesse: Why thank you, Lily. (Sarcastically)
(As the night comes to an end)
Christine: Don’t you think Luke and Lily look great together, isn’t love a great thing.
Jesse: (chuckle softly) you got to be kidding. First thing first, Luke and Lily ain’t happening, secondly love sucks and mean nothing. It’s as simple as that.
Christine: You’re really lonely aren’t you?
Jesse: I prefer to be lonely less stress
Christine: And more loneliness, we as humans can’t go forever without humanly contact, you know?
Jesse: Well………… in that case I’m not human.
Christine: You’re weird you know that?
Jesse: So I’ve heard, let’s just think of it as being different.
(Saturday-early morning)- 6:30
Ringggggggggggggggg, ringgggggggggggggggggg, ringggggggggggg
Jesse’s answering machine- Yo, this is Jesse here, if I haven’t answered the phone by now, don’t call back and don’t leave any messages.
Luke: Jess, this is Luke I’m coming over…………….., actually I’m in front of your house.
Jesse: (half awake)……………………………., dammit. (Gets up to go open the door)
Jesse: What could you possibly want so early in the morning?
Luke: Dude, you still sleeping, anyway I came over here to tell you my parents lent me their hut for two days, you know the one near the ocean.
Jesse: Yeah, so?
Luke: You wanna come?
Jesse: No.
Luke: You can escape, you know, relax far away from all your worries, stress and all the other problems you seem to have.
Jesse: You make it sound so good………………….., oh what the hell why not, what’s the worst that could happen.
Luke: Go pack, I’ll be waiting.

- Title: Love Lesson
- Artist: chinx22
- Description: A boy who found out how to love in the most unique way possible
- Date: 04/27/2009
- Tags: love lesson
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Comments (4 Comments)
- MC ninalicious - 10/20/2010
- This seems to be more of a script than a story.
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- Rick950 - 09/30/2010
- lol i didnt get it...
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- JInnYenn - 07/04/2009
- What? LOL!!!
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- chinx22 - 04/27/2009
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