• Abandoned.
    That was what the white cardboard sign said. The old theater posed an interest to me. All things off limits are just bound to spark curiousity. The city had shut the theater down after repeated ghost sightings. Everyone was so convinced there had to be a ghost. The idiots. My name is Adiel, and I'm a nosy 15 year old girl. Ironically my name means Goat. I must say, I believe I look like one too. My friends, if anyone were brave enough to come near me, just call me Addy.
    I fiddled with the theaters doorknob. It was locked anyway. I shrugged. I was supposed to be getting groceries for mom anyway. I starter trudging back up the street, a tad disappointed, but it was always a possibilty they locked it just to keep theives out. The lock clicked, and I could hear it. I swiveled my head around to peer at the door. It was open and the wind that was picking up made it open and close.
    A piece of curly brown hair fell in my fair and I speared it behind my ear with a clip. I cautiously tiptoed back towards the door. I grabbed the old fashioned brass handle to stop the wind from breaking the door off it's hinges. I stepped inside and very stupidly let the door handle go. The wind rushed out in a shriek and the door slammed shut. I didn't start panicking until I heard it lock once more.
    I took the backpack off my shoulder and opened it up. I dug around and pulled out a lighter. I didn't smoke, and if my mom thought or sensed I had a lighter, something much worse then cancer would kill me. I pressed on the metal tab of the lighter and the metal cap came off as a bright flame illuminated my surroundings.
    My voice rebounded off the high gilded ceiling and across the room. The lighter only sent light out so far. I took a step and fell over. My knee came down on a stair and the lighter flew out of my hand and skittered across the, what I assumed to be, the stage.
    "Don't swear."
    "Dont' swear."
    "Don't swear."
    I said that part a little too loud and it echoed all over the entire room.
    "You're quite clumsy aren't you."
    A soft purr came from by my head. It seemed to make my head vibrate. Two yellow eyes gave a soft gleam which actually managed to show a bit of a wooden stair. Startled I back up. Bad idea. I stepped on what felt like a rope, and the noise that erupted from underneath felt alien. I jumped up and fell backwards. The two eyes were joined by another pair. Both blinked at the same time.
    "See? Very clumsy isn't she Rabia?"
    "I'll say boss." The voice had a New York Yonkers accent to it, giving it a scarier sound. I opened my mouth.
    "Eh oh. She'sa gonna scream boss. Should I make it so's she'sa swimmin' wit da fishies?"
    "No, unconsious is good for me."
    Then my world went black.