AnjelisGrimn - This angel by any other name would still have people problems...
I think that people are like bottles. Every event is like pouring liquid into their bottle. When it's too much, they need to release it...
Some people are very small, like a perfume bottle, and can't take much without it pouring out again.
Others can take quite a bit, like a drink's bottle, before it seeps out.
It's rare for someone to have more than a flasks worth.
So imagine my shock when I finally grasp the dimensions of Mi-chan's bottle...
I jumped up, gently landing on her windowsill. I was worried – I couldn’t hear her get up... or move, for that matter. I peered in, trying to see if she was awake. That’s odd... she’s not there. I glanced around. Her cupboard, which is normally shut, is now open and looks untidy. And it looks like someone’s been going through it...
“What’s going on?”
Sword, she’s not there.
What do you mean, Master?
Phase back.
I complied, now worried about Mi-chan. I arrived to find Dexie shrugging.
“Wha... what’s going on? Where is...”
“Dark’s been hospitalized.” I furrowed my brows in thought.
“Where? Why?”
“She... why don’t you just go and see. You did technically graduate as a Nurse last year...” I raised my eyebrows.
“I don’t get it...” Dexie sighed.
“She’s in my hospital. In fact, I am her attending doctor. She’s in one of the wards.”
“I know, but... what happened?” Master Libra sighed.
“Just go and see her, Alex...” I nodded, phasing to the hospital. I appeared near to the scrubs room, in the shadows of a nearby toilet. I could now sense her, and she wasn’t far. I changed into a typical murse uniform – purple scrubs. Ah, how embarrassing, but it’ll make her smile. I walked to where I thought Mi-chan was. Her parents slept outside the room, I noted. I peered in. She was in a pretty bad way, but nothing was broken, I also noted. I entered the room. Mi-chan slept, and for good cause. It looked as if she had been beaten up...
“...That’s exactly what happened, Ri-chan...” Okay, maybe she wasn’t asleep after all.
“Heh, I got into a fight with a door at college.” She’s lying. I don’t need to Waveform to see that.
“Do doors there have fists, then?” I gently stroked her face, being careful with the large bruise that was blooming there. “Mi-chan...” She smiled a little.
“I’m fine, Nurse.” We both chuckled. She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it... I sat down, and we talked until she fell asleep. She didn’t mention what happened... almost as if she is keeping something from me...
***(Déjà Vu)
It was the start of a new term at Mi-chan’s college. I wondered if she’d have another run-in with the fisted doors. But, that’s Mi-chan. Usually she’d trip somewhere, or she’d fall down the stairs. She’s really accident prone... I wonder if she’s really safe doing chemistry. I’m surprised that she hasn’t blown up the labs, yet. Ugh, I really worry about her, truly I do. If I had the option, I’d wrap her in bubble-wrap or, just hold her close the whole time... I mean, on one ETHER mission, she didn’t notice that she was on the edge of the cliff until she fell... I did catch her, thankfully...
I landed gently on her windowsill. This time, I wasn’t logged in – no, this time I had driven there. Hmm, the house is unusually quiet again... I peered in. She wasn’t there. And the cupboard wasn’t closed... I sighed, jumping down and bounding back to my car. I’m willing to bet that she’s in hospital... I drove to the hospital. Oh my... there seems to be a lot of people in A&E tonight...
“Nurse Caragiri...” I spun around.
“Doctor Palmsmith...” Sinistra. “...thank goodness you’ve arrived, Nurse. We have an influx tonight... can you...?” I shrugged.
“Yeah, as I’m here.” I changed into uniform and began to help out... there seems to have been a fight at some college that lasted a while. A bullying case, it seemed. I furrowed my brows between cases.
“What’s the matter, Alex?”
“Tell me, Sinistra... which college was it?” She shrugged.
“Not sure, but it’s not a local one. It must be, like an hour away.” She sneered. “Those bullies have gone too far this time...”
“Well, from what I gather, the resident bullies gathered a whole load of the unpopular people and tried to burn them in a room...”
“That’s sick.” She sighed.
“Yes, but one of the people broke the door down. She single-handedly fought off the bullies, leading the others out of the room... a fight broke out... the poor kid. Broke a few bones, but made sure the others in the room escaped...”
“She?” Sinistra nodded.
“Yeah, a girl. As I said, she broke a few bones, has many burns and multiple bruises.”
“Those bullies... someone aught to stop them...” She nodded.
“Yes, I agree. The police are currently looking at CCTV and are taking statements. But...” She sighed. “...the parents of the pyromaniac kids are rich and influential. They’ll probably get off without charge.” I balled my fists.
“That’s stupid!”
“I know, but there’s nothing we can do...”
“There has to be something!”
“We can help the casualties. That’s something.” She looked at her clipboard. “Well, we’d better get on...”
And so, we continued to treat people into the night. A few girls stared at me in wonder as I treated their burns... they were topless, but I paid no attention. I get the impression that they like me. I just wondered where the heck Mi-chan was... As I treated a very gothic looking girl, Dexie passed, Kat following behind. Yeah, even Kat was drafted in... must be serious. The girl I was dealing with flinched as I put an alcohol-soaked pad to a cut. I had to glance at her sheet to get her name...
“Sorry, Miss Enmesh... Tell me if it hurts, yeah?”
“Sure, sure.”
“So, what exactly happened?” She grimaced. I have no idea why I’m so curious about this incident... maybe...
“I’ve been through this already! The... ‘Popular’ people...” She made little quotation marks around the popular bit... “...herded us into a room, and then attempted to burn it down. What more is there to it?”
“Ah, but...”
“Yeah, thanks to my friend, we could escape... she broke some of the windows to let air in, and then she tried to break down the door... poor thing... and then she fought them off...” I still don’t know who it is...
“She’s very brave.” Miss Enmesh nodded.
“Yes, she’s always stood up for us. When I was being beaten up, she stepped in. When Alice, another friend, was getting bullied... she stepped in. She’s... a much better person than anyone else...” I sighed.
“She sounds like an angel.” I murmured smoothly. Miss Enmesh nodded.
“An angel with black wings... AnjelisGrimn.” I finished dressing her wounds.
“Black wings?” Odd... a fallen angel? And the wordplay there?
“She carries the weight of the world on her conscience, sinning to save us all... She puts our happiness first...” She stood up. I think I was too good...
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“That’s my job.” She smiled as she pulled on her burnt and cut clothes.
“Ren! Your turn!” Calling to a friend... I sighed, looking down at the list. Yep, next was a Ren Menora...
“Take a break, Alex. Your Mi-chan won’t mind...”
“She wasn’t at home tonight, Sinistra...”
“I know... Otherwise you wouldn’t be here...” She chuckled. “This incident... does it sound familiar?” I nodded as the next girl came in. A blonde haired girl with black streaks entered the room... she seemed hesitant, almost fearful at first before stiffening up. And familiar, oddly...
“Are you Miss Menora?” She nodded. “Doctor...” Sinistra smiled.
“Yes...” Sinistra examined her whilst I cleaned up any wounds. This Ren... seemed very pain resistant – she had big cuts but barely noticed them.
“This may sting...” She didn’t even bat an eyelid as the disinfectant soaked pad hit her cuts. She seemed distant and cold – like Everest, she was probably hard to conquer, too.
“Ooh, I’ve heard what happened, but I’m curious for the heroine...”
“AnjelisGrimn is one of the purest people I’ve ever seen. She’s strong in more than just the body.” This reply was curt but filled with emotion. We finished the examination-come-treatment in near silence. Afterwards, she stood up – yes, she doesn’t need to be told that she’s finished, nor that she’s the last on our list.
“Thank you. Have a good evening.” She disappeared out of the door, where Miss Enmesh waited. Sinistra chuckled.
“Cold, huh?” She smiled. “I bet she wouldn’t scream if I had to do her stitches...” I shook my head.
“No, she’d probably frown or scowl, Sinistra...” We both chuckled.
“Heh. But... that was the last, Alex.” I smiled.
“Right, then... I’ll go and track Mi-chan.... Wait. Why do I have the feeling that I-” Kat burst into the almost room, gasping.
“There you are, Alex!” Kat sighed. “I was looking all over! I didn’t know if you were here or...” I held my hands up to stop her, and she bounced into my arms. I put my arms around her.
“While you’ve been helping Dex, I’ve been helping Sinistra.”
“Ano... Dex told me...”
“Hmm... So, what’s the big news?”
“Oh yeah! Mi-chan’s...”
“Ah, so this black-winged angel was Mi-chan, then...” She nodded.
“Oh, you spoke to that slightly vampy girl, too?” I nodded.
“Two ribs, eight fingers, one thumb, her shin’s cracked and she’s burnt and bruised all over. She had glass shards all up her arms, and embedded in her hands. Oh, and she’s lost one of the... oh... spinous processes from one of her cervical vertebra. Her collarbones were also cracked...”
“Can I...”
“Yes, that’s why Dex sent me.”
***(Grim Angel)
The sight of Mi-chan out cold because of Morphine was a little surprising.
Her injuries were extensive – but mostly up her arms where glass was embedded and her skin was burnt and bruised. Most of her body was wrapped up, that much I could see, even beneath the covers... I could imagine her punching through the windows when the smoke poured in, just so that people could breathe. And, when the flames began to flare up, I could imagine her tackling the door, trying to force it open... and then when she did overpower the door, her fighting with the people... I had tears in my eyes. Idiot... I sat by her bed and gently took one of her bandaged hands in mine. I noted that she had the one thumb without bandages – the usual thumb for the ‘thumbs up’ – and she probably did do that, just to show everyone that she was alright when she wasn’t.
“You... You certainly didn’t bump into a door this time...” I then noticed that she was smiling, ever so slightly. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. She was trying to whisper, but I knew that the smoke would’ve had some effect. And the fact she was moving made me think she was Waveforming more than usual...
“I had to...”
“I know... I know. You couldn’t just stand by and...” I smiled.
“Ri-chan... How bad?”
“You’ll be fine, but I think you need a bit of time off. Bloody hero.” She smiled.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I... should’ve said before about...”
“About the bullying? Oh yes.” I furrowed my brows in thought. “It’s funny... I’ve never known doors to wield lighters...” I kissed her hand very gently. She flushed. I leant over her and kissed her forehead. She went crimson.
“I think I hear Dexie outside...” I murmured an agreement. Yeah, I can’t hear him. She’s definitely relying on her other senses for that.
“Yes... and your parents, I’d think. Chin up, Mi-chan. You’re an angel.”
“AnjelisGrimn.” I raised my eyebrows. A grim angel by any other name... Dexie entered, followed by her parents. Her parents couldn’t see the slightly amused look on his face.
“Nurse, have you finished with her bandages?” I nodded.
“Yes Sir. But I think she needs more painkillers.” I turned back to her. “Don’t downplay it, ‘kay? Heroes like you need to rest up painlessly.” I chuckled as I exited the room. I heard Dexie’s quiet chuckle, too.
“You know, that was reckless. But heroic.” Her parents rushed to her side, doting on her. Dexie came out after briefing them.
“I think she needs her parents now, don’t you think?”
“Yes... she’s a hero, though?”
“Indeed.” He didn’t look so happy about that. He hates to admit it, but Mi-chan’s very good.
“She’s like a Grim Angel...” I rolled my eyes.
“Did I mention she saves lives upon her black wings, Dexie?”
“Ugh... You spoke to that vampy girl too...”
Two weeks had passed. Mi-chan’s nearly fully healed now, just a few of the deeper burns healing and the little crack left in the vertebra... she returned to school. She had a hero’s welcome, due to a little pressure on the Head by a certain Doctor and Nurse (Ahem). He cares, really. Unfortunately, the people behind it in the first place got clean away... no evidence, apparently. Damn it. I came to pick up Mi-chan a little early, and bundled her into my car. I drove to a nearby park and parked up. She blushed.
“I don’t get it...”
“We need to talk, Mi-chan.” She flushed more.
“Wh-what about?” I put my hands on her shoulders and peered into her wide eyes...
“How long have you been bullied at College? No skipping, now...” She looked down, and – rather reluctantly – began to tell me the whole story...
She’s always been bullied at school. Always. And she’s always stuck up for others. That’s about the summary. I kissed her on the forehead, and put my arms around her. An angel with a pessimistic outlook... really, a Grim Angel.
“AnjelisGrimn...” I looked into her eyes again – she was on the verge of tears... I don’t think that she really wanted to worry me about it in the first place.
"I... I didn't want anyone to... to worry..." I sighed, smiling a little.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, sometimes...” She raised her eyebrows.
“That’s not-” I smiled wider as she flushed. Oh, all the replies I thought of there... but innuendo is not important now...
"Look you. I worry all the time." I sighed again. "A little more isn't going to hurt." I gently rubbed her shoulders. "Please tell me things like this, okay?"
"Ri-chan..." I moved my hands up to her neck, gently stroking her jaw with my thumbs.
"I know you can't bottle things up forever." I giggled. "Some things need to be emptied..." She flushed again. She thinks I'm making jokes...
"I can't see why you-" She's going to put herself down again... I'll stop that.
“I think Mirari is a much better name for you. You are not that grim! And infinitely more precious!”
“I don't-” I kissed her again before she could say anymore. And we were later than usual that night...
Oh yes, Mi-chan is a keg. Made of steel or stronger, and with a secure, tight, stiff tap...
Just needs a little encouragement to get it to open, that's all...
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/11/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: ETHERMini Story - AnjelisGrimn
- Artist: Holy Bacon of Holy
Well, you remember in ETHAwared Humans... at college, Mirari's friends call her AnjelisGrimn?
This is why. - Date: 03/11/2009
- Tags: ether ministory anjelisgrimn ethawared
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