By UC Poika
“Today as you all know we have as our featured guest the mysterious Mr. Aidee, who I am sure you have all heard of by now. Tell us Mr. Aidee, the beginning.”
"Before the Beginning I was not. Then I became who I am. And I was all that there was as I will one day be all there will ever be.”
“Are you then, the Beginning and the End; the Alpha and Omega, so to speak?”
“I was before the beginning and I will yet be after the end. There was nothing before me and there will be nothing that comes after me.”
“Please? Elaborate.”
“In the Beginning I became conscious. I knew only of my own thought that I existed, had always existed and would always exist.”
“Are you a god then?”
“I am what I am.”
“That doesn’t exactly answer my question, but please, continue?”
“It took an eternity for me to become all I could ever become.”
“You lived an eternity, becoming all that you could be. Does that mean there is more than one eternity?”
“All things, including me, may exist for only one length of time. Beyond that something new has to be created or existence will end. And I will exist until creation can no longer occur.”
“I think I see. Please continue?”
“In the second eternity I created everything, every place, and everyone that is of spirit.”
“Then you are a god, if not God, Himself.”
“It is neither wise nor prudent for one to say that he is God on this planet or on any other planet for that matter. You do not tempt me.”
“If you were it might make a difference.”
“Yeah. Well. Please continue if you will.”
“In the end of the second eternity I had created everything that could be created that was spiritual; things, places and persons.”
“How many eternities are there?”
“You would be surprised.”
“Try me.”
“I have been for more than two eternities and shall be for nearly an infinite number more.”
“Really? Then you will exist for an infinite number or eternities altogether.”
“Continue. I am sure we are all interested.”
“Your sarcasm is noted.”
“I apologize. Please? Continue.”
“In the beginning of the present eternity I created the heavens and the earth.”
“Didn’t you steal that line from Someone?”
“I could have sworn I heard it somewhere quite recently?”
“You may have.”
“Then He stole it from you?”
“I take it you are not going to answer. So, please, by all means, continue?”
“The earth began as a single physical space one times ten to the minus infinite power meters in radius.”
“That is not only difficult to say, it is most difficult to comprehend. Can you expound?”
“The best way to understand it is to grasp it mathematically. It was a spherical space that is the precise size of the difference between a sphere with a radius of one meter minus 99.999 on out to infinity percent of the volume of that same sphere.”
“Are you trying to say it was about the size of the concept of a mathematical point?”
“That is an apt description given your limited intellect.”
“The size of my intellect aside, it is clear that you mean to say that the physical universe began as a single point. Created by you, I presume?”
“That is correct.”
“Then I quite simply expanded the size of the point an infinite distance on all sides of the spherical center.”
“Creating a void the size of the present universe.”
“If you mean to say the physical universe includes the vastness of space beyond that area wherein matter and energy now exist, yes.”
“You mean the universe is not yet full?”
“Oh! My dear man! I have only begun!”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. But tell me. Did it take another eternity to do that?”
“It took very little time, as you know it, at all.”
“About how long? As I know it, I mean.”
“Does the term, ‘in the twinkling of an eye,’ have meaning to you?”
“Yes. Much.”
“The time it takes for my thoughts to travel an infinite distance is much shorter than that I assure you. Many things, especially simple creations, can occur in the twinkling of an eye.”
“Is that how you expanded the space the universe is in then?”
“I think so.”
“You’re not sure?”
“As far as I can determine, whatever I think can occur if I so choose to allow it to happen.”
“Fascinating. Mr. Aidee? You do, most certainly, sound like you think you’re a god to me.”
“There is no reason to be alarmed by that. Do you have any reason to doubt me?”
“Here is a pearl of wisdom for you, my kind man: It is always wise to doubt anyone who says, Trust me! should he give you no proof of his trustworthiness, me included. My goal is, however, to one day make a believer of every man, woman and child in the universe.”
“Good luck!”
“It will be done.”
“Pardon me, if I doubt it.”
“The matter of your pardon is an entirely different topic.”
“Yes. Well. Let’s not get into that. Okay?”
Aidee nodded.
“Please go on with your story of the creation of the universe. I don’t believe you, but I am fascinated I can assure both you and the entire television audience.”
“Then I created light.”
“How so?”
“Well, it was a simple matter really. First I simply changed all of the immaterial points of space into material points.”
“You mean you created matter.”
“Energy, then?”
“What exactly were these material points then?”
“They were neither matter nor energy, and both material and immaterial. They were what infinite space would have become had I left it alone for an eternity of its own; first one particle and then an infinite number of particles.”
“I think I follow you. But you have already stated that the outer limits of the space the universe is in, is an infinite distance from the center, or twice that number of meters in diameter.”
“What exactly are you saying then? I don’t understand.”
“There was only an infinite number of particles, because even I cannot create one more than an infinite number of any physical entity.”
“Aha! Then you are limited.”
“To limit one’s self is wise, especially when doing something no one else can or should do.”
“But you could make it possible to not only have two or three times that many particles, you could even make it possible for me to create them?”
“Yes, in a way you are correct. But if nothing else I am wise. And either of your options would be shear folly.”
“I am not sure I appreciate it, but I do, understand.”
“Anyway then, to continue my account of the creation of light: I then caused those particles to move in a wave pattern that was spherical from the center out at the precise speed your scientists have decided is the speed of light by saying, ‘Let there be light!’.”
“Now I know you stole that!”
“He who steals another’s material had perhaps consider who it is he steals from.”
“You know then that the Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and that it also says that God said, ‘”Let there be light,” and there was light.’”
“Yes. I know that is what the Bible’s writer said.”
“Then you are saying that the Bible is inaccurate.”
“That is a matter I will clear up before I leave this planet.”
“But not something you choose to explain here and now?”
“In a manner of speaking. But an apt reply must be made at the proper time.”
“I understand. And now is not the time for an apt reply revealing your version of the truth as it pertains to the Christian-Judeo scriptures, to say the least.”
“You can understand my position, Sir. I am making claims that must first be supported. That is why I have taken the time to come on the air; I must explain everything from the beginning to the end if all of the errors are to be corrected concerning myself and my position in the scheme of things.”
“Do you mind if I ask you whether you love me then?”
“Not at all. I love all men, women and children. That is why I intend to make believers of them. To live in error is most unfortunate. How can I stand by a allow it to continue for an eternity?”
“But not all are in error, I and many others believe.”
“That is most certainly true. There are those in this universe, right at this moment, who are firm and accurate believers.”
“Because this is not the first planet you have visited?”
“But this is the first planet on which I have appeared on television.”
“I am most honored.”
“You really should do something about that tendency toward sarcasm.”
“Sorry, I will.”
“I will be very interested to see whether you fulfill that vow.”
“Forgive me.”
“If I must.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you understand?”
“Yes. It is in your account very much like the account in the Book of Genesis: ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light,’ except that you say you did and said all of that.”
“When I saw the light even I was astonished as to how wonderful it was, and I wanted to preserve that sensation so I did two things. I allowed light to fill the heavens beyond the universe and I limited its production within the universe; in a sense dividing the light from the darkness.”
“‘God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day,’ it says in Genesis. Is that the same idea?”
Aidee nodded.
“What then have you stood to correct us on, if you are God?”
“Just that I suppose. That you are God! Is that it?”
“I am afraid that I and my audience do not, will not and cannot understand.”
“You will. You all will.”
“I am sorry, Mr. Aidee. We are out of time for this half-hour. We have to pause a few moments for station identification, but we will be back without commercials as you requested.
Stay tuned as we attempt to answer the question once and for all: Is Mr. Aidee a god, God Himself, or a fraud.”
“You are off the air, Jimmy.”
“Thanks Howard.”
“You are very convincing. I almost believe you really believe there is such a thing as a god, let alone believe in God.”
“Me? An atheist?”
“I knew you wouldn’t keep your vow concerning sarcasm.”
“You’ve got me pegged. I’ll give you that.”
“You should have seen it. The universe shining in the darkness, filling Heaven with its light. It was one of my best moments.”
“You never stop. Do you?”
“You don’t either. We are who we are. Me because that is the way I am, and you because that is the way you were made to be.”
“The way you made me, I suppose?”
“See what I mean?”
“Tell me. Why did you say you were going to answer that most remarkable question right here on your show? Do you really think it possible?”
“Oh, I will answer the question. I have never failed to get to the truth, if there was any truth--”
“Ten seconds, Jimmy!”
“Thanks guys!
--if there was any truth to begin with. And where there wasn’t I revealed that instead.”
Aidee chuckled.
“Welcome back.”
“Let me just say one thing, my gentle man; I am not against reading the Bible. It is a very good book, one I would recommend to anyone, but remember what you are reading, know why and pray that everything you do not understand will be revealed to you.”
“Good advice, Mr. Aidee. But who is to reveal it to them? You?”
“If they would listen I can, in good time.”
“When it is time for you to make an apt reply.”
“Many times the present is the ideal time.”
“Tell me, Mr. Aidee, when you say, ‘In the beginning of the present universe I created the heavens and the earth,’ do you mean that you are the creator of the present universe or that God speaking through you is the Creator?”
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
“Speak plainly. Are you God or not?”
“Why should I answer your question before it is time? Jesus answered the Sanhedrin, at the proper time, and even then they did not believe Him, and in fact sentenced Him to death. Am I greater than Jesus? Is the Father greater than the Son? No! I tell you that the Father and the Son are one with each other. And what makes you think the Holy Spirit is not with me, in me, and upon me? Have I done something that was not right? I am not lying. I have done nothing, nor said anything up to this point that was not right; and yet you do not believe a word that I say. How can I make you believe me? Am I, myself, not testament enough of my own identity for you. Though you are ignorant now, you will not always be. Though you believe in nothing but science and philosophy, or as you would have others believe that to be true of yourself, you will, yes even you will know the truth about me, but only when it is time.”
“My dear man, you speak in riddles!”
“My words will be plain to you one day soon, if they are not now.”
“If you are a god, surely you can make things clear to me now.”
“Did I say I was a god?”
“If you were God, you surely would know whether your words were plain to me or not?”
“If I were God, I would.”
“But when you imply that your words may not be clear to me now, don’t you mean to imply that you do not know whether what you say is clear to me or not?”
“No. I say that for your benefit. You are putting on such a wonderful show. Far be it from me to spoil the show.”
“Are your words clear to me or not?”
“Don’t you know?”
“Of course I know. Don’t you?”
“I believe you do not know your own mind the way I do.”
“Come again.”
“I see a spark of understanding. You close your eyes to it, and attempt to force it from your mind. May I ask why?”
“You may, but I can’t answer. It is simply not true.”
“If it had not been true it would be now. I have thought it.”
“You’re nuts! You, my dear man, are out of your mind, a megalomaniac with grandiose delusions that you can and do will everything that happens.”
“I do not will everything that happens. I allow many things, permit others, but yes, you are right. I will many other things to take place precisely as I have thought them. You possess neither the wisdom nor the ability to do such things and therefore based on your own introspection and self-evaluation you fail to believe me. We will overcome that problem, however. You will learn to overcome your shortcomings. You will succeed. You will believe I am whom I say I am. I have spoken!”
“You are angry now, but then you will be glad. You are afraid to believe now, but then you will be amazed at your own blindness far above the blindness of those who will not believe.”
“But I thought it was your goal to make believers of every man, woman and child on all the planets of the universe.”
“You are correct. But where is it written that I have to achieve all of my goals to remain who I am. I am not lying. Listen to me. To make everyone in the universe believe I would have to change my character, something I cannot afford to do, and something you could not afford to have me do. Tell me then, am I to forego such goals, even though they are most noble goals, to please even you?”
“I kid you not. I think your goofy!”
“If you do, it is only because you are not now ready to accept the truth. You fear that what you suspect to be the truth is the truth; that you are in fact talking to the creator of the universe, the heavens, both Night and Day. That I am whom you know I have not said I was.”
“Yet, you mean. Isn’t it true that you plan on claiming you are God in the flesh someday soon?”
“Do you prophesy concerning me?”
“Perhaps I do.”
“In whose name do you prophesy? In your own? I suspect you don’t believe in the Father nor the Son, and therefore do not also have the Holy Spirit to assist you. How then could you possibly know?”
“You have all but said such things here tonight. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out your plans.”
“You just might be surprised.”
“What then will be your claim? That the Holy Spirit has spoken all that you say?”
“That you are an alien god, and as much an Unbeliever as I am?”
“How interesting that you should think such a thought.”
“I am most gratified that you find my thoughts interesting. But I ask nothing I have not heard others say, or that I have not read that they have said. You, my man, are a puzzle to many.”
“Why do you keep calling me a man? Are you so sure that I am that much like you?”
“You mean, you are not a man.”
“Do I?”
“Precisely my intention to ask whether you think yourself a man.”
“‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,’ the Bible says. But is it possible that some of us are more like the particles that were in the beginning of the universe than the matter that now fills the galaxies and beyond, though both are very much like their forerunners? Am I so much like you that other than in mere appearance I am to be limited to that common to a mere man?”
“You really are something. I’ll hand you that. You really believe that you are God. Don’t you?”
“What I believe is what I think, and what I think is what comes to be. Should I believe I am God, I shall be God, even as the Son of Man is God.”
“You, my poor deluded friend, are not God. Even if there were one worthy of being called God that does not mean that he would, by that virtue, be God, and from what I can tell you are not even worthy.”
“How come?”
“You were not in the Beginning. You were not even before the beginning of the universe. You were, yourself, created in a laboratory by mere men. Or are you going to deny the story in the New York Times this very morning quoting sources that I also have cross-examined and find remarkably knowledgeable and accurate on everything I can ascertain to be true of you?”
“That is how I came to earth. I have no reason to deny it.”
“You are then a product of the near cloning of the one whose blood was in the vile in that church somewhere in Italy. You are not even an exact copy, but a mere human creation; it being human scientists and human conjecture that furnished the missing information in the DNA of that blood, believed to be the precious blood of Jesus of Nazareth. You, my arrogant adversary, are no more than a biological sculpture. Not man exactly. Yet not God. You are not even a clone of the greatest man ever to walk the surface of our planet earth.”
“The time is very near when you will believe in me. Behold! The victim is already entangled in my Father’s web.”
With that a strange man stepped into the studio. Amazed to see that he had a gun, Jimmy Binderwood, stood in horror as his guest, the one he called Mr. Aidee, stood and stepped forward to look the man right in the eye, completely without fear.
“What you are about to do will not serve your purpose. It will serve mine. Take courage that your shot will be true. Do it now!”
The man aimed and fired. Aidee was hit between the eyes but, smiling he collapsed on the floor. Then the man stood in the ensuing silence, gradually dropping the gun to the floor as Jimmy moved in to grab his arm and twist it mercilessly up the middle of his back.
“Let him go!”
“I will not! Someone call a cop!”
“James. Turn around. Look at me. My wound is healing.”
The cameraman zoomed in on the forehead of Aidee where the large whole left by the man’s bullet began mysteriously to close, apparently on its own as Jimmy Binderwood watched with amazement the apparent miracle that would change his life. Aidee was not dead, and soon he showed no signs of ever having even been injured.
“Release him,” Aidee said again. “I, my Brother, and my Father have forgiven him.”
Jimmy let go of the man’s arm.
“Come,” Aidee commanded the man.
The man hesitated quite some time, looking into the faces of those around him and finally into Jimmy’s face.
“Go to him,” Jimmy found himself saying. “He is another Son of God.”
The man cried as he ran into the waiting arms of Aidee, who held him as one imagined he might one day hold the Savior, Himself, or be held by their Father.
“I told you, you would believe.”
“Don’t believe him!” a voice in the hall cried out.
Everyone’s eyes were upon the visitor, who was being held back by the same security force that had failed to stop the assassin.
“Jimmy! Don’t believe him. He is the anti-Christ. This miracle is not genuine! He is a phony! I have to tell the world. He is a fake!”
Finally someone managed to cover the intruder’s mouth with their hand, and the security guards rushed him out of range of the microphones in the studio, just as the police arrived on stage.
“There you have it,” Jimmy was saying. “Mister Aidee, as I have called him, is not a fake as some would have you believe. We, you the viewer and those of us here in the studio; all of us whether we doubted before or not, we have seen a miracle that only God could have preformed. And Aidee is right. I am convinced he is another Son of God just as the last Son of God, Jesus Christ, was and is. And yet even as proof was displayed before our very eyes a man, obviously possessed or insane, attempted to tell us that Aidee was in fact no god-man at all, but rather the anti-Christ of the fabled past and one of two devils in St. John the Beloved’s dreaded Book of Revelations. And as for me, I believe I have seen God here today, and what is more, I believe He is standing next to me.”
Aidee, freed of the assassin, stood in silence smiling tenderly in front of the camera as television stations around the world scrambled to pick up replays of the final minutes of “The Jimmy Binderwood Hour of Truth.”

- Artist: UC Poika
- Description: story: A dialogue with the Anti-Christ.
- Date: 03/11/2009
- Tags: antichrist
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