The sun was shining bright with the prospect of a new day. One were things would go according to plan and without failure or disappointment. Then again, even if it was raining, Camilla’s day always seemed to go according to plan. That was before the new neighbors arrived. Before that fourteen-year-old…thing moved in with her mother and her brother. After that, the sun didn’t shine and it didn’t rain. Camilla was lost in the forever darkness that was sure to fall over the pearly white houses with their gray roof in the next weeks.
The day the Higgins moved in next door was just another day until they were invited over for a small get together Camilla’s mother had arranged in honor of the new neighbors and, in her father’s case, a new business partner. Jared would soon have a new friend and hopefully Camilla would get along just fine with Mrs. Higgins’s oldest son. Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Midway would be proven wrong when they met the wretched children Mrs. Gabriella Higgins liked to call “her children”.
Part 1: And so the lettuce flies
“I can’t believe you have to work with her Chester! Those monsters are not children and surely property values will go down once people know they live here.” Audrey Midway shouted as she pulled a small piece of lettuce from her hair. The small get together had been total chaos, something that she had never seen in her life. She walked over to the small bar they had in their ballroom sized dining room and poured herself a small glass of brandy. Camilla watched on in aw picking pieces of the salad out of her hair as well. Her mother hardly drank any alcohol and her father, though always working long hours at the office, looked small with fatigue. Jared was nowhere to be seen as usual. Camilla herself was at a loss of words and energy.
When the Higgins had entered the house, Camilla could just tell things were going to go horribly wrong. One, because the boy her age was dressed from head to toe in black garments not suitable for a get together such as this and piercings. His sister on the other hand looked like a picture of perfection meaning she was a demon child being forced into the frilly dress and forced to smile. When Camilla answered the door, she should have just shut it again right in their face but her mother was too quick for her. She had welcomed them in with open arms except for Max. Max was given her curious look which Camilla took as a good sign. Surely he would be the one to start the trouble tonight.
That was not to be the case though. No sooner had the caterer brought out the salad did it start flying all thanks to little fourteen-year-old Zoey Elizabeth Higgins. Of course, being a child, or acting like one at least, she wouldn’t take the blame. She blamed it on her imaginary friend, Higgles. Apparently Higgles was trying to get a message to the group about the Nightmares the only way he could; by throwing the food in every direction. She had explained this all while her mother pulled her from the dining room and out the door muttering about imagination and silly nonsense. Max had sat staring at the chaos even after his mother and sister had left the house. He had sat there until Camilla had given him a look full of questions and then he left the same way he had entered; hunched over with his hands in his pockets. Camilla could have cried out in joy that they were gone if their house wasn’t in such a disarray of anarchy.
Part 2: Thou shall not believe what is insanity
The next few weeks continued in a normal manner for Camilla and her family. School was the same as were after school activities. Stacy stayed close to Camilla during the day and closer when Max was in sight. She couldn’t blame her though. If she didn’t know him even the little bit that she did know him, she would find him just as scary. It was easy to take no notice of the new neighbors when life was continuing on in such a normal fashion.
Of course life couldn’t continue on as normal for long. Not with new neighbors like the Higgins. Exactly a week after the horrific dinner Zoey knocked on the door of the Midways’ to apologize for her actions. No one was home but Camilla of course. Her brother had band, her mother was on a spa retreat and her father, like always, was away on business. Camilla would have closed the door in her face as soon as she saw who it was if Zoey hadn’t gotten her foot wedged in between the door frame and the door. “No, look. I want to apologize for Higgles, I mean, my actions.” She said with some attitude.
“That’s nice. We accept your apology but I have to get back to homework.” Camilla said trying to close the door again but Zoey had already wedged half of herself through the small crack.
“Homework? How can you possibly do any homework when your kingdom is in peril?” She asked all too seriously. Camilla was getting annoyed with how well this little girl could pull a prank. “Come on, I’ll show you!” She said grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door just as Jared walked up the walkway.
“Where’s the fire?” He asked in his I really don’t care voice. Zoey grabbed onto his wrist as well sending a blush as red as the fires of hell through his cheeks. “Where are we going?”
“To Camilla’s kingdom. They need her.” Zoey said walking into her house and calling for her brother. Max ran down the steps and blushed upon seeing Camilla and Jared in his house. Camilla blushed as well. Max had come down in an old, faded pair of lounging pants.
“What could you possibly want and why are they here?” He asked looking from his sister to Camilla.
“They are coming with us to Camilla’s kingdom. Now hurry up and change we have to get going. We don’t have much time.” She ushered. Camilla was surprised to see that he actually listened to his little sister. He returned a minute or two later in black jeans and an ICP t-shirt.
“Now why are we doing this?” He asked his sister but looking at Camilla the whole time. Camilla found it hard to look away from his intense gaze. She found that his eyes were the bluish shade she had ever seen.
“Wow.” She whispered. Max looked over at her then to his sister.
“Better watch it. Camie here is going to go insane with you around too much.” He joked as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the kitchen pantry. Zoey did the same to Jared. The Midway children felt their cheeks grow hot with embarrassment as they all crowed the pantry.
“Look, this is a waste of my time. None of this is real. None of this can be real.” She said. As the words left her mouth the pantry began to shake. “What was that?” She asked. Max and Zoey looked at each other and smiled.
“Hang on.” Zoey said over the roar. Jared and Camilla let out a scream and closed their eyes. When Camilla next opened her eyes they were definitely not in the kitchen pantry anymore.
Part 3: Again I say to you, THIS IS A LOAD OF BULL CRAP!
Camilla looked around in utter amazement. I must have fallen and hit my head in that small earthquake. She thought before she realized that she lived in Pittsburgh and there were never earthquakes like that there. “How in the world…” She stopped as Zoey grabbed her hand and pulled her to the top of a hill.
“Look! This is it! This is your kingdom.” She said with excitement. Camilla shook off the younger child and took a step back.
“I’m dreaming. That’s all this is.” The Higgins exchanged a glance.
“Who are you trying to convince Camie my dear? Me or you?” Max asked wrapping a comforting arm around her back. She immediately shrugged it off.
“Don’t touch me Dark Lord.” She said walking back down the hill. “I want to go home.” She heard the sound of a stampede chasing down the hill after her.
“You can’t go home. Not yet. Did you see the destruction? You need to help.” Jared said causing her to turn around quickly. The words that were pouring out of her brother’s mouth couldn’t have possibly been his.
“Jared, do you see what these two are doing to you? They’re making you believe in this nonsense. All this is, is a dream. A silly, not real, dream.” She told him as she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself as she looked him directly in the eye. Jared looked back at her as tears came to his eyes but just as suddenly as they came, they disappeared though as he pointed behind her. “What?”
“The Nightmares.” She turned behind her to see a demonic clown group and ravens coming from every direction at them.
“RUN!” They heard Zoey shout but as she looked around for an exit she soon found that they were stuck. As the militia closed in on them, Camilla closed her eyes hoping to wake up. What she felt instead was the sense of flying. She opened her eyes to see that she was hanging onto the boy whom she had just insulted. Her brother was hanging to dear life to Zoey just behind them.
“How are we doing this?” She asked looking up at him. He looked back at her and smiled.
“It’s a dream world. You can do anything here.” He looked back in the direction they were headed just as clouds cleared out to let them view a spectacular castle that took Camilla’s breath away more than the flying did. “You like it?” All she could do was nod. “Good. It’s yours.” She could feel a small smile creep across her face surprising herself more and more as she started to believe that this world truly did exist.
Part 4: Believing is seeing apparently
They landed safely just in front of the great doors of the castle. She looked around at the others who stood there with large smiles on their faces. She couldn’t believe that they truly believed in all of this. Even though she stood there in front of the castle she still couldn’t find it in her to believe fully in it.
“Go ahead. What are you waiting for? Open the door!” Zoey urged with a wide smile on her face. Camilla walked hesitantly towards the door and stopped. She looked around at the group as they urged her closer to the door with their smiles and their eyes. Max took a step toward her.
“Come on Camie. It doesn’t bite.” He stepped up next to her and took her hand in his when he saw that she was still hesitant towards opening the door. “Do you trust me?” He asked.
She nodded and looked up at him. “Surprisingly.” She turned back toward the door as the neared it.
“Good. Now close your eyes and imagine.” He told her.
“Imagine what?”
“Imagine what a princess would wear around the castle. What she would wear if she was walking with Prince Charming in the garden. Imagine what she would wear when she hung out with her friends. Now, close your eyes.” She did as she was told as he led her through the door they had opened together with ease. She heard Zoey gasp behind her and the magic swell around her when she passed through the threshold. “Open your eyes.” Again she listened and looked around at everyone. She was in a beautiful, yet simple, dress the shade of a robin’s egg. A small tiara sat upon her head. Max was in fact Prince Charming and Zoey and Jared were little miniature versions of themselves. She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. “You look amazing.” He whispered so only she could hear.
“Do you believe me now?” Zoey asked in an exasperated tone.
“Yes, I do believe you now.” Camilla said surprising herself with the truthfulness hidden beneath the answer. Everyone, including quiet little Jared, cheered for her epiphany. In the excitement, she felt Max press his lips to hers causing everyone to go quiet. Camilla felt a surge of happiness as a small smile spread across her face.
“Welcome home Princess.” He whispered.
“Only if you’re the prince.” She whispered back. The day was just filled to the brim with surprises.
“Now about the Nightmares.” Zoey but in.
Part 5: This fairy tale wasn’t real five minutes ago
Camilla let out a small sigh. “Tell me…” She started before what looked like a small bug came flying down the steps toward her. She started to swat at it to get it to go away if not kill it but a small plea came from it.
“Please Camie! Please don’t hurt me! It’s me.” The bug cried. Camilla gasped as she soon realized what this bug was.
“Peppermint?” She asked slowly holding out her hand for it to land. She could see a little head movement and let out a small sigh. It was her imaginary pixie friend from when she was three before her mother yelled at her to grow up.
“What’s that?” Jared asked. Of course he wouldn’t know. He wasn’t yet old enough to remember Camilla running around with a pixie.
“Do you remember mom talking about a Peppermint when she told you to grow up?” She asked. After he nodded, she continued. “This is her. She’s a pixie and was my best friend before I grew up.” Jared shrugged and when back to being Jared. “She can help us.” Camilla said more than sure of the words as she said them.
“She’s right.” Zoey said letting the pixie walk into her palm. “She can help.” Max shrugged his shoulders and looked at Jared as if to say; “Girls, what do they know?”
“So tell me about the Nightmares.” Camilla said getting back to business. For about the next hour, Zoey, Max and Peppermint filled her in on every little detail there was to tell. “So you mean to tell me, that I have some special power that can defeat the Nightmares who have escaped from the Land of the Forgotten just like Peppermint there. By the way,” She said turning toward Peppermint, “I’m sorry you ended up there because of me.”
“Not a problem. I’m a pixie and pixies don’t lose hope as much as other creatures and other dreams do.” She reassured her. Camilla smiled and faced the group again.
“So what do we do? I mean, I know nothing about this ‘power’ and I just found out about this place.”
“We do what we have to do. Everything will come back to you soon but first we have to get the troops ready to fight.” Max told her.
“We have troops?”
“Yes. Jared and I will take care of those details though.”
“Wait a minute. You are NOT putting my little brother into battle.”
“Don’t worry. He won’t actually be fighting. He’s just going to help me find my troops.”
“You have troops?”
“Yes he does. He’s an excellent fighter. He’s one of the reasons that the Nightmares haven’t taken over Dream World completely yet.” Zoey put in. Camilla didn’t trust it though. From what they had told her, these Nightmares were stronger then they use to be and would be able to beat them with a snap of their dirty little fingers and claws. They were bound to die in this world if she didn’t find out her power.
“Yeah, that’s not pressure.” She said more to herself.
“What’s not pressure?” Jared asked.
“I’m the one that’s got to figure everything out.”
“That’s why I’m here. I know everything and anything about this place. You boys go ahead and round up the troops. I’ll train our princess here.” Zoey said ushering the boys out of the room.
“Good luck.” Camilla said weakly as she watched her brother and Max leave the room. Something in her pulled at her heart as they walked away. I’m the one that’s going to have to save them. Prince Charming isn’t the hero this time. She thought.
“Let’s go.” Zoey said pulling her the opposite way of the boys.
Part 6: Stories were once always true even when they were at their worst
Camilla followed Zoey as she gave the grand tour of the castle. According to the young girl, if Camilla could see what was created for her, everything would come back including the memories of the power that she needed to defeat the Nightmares. Camilla had asked Zoey just to tell her what the power was but Zoey reassured her that she didn’t know. It was the one thing only the royal family knew but sadly, they all perished in a battle against the Nightmares. Camilla was the only one left.
Camilla was having trouble paying attention to what she was seeing though making it harder for her to remember. Zoey had turned around a couple of times to see what she thought of the castle and had seen the distance that was in her eyes. “Stop worrying about the boys. They’ll be fine.” She told her but Camilla found it hard not to think about them. She had nodded though and continued to follow.
“What kind of powers did the others of the royal family have?” She asked out of curiosity once when they were walking up stairs to a tower.
“They all had the same power but a prophecy told that their final daughter would at first be a nonbeliever and because of this, her life would be spared when their lives were taken by the fiendish Nightmares. It would be her, the nonbeliever, who would be blessed with a power so strong, it must be kept secret.
“It was this secret that was caused the death of the royal family. When they all kept quiet about it, the Nightmares took their kill.” Zoey stopped at this part and looked back at Camilla. “I don’t mean to get a big head on this part, but it was also prophesized that a young lady in waiting and her fearless brother would be sent out to find the nonbeliever and make her believe again. In believing again, she would remember the power and save Dream World.
“The brother was prophesized as a bold knight, one who could not be struck down in battle, but one that would fall when the nonbeliever had started to believe again. This would be when the Nightmares would be at their strongest and could take down any knight that stood in their way of getting to the princess. But it was the knight’s misfortune that was suppose to make the princess remember her power. The prophecy said the anger that filled the girl was the key to the memories. After that, they say that the prophesier saw was a blinding light surrounding the princess and that was the end of the vision.” She finished. Camilla nodded.
“Your bother is going to be killed because I believe again. Is there anything we can do to stop that from happening?”
“No. There is nothing that can stop a prophecy from coming true but it doesn’t say that he will be killed only that he would fall.” Zoey had comforted as she saw the tears form in Camilla’s eyes. “Don’t cry. He will live. He knows of his role in the prophecy.”
Part 7: And so the battle rages on
Days passed as the kingdom readied itself for battle. Camilla was worried at first by the passing days but Zoey soon told her that the time was different. Two days in Dream World might have been two minutes back home. With that worry gone, Camilla looked towards the many others she had to face. The Nightmares would be attacking any day now and now that she was closer to Max than she ever had thought possible, she was beginning to worry about his safety.
“Please don’t fight Max. I couldn’t bear it if I knew you got hurt because of me.” She had begged him on one of their frequent walks through the one of the many gardens that was on the ground.
“I have to. If I don’t, the prophecy will not be fulfilled and Dream World will fall into the hands of the Nightmares. Could you live with that?” He had countered. She solemnly said that she couldn’t and they continued on their walk.
The day soon came when the Nightmares made their move. That day, Camilla watched on in distress as Max, and even her brother who had promised not to fight, paraded off to battle. Zoey, who had become very close to Jared stayed close to Camilla as they watched their brave knights head off. Both girls wept bitterly when they were out of sight. Soon, it would be time for them to head out as well. They would need to be on the battle grounds the moment Max was struck down or he would die. They knew that not only would her powers defeat the Nightmares, but they would save his life if he was only badly injured. This reassurance still did not make her feel better.
The girls spent the next week in their rooms in the castle, to deject to face what was going on outside but the day soon came when they too were forced to go to battle. It was time for the prophecy to be fulfilled.
Part 8: For once, the Princess is the hero
Camilla stood gravely on the battlefront as she watched many men die to save their home, her kingdom. She couldn’t believe that she had to sit here and watch this just for the right moment where Max would be cut down and she would rush to his side only to be filled with more sadness and anger. Zoey stood next to her just as grave as she looked around for Jared. Like always, he was nowhere to be seen, but this time, it was not comforting.
From the corner of her eye, Camilla could see Zoey shuddering with tears. Why did it have to be us to fulfill this? She’s so young and I’m so new to this. She thought as she watched Max fight on even though he knew what lie ahead for him. He showed no mercy as he battled a twisted version of Raggedy Andy. His movements were quick but it seemed as if the doll was quicker. He was soon struck down by the doll and she rushed to his aide just as she was suppose to. “Max.” She cried falling to her knees. She lifted his head to rest on her lap. His blood soaked through the delicate material of her dress.
“It’s your turn now.” He said weakly.
“No. I can’t.” She said as tears fell from her eyes. Above her, she heard the giddy, yet creepy, laughter of the Raggedy Andy. His laughter was what set off the time bomb inside her. She knew it was anger that made her remember and so she let the anger take over. Memories flashed before her eyes as she remembered everything at once. She heard the battle stop around her as everyone turned to face her.
“You’re doing it. You’re remembering.” She heard Max say before all the noise disappeared replaced by a blinding light that she sent out in every direction. She heard the screams of the Nightmares as they seemed to disappear in the light. There were shouts of joy as the injured began to rise and the realization that soon they would be free from the fear that captivated them for so many years.
Slowly the light faded and Camilla fell back to her knees next to Max who still hadn’t moved. For the second time, Camilla felt drained but she didn’t let that distract her from the problem at hand.
“Max!” She shouted at him. She couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting up. Out of all of the injured, he was right there in front of the light, he should have gotten up. Zoey and Jared ran towards them and looked down at the image of Max in Camilla’s arms. Zoey burst into tears upon seeing her brother.
“He wasn’t supposed to die.” She whispered over and over again into Jared’s shoulder. Jared wrapped a reassuring arm around her and held her close. Camilla brushed a stray piece of hair out of his face as she looked down at him. “He wasn’t supposed to die.” Camilla repeated.
She felt a small person land on her shoulder and she looked over. Peppermint looked at Camilla with a small smile. “I can help. The prophecy is not fulfilled yet Princess.” With that, she fluttered down near Max’s wound and sprinkled something Camilla imagined to be pixie dust then fluttered back up to Camilla. “Your turn.” She whispered. “You know what to do.” And Camilla felt this to be true.
Camilla leaned over and gently kissed him. At first it seemed as nothing happened but he soon reached for his side and let out a whimper that made him seem four.
“What happened?” He asked in a daze. “Did we do it? Did we beat them?” Camilla smiled as Zoey raced to hug her older brother.
“Oh Max! We were so worried! We thought you died!” Her voice was full of excitement.
“We did it. We fulfilled the prophecy and I remembered.” She told him as tears of joys streamed from her eyes. He sat up a little and wiped them away.
“It’s over now. We can go home.” Camilla nodded but she wasn’t sure she wanted to leave. These people still needed her to help rebuild their home. “Don’t look like that Camie. You didn’t want to come in the first place.”
“But they need me.”
“I need you.” He said as he stood up. She looked around at all the people. They seemed so happy and carefree now that the Nightmares were gone. Max scooped her up in his arms. “I’m serious. Let’s go.” He started to walk away getting the two younger ones to follow. They were stopped suddenly by the sounds of cheering. Max turned around with Camilla still in his arms to face the people. Camilla looked at him and smiled.
“It’s because of you.”
“And you. I’m not the one that’s the light bulb.” She hit him gently in the arm and he feigned pain.
“They’re cheering for you both.” Zoey and Jared said together. Max put Camilla down. “Be polite and wave you two.” Zoey scolded and so they did.
“Let’s go home. I’m dying for pizza.” Max said leading them away from the crowd.
Part 9: The end is near
Camilla wasn’t sure how, but they ended back in the kitchen pantry of the Higgins house. To their dismay, Mrs. Higgins was in the kitchen when they came out. “Do I want to know why the four of you were in there?” She asked staring down Max and Camilla who were holding hands.
“We didn’t do anything.” Camilla started.
“We saved the day.” Zoey inserted. Max and Camilla slapped their heads. Suddenly, as if out of thin air, a small bug swooped by Mrs. Higgins’s head. By instinct, she swatted it sending Camilla running to catch it as it fell to the floor.
“Oh Peppermint. You should have stayed there.” She said. Max came over next to see if the small pixie was okay as well.
“Is she hurt?” He asked.
“Get that thing out of my house! It’s just a bug.” Mrs. Higgins cried.
“No, it’s not.” Camilla said standing up. She shoved her hand up to Mrs. Higgins eyes who then let out a small cry.
“It isn’t a bug.”
“Told you we saved the day.” Zoey said in a ha-ha kind of voice.
Mrs. Higgins rolled her eyes but sat down at the breakfast bar and gestured for them to join her. “Tell me, how did you save the day?” She asked. And so the group explained together the events that had unfolded over the course of just a couple of hours but what seemed like weeks to them. Mrs. Higgins listened intently and then shrugged when they were done. “If you say so. Now, are you two staying for dinner?” She asked walking back to the pantry where they had come out of just moments ago.
“We want pizza.” Max put in.
“We would love to stay Mrs. Higgins.” Jared said.
And they stayed talking about what had happened and when the next time they would go back. Mrs. Higgins laughed and told them to tell her the next time they were going so she would know when they were in the pantry “not doing anything.”
And so, as the old saying goes, they lived happily ever after.
- by xx31broken_dreamer13xx |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/16/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Dream Carnival
- Artist: xx31broken_dreamer13xx
- Description: So this is just about a sixteen year old girl who gets annoying neighbor that opens her eyes to what's not really there and what she gave up on long ago. Criticism is always welcomed so feel free to rip it apart and tell me it sucks but when you do that, tell me how to make it better.
- Date: 04/16/2009
- Tags: dream carnival
- Report Post
Comments (1 Comments)
- XxXxhana-chanxXxX - 04/16/2009
i didnt finish it srry but i thought it was pretty gewd =3
i can imagine this being a movie ...no im not sayin u copied this from a book or sumthin. i like it =3 - Report As Spam