‘’Cool!’’ Ozzy Delma said as he opened a box.
‘’They’re here?’’ U.J. asked as he was playing with Strawberry, the pinkish blond cat that belonged to his roommate and best friend.
Ozzy took a smaller box out of the box on his bed. He walked over to the desk the two of them shared and sat it down. He opened the box and took out a contact lens case. He opened it up and started to put them in.
‘’Ozzy!’’ exclaimed Aleta. Her hands flew up to her mouth, moving her pink jumper in the prosses. ’’What happened?!’’
‘’Contacts.’’ Ozzy said giving her one of his goofy grins.
‘’You know, Halloween’s over.’’ Yuri said, looking at her purple dressed friend. He had purple cat ears that he wore all the time and now, his eyes were purple that looked almost cat-like.
‘’Hey, show Mr. M.’’ Wayne said as Principal Mores passed by.
He wasn’t what anyone would call the average principal. At age 25, his brown hair was shaggy, his black suit never looked professional and he always wore black Nikes.
‘’Yo, Mr. M!’’ Ozzy said turning around.
Mr. Mores stopped walking and looked at Ozzy. ’’Well, isn’t it Ozzy, the boy-cat wonder.’’ Mr. Mores said playfully. ‘’I thought it was weird you could purr but now your eyes even look the part.’’ As if he couldn’t help it, a smile appeared on his face.
‘’Ya, I guess my eyes finally fit the rest of me.’’ Ozzy said.
‘’Don’t scare anyone, O.K.?’’ Mr. Mores said.
‘’Yes sir.’’ Ozzy said, standing at attenchen.
U.J. came over and patted his friend on the head. ‘’You know, you are more cat than human.’’
‘’I know.’’ Ozzy said and he started to purr.
‘’Yo Jimmy!’’ Ozzy called to his friend.
Jimmy didn’t look up at his friend but bobbed his blond haired head up and down as to say he heard him.
‘’Boo!’’ Ozzy said sitting next to Jimmy.
Jimmy turned to look at his friend and jumped back in his seat, dropping his book.
‘’Ha!’’ Ozzy said. ’’I finally got someone.’’
‘’Ozzy, you nut!’’ Jimmy said shaking his head and picking up his book.
Cat's Eyes
It's part of a set of short stories I wrote that go along with the main book I'm writing, "The End of The World" Tell me how you like it!
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