- When the first polis in Greece was created, there lived the first few inhabitants of Greece. A young 9 year old boy named Jyret, and his mom and dad was one family. There also lived another family with a girl that Jyret liked very much named Serene. Serene never had laid eyes on Jyret, for she was very shy and did not like making eye contact that much, but Jyret always gazed at and admired her. One day, Zeus looked down on the world and noticed how plain and empty it was. He looked at the polis and saw Jyret. He noticed Jyret was a determined type, and that he was an excellent builder and engineer, because he built homes, barns and many other things for many people, even at his young age. He waited until Jyret was 14 years old, because he was going to give Jyret a very big task. When Jyret was 14 years old, Zeus whispered to him from Mount Olympus and said, “I am not pleased with the appearance of the world. I shall grant you godly powers and tools with which you can use to build the world’s mountains, hills, plains, deserts, and create lakes, rivers, and the seas.” The next day Jyret opened his door and walked out and he saw mysterious tools on the ground, he picked one up and felt a great surge of power and energy go through his body. He immediately knew what he had to do. He then traveled around the empty world and carved rivers, and lakes, and created magnificent mountains and hills. Mother Earth was now very beautiful, and she thanked Jyret by letting Jyret’s family have fertile soil and no famine for the rest of their lives. Jyret thanked Mother Earth and moved along. After completing his tiring task that lasted 5 years, he went to Mount Olympus to tell Zeus he finished his mission. When he came and told Zeus about completing his great feat, Zeus looked down on Mother Earth and saw how beautiful and majestic its appearance was. He then told Jyret, “You have pleased me and you have made Mother Earth look very beautiful. In return for making the world better, I shall grant you one wish for whatever you want.” Jyret said in reply, “I only wish to be together with the love of my life, Serene, back at my home.” “You shall be together once you return home.” Zeus told Jyret to go to Serene for it will be love at first sight with Serene. Jyret knew well of what this meant. Jyret left Mount Olympus and came to Serene with a little smile on his face. Zeus convinced Aphrodite to tell her son Eros to shoot a gold arrow of love at Serene’s heart. Back at Jyret’s home, Serene opened the door to the knocking of Jyret and right when she opened the door, she got hit in the heart, and looked Jyret in the eyes. The first person she saw was the handsome Jyret standing right in front of her on her doorstep, and she fell towards Jyret, right into his arms, and immediately fell in love with him. After that, Jyret and Serene got married and Jyret thankfully made many great sacrifices to Zeus for giving him his true love, and did not forget Eros and Aphrodite for he desperately did not want to lose her. Zeus was very satisfied with his gifts, and the fact he did not forget Aphrodite and Eros, because mostly everyone forgot some gods, and told Jyret, “You have pleased me once more. I shall allow you and your wife to become new gods to be on Mount Olympus with the rest of us.” Then Jyret became the god of engineering, and Serene became his loyal wife. They went to each others homes and told their parents their story. They all cried, hugged and said their farewells, and took off for Mount Olympus. Soon, Jyret and Serene had children, that were also skilled in engineering and building, then they got married with mortals who had more children that were skilled engineers and builders, and the process kept repeating. And those descendants of Jyret and Serene are the engineers that exist today that constantly build and create, to change and make our lives easier. Even today, Jyret and Serene carefully watch over all their descendants and help them create magnificent things for the world by giving them more great ideas for the world to create.

- Title: How Engineers Came About
- Artist: jaeznboi
- Description: This is a class assignment I did. My assignment was to create a believable Greek myth. It was the best in the class so I figured I should've posted it on Gaia for everyone to see. How Engineers Came About gives a believable explanation on how true love, engineers, and how a few other things came about. This myth uses Greek, not Roman names of the Greek gods and goddesses.
- Date: 04/18/2009
- Tags: greek myth believable love engineers
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