Chapter 15- Wily showdown
(music playing- Dr. Wily appears/ Megaman 8 )Download
*Int the very top of the tower of Wily Arcadia, John was re-united with the 4 guardians and Colonel, but at the same time met up with Dr. Wily himself.*
Harpuia= You must be Dr. Wily. John has told me all about you. Just what do you think you are doing with the "Project Haven" and where are you hiding Dr. Weil?
Dr. Wily= HA! Like I know? He said he had to go to another location.
Fenfir= You tight headed old man! How dare you put us in through a bunch of hell just for nothing! You have better come clean.
Leviathan= And I like to know why are you even associating with Dr. Weil in the first place?
Colonel= You can answer all our questions when you are in jail. Just come on down nice and slowly and we will have no further trouble.
John= uhhhhh,,... I don't know guys? He's up to something.
Dr. Wily= Well then, since you want it so bad, your gonna have to get me first! COMPUTER! Activate the defense systems! I will take care of these wretched beasts myself! Dalton! Secure the Epoch!
*Dr. Wily teleported out of the throne and suddenly the surface opened up sliding backwards revealing a hidden opening and a huge skull faced ship hovered from out of the opening and Dr. Wily could be seen in the cockpit.*
Dr. Wily= Let's see you deal with this!
(music changes to- Dr. Wily machine battle/ Megaman 8 )Download
*Dr. Wily's ship began to fire out huge streams of purple lasers and scatter metal blades sending them flying after the guardians, Colonel, and John.*
*The rest scattered out of the way, Colonel teleported, John still in his Model C biometal, did a phoenix jump and the guardians scattered in different directions. Colonel re appeared and made the first attack. He performed a few tetra slashes but the skull ship backed up and slammed forward sending him flying and crashing against the wall.*
John= Colonel!! Oh yeah Wily, this is gonna be like old times.
*John fired a few pink energy crystal projectiles at Wily's ship which seemed effective, but the ship began to levitate to avoid ground ambush and attempted to fire homing missiles at John. But they all miss. Fenfir appeared and fired a few barrages of his knuckle buster and charged shots. Leviathan fired a few ice lances at the big skull. Those shots were ineffective.*
Dr. Wily= HA! Those projectiles are nothing to me! Dalton magically enhanced my shielding! Let's try Magitech.
*Dr. Wily uses the magitech generator Dalton installed and fired a flame beam which hit both Fenfir and Leviathan. Fenfir took only a scratch but Leviathan took a super effective damage hit.*
John= Oh no you don't!
*John casted (Silence) on the machine, but it didn't work*
Dr. Wily= Dalton taught me about elementals and how to use them. Your friends are history!
*Harpuia flew down and fired a green hurricane and set to on the machine and struck home, but was still an ineffective hit, but the machine floated backwards and rammed Harpuia and sent him crashing on the floor. Phantom fired a barrage of his knives at the machine but every one bounced right off of it.*
John= Guy's RUN! NOW! I will deal with him myself!
Fenfir= You can't possibly fight him alone can't you?
Harpuia= You....John, don't you dare!
Colonel= John, you can't do this!
Phantom= I believe John is right, he does know Wily after all.
Leviathan= Phantom?
Colonel= We will wait for you signal John. Everyone fall back!
John= Alright Wily, you picked on these people of Abagale long enough!
Dr. Wily= Me and Weil are gonna rule this continent, and you have no way of stopping me! Im fed up with you tracking me down, now let's see how you deal with this!
*Dr. Wily fires a thunderbolt attack (Spire) which does hit John and knocks him back a few ways but John switches biometals back to Model N. John activates the Tensou blades as Dr. Wily fires another Spire and John catches it in the blade and absorbs it as MP.*
Dr.Wily= WHAT!? How did you do that?
John= Like im gonna tell you?
Dr.Wily= You sure are now looking more like that blasted Megaman now.
Fenfir= Not only John calls Master X Megaman, this guy does too!
Phantom= That's not important now. We wait till John gives us a chance to strike. Focus Fenfir.
*John then charges the "Guard Shell" weapon in one cannon arm and firing normal shots at Wily with the other. John fully charged the guard shell and released the shot and 4 shells from different corners teleported and fired pink barrages which hit Dr. WIly's machine in 4 different directions. John then casted (Gravity) on the vehicle, and the ship forced down to the floor.*
John= Alright everyone, hit it fast and hard!
*The 4 guardians and Colonel attacked every corner and edge of the doctor's ship with there strongest move, and then the vehicle was dispatched.*
Dr. Wily= GUAHHHH!! My skull cruiser!
*Then the ship overheated and then exploded. Then something else teleported, Dr. Wily's saucer appeared, and made way into the same door it came from.*
Colonel= Dr. WIly is escaping.
John= Im gonna go after him!
Colonel= John, wait!
*The door was closing but John was the only one who got through in time, the others were too late.*
John (radio)= Colonel, take the others and evacuate the place, then meet up with Roll and you guys can cut of Wily when he tries to escape.
Colonel= Gotcha. C'mon guy's were getting out of here.
*The 4 guardians and Colonel teleported out.*
*Meanwhile- John was in the tower's security shaft where Wily made for his ship to go in and out of, and John followed him downward.*
(music playing- Ura Internet/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)Download
John= Wily! Your not getting away!
Dr. Wily (intercom)= That's what you think jerk!
*John dropped from one platform to another and another following Wily's small flying saucer. John was catching up with him and he could hear other doors opening which sounded like bay doors. As soon as Wily flew in, John trailed after him and John found himself in a metallic chamber which was supposed to be Dr. Wily builds his large vehicles.*
John= I finally got you. Now where is the "Project Haven" and the Epoch!?
Dr. Wily= Like im gonna tell you?
John= You put me through hell to come and get you, now you better cooperate or else!
Dr. Wily= I knew this would happen, that's why I came prepared for it.
(music dies down slowly)
John= What are you up to now Wily?
Dr. WIly= I made a special robot just to deal with you, my re-creation of my last reploid I like to call "Copy Zero".
(music playing- Infiltration/ Megaman Zero "Arranged Album" wink Download
*The robot Copy Zero teleported to Dr. Wily's side, he was in violet and purple with the strange facial markings just like the fake guardians but something was completely different about him than the Omega clones he fought. He felt more..... like Zero himself than the Omega clones did.*
John= Another Zero clone?
Dr. Wily= Not like that Copy, this one is an advanced prototype. Copy Zero, please demonstrate for him will you?
Copy Zero= Sure thing pop's *snicker*
*Copy Zero began to flash a crimson red hue all over his body and raised his saber up and there was a flashing light charging up and then he pointed it at John like a gun and a huge arrow shaped plasma beam shot out but John dodged it and the shot hit a few barrels blowing them up at the process.*
John=.....,, huh... THIS!?
Copy Zero= *chuckles loudly* So... you must be the chump messing around with my pop.
John= This guy!? He sounds more gruff than Bass.
Dr. Wily= Why don't you have fun while I help Dalton prepare for our attack on Abagale and swat those meddlesome guardians. You might even get a chance to fight the guardians when your finished cleaning the floor with HIM!
*Dr. Wily's saucer moves to the next room and the door shuts*
Copy Zero= Im gonna rip you apart John! And make you pay for what you did to my fellow clone brethren!
(music changes to- Battle with Zero/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)Download
*Copy Zero made the first move and dashed at John but John dashed backwards and fired his cannon at him, but Copy Zero blocked the shots with his shield boomarang and threw it at John but John triple jumped out of the way. But then he performed a mid air dash and struck John with an airborne jab and dropped him on the ground, then Copy Zero dashed backwards and performed his (Hyougetsujin- "sliding ice shot from the sword) and hit John a few times. John got back up and set his cannons on auto-charge, and tried to move around the chamber to get a better shot from a distance. John fired a full charged shot and hit him but it was only minimum. Copy Zero pulled out his blaster and fired at John but John moved out of the way and John tried to fire a few missiles but Copy Zero sliced them all before they could hit him. John then tried to hit him with a charging Tensou blade attack but Copy Zero performed a jump slice and hit him before John could land a hit. Then Copy Zero grabbed him and threw him across the room.*
John= Owhhhhh Man, he's tough.
Model C= Chii.........initiating mega merge!
John= Hey, wait .. I...
*Model C equipped itself to John*
Copy Zero= Ha! Looks like that biometal dose have a thing for you. Whatever, time to finish you off!
*Copy Zero performed his (Buraitotsu- "Electric powered dashing stab" wink but John performed the Phoenix jump and performed a diving jump kick and flung him across the room and then fired crystal shots at him during his crash. Copy Zero rolled backwards and pulled out his zero pistol and continued firing at John. John in Model C jumped from the crates and the beams of the chamber and began to jump from beam to beam.*
Copy Zero= You wanna go long distance, you got it pal!
*Copy Zero fired a few Ice Javelin shots from his Z pistol without even charging, they were shooting at John but John kept dodging them, then John knew it was time to fight him with Magic. John casted (Fire 3) and Copy Zero got struck and was burned and damaged from the spell. Copy Zero then tried to pursue John but John kept moving faster. Copy Zero tried to use Time Stopper but it had no effect on John. Model C was too powerful for it. John then landed on the ground and let Copy Zero come to him, John knew it was time for Giga crush. Copy Zero got close and attempted his jumping stab but John activated his Giga crush and the entire room filled with a bright pink aura and Copy Zero got caught in the most damaging spot and was dispatched from the non-element powerful blast.*
(music fades away and now playing- Captive legend/ Megaman Zero "Arranged Album" wink Download
Copy Zero= uhhh.... you wretch..... I ..... can't ... be ... beaten so easily.....
John= How many times is this going to happen? Every time I fight a clone of Zero, I fell....like .... I can't explain it well, like im ...... urghh....
Model C= <i>Chiiiiiiiiiii</i>
Copy Zero= That...... biometal...... those resistance... did not make it?.....
John= Nobody here made it. This just came to me from nowhere.
*Suddenly Model C un-equipped itself from John leaving him in his normal state. but Model C was holding Model Z in the process.*
Model C= Then.... let us be one then..... become one with John.... show you what he means....initiating biomerge.
*Model C held Model Z over Copy Zero and shined her bright pink light over Copy Zero's shattered body and with a flash, Model Z was upgraded to a more powerful version. And John was instantly mega merging with the biometal.*
(music changes to- After that ship/ Megaman Z X )Download
*John felt the mega merge and once he was equipped with Model Z, John noticed the armor was a bit brighter and he also discovered he's been upgraded with all the special attacks of both the saber and blaster and even his physical movement has been enhanced as well.*
John= This is incredible! Your amazing Model C, now, c;mon and let's catch that Wily.
Model C= Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
*Model C comes back to John. Then John goes through the next security door and finds both Dr. Wily and Dalton standing at the override bridge chamber.*
Dr. Wily= You!? You beat my Copy Zero!?
Dalton= He was the best guy we had!
John= It's over Albert Wily! And for you too Dalton! You guys are coming with me!
*Suddenly the override bridge's main computer opened a hailing channel automatically.*
Colonel (intercom)= John! We made it out safely, and we have the armada ready to raid the fortress in a few minutes.
John= Colonel, your alright.
Colonel (intercom)= Oh, and I also brought someone to see you.
Ciel (intercom)= John! Are you ok!?
John= Never better.
Dr. Wily= So this is Ciel you mensoned before?
Dalton= Yes, she sent John after me when I was back in Area Zero.
Dr. WIly= You may have beaten my robots but as soon as Dr. Weil picks us up, you guys will be the ones crying and we will do the ruling.
*The computer opened up another hailing frequency from source unknown*
(Music pauses)
Dr. Weil (intercom)= That's what you think Wily and Dalton!
Dr. Wily & Dalton= WHAT!?
John= Weil!
(music playing- Rangarok/ Megaman Zero 4 "Arranged Album" wink Download
Dr. Wily= Whah...What do you mean Weil? We.... revived you.
Dalton= But..... we rebuilt you. We fixed you.
John= I knew this was gonna happen sometime soon.
Dr. Weil (intercom)= As I observed the 2 of you, seeing that your robots defeated and mowed down, even the copies of the guardians, X, and that fake Omega, I don't need you two anymore! You proved me that you two ancient scientists are inferior babblers!
Dr.Wily= My robots aren't that bad.... I mean? They .... at least they had shown....
Dr.Weil= Im getting bored of your crap Wily, not that I know you, Dalton and John are in the same room ailing at each other as that red ship flying outside, I think I will fire the final test of the eclipse canon of Rangarok 2!
John= Wily, Dalton, we got to get out of here now!
Dr. Wily= You stay away from us!
Dalton= Wily, there's no way out! Were trapped.
Ciel (intercom)= Colonel, teleport him out now!
Colonel (intercom)= It can only teleport one person! I can't transport the 2 suspects.
*John was transported out of the chamber, as soon as John landed in the Flutter, the ship turned around and retreated at emergency power and speed. John looked out of the window and before his eyes, the huge laser beam from the sky slammed into Wily Arcadia and the entire fortress exploded and was blown to smithereens!*
Colonel= There's nothing we could do for them.
John= DAMNIT!! *slams wall with his fist*
Ciel= I can't believe this! It's Rangarok! But........ It's impossible! It was destroyed.
John= He must have built another one.
*John now is in shock that Dr. Weil has betrayed the ones who revived him and now he's destroyed there fortress with one shot from the eclipse canon from his new fortress Rangarok 2. What will happen next?*
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/17/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes - chapter 15
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart May 5th 2007
My megaman fan fiction/crossover.
All characters (c) there respected owners - Date: 02/17/2009
- Tags: megamanzero
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