| Submitted on 04/12/2009 |
Good: I just love Easter
Evil: Hate it
Good: Here we go again
Evil: I don’t like how the whole story goes.
Good: What do you mean?
Evil: A 5 foot tall wild bunny breaks into your house and leaves small “packages” around the house then goes over to your kid and leaves a huge “package” in his room. Then leaves the house without leaving a note as to where these “packages” are and why the hell they were there in the first place.
Good: I love hunting for Easter eggs. So fun!
Evil: Meh and these “packages” happen to have food inside them, which begs the question; Does it attract other “animals”
Good: Oh shut up and eat your chocolate egg.
Evil: Dude….there never was a chocolate egg in the hunt.
Evil: Never mind, I love Easter now.
Good and evil decide to ban together to stop the mice in there house.
Good: Damn it first that “microwave” incedent and now this.
Evil: I didn’t know mice like cheese AND chocolate.
Good: well theres only one way to take care of a mouse. A glue trap so we can set it free
Evil: *loads a pistol* you have your way I have mine.
Good: Isn’t that a little extreme?
Evil: No this is *pulls out a stick of dynamite then sticks it in the hole, lights it then runs* FIRE IN THE HOLE!
*Dynamite then starts a fire in the wall*
Good: Damn it, our insurance doesn’t cover stupidity
Evil: this isn’t stupidity… THIS IS DYNAMITE!
Good: Well I just hope those mice are dead now… so wheres the fire extuingisher?
Evil: Gone, I used it to make a jet pack. But epicly failed.
And so the 2 had escaped there house as it burned down.
Good: Now what do we do?
Evil: simple, we make it look like haunting in Connecticut and put in dead bodies in the house, then ill write on my self with red marker and make it look like evil symbols.
Good: Or we can just blame it on the next door neighbors.
Evil: that works too.
Good/Evil Rants: Easter
Good and evil explore the holiday easter.
also for those of you who actually read never ending war, chapter 5 will come out real soon after i finish some things up.
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