I do not remember much of my creation but the annoying beeping of the lab machines that created me. The glass wall that surrounded me kept me away from the contact to the people behind the machines. Was this really living? A glass bubble and annoying beeping? When they let me out that is when my life began. I was named Project 662 and monitored carefully. The person behind my creation was a man named Doctor Rosenburg. The few memories I can scrape up before my break out from there he is in always training me to kill. The weapon never mattered I mastered them all; the perfect killing machine and only at the age of five how proud he must have been. Every day is was a new kill and hearing them beg became a sick pleasure. They were my toys and Doctor Rosenburg made sure I never forgot it. Emotions for the weak and they needed to be destroyed both the emotions and the people. I killed every day until my seventeenth birthday. That day it was different their rules chafed at me the constant kills they wanted. The demand was getting tiring so I did the only thing I knew and broke out. The first few months were okay the desire to kill never nagged at me but it was never far from my mind. In those few peaceful months I had, I got a new name. An identity that should have been mine from the start. Dez Rose the quiet girl of the world. For five months I wasn’t Project 662 anymore I was Dez. The sixth month it all came crashing down on me. The nagging started again it was soft at first but grew until I could not go outside without seeing people to kill. I hated this I hated Doctor Rosenburg for what he made me five months of emotions gone in a glance. It does not matter the train has pulled in and the ticket man is smiling at me. He does not know what I just did. It will take them a day to find his body by then I will be gone and all they will find on the wall will be blood-reading 662.
Victoria Mirabella Gates
About a girl created in a lab to kill.
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