• Kai Matsumo was a sixteen year old boy in Kyoto Japan. He had short dark black hair and ember red eyes.his
    life had been pretty normal so far because he stayed away from trouble little did he know his life would change for the
    better and the worse.

    "Kai wait up!" said Rin running to catch up with him. Rin was a fourteen year old girl with dark black hair
    and brown eyes who was probably smarter than their teacher. "Hey Rin." said Kai. "I told you to wait for me." said Rin slapping
    him. "Sorry I was told that you had to stay in late." said Kai rubbing his cheek. "What idiot told you that?" "That idiot
    just happened to be me." said Kira walking toward them. Kira was a tall 17 year old boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes
    and he loved to play with people's heads. "Why the hell did you tell him that?!" yelled Rin as she slapped him to. "Ouch! Rin
    that hurt are you on your period or something?" yelled Kira. "what!?" yelled Rin in shock.
    " Um Kira I think you pushed the
    wrong button." stammered Kai as he stared at her in shock. "What are ya talking about Kai? There's nothing she can do."
    I can do, huh?" said Rin angrily behind them. The two turned in shock to see the usual kind hearted girl with a scarier
    face than ever. "I hope you wrote your will Kira she's gonna kill you." said Kai as he started to walk again tring to keep his
    cool. "Dude your not going to leave me here are you?" "Damn straight I'm leaving you got yourself into it get out now see
    ya." said Kai as he started to run into his house. As he shut the door he heard a loud scream and a few crashes. "All that
    size but no power." said Kai as he took off his shoes.

    "Mom I'm home!" yelled Kai. "Kai Your home." said his mom cooking diner. "Yeah mom I'm going up to my room."
    answered Kai he as walked up the stairs of there two story house. 'Just another day. Nothing exciting ever happens around
    thought Kai as he closed the door to his room and fell back on his bed. "You shouldn't wish for bad things to come your way."
    said a large voice nearby. "Huh who's there?" asked Kai in shock. "The thing that will grant you power through the darkest of
    times." said the voice fading away. "Wait what do you mean?" asked Kai. The voice said nothing. What could it mean by dark
    times?" said Kai as he fell asleep.

    Kai woke up that night in a cold sweat. "What could it be that could make me this restless?" said Kai
    as he got up and walked toward his door. When he opened it he looked out to see the house had been destroyed. 'What could have
    happened' thought Kai as he walked down the hall toward the stairs. He looked around to see his mother's door had been broken
    down. "Mom!" yelled Kai as he ran toward the room. When he walked in he stopped at the doorway to look inside to see what
    looked like a massacre and his mom right in the middle of it on her bed,dead. "M-mom!"yelled Kai as he ran toward her
    bloodsoaked bed bursting in tears.

    The police arived thirty minutes later to get the story from Kai. "Kai! Whats going on?" said Rin running
    toward him. Kai looked down at the ground. "She's dead. Someone killed her." Said Kai sadly. "who? Who was killed? " asked
    persistantly. "My mother." answered Kai barely holding back his tears. Rin gasped then tried to comfort him. He moved aside and
    went inside his house. "Kai." said Rin quietly. "Why did something like this happen to you?" she added as she followed him

    Kai sat in the very room where his mother was just killed. "why...how could....who could." "It is as I said."
    called out the large voice again. "Why did you take her from me?!" Kai screamed. "You are destined for great power in order
    get great power you must first get great anguish." "Why me why did you pick me." "Because you are the only one who can
    control Dusk." said the voice as it faded away. Kai punched the wall out of rage. "Why did it have to pick me to torment
    with its games." Said Kai enraged. "What's wrong Kai?" asked Rin as she walked into the room rubbing her eyes. Kai put his
    fist at his side. "I'm going to become stronger. To protect those I care about I'm not going to lose anyone else any more
    I'm not going through this pain again." said Kai with a detirmend look in his eye. 'Kai you dont have to hold on to the
    burden yourself I'm here.'thought Rin. "Kai."