Drip, drip, drip.
Gray eyes darted towards the dripping, watching the liquid fall from the ceiling to the floor. The room, dimly lit, slightly brighter every few seconds when the single hanging lamped flickered. Rust seemed to be easing out of the crevasses around the door. Actually rust seemed to be creeping its way from all four corners of the white painted room. A shaky pale hand held a cigarette between two slim fingers smoke rising from the tip. The shaking hand raised the cigarette to lips and a thin boney chest took a deep breath in, inhaling the smoke for all it was worth. The hand moved away from the cigarette as a creek filled the room and the door opened, a dark skinned man entered, his head was bare and his dark suit was the cleanest thing in the room.
A hand moved through greasy black hair, it was cut short and uneven. The cigarette was pulled away from the wanting lips as the man sat down opening his folder and setting down a small little black box on the table. He pressed a button on the top, little circles began to turn as soon as the button clicked back.
The cigarette was put out on the table, the gray eyes checking the expression of the clean man as the black charred the already disgusting table. His expression did not change and the oval shaped face tilted to the side, two hollow cheeks were suddenly pulled back into a smirk, the lips separated, “Can’t get enough can you?”
“State your name,” he wouldn’t look into the gray eyes.
“My name is,” The voice was cold, unfeeling, “Rebecca Jay Williams”
“It is correct that you’re the woman that was missing?”
“So I’ve been told.”
“A woman, Ava as she called herself, killed thousands of people hunting for you,” finally his dark eyes looked into the gray ones, “why Rebecca why?”
There was no response this time from the young adult, she seemed smaller now, she slouched in her seat and looked away from his begging eyes
“Why was she after you Rebecca? Why won’t you tell us?” He slammed his hands down onto the table, “So many people are dead because this woman wanted you! Why? Why did she want you so badly Rebecca?! We’ve been playing your games for hours! Why did that woman kill until she had you?” He stared at the girl his hands had clenched into fists, his face was inches from hers.
Rebecca looked up at him, biting down on her tongue. She took a deep breath and at last spoke, “I guess,” she paused, thinking for the right words. Once she did she looked the clean man in the eyes a smirk playing her lips once again, “she was pissed I stole her boyfriend.”
Rebecca Jay Williams
puked up rainbows
The introduction to a story that someday I may write. Enjoy ;D
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