By Ashley J
1. Beginning
It had been a long sleepless flight to Seattle. But the drive all the way to the small town of Creston seemed longer in a way. The population is 250 last time I checked. My mom Misa, known as Miss. Fashion Designer “Misa Masen” to this small town, was very excited to have me in her house again. I was taken from my mom thirteen years ago by my dad, James Keel, because he though she could not handle parent hood. So he had me moved to Italy, and made sure I stayed away from her no matter what. But when I finally turned sixteen, I put my foot down and told my loving father that it was time I got to be with mom.
I was shocked to see her run out the house and scoop me up in to a tight bear huge before I could even reach the front door.
“Mom…can’t…breathe…” I gasped. Trying to speak as clearly as I could with no air, hoping she understood me good. She put me down as soon as she heard me.
“Sorry Elizabeth, honey.” She said. Her face began to turn a bright pink. “I just couldn’t help myself. It’s been so long since I last saw you. I just…got to excited.”
“’S ok mom.”I said. Breathing in and out steadily, trying to bring my breathing back to normal.
“Thanks honey. You are so forgiving.” She aid as she reached out to give me a normal hug this time. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t.”
“It’s nothing.” I said, rubbing my head and blushing from embarrassment.
“Let me show you around the house. I know you will love your room. I made it by myself. Everything is hand crafted by the fines crafters, and sewed to my perspective.” She said. “Your room is one of a kind, and no one will be able to copy it.”
She when on and on about my room. She told me little about the other rooms. But When I saw them, there was no way to descry the beauty. The living room and a Flat screen TV as big as the front wall of the living room (with was huge by the way). It also had a medieval couch, which was an off white color with pillows to match. On ether side of the couch was chairs that match.
When we entered the dinning room, my mouth dropped. There was a huge table in the center of the room. It was a chocolate brown, with a red drape on top of it. In the center of the table was a basket of black roses, with a red ribbon tied on the front. She showed me the kitchen, and stopped in front of the stove to tell and show me how the work it.
Then she finally came to a sudden stop out side of a sliding paper door with a wooden frame.
“This is your room honey. Hope you like it. I’m sorry I can’t stay to see your reaction. I got to get to work.” She said, reaching down to kiss the top of my head. “Love you honey, and see you at 6 o’clock tonight.” And then she was walking down the stairs, and out the front door. I waited until she was gone to open me paper door, which had Cherry blossoms painted on both sides of it. When I looked in my room, my mouth felt like it dropped all the way to the floor.
My room’s walls were painted to look like clouds in the night sky. My bed was round and dressed in a dark gray bed suit, make to match the walls. The floors of my room had a dark green look to it, but made to feel like grass. In the far right corner of my gigantic room was a small office desk. On the desk was a slick pitch black lab top with surround sound speakers to match.
On the opposite side of the room was the door to my closet. When I opened up my closet, I froze in shock. It was a walk in closet painted to look just like my room. The rakes were jammed full with famous, over the top fashion clothes. In the back of my closet, was a bathroom with a make up table, a gigantic mirror, and a hair style table put in it. The shower was a walk in shower with red satin curtains made to fit it.
I was so excited I just wanted to break out in to a touchdown dance. But what surprised me the most was the door right beside my bed. When I opened it, I about cried of happiness. It was a dance studio, build in to my room, with a stereo, and surround sound speakers built in all around the studio. That was when I broke down in to the touchdown dance.
All I had to think about now was what I was going to drive. It had to be something I could get, but I barley had enough money to buy a house, yet alone an apartment. At that exact moment, I heard my mom pull in the drive way. I ran down stairs as fast as my feet would let me go, but they had dancing on their mind at the time, so I looked like a ballerina twisting, turning, and skipping down a flight of stairs.
When I reached the door I automatically stopped dead in my tracks. There was a red Saleen S7 sitting in the drive way next to my mom’s silver Pagani Zonda Cinque with black strips down the sides.
“Do you like it honey?” She asked when she finally saw me.
“Y-yea…it’s…”That was all I could make out. The car just left me breathless.
“Fantastic?” She suggested.
“That’s it. It’s Fantastic. What no. There is no word made to subscribe it.” I said. I gazed at the car over and over, never getting over how tremendous it was. I could just sit here and describe it to someone and never find the right word for it.
“Glade you like it honey. Oh and I already signed you up for school. You start school at Creston High School tomorrow.” She began to say. “Just check in at the front desk and they will hand you a paper, so you know where your classes are. I want be home to night, so make sure to set your clock for 5 o’clock, because school starts at 8 o’clock.” She added before she climbed in the car and headed back to work.
That night, I didn’t get much slumber. I tossed and turned. I just couldn’t find a secure place to be. Then, out of now where, I was in an unfamiliar place and two strangers surrounded me.
* * *
I was standing in the center of an unfamiliar meadow, surrounded by ferns, many kinds of exquisiteness flowers, and elevated trees on every side. The meadow in the dream was made out of murky, gloomy colors that would make a normal person freak out, and have a major heart attack. But for some reason I was a calm as a blade of grass bowing in the cool night air.
All of a sudden, a back figure showed up out of know where and began to call y name.
Elizabeth. Elizabeth Brandon. Come here. I would like to show you something…something absolutely overwhelming. The mysterious, boyish figure said in a tone that sounded almost velvet in a way.
No! NO! Roared an earsplitting voice. I turned to see a boy, which looked like he was sixteen at the most, dash out of the trees. Then jumping in to the air and suddenly morphing in to a massive wolf, which appeared to have a sandy-tan color fur. The massive wolf land right in front of me snarling at the black figure hidden in the trees.
Hmmm… The black figure said. He finally walked out of the trees, smiling a grim smile with sharp, white, digger like teeth showing. Looks like the DOG showed up after all. His velvet voice made it sound more like a threat that a comment.
As the clouds began to lighten, I could make out the figure more. He looked seventeen at the most, with pale white skin that sparkled when the little rays of sun hit it. His hair was brownish-black, with a wind blown style that looked like he stuck his head out of the side of the car and let the wind style it. His eyes were pitch black with a reddish tent to it. His eyes looked hungry, hungry for blood.
The sandy colored wolf let out a piercing screech, which was so post to be a high pitch howl. Than everything became pitch black.
* * *
I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs, panting, trying to catch to slow my breathing, and calm myself. I figured I get ready for school early so I could get there before anyone had a chance to notice me. I picked out a nice red satin dress, which had a big black bow tied in the back. I walk to my hair styling station in the back of my closet, and began to brush my bangs back and tied a black bow to match my dress in my hair to hold them back.
I didn’t bother with the makeup because I never had patients for it. I walk down stairs, into the kitchen to make me breakfast. I ate slower to stall some time so I wouldn’t be too early. When I finished, I washed my bowl out and grabbed my keys and coat that was hanging up and locked the door on the way out.
I opened the door of the overwhelming Saleen S7, which had doors the came up than pulled out, I just leaped into the drivers sit and started the engine. I listened as it purred to life and as the stereo began to play Riot, by Three Days Grace. I threw the car in reverse and backed out the drive way. Then throwing it in to drive, and began to accelerate the car on the dive to school.
When I arrived at Creston High School, the parking lot was barley empty. There had to be at lest ten cars max. I parked my car beside a sleek black M3, which made me feel a little better to know that I wouldn’t stick out as much, but I could be wrong. I stepped out of my car slowly, trying not to catch any bystander’s eyes. I walk eagerly and it must have looked like dancing to others, because everyone’s steer start to follow my ever movement. I heard a few low whistles, and a few disturbing comments, but I never broke stride. When I finally reached the safeness of the office, or so I though, I walk to the front counter and wait for someone to wait on me.
“May I help you lovely?” A young, romantic voice asked in the sweetest tone.
“Um, yes sir. I’m new here and need to check in to see what my classes are.” I said in a casual voice.
“Ok, one minute ma’am.” The man walked of to the back room with is neck length black hair flowing behind. He was dressed in a pear of long tan business pants, with an off white button up, short shelve shirt. After a few minutes, the man walked into the room with papers in his hands. “Is your name Elizabeth Brandon?” He asked in a flirting voice.
“Yes sir.” I said back in a bored voice.
“Hmm. Well here you are Mrs. Elizabeth Brandon.” He said while handing me the papers. “If you need any help, I’ll be right here.” He added winking.
“Thanks.” I said trying to man tan the bored voice, before embarrassment gave me away.
“No problem ma’am. Oh and by the way, my name is Shawn Mayhem.” He added, winking again.
“Ok. I’ll remember that.” I said, struggling to man tan the bored sound in my voice.
I rushed out of the office before I lost control of my emotions, and darted of to my first class. My first class was in Building One. I had Biology, coarse two, with Mrs. Marlowe. On my way there, a girl that looked five foot at the most, stopped me.
“Um, you must be new. My name is Kuja Nara, and may I help you out?” She asked in a polite voice.
“Well, yes, I'm new here and I would appreciate the help Kuja. My name is Elizabeth Brandon.” I said, also being polite, trying not to hurt her feelings.
“Cool, then it’s settled. You’re headed to Biology two right?” She asked.
“Ok. That means you’re in my class now. I know we will be best friends in no time. Don’t you think Elizabeth?”
“Um. Sure. If you want to be friends.” I said surprised she would even ask.
“Then we’re friends.” She said, while smiling a colossal size smile.
As we walk to Biology, she chatted with me, asking me question after question. She seemed to excited that I was her friend now. I wandered if I was her only friend, but I was afraid to ask, thinking she would gloomy, and I disliked it when people were like that, but I truly disliked it when it was a friend, so I kept mouth shout.
When we finally reach the Biology room, Kuja opened that door and lead me in the room, like a puppy following the mother dog around analyzing very step and action. She led me to the teacher’s desk and then walked to her seat at the empty table in the back of the class room.
I hand the teacher the papers to sign, and took my seat where the teacher told me to seat, which was next to Kuja.
The class when by in a big blur, and ended before I even noticed. I stood up from my seat and began to walk with Kuja to French class. I did exactly what Kuja told me to do, and seat in the seat beside Kuja like the last class. I stared out of the window I was sitting next to in a daze. Before I knew it, the class was over and I was heading to Algebra Two.
I followed Kuja to the cafeteria, and got in line. I bought a bottle of water, and seat at the same table as Kuja. There were a few people there that I knew, but not that good.
“Hey! You’re Elizabeth, right.” Asked a deep voice, this came from behind me. I turned around to see a boy with blondish-brown, and dark blue eyes staring at me. “I’m Benjamin Weller.”
“Yes.” I said in a polite voice.
“Sweet. So the rumors are true.” He said, with his check turning a bright pink. “You are as beautiful as they say! Damn, you’re even more attractive than they say…”He went on murmuring to himself at the time.
“Um, well thank you. You’re the first person that told me that today.” I commented him.
His face turned an even more pink than before. “Ah, um, you’re welcome.” He said looking like he was being dazzled. “You have a nice bell like voice. Did you know that?”
“Ah. Really? No. I guess I never noticed. No one ever told me that before.” I said. I could feel my face beginning to blush.
“Oh, well, Looks like I beat people to that. And it’s true. Your voice sounds like bells.” He said, hiding his face to I wouldn’t notice that his face was a bright red now.
Then out of know where I started to hear voices in my head. It felt like I was reading peoples minds around me.
Look how hot she is. Someone though.
Man that kid is hitting on her. I better ask her out before it’s too late. Another person thought.
I can’t believe I’m blushing over a hot girl that just talked to me. I feel so pathetic. Should I ask her out? This time I knew who it was. It was Benjamin. I realized that it was a limited gift, but if I worked with it, it would improve.
Then I heard a velvet voice that sounded like wind chimes being blown around in the wind, with their sweet music of harmony. My hearing had also improved. I wondered why I was changing now.
“Yo. Emmit.” Said the mysterious velvet voice. I scanned the cafeteria, looking for the voice. I finally found it when I deep dark voice spook.
“Yes Jasper?” Emmit asked. They where sitting at the far corner of the cafeteria with one more guy and two girls just starring out the window watching the run begin to por. Emmit was a exceptionally huge for his size. He was all muscles. He had short spiky blonde hair. Jasper was looked normal, but not compared to other boys I saw today, just normal compared to Emmit. Jasper had median size brownish-black hair that covered up most of his face.
“What is the new girls’ name? She seems the get more attention than we do.” Jasper asked.
“Her name is Elizabeth Brandon. The reason she gets more action than us is because she looks like a fashion model, and she’s the first new student to arrive in years.” Said one of the girls, which set closes to the window. She had short spiky blonde hair with brown high lights mixed in. Her body looked so delicate, that one wrong touch and she would fall to pieces.
“Alice? How did you know that?” Emmit and Jasper asked at the same time.
Alice shook her head and said, “Boys. Everyone is talking about her. There is no way anyone could miss not knowing about her.”
“Alice. Come. Time for class.” Said the other girl, rising from her set.
“Ok Kattie. Be right behind you.” Alice said in a disappointing voice.
“Romeo. Abel. Come, class.” They stood up when their name was called. Romeo was a little more famine than the other boys. He had a reddish-orange fire like, ear length hair. He looked a little more romantic than the other boys. Abel he was a little less muscular then Emmit, but he looked like he was in pain. His hair was curly, and looked like a strawberry-blonde.
As they began to live that cafeteria, I asked Kuja who they were. She knew who I meant and said, “They are the Collins and the Hughes.” She stared at them again, than started to talk in a whisper. “The Collins are Alice, Romeo, Emmit, and Jasper.” She said pointing them out one by one. “The Hughes are Kattie, Abel, and Etta. Etta is out of town for the week, and will be back Monday.” Kuja said in a whisper. “They were all adopted by Dr. Collin and his wife.
“They are like a match maker for children, because all of the Collins and Hughes are together, except for Jasper, he is…”Her voice was a low whisper now. “…the only one that doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. I wonder who will be the next one to join there family.” Then she was murmuring to her self.
I sighed as I rose from the table. “I think I’ll skip Bio Lab, and for the first time Design Class.”
“Why?” Kuja said confused.
“I would like to go to some place more quitter.” I said in a bored voice.
“I never noticed, but what car did you drive?”
“A red Saleen S7.” I said, surprised she even asked.
“OMG! That car isn’t even out, and if it was it would cost more that half a million.” She said with a shocked look on her face.
“Oh. I never noticed. It’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” She almost yelled at me. “I made a new best friend, and it turns out that she is the rickets, hottest, and very unique person in these school, just like the Collins and Hughes. I can’t believe it. I just….” She started to mumble to her self again. I used that as an advantage to escape.
When I was out of the door, I began to walk toward my car. I noticed on the other side of my car was an Acura NSX, and in side the car sat Jasper Collin. It looked like he was listening to music. I decided not to bother him, so I just pulled up the door and jumped in. I listened to the engine purr to life. I turned my stereo on and up on Bodies by Drowning Pool. As I went to stripe up in my seat, I noticed Jasper looking at me. I just flashed a crooked smile at him, and backed out.
I was twenty miles from the school when I noticed a little path that lead in to the woods. So I decided to hide my car in the dark shadows of the forest, so no one would notice.
I grabbed my MP2, and began to walk down trough the woods, away from the path. I had no idea where I was going, or what I was heading for, I just kept walking. I turned on my MP2 and began to listen to Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day. I sung to it as I walked in the direction that fate had me heading toward.
“I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known. I don’t know where it goes, but it’s only me, and I walk alone.” I keep singing, while I walked over fallen trees. “I walk this empty street. On the Boulevard of broken dreams. Where the city sleeps, and I’m the only one and I walk alone.
I walk alone, I walk alone. I walk alone, I walk a…MY shadows the only one that walks beside me…My shallow hearts the only one that’s beating…Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me…Till then I walk alone…
I’m walking down the line…that divides me somewhere in my mind. On the border line, on the edge of where I walk alone. Me between the lines, what’s…” I stopped in my tracks and dead in the middle of singing a sentence, because I heard a cracking sound, like someone or something was following me.
I looked around and noticed that there was nothing around except for wild life and trees. So, I continued to walk, switching the song to Her Portrait in Black by Atreyu.
After an hour of walking, I ended up on top of a cliff, which way at lest fifty feet in the air over a huge body of water that had to be an ocean. The monstrous waves crushed the sides of the cliffs, making a roaring sound. The wind was at least thirty mile per hour where I was standing. My hair blew in circles around my head, as the wind whispered in my heard.
Get away now. Before it’s too late. Run for you life.
Or so I thought. For all I knew it could be someone’s thoughts telling someone not to do something. So, being stubborn as ever, I set down on the grass and laid back, putting my heads behind my head. I closed my eyes and drifted in to unconsciousness.
- by Rave-xx-Dismal-xx-Rain |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Burning Sun
- Artist: Rave-xx-Dismal-xx-Rain
- Description: I created this book and So far I will only post a a few pages, because I wouldn't like people copying it, or stealing my Idea.
- Date: 01/18/2009
- Tags: burning
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Comments (1 Comments)
- i n f i n i t a s. - 01/22/2009
Anime Twilight.
In short, copying or stealing wouldn't do much good, as it's mostly a Frankensteining of other peoples' ideas.
Misa, Keel (surname), Kuja.. I didn't read much further, because I was already wondering why you didn't think up original names for your characters instead of taking them from Death Note or FFIX. Which is to say nothing of the whole Twilight issue, later in the piece.. - Report As Spam