• "Wake up you morons, your pathetically lazy existence ended
    last night." A harsh voice said. Their master was standing
    over Gnal at the moment.

    "Go away you, GAH!" Gnal was saying as she flipped his cot
    over. "What the hell was that for, I was getting up!"
    "You weren't fast enough" She said moving towards Kitan.

    Kitan was a light sleeper and was woken up by Gnal. He was
    faking still being asleep waiting for her to try the same
    but instead just walked over and leaned in, her mouth hoving
    over his ear.

    "At least your trying. maybe there is hope for at least one
    of my moronic students" and then left the room.

    The day went by slowly. Once they were dressed and got their
    things, they ate and left the house. Immediately they were
    attacked. They didn't have time to defend themselves. Once
    they the attack stopped they heard the voice they were
    coming to hate.

    "I guess I was wrong about you" She said dropping out of a
    tree behind the house. "This is going to take longer than I
    thought, I guess I am going to have to increase the training
    I had planned for you two."

    Gnal leaned in close to Kitan and said "One of these days I
    am going to beat that woman into the-" but he stopped and
    covered his forehead as she had flicked a small pebble at
    his head.

    "Damn, I was aiming for between his eyes. I must be getting
    old." She said to herself while shaking her head.

    As she walked over to them Kitan decided to check out what
    she had on her person, see if he could use anything she had
    against her. She had her hair up today in bun with two small
    knives through the bun. She wore a slightly longer, light
    green short sleeve tunic that ended just before her elbows.
    That would help her blend in with the environment Kitan
    thought to himself. She had on her typical training pants
    that had several patches up both legs in different spots.
    Some patches were different colors from the pants. It would
    be a long shot but he could try and look for it if she did
    decide to try and hide, but she probably already knew that
    and would be ready for that
    he thought once more to himself.
    She had two knives, one on both sides of her belt and two
    more, one on the outer side of each leg. She was well
    equipped for just training
    he thought. She had reached them
    and Kitan was angry with himself as he didn't find anything
    he could use to help get the advantage.

    "I have six months to get you two moronic weaklings, and
    turn you into somewhat intelligent weaklings. From this day
    on you are no longer people of Tyuli. You are wanderers who
    travel together" She said taking a pause to lock both gazes
    in turn, making sure they understood what she was getting
    at. "The lives you lived are no longer yours, They are mine
    to use as I see fit. Think of yourselves as an extension of
    me." She looked towards Kitan, "think of yourself Kitan, as
    my arms. Your fast and agile but if you have little strength
    then it doesn't matter how many times you try and punch
    someone." She looked at Gnal, "Gnal think of yourself as my
    legs and head. Your stamina lets you go far past your limits
    and your reaction time to your opponents attacks are amazing,
    but its useless if you have nothing to harness those

    She smiled and with a quick flick of her wrist, she shot two
    more pebbles at them. They were ready for that and caught
    them. She continued to smile but Kitan could swear it grew
    more malicious. The first month of the six month training
    program was very strenuous on them. To 'ease them into what
    she had in mind, she started out by getting them used to
    working under heavier conditions. She had them strap a large
    boulder onto their backs and everyday go down the trail to
    the bottom and back up to the house. They were to do this
    until they could run with ease still carrying the boulder on
    their backs. Gnal adjusted to the weight faster than Kitan
    and once they both were able to do as she required She came
    to them.

    "Good, your bodies are learning to work under more stress
    then they were meant for. Call it a night and tomorrow be
    prepared, we are going to spar. I want to see how you morons
    are progressing. I wouldn't want you to feel cheated so we
    will switch roles. I will wear a boulder and you can attack
    me. If you can take me down then my training has done you
    well, and I will tell you the reason behind what I do."

    The two exchanged glances and unstrapped the boulders. That
    night, after getting some food in their stomachs the two of
    them sharpened their weapons and swapt battle strategies for
    tomorrows fight.

    "Alright how about this" Gnal began "I will rig some traps
    tonight that she can trip, a few sharpened sticks as
    makeshift arrows, maybe a couple small pitfalls to keep her
    off-balanced. With that boulder on her back the traps would
    give us a small advantage, whadya think?"

    Kitan though it over. It would help us get an edge, however
    slim that would be
    he thought to himself trying to look at
    the fight tomorrow from every angle.

    "The boulder and the traps, they would only hinder her for a
    few minutes and we both know that. If we are to take her out
    we have to strike hard and fast" Kitan said to Gnal

    imagining how the fight would go in his head. The two spent
    the night preparing themselves for the match making sure to
    get some sleep. they didn't want to plan out all this to let
    it fail because they couldn't stay awake. Morning came and
    to their surprise they didn't get woken up as they had some
    of the days over the last month. Kitan cautiously looked out
    the window to see their master on top of a boulder, legs
    crossed and facing the waterfall. They got their things
    together and went outside.

    "Alright ya old hag be ready cause your gonna taste dirt
    today!" Gnal said trying to taunt her.

    She didn't say anything, didn't even move.
    Gnal was feeling impatient, Kitan didn't have to look at him
    to know he was itching to get things going. Kitan was
    feeling anxious as well, that surprised him. Their master

    got up then and back flipped off the rock and faced them.
    "Are my students ready for their first failure?" She said

    strapping the boulder she was just on to her back.
    Kitan and Gnal just nodded.

    "Good at least your learning to act smart, lets see if you
    can do more than act."

    Without missing a beat she rushed towards them. She wasn't
    even a little bit slower with the handicap. Kitan was barely
    able to move away from the punch she threw at him.
    Immediately after she threw the punch at Kitan she
    sidestepped towards Gnal and sent a kick towards his head.
    Gnal moved slightly to his left and went on the offensive.
    Just as they planned. Kitan tossed a small Knife at a tree
    with a rope wrapped around it as Gnal kept her preoccupied.
    As the rope was cut it in turn let loose a flurry of
    sharpened sticks. She heard the rope being cut and
    instinctively jumped to the right. Gnal smiled and stabbed
    his spear not at her but at the ground as she landed. The
    ground collapsed underneath her and with cat like reflexes
    she kicked off the wall of the small pit and flipped over
    the thrust of Gnal's spear. Kitan didn't wait for her to
    turn the fight. He slashed along the ground and cut a rope
    hidden in the dirt. The rope let loose two logs on either
    side of their master. She smiled, and instead of jumping out
    of the way she grabbed Gnal's spear and pulled him in the
    cross fire. Kitan stopped following the plan and rushed in
    to save Gnal. She thought otherwise. The logs were getting
    closer as they fell like a pendulum of death. Gnal was
    struggling with their master as Kitan was trying to break
    them apart.

    I'm not gonna make it, damn I need to go faster Kitan
    thought to himself in desperation.

    SLAM, The logs came together and a dust cloud of dirt and
    debris flew in all directions. Kitan came to a stop and,
    with his guard still up he tried to look for any sign of
    what happened.

    "Gnal! Master!"

    "Moron. You really expect simple tricks and traps to work on
    people of my caliber and skill?"

    Their master was standing in front of the two logs with Gnal
    over one shoulder.

    "I have to admit in one month you have been able to come
    from attacking head on regardless of plan to attacking your
    opponent from every angle and thinking moves ahead of
    them...well, almost any opponent." She said smiling at her
    own compliment.

    She tossed his unconscious body to the floor and walked
    towards the house. Over her shoulder she said, "When he
    wakes up tell him the two of you begin your next training
    excercise tomorrow."

    Kitan didn't know if she was saying it to him but quietly as
    if to whisper, she said, "but its still too soon."

    Gnal came to the next morning and once again grumbled his
    complaints. Kitan ignored it and gave him the message. Gnal
    rolled his eyes and the two of them resumed their training
    with a new passion. The second month of their training was
    nothing more than her enjoyment. She had them spar against
    each other with just their bare hands. The reason she gave
    them was that in war a general and his troops must be like
    one. One must act according to the others wishes without
    speech, lest the battle be lost. It was a painful and
    arduous month. Every morning they would spar against each
    other until they could read each others movements
    blindfolded. When they first put on the blindfold, the two
    of them hardly made contact. Gnal fell into the water a few
    times the first week and Kitan ran into a tree, and tripped
    over himself quite a bit, but they refused to quit. After
    about the second week of blindly fighting they were finally
    getting it.

    "Ha, gotcha!" Gnal shouted as he attempted to punch Kitan.

    Kitan moved slightly to avoid his punch and retaliated with
    one of his own. Gnal countered by grabbing his fist then
    tried to kick Kitan. Kitan used his free hand to grab his
    leg. They were in a stalemate, each was feeling the others
    mind through their movements. Kitan could feel Gnal's leg
    stiffen, he was getting ready to strike. Gnal twisted and
    tried to punch with his free hand. Kitan was forced to let
    go of his leg. Gnal rolled away and got to his feet. Kitan
    was sure their master was watching them with those eyes of
    hers. Every time he moved, every time Gnal attacked he knew
    her eyes were on them. It sent shivers up his spine.

    "Quit dawdling and get to the bashing you each others
    brains!" She yelled to them laughing to herself. She had a

    few drinks while watching them spar. Kitan was beginning to
    get annoyed with the way she was acting. Even Kitan could
    only ignore her behavior for so long. Kitan grabbed the
    knife off his side and threw it where he heard her voice. He
    knew it wouldn't hit, he just wanted to shut her up for a
    little bit. It was odd, He hadn't heard anything from Gnal.
    No outburst or growl. Not even a mutter. Wait, what was Gnal
    doing while he was focusing on her? He thought cautiously
    to himself. He felt a quick breeze on his left, he quickly moved
    to his right. Nothing. He was getting jumpy, he couldn't have
    that. Another breeze on his left. This time he waited for
    something to hit him. Still nothing. He was surprised at how
    Gnal was changing. A few months ago he would charge in
    and focus on pounding his fist into his opponent, now he is
    trying his hand at playing mind games.It was scary how
    much he had changed.

    "Stop you two, that's it for today. Go get some food and
    rest. You morons are progressing nicely. I have something I
    would like to share with you tonight." She said walking off
    into a thick group of trees.

    He wondered where she was going, but he dismissed the
    thought. They each pulled off their blindfolds and looked at
    each other, sharing a puzzled look.

    "Whatever, if the windbag's eyes are hurting and her body is
    aching I guess I have to stop."

    Kitan smiled. No matter how much physically he grew, Gnal
    would always act the same. He took solace in that and went
    inside. That night Gnal and Kitan were laying on their beds
    quietly listening to the sounds outside. The hoots of the
    owls, the chirping crickets. Kitan slipped into his memories
    during the silence. He went back to the only memory of his
    parents. Only pleasant one. His father had taken him into
    the very mountains he is in now twelve years ago, when he
    was just turning seven. It was early in the morning and he
    was still waking up. His father, a tall muscular man, was
    trying to teach him how to properly string a bow. He
    remembered a figure off in the distance and his father
    saying it was a fine deer.

    "Kitan, hey Kitan!" Gnal was saying, "I was asking you where
    do you think she goes, you know sometimes after our sparring

    Why did I decide to remember that? Kitan thought to himself.

    "I don't know" Kitan replied, both to Gnal and to his own

    "Lets go find her, see what she wants to tell us."

    Gnal breathed deeply and let out a long, deep sigh. "Fine."

    Suddenly a scream tore through the silence.

    "Master" they both yelled realizing who it was.

    They sprinted into the woods surrounding the house. It was
    silent once again. They needed to find her fast, hearing
    her scream....Kitan shuddered to think who or what could do
    that to a woman like her. It was dark out, Kitan couldn't see
    anything. They needed to find her.

    "Gnal we have to--"

    "I'll go this way, you check over there" Gnal said clenching
    his fists. Kitan swore he could hear Gnal say then, "You
    windbag you better not die until I have a chance to knock
    you around a bit."

    Kitan nodded and went to look. Kitan searched but all he was
    finding was owls, deers, and the little creatures of the
    night. He was losing time and light, he desperately needed
    to find her.It felt like all of eternity was passing him as
    he stood still.

    "MASTER!" Kitan shouted

    "scared little pupil" A mans voice said.

    Kitan looked around but couldn't find where it was coming
    from. He drew His blades and stood his ground. Silence, at
    the moment it made his skin crawl.

    "Your friend would be ashamed of how weak you are."

    Gnal's name flashed through his mind.

    "What did you do to Gnal!"

    He felt the mans breath on the back of his neck. He couldn't
    move. All he could do was stand there feeling like a puppet
    who had its strings cut.

    "Your pathetic. I can't believe someone like you is an
    interest in her eyes. What are you hiding from me?" He said.

    He felt a sudden sharp pain in his side. The shock seemed to
    bring his body back under his control. He quickly turned and
    slashed as he rolled away. He felt nothing under his blade.
    This man was like nothing he had seen, just smiling there
    like that.

    "So there is still fight in you after all, good I wouldn't
    want to kill you without some sort of fun for me" He said
    drawing his blade.

    His weapon wasn't very ornate. It was a simple curved blade
    with a hilt. The only thing he could see that stood out on
    this man was tied to the hilt, a small pendant in the shape
    of a crescent moon.

    "Whats your plan for coming out here? Tell me where my
    master is!" Kitan said beginning to become frustrated. He
    could feel blood flowing slowly along his side.

    "In due time, Proeliator un Fatum" He said.

    What does that mean? Kitan thought to himself.

    Gnal and their master suddenly erupted out from eiter side
    of this man. He moved so fluidly dodging their initial
    attacks. His skill was frightening. Gnal jumped into the air
    and thrust his spear downward as their master attacked him
    from the ground. This man had the audacity to smile as he
    dodged their master once again. Kitan and this man locked
    gazes in a brief moment, and it was then he knew what was
    about to happen. Gnal was just richoceting off a tree to
    give him more speed to attack when the man twisted his blade
    in his hand. Gnal didn't see it coming. Gnal slashed with
    his spear, the man feinted, moving closer to him.


    Gnal had stopped moving. The man and Gnal were standing face
    to face. Neither attacking the other.

    "Damn, I didn't see..." the man said as he struggled to back
    away. He was clutching his chest. Gnal was just standing
    there, on his face a lifeless gaze staring at everything and

    "I wasted...too much time here....till next time... Proeliator un Fatum"
    he said and then vanished under the cover of the trees and the darkness
    of night.

    Kitan rushed over to Gnal as he fell to his knees. Kitan
    gathered him into his arms. He knew Gnal wouldn't last much
    longer. They were too far from the village and the wound was
    too deep, he was losing too much blood. Their master got to
    her feet and walked over to them.

    "Hand him over, the least I can do--"

    "Shut...you wind..." Gnal struggled to say coughing blood,
    "I'm not... gonna die until I pound--"

    "The waterfall, get him to the water it will do the same for
    him as it did for me!" Kitan interrupting Gnal. He recalled how
    he felt after letting the water wash over him,

    "It wont do any good. The water wont do the same for such a
    wound... all we can do is try to ease the pain. I am truly

    Kitan felt numb, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
    Gnal couldn't die, who would watch his back if he... Kitan
    felt Gnal cough again and didn't know what to do.

    "Live...live and..get....him...."Gnal said letting his last
    breath out. his eyes looking through Kitan. Kitan let out a
    beastly howl venting his anger into the night sky. Nothing
    came after he went quiet.

    "Kitan, lets give him the respect he deserves, to die in
    battle is honorable."

    The two of them spent the rest of the night digging his
    grave. Once they were finished Kitan himself put his body in
    the grave. He stood there until daybreak when his master
    came up behind him.

    "Kitan, Gnal is gone. You must leave and fulfill Gnal's Last
    request, I know where the man will go, only too well" She
    said handing him a map and his already packed things, "go
    out. You were meant for more than living a simple life in

    Kitan didn't know what he was hearing. "Where would I go?
    How am I supposed to..."

    "Go here" she pointed to a spot on the map, "go...you moron,
    waste no more time here. I will deal with his family don't
    worry about that. Just promise me you will avenge him and
    return my last real student to me, to take over."

    Kitan looked towards the grave, with Gnal's spear standing
    as a memorial. "Only death would stop me."