Alexx visitor for you! Alex grumbled as she hesitantly descended down the stairs..."okay this is the first family of the week...maybe these people are different..." She thought to her self . as she entered the room a rather thin couple sat waiting with the head master of the orphanage, Vera, grabbed Alexx's hand and lead her to the sofa. The room was a normal size with green paint on the wall, the orphanage kids had chose that color for her. Vera was mostly the children’s mother of sorts they all called her "mommy" especially the younger ones. The room had borders all around and the sofa was a tan color with a desk in the corner. Alexx reluctantly sat down and smiled nervously, "Go on tell them your name ..." Vera smiled as urged her on. Alexx's smiled warmly," Hello, my name is Alexx". "My, what blue eyes you have!" said the thin woman next to her. Alexx pulled her red short hair in front of her face. Alexx blushed , "how old are you ?"said the lady Alexx stared at the woman and noticed that she had long brown, blond hair, she had it pinned back slightly so you could see her deep brown eyes that seemed to go on forever. Her name was Victoria. Alexx then studied The young man, with emerald green eyes that looked safe and comforting, his hair was a fiery red color that seemed to have its own mind and went every direction no matter what he did . The man was in his twenties so was Victoria, she also noticed that they had the same smile...Alexx smiled and then she realized that she didn’t know the mans name, nervously she asked him "Ummm......what is your name ?" The man chuckled "Forgive me, i forgot to mention it . Its Charles". Victoria chuckled you still have yet to tell us your age ," Alexx sighed " oh ...right ...I am fourteen ". Alexx wished she was younger, deep inside a painful thought entered her mind, "teenagers rarely ever get adopted. “I don’t even have a chance… why would any one want me! My own parents didn’t want me ! Alexx looked the couple in the eyes and doubted they would take a chance with her. “ Well, what sports do you like ?”asked Charles smiling. “I like basketball, tennis and most of all football! “ Well, its been pleasure talking to you,” smiled Charles,” We will diffidently get back to you on her.” Victoria came up to Alexx and hugged her warmly and smiled .“ I have a good feeling about you!” “Wait , cried Alexx, I gotta tell you something, if I get adopted then my friend Olivia has to come with me. Ok?” Victoria winked and smiled “ You got it!”“ Charles shook Vera’s hand they left. “ Well, I think they liked you a lot!” “ Yeah… I guess.” Alexx ran up the stairs that were falling apart and scurried to her room and closed the door, her room was a baby blue , her favorite color, with a bunk bed in the corner. She shared a room with Olivia a fifteen year old run away, who was found on the side of the street bleeding and abused. Alexx being short, with blue eyes and red hair that went to her chin. Olivia with dark piercing brown eyes that could intimidate any one, she also had raven black hair that went to her hips. They were about the same height and size. When Alexx saw her, her heart went out to her and they became fast friends, they had a lot in common. One thing was they were both very tomboy-ish and they loved to swim. They always beat the boys from their school, in any sport. So wad you say to them?” questioned Olivia slyly. Alexx answered happily “ Well they seemed really nice, and they said that they would get back to Vera about me and you.“ Olivia smiled and hugged Alexx. They considered each other to be sisters. It had to have been 12:00 pm when Alexx knew something was wrong and jumped out the to top bunk and went straight to Olivia, asleep, “thanks” whispered Alexx into the night air. She went to the window and looked out. “good he didn’t come by tonight . “ She left the window and walked down the hall , the wall paper peeling and floor creaking at every step . She continued down the hall and turned to look at Cindy’s room she was blond headed with green eyes. That little ball of energy was always running or jumping. Alexx made it her personal responsibility to watch over her and find her a good home but that seven year old joy said that she would only go to the same family that Alexx went to . Alexx tiptoed into the room, the room had purple wallpaper with flowers all over Cindy’s favorite. Alexx looked at Cindy, sound asleep , good. Alexx left the room and went to the next and peered in. This room was Tommy’s and Johns both being eleven. The room was a deep blue with sports on the wall. Both were asleep, she went to the next room , Eliza and Michaela, they were twins again they were asleep. Alexx finally convinced herself that nothing was wrong . She went back to her room to find Olivia asleep she climbed into bed and fell asleep. In the morning Alexx woke up around 8:00 am and climbed out of bed and changed into a ragged blue with red short sleeves tee-shirt, and so baggy jeans and headed down stairs to breakfast and ran to meet Olivia, who was already eating. Alexx grabbed her breakfast and took it out side, and sat down on a lawn chair it looked like a sunny day in Forks, Washington. “Usually it always rained and is some times depressing”, thought Alexx. As soon as she was going to take a bite of her cheesy scrambled eggs , Vera called her. “Alexx Lynn, how many times do I have to call you, “chuckled Vera” anyway there is couple for you and Olivia…where is she? They are in the office please go to them. Alexx huffed as she got up. As soon as she got inside, “Well just what we need …rain” thunder and lightning was fighting again outside and Alexx grabbed Olivia and pulled her into the room and they sat down staring at them was a fat couple, with pudgy cheeks. “ Well…they certainly look ragged” whispered the lady and the man nodded “well was are your names ?””Alexx and Olivia. “ said Olivia confidently. The lady chuckled “Alexx….hahaha for a girl he he he …sorry forgive but your have to change your name e missy.” Alexx’s blue eyes turned icey blue and shot daggers from her eyes, “ Change my name ?”Alexx said loudly “For your information my parents gave me this name and I am keeping it, thank you very much.” Alexx stomped out of the room and slammed the door. Vera walked in “..where is Alexx?” “the poor girl left “ said Olivia softly, Vera sat down “ What happened?” “Well all I said was that her name needed to be changed …..she just over reacted.” said the lady snidely she got up an grabbed her husbands hand and dragged him to the door “ we are leaving and you can tell that spoiled child that we will no tbe adopting any one from this orphanage!” She stomped out angrily. Olivia’s eyes were ablaze and she stood up angerly and yelled after them , “Well, good I am glad you aren’t because we wouldn’t want to be with you horrible people!” Olivia ran after Alexx. Alexx went directly to her and Olivia’ s secret place, in the back of the orphanage was a mini forest and in the heart of it was the biggest tree you have ever seen and only Alexx and Olivia knew about it. Inside that tree was a fort and Alexx ran towards it and climbed up the trunk and grabbed onto a branch and pulled her self up and kneeled down on it and pulled and branches back to revile a make shift forft made from scarp pieces of wood and metal. It was shaped like a small house with a piece of ply wood for a door, Alexx pushed it back and crept inside and grabed a blanket off the floor and wrapped herself in it and softly cried as she thought of her parents. She didn’t know what they looked like, who they were and their names most of all ! “ If only I had you names, “ she thought. A sad thought crept slowly into her mind , “Why? Why did they forget her? Leave her? Did they not love her enough, was she a accident?” the tought caused her to burst into tears and sob.Alexx clutched on to a necklace that was given to her when she was brought here, the necklace was that of an horse whose mane and tail were aflame streaming behind this galloping beast, whose eyes are aflame also. Softly it glowed against her pale skin, a pale red with a hint of blue was her only light in this dark times. Out side the fort the wind howled. It growled at her like a cat, ready to pounce on its helpless prey. The necklaces glow illuminated the fort just enough to make out the four walls that leaned outward with two names etched into the wood, a blanket on the north wall, a old shabby blanket with a bear in one side of the blankets corner. The wood was left over wood that Olivia found in the woods behind the orphanage, an old house once was there. A great big house with loins that stood bravely and guarded the door way. They did not take apart that house only the shed in the back. Olivia had tripped and fell over a board and that’s was lead them to their haven, where they would leave their broken hearts at the fort and run to their world of never ending love. Alexx snapped back from her mind and strained to hear the tiny voice in the darkness, Vera. “Alexx!” the tiny voice yelled over and over again. Alexx jumped up and stumbled out the fort and raced across the field. Vera stood in the back door with hands on hips and glared out in to the darkness. Vera turned around open the door, “Vera!!!” screamed Alexx. Vera turned around so quick that she almost fell, Alexx zoomed up the stairs into Vera’s arms, and cried. Vera held her tightly and lead her inside and shut the door. Vera looked down at the girl and sighed. “You know…I….uh Olivia was worried sick about you.” Alexx smiled “sure she was….” Alexx raced up the stairs and across the hall to her and Olivia’s room. Olivia sat on the bed , waiting.So there you are, I figured that you need some time alone…” she looked up at me with her brown eyes staring deeply into mine. “ Are you ok?” “yup..” I sighed. “well at least they’re gone” she got up and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a squeeze. We walked over to the bed and sat down me cradled in her arms. I felt safe for once.. Alone with Olivia, safe…at last. Cindy ran in and jumped into my arms “are you ok?!?” she screamed in my ear” please tell me your ok!! I cant stand it when your not !” she curled up into a ball on my lap and held close to me and fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up, carried her out of my room, walked into her room. I put her in her bed and covered her up with her favorite blanket. I turned around before I felt the room, I turned off the light and blew a kiss to the sleeping child. I closed the door with a soft thud and walked back to my room. To find Olivia sleeping I smiled and went to our desk and in the third drawer where a pale green book lay. I picked it up delicately, like one would pick up a baby. I cradled the book. I walked over to my bed, climbed the ladder, climbed into bed. Wrapped my self in the quilt that Vera made me. I opened the pale green book and took a peek inside, then quickly shut it before the words jumbled into my mind. I flipped the book over to read the title but there was none. I questionably open the book again slowly. I opened it all the way, the first page was blank? What? I didn’t understand it, shouldn’t there be a “once upon a time “ line in the beginning? Just as I thought the words appeared on the page, what is going on?!? I closed the book quickly. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. I opened the book once more to find the words written on the page. Hmmm I should try this… I stared at the book, There once was a girl…just like it was being typed the words appeared.She lived in the peaceful village of Drimdro, it was a small town. The valleys moved and swayed with the land and the wind played hide and go seek in the grain and wheat. It waved almost as if it saw you and was speaking to you. Over the hills and lakes, there lies the castle of Wazeglo. With its walls of white and marble, gleaming in the distance. The girl sighed as the sun went down to sleep on the white snowy clouds. Its rays of orange and red flashed across the sky, the ground shimmered with dew. The girl laid on the looking over the whole, what it seemed like to be the whole world. It went on and on forever and ever until the snowy mountains where the great ball of fire sleeps. She girl drifted off to sleep. With that I closed the book and drifted off to sleep myself. “Alexx!!” huh?…someone is calling me…weird. What time is it? I crawled out of bed groggy and tired. Climbing down the ladder I my hand missed the rung and my foot slipped I fell onto the floor. My back hit the ground with a hard thud and my hand went to my head and I lay on the ground. Ugh…great way to start off the day huh? I got up and stubbled my way around our room to find our desk and on the desk was our alarm clock. I grabbed it then dropped it on my toe…ow! I grabbed my toe and groaned. I reached down to grabe the clock and I looked at it and sighed it was 11:00am. I groaned and walked out the door. Or into the door… I reached down and gripped the door handle and pulled as soon as I stepped out the door Cindy greeted me. “Hi!! “ she screamed “wow that’s a HUGE bump on your head !” she smiled at me I looked at her with half closed eyes I put mu hand over the “HUGE” bump and felt it …oh great it was huge . I looked back to the bed to find Olivia not asleep. Weird… “ thanks for noticing Cindy…” I said half annoyed. “your welcome!” she said as she skipped off to her room. I started walking down the stairs man…this day is just great, I fell of the ladder, dropped the alarm clock on my foo- great I thought as I lay at the bottom of the stairs I looked up to see Vera leaning over me . “so you’re the cause of all this racket, figures. “she chuckled as she walked away. “har har har, very funny “ I said unhappily. I walked towards the kitchen, Olivia was putting the dishes away, I walked up to her and I hug her, ‘hey” she turned around and hugged me “ good morning, you missed breakfast.” she chuckled. Oh man!…I sighed and walked to the pantry I place my hand on the door handle Vera slapped my hand away” No you can have an early lunch but no snacks!” I smirked and walked to the front door, I grabbed to door handle and stepped out into the cool breeze mmmmm… I breathed in the sweet air and looked out over the area. The white washed stairs, threw off the peachy yellow on the walls of the orphanage. The stairs lead down to the side walk, chalk was etched into the concrete smiley faces ran the length of the orphanage property. My eyes wandered over the road and the busy cars to the park, where a few children lay in the sweet june grass. I walked down the steps only to be stopped by Derek. A 5 foot show off, his black hair hung over his brown eyes, tucked in his slim arm was a foot ball. “hey” he called to me but I ignored him” Hey! Camden!” I kept walking towards the park. He ran up to me and put is hand on my shoulder. I whriled around as I grabbed his hand and twisted it. He bent his back and tried to get out of my grip. “what?” I said alittle annoyed “ ummm Camden that kinda hurts.” I released him. ‘ oh sorry…” I stared at his red hand and sighed. I looked up and saw his eyes which he quickly looked away. “so um…you called me?” I looked at me eagerly “oh ya! I won my foot ball game yesterday!” his mouth formed the biggest smile I think I have ever seen on a fifteen year old. His white teeth gleamed in the sun I hugged him “ that’s great! How much did u guys win by?” his smile, which I though was impossible, got bigger! “ I made the winning touch down!” I sighed “ WOOHOO!! “ I smiled the best I could, which was not very good. His smile drooped “ whats wrong?” I sighed a heavier sigh “I am ok.” he laughed “ haha no your not ok , com on tell me what’s wrong.” “welll” I was so close to telling him, but just then Solomon ran up slung his arm around my should I shrugged him off and walked away “ oh hey, wait a minute don’t be like that!” Solomon chuckled. I stopped to turn around “bye Derek I’ll tell you later…” Solomon ran up and grabbed my hand. I flicked his hand out of him and kept walking. Derek ran up just as Solomon was about to say something” Hey Solomon! Come on!” he held up his foot ball, he looked at me as if to say, you owe me. I smiled and walked towards the park.

- Title: Alexx
- Artist: tucker21
- Description: orphans story heh heh its pretty long
- Date: 01/14/2009
- Tags: alexx
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- cutiebututtie10 - 02/16/2009
- woooow that was an asome story can you right one about me pleaz.email me back pleaz
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- Madame le Pancake - 01/23/2009
- that was really sad but really good at the same time
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- Blackfire Banshee - 01/20/2009
- oh my... so sad! very nice story!
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