The wind blew through my pink hair as I thought about a good nickname for my teammates. I couldn't really come up with good ones. Because Chi has always been Chi-chan. I sighed and got up of the ground. I brushed myself off and took out a kunai. I tossed it at a bush that had been rustling. It hit something. After a few minutes I could smell blood. I walked over to the bush and moved the leaves out of the way. It was a boy about my age, he had medium length black hair, with white on the tips of his bangs, and his eyes were a pinkish color. He glared at me and wiped the blood from his cheek. I handed him a band-aid. He sighed and took it from my hand. "Who are you, I've never seen you in the village before," I asked him curiously. He didn't answer for a few seconds, "I'm Akihiro Hashimoto. Anyways, i should be asking you," Akihiro replied harshly. I stared at him and answered cheerfully," I'm Kyuu Nakamura, nice to meet you." His eye twitched. Akihiro looked away and got up. "Are you even from konoha," I asked suspiciously. Akihiro looked back at me. His eyes turned into slits. He sent a kunai flying at me. I was a little late dodging it, so it caught me in the leg. I shouted in pain, I pulled the kunai from my leg and did a few hand seals. I yelled, "Water style: whirlpool!" Suddenly a large whirlpool appeared around akihiro, trapping him. I was inside the whirlpool with him. He smirked and yelled, "Lightning style: rushing current!" Lightning was surging through the water. Akihiro pushed me into the rushing current. The lightning rushed through me, everything went black. Akihiro let out a sinister laugh, as my jutsu wore off. Akihiro smirked and began to walk away.
Life as a Ninja
The team faces difficulties trying to find good nicknames for each other. A new face appears when Kyuu is training. What does he want? Who is he? All will be answered. Could Haru be jealous of Chi and Mamoru's relationship? What will she do?
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