Chapter 3- More raids
*John fell down a hidden pit and landed on a few foliage patches at the bottom breaking his fall, but he couldn't hear Vent,
Aile or Giro. John was all alone. But there were galleon hunters patrolling the caverns.*
John= Ohhhhhh. Just great! Not only we get attacked but I get thrown in a cave and Vent and Aile dropped off a cliff. Giro is
all alone up there. What else can go wrong now?
*John was spotted by a few Galleon hunters and they began to charge there way through the cavern roads running up the roads
to John's spot.*
John= Oh great. More of those robots.
Model S= My analysis has confirmed that they are called "Galleon hunters" robots of Slither inc. That company manufactures
those things.
John= Slither inc. huh? So there behind it all. I bet there trying to steal that package from Giro and his friends. Let's go
see what we can do to help them out. Time to kick some a**.
(Music playing- Dynasty/ Megaman X 8 )Download
*John started to make his move and equipped his gun he got from the space pirates, which also had a scythe on it too. John
darted to the ramping paths cutting down any galleon hunter in his path. When John destroyed a few galleon hunters, a white
sphere flew and flew at John and received some kind of part from the robot.*
Model S= I not only collect cyber souls, I can collect parts and pieces from any enemy you drop.
John= Wow,..... your really rescousefull.
Model S= Thanks.
*John continued to travel down the lower path until he reached an underground tunnel full of foliage and vines. It felt as if
there were plant life growing all over the cave. Then he took the left path and it was swarming with mavericks. John then
fired at more Galleon hunters dropping any in his path. Then after dropping one Galleon hunter, an orange colored cyber soul
flew out of the hunter and onto John*
John= Another one?
Model S= This is an enchantment cyber soul. This one belonged to that Galleon hunter. This will give you an extra shot for
your galvanic blaster and any other gun type weapon you possess.
John= Good. Let's equip it right now.
Model S= For right now, you have the Space Pirate cyber soul which increases your shot speed. You can equip one of these
at a time for now. Just let me know when you want to switch again? Oh and you still have the Shadow Pirate cyber soul
equipped as well. That one is a (blue) guardian which makes you invisible until you attack. It consumes the Special energy
bar so use it sparingly ok?
John= Thanks. I don't need the Space Pirate cyber soul right now. These Galleon hunters are slow enough. Just need an extra
*John then shot at more of the galleon hunters and from there remains, John noticed the manufactures label on the broken
John= Good god, look at all these things. These are all belonging to Slither inc.?
Model S= Yes they are. It's time to fight!
*John kept going down the trail of the cave. John kept going down the ramped trail until he reached the bottom and moved
through the barrage of cave grass, fungi and dirt mounds.*
John= Whew, I thought there would be no air or plant life down here.
Model S= There's lot's of plant life in these caves. Light too. It must be connected to a life preserving resource. Other
reasons unknown.
*More robots poured through the tunnel. John fired on every one that came near him. And if they got too close, John hit them
with the scythes. John then kept on following the tunnel to find the exit. But he ran into a large chamber and he was getting
a funny feeling. Suddenly there was a man wearing Slither inc. uniform with a megaphone and was calling out to John.*
Slither solder= This is Slither task force calling to Mega Man Plum! This is an order from our president Serpent! You are
confirmed that you are in association with the guardian group and been suspected of conspiring an illegal biometal. You are
ordered to surrender yourself immediately or we will use excessive force! Surrender now!
John= You got to be kidding me. Im not surrendering to anyone under Slither inc.
Model S (shouting)=This is Model S speaking for John Harris confirmed as Mega Man Plum!! Me and my bearer have no idea of
any conspirator or associating with any guardian group what so ever. We refuse to surrender to anyone under the name of
Slither inc.!
Slither Solder= Alright Mega Man Plum! If that's what you want, FINE! Alright boy's. Mega man plum refuses to surrender.
Release it!!
*Suddenly there was a giant round levitating object which emitted a strange sound. Then on 2 of it's opposite sides, dragon
shaped heads came out of it. It was none other than the Orochi Arm.*
Slither solder= Alright Orochi Arm, take him out!!
Model S= It's the Orochi Arm! It has been redesigned for more than it's original 100 year older version. Watch out!
(Music changes to- Boss/ Plok)Download
*The Orochi arm's circular body began to float and hover towards John's direction and started to blow flames out of it's
mouth. John dashed towards the wall of the underground cavern and wall kick out of the way and make a far jump and quickly
aim for the central dome piece at the center.*
Slither solder= Hurry up! GET HIM!!
*The robotic beast then withdrew it's 2 heads back inside and withdrawn 2 new heads this time these shot out balls of
electricity, then the balls were flying towards John's direction. John kept firing at the center piece to weaken it from a
distance. The robot was quite slow and couldn't keep up with John but it's strength was sure it's advantage. John had no
chargeable weaponry, then John just remembered something...*
John= If I don't have a chargeable weapon, I can use magic!
Model S= Why didn't you think of that before silly!? I recommend using non-element attack on it.
*As soon as one of the heads tried to take a snapping bite on John, John dashed backwards and used (Delta Storm) on the
Orochi arm and it took severe damage enough to go on meltdown and it exploded. When the robot fell, a silver cyber soul flew
onto John and Model S began to talk.*
(Music dies down slowly)
Model S= This is a silver cyber soul, the "Ability" orb. These do not require equipping. They stay active and unlock other
abilities you never thought possible. This gained you access to 3 element ability chips ,Lightning, Ice, and Fire.
John= Sweet.
Model S= But to use then, a chargeable weapon is required.
John= Crap.
Slither solder= Scout 1 calling base! Scout 1 calling base, Megaman Plum is stronger than expected. I repeat!! Megaman Plum
is stronger than expected! The Orochi Arm has fallen after a massive attack unknown to our battle records. This is indeed an
emergency! Im retreating. 10-4!!
*The solder began to run away cowardly and panting as he ran off. John took forward in order to escape the cave and find his
friends who been separated from him.*
*Meanwhile- in another dimension, There was a large and green filled landscape full of circleing trees and wildlife, none
other than Hyrule field. There was a large ship that flew from space landing in the middle of Hyrule field and it was none
other than Phillip's ship. It began to make a landing in the middle of the field and Phil himself with the 4 guardians
stepped outside of the clean aired medieval world.*
(Music playing- Hyrule field/ Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess)Download
Phil= Well, were here. So what do you think?
Harpuia= I like it. But this is going to be a new experience for us.
Leviathan= There's no technology here.
Phil= Welcome to Hyrule guys.
Phantom= This place is perfect for our vacation.
Fenfir= Oh well. I think I can manage. I hope we get to do something fun at least. I need to get used to this place if
there's no computers or technology here.
Harpuia= We can find a way to manage without e-crystals and our old resources.
Leviathan= Im sure there's some good water areas here in this world.
Phil= There's a guy you need to meet, who might help you out. And there are places you guys would find exciting. Your gonna
love this place. Look, im gonna have to leave now. I have a friend who wants to meet me somewhere. Kay will be expecting me.
I gotta go.
Harpuia= We will never forget you Phil! You have our words.
Leviathan= Thank you so much Phil.
Fenfir= If you meet John again, tell him I said hi. Thanks so much Phil!
Phantom= I promise we will get used to this world and protect it like it was ours.
(Music dies down slowly)
*Phil walked back in his ship and the ship and it began to rise from the ground and all it's landing gear closed and it flew
back up in the air and took off back into space. Back in space, Phil was on his ship communications terminal making contact
with .....*
(Music playing- Hyrule field "Night"- Legend of Zelda Twilight
Phil= Let's see...... here we go.
*dimensional broadcast begins stirring up in the system*
Kay= Phil! You got my message?
Phil= Sure did. I dropped off the guardians in Hyrule field. They seen enough turmoil in their world for awhile. Abagale will
have to manage without them.
Kay= I see. Did you meet Link down there while you dropped off the guardians?
Phil= No, but I plan to go back to check up on them sometime later.
Kay= There's another girl I need you to meet. She's already in the same world John is in. Her name is Maggie. Be sure to
contact her and help her in anyway you can. If Dr. Wily and Dalton haven't struck yet, they must be planning something.
Phil= Ever since I heard ol Wily have taken that Dalek, I thought it was gonna kill everyone. I was surprised the Bonnes
stole it from them.
Kay= Oh, and I did do some vortex scanning. The Daleks were spotted by one of our scouts. They told me there aware of there
missing scout is deceased. Their on the move. There still looking for John and Kaolla. Im afraid their gonna strike but we do
not know when and where. Get with Maggie, tell her what's going on. We will call back later.
Phil= I gotcha. Later.
*The transmission ended and Phil set course for John's new destination.*
(Music dies down slowly)
*Meanwhile, John was just exiting the cave where he fought the Orichi arm and found a rocky landscape where plants and trees
were growing over the pavements and full of condemned houses and broken lampposts and broken cars. It looked like there was a
city here once.*
John= Oh hell. Lost him!
Model S=Not to worry, let's find our way out of this place and get back to the place where we lost Giro, and the
(Music playing- Distress and Disorder/ Devil may cry 2 )Download
*Suddenly there was a big fight in the dead streets between Slither inc. solders and metalloids and the Space pirates and it
seemed the Space pirates were trying to take the human solders alive for some strange reason. John dashed the other direction
to avoid the battle and try to escape without getting spotted.*
John= Space pirates and Slither solgers? This is getting crazy!
Model S=Your right. Slither and space pirates are both bad. Let's split! It's best to find Vent, Aile and Giro.
*John wall kicked a building and jumped from one rooftop to another and dropped any foe that got in his way. John then found
an empty alleyway filled with grass and trash and took the route and cut through a building. There were people and space
pirates throwing one another through building windows and slamming onto old broken cars and mailboxes.*
John= Gotta get out of here before it gets too bad around here.
Model S= We need to get away from here! AND FAST!!
*John took through some old catwalks from an old warehouse and through some junk yard and past some barrels as he past a
group of space pirates and Slither inc. solders. John found a sewer cave and took through the tunnel and found a forested
path on the other side of the cracked wall.*
Model S=This way John! Your doing good. We should be out'a here.
*Suddenly there was a big explosion through the woods. More Slither and Space pirate brawl! This time Golem bots and space
pirate grunts firing at each other. The Golem bot shot and killed a group of space pirates, John ran the other way and
entered the thickets of shrubs and trees to avoid the battle. John dashed towards the old park ruins and when he got there,
it was a dead end. John then got cornered by a space pirate.*
Space Pirate= YOU! STOP!
John= Oh no were screwed!
Space Pirate= Slither inc. is after a megaman responsible for a ruined raid of ours. That must be you!
John= Yeah? That's me. But you attacked innocent people.
Space Pirate= Your that Mega Man Plum!!
John= Mega.... man...plum. That's the crapiest name for a megaman I ever heard of.
Space Pirate= You are coming with me NOW!!
*Suddenly a blast of a mega buster shot the space pirate and sent him flying over the ruined area.*
(Music playing- Tournament results/ Teenage mutant ninja turtles tournament
Kaolla= JOHN!!
John= Kaolla?
Model S= Kaolla!? It's Model X!! You fixed it!
*Kaolla appeared wearing Model X, one of the biometals John had gotten from Dr. Light's capsule back from Abagale except it's
been re-built by scratch and now different than which he once had.*
Kaolla= This way John!
John= What about Giro!?
Kaolla= Let's get out of here!
Model S=Kaolla, we like to borrow that biometal please?
Kaolla= Sure thing. I also repaired Model Pr as well. Ill use that.
*Kaolla merged with Model Pr and Model S shot a cord from her ear-piece from the helmet and grabbed Model X and merged with
it but John was still in Model S.*
John= Whoa!! Model S what are you doing!?
*John found himself bonded to both Model S and Model X. Now Model S was merged with Model X and now John was in S X . *
Model S=I also have the power to double merge as well. Now we have a chargeable weapon. Now let's put these element chips
into some good use.
John= Hey, I look great. Still got that twisty ponytail and baggy pants..... and that big ribbon.
*John followed Kaolla and thrashed any space pirate that tried to stop them. John finally was happy to have a chargeable
weapon and fired it on some space pirates and Slither mavericks.*
Kaolla= Follow me!
*John and Kaolla ran to the direction to another wrecked building with a bunch of Slither inc. solders charging at their
trail. Shouting "It's Megaman Plum! Get him!!" John and Kaolla found the Tardis and ran inside of it. The solders tried to
open the door but they couldn't. Then the Tardis started to de-materialize and it was gone.*
(Music dies down)
*Inside the Tardis*
Kaolla= Took me long enough didn't it?
John= Yeah, most excellent timing too! Which reminds me. We need to find Vent, Aile and Giro. We were attacked by Slither....
Kaolla= There all fine. I met them at the city. And I met Giro already.
John= Get outa here.. you did not...
Kaolla= Did too. Next stop.... The Guardian H.Q.
*So John was saved by Kaolla twice over and the 3 are fine. But John and Kaolla are heading to Guardian H.Q. and who will
John get to meet? Find out next time.*
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/23/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes 2- chapter 3
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Aug 14th 2007
Second sequal to my megaman fanfic/crossover
All characters (c) respected owners - Date: 02/23/2009
- Tags: megamanzx chobits doctorwho metroidprime
- Report Post
Comments (1 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 03/24/2009
At last...another hero enters the battlefield of destiny!
Behold the might of the fearless gunslinger & swordmaster...
...Phil McDonald!! wink - Report As Spam